PAGE FOUR Zeta Beta Tau Zeta P,eta Tago vek,entl,'• inWilt ecl Coleman Gaitvoihurg. AI pha Phi Della Richard Pioli has recently ln•en pledged to Alpha Phi Delta. Additional Classifieds " '"'".'" 71 '" ROOM AND BOARD MEN ONLY. Inter-session. main sum mer session, and six weeks post se , - sion. Alpht Zeta fraternity. campus. Call ! Howard E. Wise 4272 for reservations. SQUARE DANCE OPEN TO EVERYONE SAT. 9-12 P.M. AT THE TUB BILL LITTE'S ORCH. —Given By— ALPHA PHI OMEGA 1 Consishe 19* Want Sham Toasts Gs FOR SALE 1!)1` , 1'1.V . 1 , 1()1L7T1-1 d duo'. 'lulus,. folly equipped. (':t11 110: 191.< 11111)tif iN, el% I 111• V• ti -. Will 11, 0011 eNt. 7'17. Of I'l EN'fti Ma r rt. Nleat protitwe, (roe de Phorto HURRY! HURRY! Bring Us Your EASTER DRY CLEANING State College LAUNDERETTE 210 WEST COLLEGE DAILY 8:30 to 6 P.M. TUES. and THUR. till 9 P.M. 1 t-IE DAILY COLLECIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Red. extra neces:iories, in good condition t'u II Store!' .1959. ZI.,NiTH WAY portable radio and an ;11001,1;1i ie record changer. $l5 each. Ina m 4. room S. ti ITT. NOW: refrigerator excellent con dition, nine tnonths old. Call 2367 af ternoons, ask for Mrs. Kriotn. It'll; DODGE sedan. 'Radio and heater :i.'1.275. Call Hal GraK AN'S COLD and black Ilulova watch with second hand. 21 jewel, good con d:t ion, reasonable. Call 235 Atherton .C. HIGGINS golf clubs, set of 5, plus lIALLICRAFTERS S-38. short wave, bag--$27.95. Lowest price in State Col- bands, band spread, ear phones, a lege. COMPARE! Sears Roebuck Co., 230 aerial, 2 months old, $l5, Hogan. 11 Jo] W. College avenue. dun. • 4, o,'"" - 1 . ' .......? e,.e 4z) , ),--,,,,,..--„..-.__ „ ---1....4.-----7,-- • a• -.4 ...._.,-- - ~„......". .... .2 . - i ‘,.......7'm".........' .., 4 •:.- 4, , ii-i'i.:•,:._ 1W V.-;;; , ‘•;4;' , .) A* isX• •. randy can ex/ STATE THEATRE BLDG.--STATE COLLEGE SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 194 Do You Want to Make Her Happy ?
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