Pf'jf'lE SIX Naval Reserve To Operate Radio Station The Naval Reserve Volunteer Electronic Warfare Company, one of 80 reserve units in the Fourth Naval District, recently set up a radio sending and receiving sta tion, N4CAN, in Engineering E. The station will be operated by members of the unit, all members of the Naval Reserve. These men are radio and radarmen, elec tronic technicians, signalmen and quartermasters. 1 Any man be tween the ages of 17 and 64 can join the company, any reservist or serviceman. ,Four nights a month, N4CAN will go on the air in code and communicate with any of the 80 groups. Reservists studying for an advancement in rate can hereby obtain experience. Time with the unit will go toward longevity and retirement. On nights not designated for broadcast, operators will listen to, and take messages from other stations. According to Lieutenant Fran cis Yonkers, commander of the unit, more than $30,000- worth of radio and electronic equipment is available including 800 technical films. > ' A civilian voice station K3NRI, will be operated at times when N4CAN is off the air. Players Hold Show Tryouts i Flayers are currently having tryouts for three shows, in which there are about 40 open roles. It is not necessary to be a mem ber of Players to tryout, but freshmen are barred because of hour restrictions, stated- Profes sor Warren Smith. All others in terested are: urged to sign up to day at the Student Union Desk. Tryouts will be Sunday night at 7:00 o’clock in Schwab Auditor ium. The plays on the schedule are “Kind Lady,” next Center Stage production, the thesis shows, which include “Beautiful People” and a bill of one act plays, and, finally, “Liliom” which was the theme for the late musical hit “Carousel.” ; Players Open - (Continued from page one) '■ her own little world, which con sists of her glass figuriens. Next Move Amanda’s. next move is to make attempts to find Laura a husband. She strikes upon the idea of having Tom bring some one from the warehouse, and after much persuasion, .Tom gives in. Amanda, sparked by the thought of a long-hoped-for gen tleman caller, begins at once with much flourish to make her pre parations. With the arrival of the gentle man caller on the eventful eve ning, it looks as if Laura may finally be coming out, of her little world. But upon learning the gentleman caller, Jim, is en gaged, Laura seems even worse. And thus the play ends in trag edy, made even worse by Tom’s going to sea. - An outstanding performance is given by Francine Toll as Aman da. She gives just the right light to the characterization, handling the humorous parts very well. _ A restrained performance is given by Diane Scuderi as Laura, not letting her emotions get out of hand. Late AP News (Continued from page one) Collins Called Home WASHINGTON— The discus sion of unification has resulted in the Army issuing a hurry home call to its chief of staff, General Lawton Collins. Admirals have gone to the House Armed Services Committee to complain that the Navy is being discrimi nated against under the unified set-up. Collins, who is in Japan on an inspection tour, has been - sb»d back to answer the charges. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Lion Party There will be a Lion party meeting to elect clique officers in 121 Sparks at 7 o’clock Sunday night. Baptist Church The University Baptist church, Burrowes street and Ni 11 an y avenue, will hold a supper meet ing from, 5 to 7:30 o’clock tomor row. L.A. Tea An informal tea for the Liberal Arts faculty and staff will _ b,e held in the main lounge of Sim mons Hall from 3 to 5 o’clock Sunday. Book Receipt Box Beginning Monday, Oct. 17, the box in which veterans’ book re ceipts are deposited will be plac ed in the corridor outside room 6, Old Main basement. Education Council Members of, Education Council are Urged by Frances Nichols, sbGretary-freasurer, to be present at a meeting of the Council in 125 Sparks at 8:30 p.m. Monday. Philotes Open House Philotes open meeting for in terested independent Women will be held in the White Pall playroom at. 7 o’clock. Election Committee Election , Committee members must turn in a copy of their schedule at the Student- Union in care of William Shade, chair man of- Elections Committee. Psi Chi* Meeting Psi Chi, honorary psychology fraternity, will hold its first meeting of the year in the Hillel Foundation at 7 p.m. Tuesday. The speaker will be Dr. William M. Smith, Jr., from the School of Home Economics, who will speak on the subject, “Whose Business is the family?” - Section # NF— (Continued from page one). direct sophomores and freshmen to section “NF” before filling adjoining sections, to assure ade quate time' for cheerleaders and hatmen to arrange today’s flash card system. Thomas Morgan, president?. 1 of hat societies council, urged all students at the game to rkise from their seats “in one con certed movement of spirit” when the Nittany team comes onto the field both before the game and after half-time. ’ '' , All campus hatmen will foym a traditional double reception line for the team twice—at about 1:45 just before kickoff time, and when the . team is ready ,to re turn to . the field after half-time. Two or three rows of seats di rectly behind the Blue Band’s section will be reserved for hat men who sacrifice pre-game time to issue flash cards. Successful Lit Magazine? The attempt to produce a suc cessful literary magazine at Penn State has not been relieved dur ing the last twenty years, when the “Old Main Bell” was replaced by the now-bankrupt ‘‘Critique.,”' Favor "Hopping" Penn Staters in 1928 voiced their objections to a proposed leg islative bill which would have forbidden hitch-hiking, -or hop-: ping, as it was then called. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Sermon—lo:4s “THE ATTRACTIVENESS of JESUS CHRIST” Evening Service—7:3o CATHEDRAL Film— “ Stephen, the Martyr” Rev. A. E. Newcomer, Minister Rev. Donald W. Carruthers Director, Westminster Foun dation ...News Briefs... Book Refuhds Noon today has b.een set as the absolute deadline for students to pick up book refunds at the BX. If refunds are not picked up, the books will be sold to a Pittsburg agency, Miss Mahla, co-chairman of the Book Exchange committee announced. Book receipts must be presented for refunds. Pitt Dean to Speak Dean Newstetter of' the Gradu ate School of Social. Studies', at the. University of Pittsburgh arid several of the staff members of the school.will be at the College next Tuesday. A two-hour con ference is planned for 1:10 to 3:00 p.m. at 316 Sparks. SAE Pledges The following men have been pledged to Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Tom Bradrick, Thomas Cum mings, Dudley Foster, Charles Gerdes, Norman Hartsock, James High, Charles Myer?, William Parks, Edward Shihadey, John Weaver, Jack Walker, and Bruce McMillan. ' This list is corrected from yes terday’s issue. Research Group Meefs A scheduled meeting of the 2101st Research and Develop ment Group will be held in 112 Osmond Laboratory, 7:30 p.m. W e( f nes< iay. Personnel Officer Captain L. Scheirer announced today, t All reserve officers hold ing a Bachelor of Science degree, or higher and currently engaged in research yvork may be eligible to join, this unit and are invited to attend the meeting. Extended Deadline Greeters are . extending the deadline for turning in the photos of entrants in the “Queen of the Belle Hop” contest. Be cause of the rushed conditions at sororities and other informal groups, the deadline has been ex tended to Thursday, Oct. 20. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1941 CHRYSLER ROYAL \ (6-cylinder) sedan. Motorola ■ radio —heater.' Fair shape. Call 6323. • , ■ 1940 BUICK 4-door sedan. Very clean. Apply to Breisch, Sizma-PL Phone 4928. FOR SALE. 1948 Chysler convertible s coupe. Like,.new. Can be seen at Jack’s Service Station. ' ADMIRAL TABLE model radio-phono. 78 RPM changer, excellent condition, $45; 3213 after -5:30. 7. . FOR .SALE: Pair of black suede Bhoes. Wedge heel. Babydoll style. Size 58. Worn’Tonce. Reasonable. Call 2248 between 6*:30 p.m.. and 9 p.m. : FRENCH "MADE binoculars, 10x35. Leath er case. Excellent condition. Price $2O. Don Wampler. 705-B Windcrest. TUX size 38. Excellent condition. Call , Scheidemantel 7851.'7 1940 CHEVROLET, clean inside and out side. Cpll 378 YT Penn State Trailer Sales. Reasonable price. ' . BRIDGE AND table , lamp, used two years. Good condition. . From $5.00 to $61.00.'.1026 South Atherton. Phone 2647. 1946 ELCAR house trailer 25*., Excellent condition. Bottle gas stove. ■ Ldrge closet space. 373 Windcrest. LOST LOST WEDNESDAY between Atherton and Buckout Horn-rimmed glasses ip red .case. Return please to Nancy, 42 Atherton. \ . - P"** - CIOCK* 1, ; ». V 1 MARSHALL’S LAUNDRY* 0 454 E. College Rear Plenty of Free Parking Space I - -1 Racial Equality The State College Council on Racial Equality will hold its first meeting of the fall semester in 418 Old Main at 7:30 p.m. Mon day. Penn State Engineer All students from the Mineral Industries, chemistry and physics and engineering schools who are interested in working on the staff of the Perin State Engineer will meet in 416 Old Main at 7:00 p.m. Monday. Simmons Hall Exhibits Work Of Picasso An exhibition of 14 large litho graphs and four small .bronzes, recent works, of Pablo ’Picasso, noted Spanish, artist, will open in Simmons Hfill at the College ojn Monday and continue through November. 7. • The exhibit, which is on tour under the auspices of the Mu seum of Modern Art, New York, is the first of a series to be spon sored at the College by the .de partment of architecture. Picasso since 1946 has spent his summers at the little port of Antibes on the. Mediterranean in southern France. Here he has reached back to an archaic Medi terranean and from a sun-bright pagan world of piping satyrs and fauns, of goats and sundials, fish arid sea-urchins, a/id small sail ing boats on a blue sea, has. taken subjects /or his lithographs and sculptures. Picasso is famous for his spec tacular metamorphoses, his abr riipt and sometiiries controversial innovations' of style. Following the angry work of what is called his “ugly period,” which lasted from the Spanish Civil War through the early, forties. ! WILL THE / person who took the Navy Blue coat at' the Neuman Club meeting call room 14 Simmons. I have your coat SUEDE JACKET, somewhere ' ofi 1 ; will finder please return to Jo Breisch, Sigma-Pi. Phone 4928. ■ ♦' MAN'S Self-Winding wristwatch between ? 100-500 West College Aye. or 200 South Atherton street 1 Finder pleaße’»phone PAIR OF GLASSES in'blue caBe. 4v LoBt' at' B.C. football;game. Finden contact Stu dent Union. Reward. • SHUCKY lost on first birthday. If found-. return' to Ag building. MISCELLANEOUS IT ISN’T NECESSA^X^^hd^dpr■ typV' writer 4 out of town oi\vrepalr*yJuBt dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West''College Ave. * SANDWICHES,’ .ICE .CREAM, milk, choco late r milk; etc. 7 can’ be-'had at Dorm.-20 irid the PUB starting at 8 p.m. Sunday through Thursday.. HARRY’S-RENT^A-BIKE—4OO' ]§. '.College Ave. Phone 4200. 35 cents 'per -hour. Special day. rates. * WILL PERSON who borrowed -.brown Eversharp pencil, gold top, 'at 1 * Boston College game call Russ White, 5051-780, GUNS FOR RENT. Used., guns for ea)e. • Ammunition, caps, and hunting equip-? ment At Max Harts wick .Sportsmans* Shack. Around the corner from th e Skel lar. . / \ PHI LAMBDA UPSILON., will pay 60 cents for ' one i liquor bottle; and no questions. aslced. See -or .call Jln> Lemley, 304 Walker Lab. VIC’S MILKY WAY 145 s. Allen st. ' it », v. y ‘ , . / _ . ' ICE CREAM BAR :/ ... SANDWICHES ~ * * . ~ [1 i , . ' '.u THICK SHAKES *..»■**• -:V'4 ' \ SATURDAY, OCTOBER U 5, 1949 Alumni Turnout (Continued from page one) Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Those being honored are George W. Deike, ’O3, of Pitts burgh, first president of the Ca det Band of 1900-01 and now a member of the College Board of Trustees; E. R. Norris, ’O2, of Glen Dale, W. Va.; R. W. Bowers, - ’O4, of Media, Pa.; and P. H. Gen tzel, ’O5, pf State College. A special program will be pre sented at, 1:00 p.m. following the luncheon. Lynn Christy, assistant professor of English composition, will serve as toastmaster and George Ceig, chapel orgariist, will . accompany group singing? and play special numbers on the Hammond electric organ. ■ Blue Band Presents Parody,,, " The Blue Band will appear at the program, marching into Rec Hall in uniform arid playing. sOV-_ eral special numbers. • They' Will' also present a parody riurriber during half-time at the football game on the Cadet Bugle jCorps of 1899 and on the Cadet Band of i9oo-oi.. ' The first session of the Alumfri Golf Tournament, . yesterday afternoon, poned because of rain arid' played this mornirig ori;the,V.Col lege golf course. ers are expected .to cpmpete’ if the weather is good: . y'*-1 Alumni Association plan? for the evening eritertaininent in clude a gala Cider Party’ preced ing, the Alumni Dance in Rec Hall at 8:00 p.m. GenerMaigiU’s orchestra will provide the music for the dance scheduled, to get under way at 9:00 p.m. ' Other events planned for the weekend are tjie annual Horti culture Show in the Stock Jud ging Pavilion open to all visitors today and, Suriday and chapel services iri Schwab auditorium at 11:00 a.m. Sunday. ; ' i In 1934, the Parihelleriic’tjdlSi cil allowed $1.50 a. wOek-forv-iri formal tea/land rush parties >t the Fraternities. ' ‘ FRATERNITY V: newspapers All Kinds of Printing Commercial Printing^ ' Glennland, Bldg.. State. College .'. STORAGE CHEST. Hus anany^,many uses. Use it for bookfc riicknacks-as an-end table-or for group arrangement. Made of select fir .ply wood, in 4 lengths, no that any avall able-space may be fully .utilised. Well', sandpapered and ready for any de sired finish. No Hardware needed. Bookcase is 24\ ,x high, 8” deep, lower shelf 9 5-8” upper shelf 8 E-8” high high 18" long 4.85 30" long 6.20 24" long 5.50 36" long 6.55 'l’t’V’luh“hnd easy to assemble and the savings are worth’ while: Assembly and finishing instructions included .in* each package. ... Send Check or Money Order. Sorry;.no' 0.0.D.’a. ■ Shipped Postpaid. Write for folder on other products. v LASCALITE CORP. .. , 25-18 87th, Ave. / lions: Island City 1, N.Y,
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