rActr ,}1 the Mali of the Office of (.ne Dean of Men welcome yn;i to Penn State and wish you to know that we are anxious to ren der assistance to you in every possible manner. You are a member of our Penn State family and as such, you will wish to become familiar with the history, customs, and traditions of the College. Entering into your scholastic work and such extracurricular activities as your time will per mit, with vigor and enthusiasm should make your college life an eventful period to be cherished in your memories long after you have left the campus. We hope that you will look upon our office as a place where you can come for counsel and help in meeting any problems, whether they be in or out of the classioom, HAROLD K. WILSON Dean of Men Students— • Ic Per Gallon Discount on Gas • Greasing-75c • 5c Per_ Quart Discount on oil Changes. • Specialists in Fuel and Electrical System Troubles. • '3B"Chrysler Emporia' New York Special--4425.00. • See Dick Weiser—M. E. '4l At AUTOPORT' On U. S. 322 , mow- ' TEXT BOOKS -use d.. Sheciffer - Waterman Pens-Pencils Dean o DR. H. K. WILSON Laundry Cases The Athletic Store, Inc. COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PE Ti-1E DAT" The faculty of the School of Agriculture heartily welcomes the return of former students and extends especially warm greet ings to all new students. We are looking forward to an• other year, of working together in the great adventure of educa tion. Important responsibilities must be borne by both students and faculty if a real measure of success is to be realized. Penn State is rich in its re sources of competent staff, of high quality students, and of other essential educational per quisites. These valuable possess= ions should be used to the great est advantage in developing the personal and social competence of each individual. LYMAN E. JACKSON, Dean Golden Anniversary ' Penn State's fast-stepping Blue Band, a major attraction at foot ball games, will obserye its 50th anniversary this Fall. Back of. the Year Fran Rogel, 195-pound Penn State fullback, is Bob Higgins' early-season nominee for back of the year. I Note Books - Fillers Dietzgen and K & E Slide Rules - Drawing Sets Main Gate Agriculture UR. LYMAN E. JACKSON National Opposite ANIA NSYL . DR. GEORGE L. HALLER, It is a pleasure for the School of Chemistry and Physics to wel come to campus its new students and those who have spent their first year with cooperating col leges. We are confident that good records will be maintained and hope that with the, enthusiastic help of the staff all of you will be inspired to even greater efforts. The remarkable and rapid ad vances in the fields of chemistry and physics made during the past few years have not only multi plied the opportunities in your chosen fields but have also in creased your responsibilities tQ Society. We are certain you will accept this challenge. GEORGE L: HALLER, Dean Formidable Nucleus Penn State's two all-American soccerites, Ralph Hosterman and Dick Hannah, will play for the Lion boosters again in 1949. First Non-Alumnus Frank Patrick, former Pitt full back, is the first non-alumnus to join the Penn State coaching staff since 1935. NESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 21, 1949 Under certain conditions, I wel come you. If you are interested , only in yourself and in what you can' get for yourself by taking college courses, I urge yott .to transfer at once to some other school or col lege. The School of Education is already over-crowded. If you are sincerely interested in helping people to develop wholesome personalities, endur ing homes, cooperative communi ties, helpful institutions, produc tive industries, democratic gov ernments, and a peaceful .world, I welcome yOu with all my heart. The School of Edtidation is at your service. M. R. TRABUE, Dean Treble Singers List Try-oUt Schedule Treble Sirigers, °peh to all girl students bf - the College, will hold try-outs oh Wednesday, Sept. 28, according to Elmer C. Warehatn. Students should report, to Mr. Wareham, 117, - Carnegie Hall, from 7 to 9' p. m.' Other try-out schedules will be posted on the first floor bUlletin - board in Car - • riegie Hall. Hammermilli Bond .:.20 pound Sporting Good s Equipment Education . MARION R. titM3VE
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