YAIRTART 14, 1949 Phi Mu Downs DG in Boiding Only one bowling game was played this week when Phi Mu chalked up a score of 664 to Del ta Gamma's 398 in the League 111 game. For .League II Alpha Chi Omega won by forfeit over Phi Sigma Sigma as did Alpha Xi Delta over Gamma Phi Beta in League I. In bsketball, League I had one game played when Simmon s de feated Kappa Alpha Theta 26- 16. The other games in League I were won by forfeit; Kappa Delta over Philotes, Gamma Phi Beta over Alpha Xi Delta, and Coop over Delta Zeta. League H only saw one game played, also, when Delta Delta Delta triumphed over Zeta Tau Alpha 20-17. Alpha Omicron Pi won by default over Leonides as did Alpha CM Omega over Sig ma Delta Tau. Alpha Epsilon Phi and Atherton I had a double for feit. Class basketball was played in League 111 with two sophomore teams competing against a junior team and a senior team. The sophomore and junior game came out to a score of 24 for each, re sulting in a tie. In the sophomore and senior game, the sophomores piled up 34 points to the senior's 30. engagement Column Horning—Buckius The engagement of Patricia Buckius of Lancaster, Pa. and Luther Horning, also of Lancast er, was announced over the Christmas holiday& Miss Buckius is a student at the West Chester State Teachers Col lege. Horning is enrolled in the school of engineering here at the College. He is a member of the Glee Club, ASCE, and a candi date for the track team. Kimp—Celani The engagement of Louise Cel ani of Minersville to Douglas Kimp of Williamsport was an nounced by her parents over the holidays. Both Miss Celani and her fiance are juniors at the Col lege. Borland—Van Tine The engagement of Miss Ethel Van Tine of State College to William Borland was announced recently. Miss Van Tine, a senior at the College, is a member of Phi Mu sorority, and Borland, al so a senior, is a member of Phi Kappa Sigma. Keen—Bush The engagement of Shirlianne Bush of Spring City and Donald R. Keen was announced on New Year's Day. Miss Bush, a senior in music education, is a member THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA "But I couldn't elope tomorro of Gamma Phi Beta. She is also a member of Chimes, President of Lopise Homer Music Honorary and Chapel Choir. Keen, a member of Phi Delta Theta, is a graduate of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. He is now purchasing agent of the Phoenixville Boiler Engineering and Supply Company. Wheeler—Schnure The engagement of Miss Lois Schnure, a junior, to Eugene Wheeler, a senior, was announced during the Christmas vacation• Miss Schnure is a member of the Home Economics Club. Wheeler is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Feel Shopworn? Shop Refreshed sorneD UNDER ALMIONITY Of 1111 COCA-COLA COMPANY NY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF ALTOONA —I have three cuts already.` and Tau Beta Pi. Both are mem bers of Nittan v Co-op. Bower—Chapman The engagement of Miss Olive Chapman, chemistry instructor and chaperon of Nittany Co-op to John Bower, School Psychologist of Jefferson and Clarion counties was announced at the Christmas vacation. Miss Chapman of Sanford, Fla., is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, lota Sigma Pi, Sigma Delta Ep silon. She received a BS from Florida Southern College, and a MS from Penn State. Bower of Brookville, Pa., is a member of Psi Chi, and Kappa Phi Kappa. He received his BS from Bloomsburg State Teachers College, and his MS from Penn State. made-marks mean Me earns thing. Panhel Workshop To Meet Tomorrow In Simmons Hall The Panhellenic Workshop meeting concerning the attain ment of closer relations with alumnae will be held in the Delta Zeta suite in Simmons at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, instead of in the Alpha Xi Delta suite as previously stated Adelaide Finkleston, presi dent, said. Meetings scheduled at the same time on the problems of rushing and officer training will be held in the Zeta Tau Alpha suite and Alpha Epsilon Phi suite, respec tively. All participants in the Work shop will meet in the main lounge of Simmons at 2:30 p.m. for a mass discussion on decisions reached in the smaller con ferences. At least five girls from each sorority are requested to at tend the discussion groups. Weddin g . 4 Craig—Danque Announcement has been made of the marriage of Nanette Den gue of Takoma Park, Maryland to James H. Craig, Jr• a member of Theta Chi fraternity Debember 27 in Washington, D. C. A recep tion was held after the ceremony by the bride's mother at the Wardman Park Hotel. Mrs. Craig attended the College and her husband is a senior in commerce and finance. Gamma Pi Epsilon Gamma Pi Epsilon, women's pre-medical organization, will meet in 104 Osmond Laboratory at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Dr. H. L. Yeaglev will address the assem bly on "Bird Navigation." WWWWWWWWLVAMANY , Tap, ff',' Fran Harvard to Howe/ ARROW WHITE SHIRTS score highest with college men year after year. Good reason, too, for Arrow's policy of finest quality, smart styling and honest value makes sense to college men. When you need a good white shirt, one that will fit well, look, wear and wash well—see your Arrow dealer. ARROW SHIRTS and TIES UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS YOUNG MEN'S SHOP Exclusive for Arrow Products in State College co-edit" Beta Sigma Omicron Beta Sigma Omicron will hold a Topsy-Turvy party for dates and friends at their chapter house tonight. The general theme is a party with everything done backwards. Delta Gamma Delta Gamma will hold its an nual pledge dance "White Cotil lion" at the Phi Delta Theta house on Saturday evening. Mu sic will be furnished by Ray For tunato. Following the dance the ac tives will entertain the pledges at an overnight party at the Delta Gamma Suite. Kappa Alpha Theta Phi Gamma Delta entertained Kappa Alpha Theta at a dinner held at the Phi Gamma Delta house Tuesday evening. Alter the dinner informal entertain ment was presented. Kappa Alpha Theta will enter tain Sigma Alpha Epsilon at a dinner to be held in the Theta chapter house at 6:30 p.m. today. Alpha Gamma Delta ' Alpha Gamma Delta will hold its pledge dance at the Beta Theta N house on Saturday night. Mir sic will be furnished by Huff Hall's band. The actives will hold a slumber party for the pledges in the Alpha Gamma Delta suite following the dance. The pledges entertained the ac tives at a bridge party held in the home of Tish Keller from 2:30 p.ni• to 5 p.m. last Sunday. At that time the pledges present ed the chapter with a gift of sil ver. 127 South Allen PAGE SEVEN
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