PAGE SIX 449 Penn State Men Pledge 35 Campus Fraternities No Complete Account Available Until Remaining Houses Submit Lists Weekend announcements by 35 campus fraternities disclose that 449 Penn State men have been pledged. These are only first reports and until the remaining houses submit their lists, no complte account is available. No specific dates have been announced for final initia tion ceremonies by any of the houses. Named on the 35-house list are: Acacia— Daniel L. Babcock, Robert E. Cnlder, Roland H. Hanson, William L. Lord, George W| Rippcl, Robert J. Vandergrift,- Donald E. Van Inwagen, William Warn cke, nnd A. Mnlrolf Wilson. Alpha Chi Rho- John P. Gehrett, Henry A. Gracey, George H. Gruber, Jr., Thomas A. Hanna, Donald G. Hazlett, William M. Johnson, Dewey T. Jones, Jr.. Donald F. Kurtz, Jr., Joseph Lordeman, Richard L. Martz, Ed ward J. Mayor, .Tr., George W. Phipps, Christnpohr N. Tnnory, and Paul E. Wilt, TTI. Alpha Chi Sigma— Philip Armstrong, David Fix, Donall Furlong, William Greenwalt, William Hockeramith, Donald Lutz, Millard Reh burg, Tlmolen Rodriguez, Judd Scavy, Rob toert Snow, * Thomas Swan, and Edward Walden. Alpha Epsilon Pi— Morton Altschuler, Meyer Afarnek, Dav id Budenstein, Alvin Chester, Jack Dia mond, Jerome Epstein, George Glazer, Eu gene Gollbloom, Aaron Hoffman, Stuart Lerner, Richard Levy, Richard Lewis, Gerald Pogash, A 1 Roacn, Barry Seltzer, Kenneth Shengold, Leon Shulman, Irving Stein, Stanley Vitt nnd Philip Ziff. Alpha Gamma Rho— Philip Barker. Harold Brannakn, Rich ard Crandall, William Craig, Arthur Crull, Jack Hauck, Frank Hogcland, Donald Lickner, William Nichol, Charles Right mire, and Kendall Tomlinson. Alpha Phi Delia— Ronald Altabclli, Francis Angelo, Francis Angelani, Joseph Artuitana, Nor man Cardinal!, Anthony De Julius, Pat Dadora, Anthony Grumaldi, Luiss Gen til atti, Donald Nnsonl, Edward Ricci, Mario Santangelo, Paul Zanoni, and Robert Za rilla. Alpha Zeia William Angstadt, John Bosch, Howard Davis, Jr.,, Clarence Fahnstock, James ’ Fish, John Gault, Donald Griffiths, Jr., Kenneth Hager, John Hall, Glen Haney, ‘ Gene Harding, William Heyscr, James Learner, Paul Mattern, Jr., John McCool, 111, Galen Motter, William Murphy, Jr., you’ll be on velvet McLANAHAfrn S. ALLEN ST. Richard Nickerson, James Turner, Robert Vorp, and Stanley Walton. Beta Sigma Rho— Bernard Cooper, Richard Dash, Louis Dorouhow, Richard Eiaman, Theodore Fil» dcrman, Ervin Fishman, Melvin Glass, Murray Goldman, Elliot Harris, Albert Kates, Melvin Kates, Michael Krap, Les lie Krap, Edwin Lefkowith, Stanley Needleman, Leonard Shore, and Gilbert Wagenficld. Delia Ch— i Bcedle, Glenn ■ Bergy, Samuel Chido, John Harris, William Hild, Peter Knapp, Walter Kriegeir, Gilbert Lewis, Philip Martin, Jr., Carl Peterson, Walter Ruchinsky, Forbes Ryder, Robert Searles, and Keith Shearer. Delta Sigma Phi— Michael Cantwell, Joseph Chollis, Rich ard Evans, Lawrence Evans, Lawrence Gedda, Charles Ludman, Robert McKnlght, Wesley Phirman, Dominick Sisti, Edward Smith, Roy Terllzzi, Thomas Whalen, Rob ert Wylie, and John Yohman. Della Tau Della— Thomas Brown, William Gourly, Robert Johnson, James Lamoree, Albert Liebau, Richard Masters, James Milliard, Thomas Pierce, David Timothy, John Trexler, Beach Watson, and Walter Yahn. Delia Sigma Sigma— Ray Ard, Alvin Grasse, Glenn Martin, and Lee Schisler. Phi Delta Theia— Charles Allen, Charles Brouse, H. Car roll Chapman, James Fink, Richard Groff, Daniel. Grove, Gerald Hayes, Frederick HHuston, Jr., Kenneth Minchlin, John Pickett, Charles Schutte, Paul Trimmer, Richard Wick, and Richard Wilson. Phi Gamma Della— Thomas Anderson, Morion Birton, Wes ley Blaha, Jarad Dariington, Jack Enter line, Gorman' Fisher, Theodore Geary, Jr., Donall Hess, Richard Kline, Donald Lightner, James N. Nole, and James S. Smiley. , Phi Kappa William Decrease, John Dinsmore, Eu gene Dumm, Donald Heininger, John Hrlvnak, Albert Kovar, Stanley Lucas, Drew Mahla, Bernard Mehall, Aldon Michelotti, Edward McFadden, Julian THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Employment Office Aids Students In Securing Part-Time Positions The Student Employment office in the TUB is maintained by the College to help students secure part time employment while at tending College. 'Die service is provided free of charge and en ables employers and' students to work through a central office in meeting their needs. Last year the agency had ap proximately 1600 applicants, and from September to June it found 7000 jobs for the students. This year it expects about 2000 appli cants, and, according to Super visor of Student Employment Al lan Reece, jobs wil exceed the ’4B-’49 total. The agency has al ready handled between 700 and 800 applications this semester. The Employment Agency oper ates on a priority system based upon the degree of financial aid needed and the semester standing of the applicant. All things being equal, the upper classmen will ne given preference. These criteria are modified by availability, job proficiency, and the possession of skills as they relate to specific jobs. The office is notified of many different types of jobs; some are semi'-permanent and others of short duration. The various types of work most frequently handled by the office are: ' . i Meal jobs, working m the Col- Senko, J. Bernard Sotak, Victor Straub, Eugene Stohn, Alfrel Von Arx„ William Wewer, and William Wolfe. Phi Kappa Sigma— Lewlß Baldwin, John Baron, Jr„ Fran cis Bria, Edward Davis, James Davis, Jack Garrctson-Butt, James Ketektly, Jn, Samuel Kincaid, Jr., John Lauer, Robert Richardson,'Jr., Dale Smith, John Stewart, Eugene Truitt, Peter Whelan, and John Wylie. Phi Kapa Tau— „ , John Arakelain, James Barclay, Jr., Harry Houseknecht, Charles Falzone, David Gray, Jr., James Morton, Harry Truman, Lloyd Young, and Donald Zur flleh. Phi Sigma Kappa— Charles W. Fall, Hurley A. Graffuis, Richard L. Herman, Donald Kump, Her bert J. Kump, Davß E. Richards, George E. Schenck, and Frank O. Thompson. Pi Kappa Alpha— Wallace Catanaeh, George Cummings, Roger Deitz, Joseph Duicb, George Emig, Jr., Leonard German, Clifford Ginte£, Ned Herring, Harry Little, John Perry Rothenberger, Walter Saxe,' Walter* Schumacher, Herbert Welder, and Fred rick Wessman. Pi Kappa Phi- Ray do Ancona, Richard Blignthe, Wil liam Brady, Bryson Craine, John Eiseo- Wllllam Erichson, ‘ Walt Finkleston. How ard Froberg, Donald Gougnan, Russell Ingham, Robert Kitchel, Hatold Kream er, Harold Mayer, West Mensel, Jack Roher, Walter Sachs, Richard Seidel, Charles Snyder, and Richard Thompson. (Another list will be published in Friday's Collegian.) lege dining commons, various boarding houses, and fraterni ties; store work, including clerk ing, fountain dispensing, stock handling, and cleaning of offices and stores. Other jobs include Student agencies, office work and summer jobs in resort hotels and camps. The agency expects a sufficient number of jobs to provide some income for all applicants, how ever during the first three weeks of school with extremely large numbers of persons coming through the office demand ex ceeds supply. Those who have registered and have not as yet been placed should continue to check with the office. ADS To Give Annual Award Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s na tional advertising fraternity, will award a $7OO scholarship each year to an outstanding A.D.S. member, it was announced at a meeting of the organization Thufsday night. Donald W. Davis, national president and acting-head of the journalism department at the College, made the announcement. Plans were discussed as to the method of selecting the recipient of the award and the chapter’s' recommendations wiE be submit ted to the National Committee. The scholarship wiE be used to further the recipient’s training in'advertising and may be taken at any Class A institution award ing a masters degree in advertis ing. Students' Letters Remain Unclaimed Approximately 1000 letters with incomplete addresses stiE are unclaimed in the dean ol women's office and in 112 Old Main. Xt is believed that some of the letters contain money and other valuable papers which students have been ex pecting since the beginning oi ,the semester, and have not yet received. . Women may inquire in the dean of women's office and men must report to 112 Old, Main for the mail. If you have not received a long awaited epistle, it will be to your ad vantage to check the growing stacks of mail in Old Main.- Some of if may be for YOU. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1949 BX Distributes Book Receipts Students who sold books through the student book ex change must stop at the BX office in the TUB with their book re ceipts this week to get their money. Books which were not sold should be picked up this week, or they will be. sold to an agent from Pittsburgh who will be at the TUB the beginning of next week to buy used books directly from students. The office wiE be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.rii., Monday through Friday, and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. : / Watson To Head Who's Who Staff Edwin Watson was elected edi tor of “Who’s Who in the New’s at Penn State’’ at a meeting-of Sigma Delta Chi Sunday night; “Who’s Who in . the News” is a yearly publication of Sigma Delta Chi, men’s national 'professional joumaEsm honoraryi It ‘ fticliiaes short biographies of approximate ly 200 outstanding students., on campus. ’ ' Students to be honored are se lected by a committee made, up last year of the AE-CoEege‘ presi dent, WSGA president, Athletic Association president, editor ,of The Daily CoUegian, and editor and associate editor of “Who.s Who.” Theta Sigma Phi, national women’s journalism honorary, wiE chose soon an associate edi tor, who will work with the ed* tor. ' -• .-w PSCA Elects Six To Student Board Dr. J. H. Moyer, president of the Board of Directors of the Penn State Christian Association, an nounced Monday that the fol lowing students are elected to the. Board of Directors; Norman Weaver, JoAnne Esterly, Lavern Seth, Charles perkvitz, Edward' Wetherald, and Helen Dreher. Those appointed to the Finance. Committee are the foHowin'g fac ulty members; Dr. H. K. Schil ling, Paul Benner, Henry Brun ner, MacDonald .Heebner, Dean Harold Wilson, and Dr. Seth Rus sell. Student members are Jo Anne Esterly and Norman Weav er. Luther Harshbarger, general secretary of PSCA, was also ap-. pointed to the Finance Commit tee. V New Officers Capt. FeUpe Vias. and Capt. John P. Dougherty have been as signed to the department of miE- 1 tary science and tactics at the CoUege, Col. Ben H. Chastaine announced yesterday. Captain Vias, an infantry officer, was 'graduated from the University of Puerto Rico. Captain Dougherty attended St. Francis Xavier Uni versity, and is now a signal corps officer. Trttffie Signs In 1934, the borough installed signs in accordance with, the vehicle code. It was warned that they would be strictly enforced. Haviag BHw TroMfclitl See W. F. KAUtMtMME Bear 433 W. College Are. PImmIRS .... Also - VIIIUZEB MBPAMS -
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