Page four Treble Singers— (Continued, from page one) Judith Lipman, Barbara Markey. Cornelia McCaffrey, Sarah Mc- Millan, Joan O’Hara, Elouise Powers, Edna Peterson, Eliza Rftdcliffe, Margaret Rouse, Jeanne Reist, Lois Shuster, Syl via Silver, Elizabeth Spenser, Jane Stieben, Maryann Stewart, Jane Taylor, Barbara Wink, Sus an Watson, Pat Weaver. Rosemere Baum, Lilly Becha- CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1340 CHEVROLET, clean inside and out side. Call 3787. Penn State Trailer Sales. Reasonable price. THAYER BABY CARRIAGE, re-condi tioned, good shape, very reasonable. Phone 6837. TOR SALE—Standard Underwood noiße . lean typewriter, excellent condition. $5O. Trailer 434 Windcrest. AGENT WILL BUY books at BX from 12:00 noon Tuos. to 3:00 p.m. Wed., for cash. FOR SALE—Kodak Retina 11, Kodak Ek tar FII lens with case and set of filters. Call G-685 7-9 p.m. FOR . SALE or RENT—Kit Companion 1947 House Trailer, like new; sleeps 4; electric brakes and hitch. .Call 123R4, Centre Hall. For SALE —PR. size 10 hand made track shoes; also medium size full dress tail coat. Any offer. Call Nick, 7710. FOR SALE— 1935 Nash 4-door sedan. Rtins /rood; looks like h - - -. $75. Harry Moore,' 7247. SOUND SYSTEM—Portable .“Masco”, 17 watt, two speakers, microphone and stand. Practically new. Phone 3207 after 7:00 MEDIUM SIZE Tail Suit with vests. $5.00, ?6od condition. Call Mrs. Willard, 2539. LOST EYEGLASSES at Rec Hall Thursday eve ning*. Finder please notify John Ander son, Pollock Dorm 12, Room 5, Tel. 5051- 272. LOST . WEDNESDAY between Atherton and Buckout. Horn-rimmed glasses in red case. Return please to Nancy, 42 Atherton. ARMY OFFICERS RAINCOAT at tem porary last week. I have yours. Name on collar, Donald Yenko, call 2337. WILL THE PERSON who took the field jacket by mistake in Forestry Bldg, last week please return same to J. Detwiler at Forestry Bldg. GRAY GABARDINE topcoat (Barrymore taken by mistake from Delta Sigma Pni house Sunday. Call Ray Rob inson, 3348. Cavalry Club coat in ex change. LADY’S GOLD Bulova watch' between Simmons and Ag, Friday. Initials V.E.S. Finder please call 434 Simmons. LOST—on campus—silver Ronson lighter, monogrammed THB; also silver and black Parker “51*’- pen. Reward. 6-685. BROWN Alligator wallet, last Sunday. Cards very important to owner. Finder please return. Reward. Call Arthur Stolper, 3204. LADY’S Parker “61”, blue and silver. “Jane” inscribed. Will finder please call 6879. GLASSES in leather case Saturday night. between Cook’s and Atherton. Call Frances Weinland, 318 McElwain. PLAID BLANKET—Section EK at ’ Ne braska game. Finder please call Mark Laird, 6711, Ext. 253 M, /Reward. , ONE AA BOOK lost at New Beaver . Field, Nebraska game. Phone 5051-266 if found. Ask for Behanna. FOUND ’OUND GOLD-heart expansion bracelet. Owner can claim at Simmons desk. d3ea.uti£ ... and the truth is that our salted operators are 7 look your best for this coming house party. A \ W DON’T DELAY jjt'.X Call Immediately For *','C */,' IV• >'/ Your Appointment :'7 HOTEL BEAUTY SALON Above Corner Phone 2266 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA kas, Shirley Brown, Phyllis El sea, Paula Furry, Joyce Harkins, Joan Harvie, Delores Hubbard, Gloria Inserra, Joyce Kahler, Shirley Kellar, Patricia Luckett, Jean Malcolm, Luella Martin. . Nancy McClain, Roslyn _Mc- Collom, Norma McCormick, Charlotte Mclntyre, Martha Mc- Millan, Virginia Miller, Ann Morgan, Mary Ellen Newton, Polly Potter, Janet Rieger, Joan Saunders, Joanne Seyboldt. ONE SILVER ear-ring, Saturday morn ing, October 15, bn campus. Owner may claim same at office No. 112 Home Eco nomics Building. WANTED RIDE FOR TWO to East Lansing for Michigan State game. Call Ed Watson. 4444. JAZZ TROMBONIST to play circus style with the Birmingham Five. Pre-requi site: loudness and self-confidence. Call 4411. MISCELLANEOUS IT'ISN'T NECESSARY to send your l type writer out of toWn for repair. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 683 West College Ave. HARRY’S-RENT-A-BIKE —400 E. College Ave.’ Pfconf 4200. 35 cents per hour. Special day rates. GUNS FOR RENT. Used guns for sale. Ammunition, caps, and hunting equip ment. At Majc Hartswlck Sportsmans’ Shack. Around’the corner from the Skel lar. PHI LAMBDA UPSILON will pdy 60 cents, for one clear-glass ovalshaped labeled liquor bottle, and no questions asked. See or call Jim Lemley, 304 Walker lab. PEPSI COLA and Hires Root Beer vend- ing machines for your Frat House, Sorority or any organization in State Col lege limits. Will call at your convenience. Write 231 Windcrest. TYPING and Mimeographing done reas onable. Secretarial Service, - State Col lege Hotel, Room-205. Phone 4906. , , I lnilir 1 woYtn \ l l GIRLS Your Laundry Washed And Ironed in 2 Days LOWEST PRICES ! - HIGHLY EFFICIENT J Don’t miss this rare opportun ity. A saving in time and money. Clothes washed and ironed in a jiffy returned clean and bright as new Slip . 15c Blouse , 20c Dress 20c Cotton Skirt _ 20c . Also / 24 Hr. Dry Cleaning Service Walker’s Dry Cleaning Open 8-5:30. Below Nittany Co-op on Beaver Ave. Thrashed The' last time the Blue and White gridders traveled to Michi gan State’s East Lansing strong hold, they were thrashed by a '33-0 count by the Mid-Western ers. and everybody smo wins in king pleasure For complete contest de tails—plus weekly post ings of individual winners consult these contest head quarter points! TEDDY’S 135 E. BEAVER w phiup MORRIS First Sellout The Michigan State-Notre Dame football game at East Lan sing, Nov. 5, was the first 1949 sell-out in the country. The sale of tickets was closed just eight days after it began June 1. What Scores Do You Predict? PENN STATE vs. MICHIGAN STATE BOSTON UNIVERSITY vs. N Y U. NEW HAMPSHIRE vs. VERMONT Table Model Radio-Phonograph Prizes—to be given away at your Col lege—to Fraternities, Sororities, Clubs or Living Groups at dose of 9 Week Contest! i ' REA & DERICK 121 S. ALLEN GRAHAM & SON 103 S. ALLEN Everybody can wTn In tiie BIG Annual PHILIP MORRIS Americq’s Finest Cigarette I crfcfotUfUlL De Luxe Con* MARK’S PERO 101 W. NITTANY THE CORNER ROOM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1946 A NEW SERVICE HOT COFFEE From Morning to Night ia ft( PUB Pollock Circls 100 W. COLLEGE
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