WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1949 Tonight's IM Mat Card Bouts start at 8 p.m. Wrestlers weigh in at 7:15 p.m. 121 lb. Class—Ted Aiken, Phi Delta Theta vs. Sheldon Leisawitz, Phi Epsilon Pi. 128 lb. Class—John Langstaff, Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Charley Rodgers, Phi Gamma Delta. 135 lb. Class Fred Shihaden, Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Fred Rod gers, Phi Gamma Delta . . . Bill Krayhill, independent vs. Mario Restifo, 'independent. 145 lb. Class—Vince Cavanaugh, Delta Upsilon vs. Sandy Cam eron, Beta Theta Pi . . . Cy Troyan, independent vs. Bob Hazen, independent. 155 lb. Class—Phil Cloud, Pi Kappa Phi vs. John Hull, Beta Theta Pi. 165 lb. Class—Kip Siebler, Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Bud Pierce, Phi Delta Theta. 175 lb. Class—Mike Rubino, Alpha Phi Delta vs. Bill Eggert, Sig ma Nu . . . Dick Barker, independent vs. Buzzy Riss, inde • pendent. Unlimited—Chuck Beatty, Kappa Sigma vs. Tom McDermott, • Phi Delta Theta. The "Pros" Frazier. "Missing Link" Ritz vs. "Fearless Fauntleroy" Wrestlers Battle For IM Titles Sixteen fraternity and six independent grapplers square off for the last jump to intramural mat championships in Rec Hall at 8 p.m. today. After two weeks of grueling elimination wrestling, the matmen will treat indoor fans to eleven final matches, with the mat moved to the center of the Rec Hall floor in varsity-meet fashion to ac- commodate the crowd. No ad mission will be charged. After the IM Championship' fights, "Missing Link" Ritz and "Fearless Fauntleroy" Fr a z i e r take over the mats in a battle of grunts and groans, a la the pros, that promises plenty of screams for the gallery. , FAVORITES Phi Delta Theta, who last week jumped into the lead for team title, is an odds-on favorite to cop that squad championship to night. With 121 - pound Ted Aiken, 165-pound Bud Pierce, and heavyweight Tom McDer mott ready for action, the Phi Delts will boast three men fight ing in the finals. The house al ready has a team total of 56 points toward the crown. Next in line is Sigma Nu with only Bill Eggert, 175-pound stal wart, remaining, but with a total of 49 counters. Delta Upsilon starts one finalist, Vince Cava naugh, 145-pounder, and lists 43 points, just one point over Beta Theta Pi who with 42 points will send two men, Sandy Cameron, 145-pounder, and John Hull, 155- pounder, to wrestle. The Rodgers twins, Charley, 128 - pounder, and Fred, 135 pounds, hold Phi Gamma Delta's winning chances. The Phi Gams are sixth in standing with 38 markers, one point behind fifth place Sigma Alpha Epsilon who sends 128-pound John Langstaff and 165-pound Kip Sieber into action. Other fraternities with men competing for champ positions line up in team standing like this: Pi Kappa Phi, 27 points; Phi Epsilon Pi, 25 point ; Alpha Phi Delta, 24 points; Khppa Sigma, 21 points; Phi Kappa Sigma, 20 points. THRILLER Pre-match enthusiasm is bub bling over concerning the 175. pound struggle where Alpha Phi Delta's Mike Rubino meets Sigma Nu's Bill Eggert. After chalking up his first two wins by forfeit, Rubino came back furiously to cop the quarter- and semi-final bouts by falls. Eggert, last sea son's 165-pound champ, will walk on the mat with two . fall vic tories and a close 3-2 decision win under his belt. Another 1948 champion, Fred Continued on page six YOUR LAUNDRY We'll wash it clean and dry it too in less than 'no time. Quick. Courteous Service at MARSHALL'S AUTOMATIC 454 E. College Ave.—Rear Plenty of Free Parking Space By Bob Kotzbauer 'Pro' Matmen Both Defiant When "Missing Link" Ritz and "Fearless Fauntleroy" Frazier clash tonight in their special pro wrestling match, feature of the IM wrestling finals at Rec Hall, plenty of fur is expected to fly, especially from the "Link's" hairy chest and "Fauntleroy's" mop like hank of hair. CONTEMPT The two gladiators will clash with no love lost, since each has revealed in recent statements that his contempt for the other knows no bounds. "Missing Link" Ritz, when asked for a prediction on tonight's bout, declared, "I'll deci mate da Lilly. Dat little perfumed punk ain't got no business nohow in da same ring wit me." Fauntleroy also expressed calm confidence in the outcome. Dis covered while manicuring his toe nails, as an assistant combed his marceled locks, Fauntleroy de fied the man whom he refers to only as "Ugh!" "If that (Ugh!) wrestler thinks he is going to defeat me, he's got another (Ugh!) think coming. I am without a doubt the most cul tured man ever to wear tights, and don't forget, Mother wore tights. He (Ugh!) doesn't have a chance." Top Man in '49 Penn State's Joe Bedenk will be a head football coach in 1949 for the first time in 25 years of coaching. Special White Orchids '3.00 • at Bill cMullen's 135 S. Allen Phone 4994 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. P Coach Speidel Lauds Barr's Achievements "The whole story was that Homer was an unknown quan tity," Coach Charlie Speiclel said shortly after his return to State College Monday with his heavy weight protege, Homer Barr, who illaced fourth in last weekend's NCAA wrestling tourney. "He was going into a 'tourna ment of champions' and was re garded as just another wrcstl-r," Speiclel contintird. "However, when Barr easily handled Thurman Oklahoma A & M, the local pride and joy, and then threw Fred Stoker of lowa Teachers, the crowd realized that Homer was more than that," the veteran Lion mat mentor commented. Barr, the lone igittany entry in the tournament and reigning Fast ern heavyweig' king, trampl McGraw undo 6-1 count in prelims, a threw Stoker 8:12 in the qua 2r finals. McGr third in la year's NCAP•• • meet ,and only a: few weeks ago _ _ _ _ battled Oklaho ma A & M's two- - _ time National champ, Dick Hut ton, to a draw. In the semi-finals, the Blue and White heavy lost a close 4-2 fight to Vern Gagne, Minnesota, who went on to upset Hutton for the title. Gagne, a member of the Olympic team as was Hutton, cap tured the 191-pound National crown in 1948. An Olympic first alternate, Bob Geigel of lowa, fell before Barr in the eliminations for the right to wrestle in the consolation bouts. The score was 4-0. Another Olympian, Michigan State's Bob Maldegan, third place from the State gran pier in the consolation match, gaining a 3-2 victory. Coach Speidel declared "Gagne wrestled very carefully against Homer, for he realized Barr's po tentialities. In fact, after Homer's first two triumphs, all his oppo nents were wary. "He was up against some old `heads' in the game. They held on to his ankles, and when Horn: would get rough, they would let him go. It was a wonderful chance for him to see what the future holds," Speidel said. Both Gagne and Maldegan have finished their collegiate eligi bility, but Hutton is only a junior. The latter bagged his first crown in 1947 as a freshman at the Ag gie school. "Homer was very well-liked and very popular. In fact, he had a big cheering section," Coach Speidel added. Track Candidates Anyone interested in trying out for track and who has not yet done so should report this week to the track office, 310 Rec Hall. By Ed Watson Speidel POTENTIAL NNSYLVANIA 4 IM Volleyball Squads Gain Fourth Victories Ridge Runners, Nittany Co-op and Directors Monday joined Fig Sigma Kappa-A in the four-victory category in IM volleyball py on the Rec Hall courts. All three independent teams. won handily to remain unbeaten. The Runners trounced Miners, 15-8 and 15-4; the Co-op measured Red Flashes, 15-9 and 16-14: Directors trimmed Torpedoes, 15-7, 11- 15 and 15-11. Two other teams—Woodehop pers and Spikers—continued on th e undefeated trail. Woodehop -ers wallope.l Penn Haven-A, 15- 3 and 15-2 and Spikers rallied beat Hotel Greeters, 8-15, 15-2 ..'nd 15-9 to chalk up their third rtraight wins. ,Ale and Quail nipped Exers, 15- 11, 14-16 and 15-10; Broken Hearts whipped Ath Hall Men, 15-7 and 16-14; Century Boys trounced Bachelors, 15-4 and 15- 11; Sword Fishes swamped Mines, 15-8 and 15-9. Tau Phi Delta and Dorm 10 won by forfeit over Phi Sigma Delta-A and Matilda Chi, re spectively, while neither Depth Charges nor Sea Lions showed up for their scheduled contest. Phi Sigma Kappa-A Friday be came the first team to register a fourth victory in volleyball ac tion. The evening's pi ogram was marred by four forfeits and an other scheduled game went on the boards without a decision when both squads failed tn appear. Edging past Tau Kappa Epsil on-A, 15-7, 14-16 and 15-4, Phi Sigma Kappa took a commanding lead in its league in racking up its fourth consecutive win with out a defeat. Delta Theta Sigma. Kappa Del- ... the BOLDER LOOK in shirts If you're the Lind of a guy who shies from a sky blue shirt —just try one unit your grey suit—and see what happens! The new Van Heusen Van Bold reflects that air of devil-may care in eleven colors and white—in its wide spread collar— half-inch stitching—extra wide center pleat—French or single cuffs! Tailored with every Van Heusen quality detail —a new shirt free if your Van Heusen shrinks out of size! $3.95 O Other Van Heusen shirts $2.95 and up. Van Heusen® . ,:. the worltl's smartest • ; •i:A,.. i 1 • , snirts . .... ..::,..., ':::::,;- i ... _ . PIIII.I.IPS-JONFS CORP., N. Y I, N Y k n a o t Y/ STATE COLLEGE to Rho-A, Alpha Chi Rho-A and Triangle won by forfeit when their respective opponents—Delta Sigma Phi-A, Phi Kappa-A, Sig ma Phi Epsilon-A, and Alpha Chi Sigma-A—did not show up for the games. For the first time this year, two opposing teams—Chi Phi-A and Phi Delta Theta-A—both failed to appear for a scheduled game. PHI TAII Other results Friday showed Phi Kappa Tau-B trouncing Al pha Zeta-B, 15-1 and 15-4; Delta Chi-A crushing Alpha Phi Delta. 15-4 and 15-3; Phi Epsilon Pi-A nipping Sigma Chi-A, 16-14 and Alpha Tau Omega-A squeezed by Sigma Pi-A, 16-14 and 15-11; Beta Theta Pi-A walloped Lamb da Chi Alpha-A, 15-3 and 15-44 Phi Kappa Psi-A whipped Sigma Phi Alpha, 15-10 and 15-7. It was stated in a recent issue that Sigma Chi-B defeated Phi Kappa-B, 15-11 and 15-9. Phi Kappa-B, instead of Sigma Chi- B, won by that score. Roamin' Coach Jim Jeffrey, Lion soccer coach, taught soccer in Rome during World War 11. daring ... PAGE Eivr
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