PAGE EIGHT Roe— fContinued from page one) rally as Mize, pinch-hitting for Silvera to open the frame, lined a single into right. Bobby Brown was summoned to bat for Raschi and looked at a beautiful break ing curve over the outside corner for a called third strike. Rizzuho then laid down a bunt and reach ed first when Rce fumbled the CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOR SALE: SIZE s‘h AA Tlppio- Canoe loafers bought one week ago. Reduced, call (1440. ('OR SALTS: All Aluminum. Spartnn Trailercouch. Excellent condition, see Jerry Byrcm after 6 o’clock, Hoover's Trailer* Pnrk. 2t FT. ELCAR trailer. Excellent condi tion, $l4OO. Inquire at 363 Windcrcst. BOY*S BICYCLE, new -tires, new paint, completely overhauled. Call Bill, Dorm 3. Room 23, Ext. 268. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE,- PENNSYLVANIA ' ball, Stirnweiss, running for Mize, taking second. I-lenrich, Wednes day’s hero, then skied to left after fouling four of Rob’s slarit§, and Bauer ended the inning on a force-out grounder to Robin son. Roe, stingy with base hits all day, then proceeded to retire the Yanks in order in the ninth after giving up his sixth hit, a lead off infield single to DiMaggio. ONE CIIASVOS drawing set and one Diclzgen slide rule, both practically new. Call MacNcill 4717. '3B FORD -FOUR-DOOR in excellent condi tion, new paint, heater. Call 3950 after 7 p.m. Ask for Rny. FOR radio and ’ automatic record player. Guaranteed. Good condi tion. Call Dudley Foster 4932. 1949 CHEVROLET convertible, low mile ugo. True 4901 or 2178. A 1930 MODEL A Ford coach. Rebuilt motor, good condition throughout, in quire 210 S. Sparks after 6:00 p.m. HUNTERS NOTE: Fine, quality binocu lars, Bx3o, leutker strap, case. Rifle—3 mm Mauser, custom-built, fired lesß than 40 times. Plus ammo and cleaning equip mcnt. Phone 7208. 14 MONTHS OLD Crosley sedan. Must sec to ■ appreciate. Excellent condition; Priced low for quick sale. Phone Dave, 2598, evenings. MUST SELL 1947 House Trailer, 24 ft., excellent condition; all utilities/ Call State College 3120. PACKARD, 1933, SEDAN, paint and up . holstory ‘excellent. Mileage 50,000. Price $5OO. Call 4792 after 7 p.m. John Parker. 1942 SCHULT HOUSE TRAILER. Com pletely furnished with side room. Good condition, good location, $750. Call Dria- Uell 2006. COMPLETE EDITION of Harvard Class ics. Call Borteck 4409. LOST BLUE WALLET containing meal ticket, room key in Corner Room Thurs day. Finder please return to Collegian office, • K AND E SLIDE RULE in black case. Lest' in E.E. Bldg, on Friday. Reward. Phone 6403. LOST—WALLET containing valuable papers plus large sum of money by Nnvy man now on leave, probably lost at Bcllefonto • Legion. PLEASE contact O % vs LOST AAA ,■ ... .... " ■’ ' ' ' " ' ' - • : ' - ' ■ A. Bryce Smith, Centre Hal! R. D. l as leave expires October 20. SLIDE RULE-in New College Diner Oct. 4. Serial numbet/ 494915. Return to Diner or phone 7270. CHIME (bell shaped) PlN—around girls . dorms Saturday.;• Finder fall Meg, 141 Alhfertoji/ V* . WILL PERSON >Vho' took wrong cordu roy, jacket outside 109 Ag call Jacfc Kushncr 2312.* I have yours. WANTED MALE GRADUATE student desires room preferably with board. Contact Box 514 State College'. No children or pets. RIDERS. TO AND from State College and Bellefonte. Phone Bellefonte 4255. GOOD LOOKING SONGSTRESS,' inter ested in band job, can play piano well, read music- fast, lead group singing, good nt arranging vocal parts. Call 6670. MISCELLANEOUS FLY NOiy at cheapest the coun try. Join PENN STATE FLYING CLUB. Inquire at Student Union. , IT ISN’T NECESSARY to send your typewriter out-of-town 'for repairs 1 Just call 2492 and we’ll do the rest. "TAKE A TIP PROM ME - SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS... THEY'RE MUCH MILDER. IT® MY CIGARETTE!!' FRIDAY, OCTOBER t, SANDWICHES, ICE CREAM, milk, choco late, milk, etc., .cftn .be had at . Dorm 20 and the TUB starting at 8 p.m. Sunday through,Thursday. , TICKETS FOR Welcome Willy gef on sale Monday, October 10th, I:3d p.m. at Stu dent Union Desk, Old Main. Alumni only on Saturday. Get your; tickets early for Thursday and Friday. All seats reserved. HEY MAIILLINt LOOK! Penn Slate is classified-conscious because classified advertising Is effective and .quick. More and , more people are advertising . every day. Theflma. ’y ’ NOW 1 NO PLACE can compiirevwith the New Paradise Cafe, 114 * street, Bellcfonte,. Pa. Every Friday ' and Saturday, starting Oct. 7, the Paradise quartet. Cjood food, specializing in shrimp, and cold platters. Excellent beverages* excellent service. HARRY’S-RENT-A-BfKE—4OO ‘ E. College Ave. Phone 4200., 35 cents per hour. Special, day rates. . AG STUDENTS I You .have. two more days to hustle to., the Penn State Photo Shop if you want your mug in the 1950 La Yie. CAN YOU FIND a room for Willy Wat son? Schwab will be cold' aftor the show on the. 13th and Willy will need, a good rest. .. . ’ i .
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