PAGE FOUR Softball— Continued, from peyc- three Civil Engineers, probably nexl week. In other games Thursday, Pi Kappa Phi lambasted the horse hide for 14 big runs as they shel lacked Delta Theta Sigma, 14-1 by scoring in every inning. Don Heiny tossed lor the victors. And Ray Saul, Phi Kappa Tau. flattened Alpha Phi Delta batters in sequence as he pitched his mates to a 3-0 shutout on another field. Schedule Monday, Phi Kappa Sigma meets Phi Kappa, Beta Theta Pi battles with Sigma Alpha Epsil on, and Alpha Epsilon Pi hosts Kappa Delta Rlio on the New Beaver diamonds at 6:30 p.m.. while on the golf-course field at the same time, C<3dy Manor meet.- the Penn State Club. Thursday’s linescores: COLLEGIAN - ADD ROTH .. _ A Beta Sigma Rho 000 002 o—2 Phi Sigma Kappa __ 000 140 x —ll Shaffer and Shore ; Roth and Heard Nittany Co-op 200 200 0 -4 Rambler* - 102 010 I—s Szymanski and Gilbert; Sehmecr and Anthony Delta Theta Sigma 000 100 o—l0 —1 Pi Kappa Phi 152 213 x—l 4 Walker and Howes; Heiny and Miles Phi Kappa Tau 052 010 I—9 Alpha Phi Delta 7 000 000 o—o Saul and Scandale; Preate and Sear azro Skraban— Continued from vaoe one bert, Nancy Anne Smith, Joanne Snyder, Ruth Soderberg, Arlene Spencer, Rosemary Squillante, Marion Swetlick, Florence Wake ling, Helen Wilcox, and Beverly Williams. Modern Dance The Modern Dance Group, Gladdy Lou Miller, soloist; Phi Mil Alpha, national music honor ary, Treble Singers and May Pole Dancers will also participate in the ceremonies. Selections of the Treble Singers are “The Green Cathedral” and “Czech oslavakian Folk Dance.” The May Pole will be wound by Joanne Bauer, Kit Blomberg, NAME CARDS F«r Gndnation Announcements Commercial Printing Inc. Glctinland State College COOL OFF! Relax tit our fountain with an ice cold drink. FRED'S 128 S. ALLEN At Your Warner Theater NOW! i! i dalhaiuH il !‘'i iii Joan Crawford | ijj Zachary Scott |!| ! "FLAMINGO ROAD" ; tale !i Doris Day j Jack Carson "MY DREAM j IS YOURS" || In Technicolor ;j ii|| HiUan if jj BILL BOYD jj :j;| "STRANGE tH GAMBLE" !| ii THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Virginia Brie. Jean Bossart, Pat ricia Carlisle, Mary Edwards, Mary Alice Eshelman, Dorothy Jones, Marian Judy, Myrna Mar tin, Grace Miller, Virginia Miller, Janet Moorehead, Carolyn Mow ery, Joyce Moyer, Beverly New man. Molly Patrick, Eleanor Ralston, Rita Reed, Patricia Sauer, Ruth Tait, Lois Van Vac tor, and Sara Yoder. Trainbearers John Dye and Simon Kahn will be train bearers, and Shirley Choo and Sandy Robinson, of State College, will be flower girls. All participants must report to White Hall at 3:45 p. m., accord ing to Shirley Gauger, vice-presi dent of WSGA, who is in charge of the ceremonies. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 25 FT. WESTWOOD housetrailer. Avail able June Ist. $9OO or make offer. Must sell. See Don Netzley at Spring Lea Trail er Park. 1934 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR sednn. Must sell. Make an offer. Inquire 505 Wind crest. Kodak Monitor 610, case, sunshade, range finder. Inquire 502 W. Beaver, third floor, after 5. WE HAVE TWO fine apple orchards -for sale. Buffalo Valley and Trout Run. Bell Agency, Williamsport, Pa. WHITE DINNER COAT, size 57 long. Call Dick at 3412. 27 FOOT TRAILER. Excellent condi tion. Available immediately. Ten min ute walk from campus. Prieed for quick sale. Rudy’s Park. North Butts street behind Smith’s Dodge Garage. TRAILER 27 F'T., 3 rooms, sleeps four. Excellent condition. Must sacrifice. Phone 7217. TUXEDO, SIZE 44, good as new. Call 2198. 1941 NASH 4-DOOR Sedan, good condi tion, radio, heater, $575. Inquire Wind crest 1036. First offer gets it. 16’ TRAILER available in June. Good condition, furnishings included. R. D. Refreshment And Movies Go Hand-In-Hand Bf & pius h t' State Ta* tOniEO UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COIA COMPANY •1 COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF ALTOOMA CENTRE BEVERAGE CO., Inc. Rear 218 College Ave. For PROMPT SERVICE - PHONE 2462 Thompson. 357 Winderest. Inspection any time. $8(10. 194(1 KLCAR housetrailer, 25 feet, 3 rooms and large shed. Bottled gas stove, large double bed. 373 Windcrst. MISCELLANEOUS MAKE APPOINTMENTS now for really distinctive Cap and Gown portraits at the Lion Studio. 13$ East College, 4454. DRIVING TO Madison, Wisconsin, May 28. Room for passengers, Chicago or Madison. Call Mr. Schmidt between 8:00 a.m. and 5 ;00 p.m. 6711 ext 295. LOST CIGARETTE LIGHTER made by Golden Wheel Lighter Co. Two dollars reward. Please phone K. G. Shaffer 2653 after 6 p.m. BROWN WALLET Friday, Rec Hall or Carnival. Finder keep money, return wallet to Collegian office. Name, Orsini. BROWN LEATHER coin ourse containing sum of money. Lost Saturday evening between Allencrest and Phi Mu House. • 'all 4363. Reward. BLACK WALLET Saturday, Rec Hall. Finder please return to Student Union or call Shumskas 3976. OVAL CAMEO RING setting between Sparks and Simmons. Reward. Senti mental value. Call Jeanette, 15 Simmons. WRIST WATCH left in Eng. 8., in men’s wash room, May 3 noon. Call Joe 5051* 275. Reward. • MONDAY and TUESDAY • The Marvelous Music of YEHUDI MENUHIN I-’LAT SILVER RONSON lighter with gold crossed rifles. Initials L. R. A. Cull 4332. FOH RENT RELAX! HAVE FUN. Rent a new bike. Ride day or night. Call Harry 4200, 623 W. College. ROOM FOR RENT. Pleasant room in modern faculty home. Available after June 1. Phone 2638, State College. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH. PENN STATE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS SUBSCRIBE TODAY SUMMER COLLEGIAN 6 ISSUES BY MAIL 30c Publishing Dates—June 2&, July 6, 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3 Name Address City Slate Write Summer Collegian Box 261, State College, Pi 1 • This is a draftee. Wonders if he'U enjoy private life. Thinks Manual of Arms is a Mexican novel. Hates to give up school ties — This is a "Manhattan’'’ Necktie. Right dress for civilians . . . brings co-eds to attention. Full complement of broad bold stripes, and gay figures. ''■l# 1 * >#> «f THE MANHATTAN SHIRT COMPANY *y¥]anliattan Products are Exclusive with Hslp |A< HABeROA«nc« OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SATURDAY, MAY 7, WAITERS AND KITCHEN-HEI Main and Post Sessions. Call Lai JUNIORS WHO NEED to earn $BOO during the summer. Here U portunity with a national sales a tion. We train you. No canvasslm in your home town. Only those to work and interested In makii money need apply. State College CAMPUS FAVORITE Cope. 1949, Tho Manhattan Shirt Co. WANTED
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