PAGE FOUR Cwens Members Attend Convention Eleven members of Cwens, national sophomore honorary, and two advisors will attend the first national convention since 1938 scheduled for the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., Oc tober 29 to 31. Official delegate from the Col lege is Betty Lou Shelley, presi dent of the local chapter. The national president of Cwens, Mary Louise Waygood Foote, is a graduate of the College in the class of ’47. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE UBBO CABS on budget plan; Chevrolet*. Plymouth*. Ford*. McClellan Chevrolet, Ine., $42 15. College avenue, phone <769. FARNSWORTH Radio - Yictrola eoiwol lette, with intermixed record changer, for trailer* or small apartments, $109.95. The Harmony Shop. CAMERA—3Smm. Argus Model "A” F 4.5 lens 1-200; good condition, sls*oo. Paul Hogan, 11 Jordan. FOR SALE—I 934 Chevrolet, excellent up holstery ; Ane running condition, $176.00. Easy terms. Paid Hogan, 11 Jordan, FOR SALE New Underwood portable typewriter, universal model. Jnet un packed. Call 2242. DOUBLE DECK wooden beds: Can be seen at warehouse near N.Y.A. cabins. Can <7ll Ext. 205-M. WHITE LAPIN EVENING JACKET, Portable Phileo radio, set of golf clubs and bag. Call Dottie at 4143. DRESSES, SUITS and coats, sine 12. Quality and condition good. Price reason able. Suitable for height 5 feet. Call 3281. FOR SALE—’47 Jeep and bantam trailer. Good condition. Call <403, 7:30 - 9:30. PRACTICALLY new golf eluba. Be wise. Buy now that the season’s wanning. Catt Bob Stitt, 201 Jordan. KEEP WARM! Get an Air Coma jack et, fur collar, wool lined, water-proof. A good buy for $l4. Call Wilker, 2941. LOST PERSON who took gray covert cloth top coat by mistake from Spark* Wednes day mornioe nhone John Novotny 3997. LOST—Tuesday, Gray Parker 51 Pea with loose dip. Finder call Mary Newton, I<l Athertom after 5. TIB CHAIN with Phi Eta Serna Ker at tached. Finder—write John DOlasan, P.O. Box 128, Boro. LOST Worha to Grwea wriet watch, in iMeitr of Mae Hail. Phoae 2JM. Howard. LOST— Blac and rrap Parked “51“ pen with beat dip on wed caatpae. Call Jim Flake 3&5. LOST String of pearl* with white p*M claep. Howard. Phone 3366. FOB RENT ROOM AND BOARD available tor one la Santa Says... Jp TIME TO START KNITTING YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Answers For AH Yoar Knitting Needs • New Wonderized Tarn— of EGOLFS Genuine anti-shrink, anti-matting yam—in Bear Brand Baby Yam, DeLuxe Socket Sport Tara, and Argyie Sock Packs in seven different color combinations. • Bear Brand Standard Knitting Wanted In 45 different shades. • Plastic and Aluminum Needles, Babbies, In struction Beaks, Stitch Holders Come in today—and have mittens, socks, or sweaters ready to put under the Christmas tree. town immediately. Call Mike Helman 3204. WANTED YOU to be “plumb" erasy ’bout the "Plumb Bob Ball", October 3s, at TUB; informal. Tickets S. U. YOUNG WOMEN to Help young mother with housework several half days per week. Apply lit* A Maple Boat Baste lew Terrace after Saturday. DOUBLE ROOM with cooking .privileges before Christmas vacation. Call Carl Vesper, $ll9. COUPLE INTERESTED in sharing ex penses for trip to Jackson, Mississippi and return during Christmas holiday va cation. Willing to drive own car or ride with someone else. CaR College' 39< and ask for Jo. TWO ALERT young men with mechan ical engineering degrees, training or background. To be trained by heavy equipment house for future permanent managerial positions with well establish ed progressive Arm. Send recent photo, educational background and business his tory, if any. Box No. 2<l, Daily Collegian. YOUNG COUPLE—to share bouse, two blocks from campus. Occupancy Nov. 1. Everything Is NEW . . .EXCEPT, . . The Sams OW Friendly Atmosphere Tru Bhi Sextet Playing at THE NEW PARADISE CAFE 114 S. Spring Street BELLEFONTE, PA. | GRAND ii| RE-OPENING ; j VERY SOON | EXCELLENT SERVICE - FOOD NO COVER NO MINIMUM THE DAILT COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Call Sloan 2339 at mealtime. ANNOUNCING—Opening of new public stenographic service in Nittany Realty Building (above Kaye’s Corner). Typing, phiiip MORRI MISCELLANEOUS /s m YOU CAN SHU BE A WINNER GET INTO THE PHILIP MORRIS SCORECAST CONTEST NOW! SpoftfeScotv Jbr7ftzes &r/ore/ HERE'S WHAT YOU WIN FOR YOURSELF: thr«« HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN WIN FOR YOUR LIVING GROUP OR FIRST PRIZE A Stunning Large Screen &fymikal Television Set with full 13 Channel coverage and Direct-View 10" Tube. Thi* handsome prize goes to the Group entering the most ballots dur ing entire contest FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION SEE BULLETINS AT: ANNOUNCING! LAST WEEK’S WINNERS! STATE COLLEGE 50's WINNERS FOR OCTOBER 16 BRAVERMAN F. CIPLET MYRON FREED ROBERT D. HEISER DELORIS JELACIC DONALD M. KEAGY flirtation and mimeograph in»f available 1 . Call 7091. REPORTS, theaea. typer neatly, praphinK .«erviec. Prompt, reasonable work. Above the Corner Room. The Secre tarial Service. Room 2(1.7 State College Hotel. phone 4905. mow®"* l»fi CLUB ON THE PENN STATE CAMPUS ! SECOND PRIZE A Beautiful C7?dtnjuii Auto matic Radio-Phonograph Console with Miracle Tone Arm. Plays both 45-minute and standard records—for Group with second highest number of baUotscntered. REA & DERICK TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1 OPRNIN(» dining room, 220 Knst lany Ave. Would appreciate student I ronage. TUTOR for ludentH of French. Geri or Italian. To arrange schedule, State ('n)lego 2704. 5 0 PHIU? for on* THIRD PRIZE crfdnukal Console Radio Phonograph with Miracle Tone Arm. Plays up to twelve records. Changes records in 3V2 seconds for Group with third highest number of ballots entered. McLANAHAN'S GRAHAMS' JOHN MASLEY JAMES O’BRIEN JOHN PERICOLA ARLENE PERRY WILBUR REAM PHILIP ROSENAN
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