New Cabinet Convenes For first Time , frpsie To Elect Class Officers All-College Cabinet, chief legis lative body for student affairs on campus, last Thursday met for the first 'time this semester to Consider: "current problems. Plans to restore freshman representa tion on Cabinet after a lapse of several years were passed by al most unanimous vote, thus ex tending to the 500 emerald-bowed women the right to elect class of ficers, the president to have' a seat on Cabinet. , Ted Allen, All-College presi dent, opened the initial meeting witlyintroduetions of the recently elected members of the Cabinet.' In addition to the o f offi cers, James MacCallum, secretary treasurer, and Harry McMahon, vice-president, the following or ganizational presidents are seated on Cabinet: James Balog, senior class; Harry Kondourajian, junior . class; Ken Ralston, acting for the sophomore class; William Nor cross' AIM; Peter Giesey, IFC; Shirley Gauger, WSGA; Rose El fert, Leonides; Dolores Jelaci6, l Pan-Hellenic Council; James Ge hrdes, 'AA; Virginia Miller, WRA. Student Councils . Donald Seipt, Ag Student Coun cil; George Herold, Chem-Phys Student' Council; Robert Gabriel, Education Student Council; George Oehmler, Engineering Student, Council; Elliot Krane, Liberal Arts Student 'Council; Robert Anderson, Mineral Indua tries Student Council, and Physi cal Education Student: Council. Also seated are Thomas Morgan, student publications; R 4 chard S c,ll w eik e r, ' parliamentarian. These, together• with the- sopho more and freshman presidents, and the president of the - Board - 4 Dramatics and Forensics' and 'a president of the Home EeStudent Council, will make up the Cabinet for the .year. , • - • • • ACtion 'was taken on the. plan ned student , government room with :the appointment of a three member committee to seek 'a lo cation and handle, arrangements for fitting it out. 4ppointed were: Geoige Oehmler, chairman; Vir ginia Miller; 'end Robert .Gabriel. Reports on orientation .week and the collapr of. the Blue-and- White Special to West Point were given •by. Mclillahon and Morgaii, respectively: . • Forensic Council • , Allen ~ a ppointed the. Forensic Council for this year, naming Christine' Altenburger, John Fe dako, 'Feter- GieSey: — James Mc- Dougall, John Meszaros , , Barbara Schiffman, Richard Schweiker, Ellamae Seitz,. Richard -Shultz, and directed :Schweiker to call a meeting ' of the, Drainatics --and. Forensics Board to elect a chair man to sit on Cabinet. ' A letter of commendation was received from the •national NSA on the excellent delegation sent t 9 the national convention' this summer. The ' delegation - was hecieled by James Bachman, with Lyhn - Lapp and Leonard Stein. There was also a suggestion made that the class ring be changed to one more symbolic of the College. kodaY • * A\ ( 4: * ;, ; The Nittany Lion Roars For Coach Bill Jeffrey, the smiling Scot,' who bossed the Perm State soccer team to a 6-0 OPening win Saturday against a suPlinsedly strong Neil Chester soccer team. ' • Last year the Blue and White - soccer forces . finished . a nine genie state. Nitth,caihr oneloss.' Thli year Jeffrey, now starting his 241 h. at the .Nittany inatitu "l hatilL.lo evea . . . . • ,a."--,191r... . 4, The Wei:dhow 4 , • :y . . ,?:,: 5. , , - . - . ' Tilt . l3attg ~ .;.0,!:,.:-.:!,,i1 Totitglatt ~,itrrt, _ OccaCloudy, sionat Rohl ' 'TOR :1' BETTER PENN STATE" VOLUME 50 - NUMBER 8 STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER, 4, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Play Costs Announced . . Both the Penn State Players and Thespians have completed casting for their respective coming productions of "Ah Wilderness" and "Welcome Willy." "Ah Wilderness," the only comedy written by noted, American playwright Engene O'- Neill, will be staged in Schwab Auditorium October 27, 28, and 29, and will be preceded there October 13, 14, and 15 , by "Welcome Willy,", a parody on the much commented upon Anterican radio quiz show. Directing the Players production will be Robert Kendall, while the Thespians will be under the direction of Raymond Fortunato. Besides their Schwab Auditorium shoW, Players will also produce "Glass Menagerie" at Center Stage beginning October 14. In Memoriam Born December 31. 1882 Died October 3, President of the College from December 15, ;1926, until the date 'of his death. He was out standing in The.establishment of a strong government at Penn State. - (See 'Editorial on Page Two) He4ol'. AWcitd 'Established - ' An annual cash prize and cer tifidate of recognition, to be known as the Ralph Dorn Het zel Award in honor of the late president of the College, has been estblished by Mrs. Esther Hetzel, his widow. , The award will be given year ly to the senior "whose achieve ments scholastically and in other activities of college lifp gives the highest promisee of that kind of Useful citizenship in national life expounded by President Hetzel. The purpose of the award is to encourage the kind of achieve ment President Hetzel believed in. The amount of: the award would •be the annual return on $2,000, and in order that the award may be this year, an additional amount for the first award has been. pro vided. Late AP News Coutiesy WMAJ Hurricane Shifts Toward Louisiana Storm Shifts GALVESTON, TEX.—A hurri cane, sweeping across the Gulf of Mexico, shifted its course late to day, causing new concern for the upper Gulf coast from Galveston to Lake Charles, Louisiana. Storm warnings have been posted as far east as the mouth of the Missis sippi. Steel-Coal Strike • WASHINGTON, D.C.—The na tion's first combined steel-coal strike. had • its bright, and . dark facets tonight. Dock workers in three Great Lakes ports joined the half-million steel workers on strike and railroads announced plans for laying ,off additional employes. On the brighter side, 102,000 miners, mostly in hard 'goal fields, returned to work leav ing 400,000 other United Mine Workers bn strike. Supreirne Court Opens WASHINGTON, D.C.—A new Supreme Court opened today. It 'is expected to rendev historic decisions on racial segregation and the right of Congress to in quire into Communism. Players To Give "Ah, Wilderness" The Penn State Players have released the complete cast for "Ah, WilderneSs," 'which starred the renowned George M.' COW' in its appearance on Broadway. The names of the case arid the persons to be portrayed are: Ed ward' Grove, "Tommy";„'jearipe Young, "Mildred"; Richard Evans, "Arthur"; June Williams, "Essie"; Joyce Reford,' "Lily"; Joel Kranich, "Datid"; . , Ruth Tranter; "Noah"; Anthony Belk . - man, "Wirit"; Kathryn Scbeetz, "Belle"; Herbert Yingling, 'Bar tender"; 'Bud. Bernstein, "Sales man"; and 'Ruth Johnsen, "Mur iel." Bo*thap Also announced by the. Players was the list of newly elected pin cers of the group. Anthony Beim man and Dan Wer:go will serve as president and vice-president respectively. , , 'Other officers are Elanor 'recording secretary; Riith John son, cprresponcling se cr et ar y; Fratieine Toll, social. chairman; Walt Eckley, actors' representa tive; and Robert Kendall, faculty adviser. - • / Names of, recently appninted senior managers of Players have alsO been released • and inch*, togetirr with thelerespectilie dq partments, Richard Mallßy, con struction; Howard . McCoy, paint; Rodger Madigan, properties; Gor don Havens; lights; Ruth Taiib, costumes; Eckley; • sound.;. June Williams, make-up; and Wargo, advertising. Graduate Regiltratioq Graduate students flu t complete registration in t h Armory not later than Wednesday, Ray V. Watkins, schedulinq officer,gttid today. Any graduate student . who repliers after 'Wednesday must pay a $lO fine. Cabinet Meets Town Leaders Members of All-College Cabi net will meet with town leaders tonight to get acquainted and learn how the town leaders can cooperate with the studeut body. Dean of Men H. K.. WWon has announced the meeting for 304 Old Main at 7:15 pan. The reia tiouship between the town and the students will be explained at the•meeling. Those who *ill confer .*ith Cabinet are Dean Wilson, Burgess Albert Yougel, Police Chief Jelin R. Rpba, Captain Philip Mark of the campus patrol, President E. L. Keller of borough council, Reit Robert H. Eads, head of the. In ter-religious Coimcil of Churches; President Frank Clemson of 'the Commerce Club, PreSident Hittinger •of the Junior 'Chamber of Commerce; Jack Bald Win, head of the Commerce Club Retail., divisdn; peidn of WoMen Pearl O.' Weston, and, Daniel deMarino an4.Harold Per , kips, assistant deans of men. Hat Men All Hat Men interested, in work ing on the flash cards should meet in Rec Hall at .10 aakt, today,. ,ae cording to Dick Clair. head cheer leader. Shares Directing Tasks Ft d ., L w our lc h o n m er e , cwory.e.ctor VVRA . IM Board Meets .Toright RePresentatives of the newly ekganized intramural beard will meet with the chairman and as *tent chairman in ' the WRA rootn, W hite Hall, at A:3O p.m. 'to night. The WRA bowling and bridge Clubs will meet at 7 p.m. All coeds who ate interested in join ing these clubs • are urged to at tend' regardless of ability or pre irloits experience. Badminton, outing, and modern dance; clubs will meet tbmortoliv night in 'White Hall at 7. On Thursday the fencing and swimm in .gClubs will meet. iFeld hockey practice which began, Yesterday, is held Monday throb ' h Thursday at 4 on Hobs Field. Delta sigma Pi All Meitibers of Delta Sigma Pi, national commerce fraternity, will meet in 203 Sparks, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. lilembers are ask ed by Jack Wiecienman, presi dent, to disregard the notices, seit out mailer this Week, which announced a meeting in Old r- News Briefs Haile, HoA'ir All students interested in par ticipating in the Hillel Hour, broadcast over ViTMA.L, are asked to attend an organization meet ing at Hillel FoUndation, 7 p.m. today, announced Ben Ungerleid er, chairman. Previous experience is not required. ===il A tallc. on "Why Com Missions?" will feature the PSCA meeting in 405 Old Main at 7:30 p.m. tonight. Rrief meetings of the four com missions will follow. Recreation will close the prpgram. Pre-Mecl Society The Penn ' State Pre-Medical Society will hold its reorganiza tion meeting in 119 Osmond at 7:30, p.m. October 5. Medical movies will be shown. All Pre'- Medical student% honorary mem bet•s, non-affiliated, and those Who are members of the digani =Aiwa, are asked to attend. 1::!1 'Willy' Features Specialty Routines In addition to the casting an nounced last week, Thespians has released the names of those participating in the various dance and specialty routines to be featured in "Welcome Willy." The third scene in the second act will be developed along the Calypso theme, with the West Indian'mood established by stage settings and Marcia Homancif in a vocal specialty with the Glee singers. The featured dance of the show will be done by Harry Woolever and "Mike" Claysmith, both ex perienced in the field of ballet. Woolever, who has studied danc ing for fifteen• years and taught for two, has been engaged in nightclub work for the past five years. Miss Claysmith, who will make her Schwab debut in "Wel come Willy," has thirteen years of study behind her and another three of teaching. In addition, she has appeared several times at the Syria Mosque in Pitts burg. Dancing Chorus The dancing chorus fOr the show will consist, along with Miss Claysmith, of: Nancy Alt land, Herbert Arnold, Robert Brooks, Shirley Gahuse, Made line Gardner, Elizabeth Grif fiths, William Hamel, Helen Mas ted, Joseph Jackson, Phyllis Jones, Elizabeth Morgoe, Robert Reed, Stanley Heichlin, Joseph; Reinhelmer, Elizabeth Reuton., Burt Rothstein, Jackson Shelley, Merril Sporkin, Fred Silverthan, Shirley Vandever, Jacqueline Warner, and David Weiner. Voice director Abe Leinbach has selected Robert Amole, Jane Ashenfelter, - Donald ' Bersinger, William Brennan, Joseph Brower, Bruson Craine, Al Fasnacht, Leon Finger, Raymond Hustecl, Lydia Kudarsky, Nancy Neusbaum, Polly Potter, Selma Rudnik, Suzy Seurfield, and Carol Wine man for the Gleesingers. First Scene In the first scene, "Willy Wat son" and Hustlin' Homer Hooper" will be respectively portraYed by Nate Feinstein and Samuel Saunders. Also included ih the cast are Joel Kranich, Dave Greenawald, Sid Manes, Elenor Williamson, William B em'u s, Theodore Sykes, Abe Leinbach and Harry Kondourapian. ACME Student chapter of AIME will meet in 121 M. I. Building at 7:30 p.m. today. All new mining stu dents are invited to •attend. Psychology Club The Psychology Club will meet in 204 Burrowes at 7 p.m. tonight. All students are invited to attend. Tribunal The first meeting of Tribunal will be held in 201 Old Main at 8:30 p.m. tonight. Naval' Reserve Meeting The Electronic Warfare Com pany of the volunteer naval re serve on campus, with the staff of radio station N4CAN, will hold a meeting in Engineering E at 7:30 p.m. today. The company es pecially wishes that veterans, et perienced in electronic warfare branches* attend. All new mew bers are invited.
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