page Form. the lAJomen | By Frances Keeney Simmons Hall now is unoffi cially two weeks and two days old. We say unofficially because even though coeds have been taking advantage of its luxurious living, the dorm is still unfin ished and has not been turned over to the school. But even in its unofficial stage the moderness and splendor of this palatial hotel-like edifice has been keeping the gals goggy eyed. Never a day passes with out some little unusual incidents popping up, like the day the painters locked a girl out of her room and she desperately in need of some appropriate attire, or the time two Simmons Hallites were stranded in the elevator between the third and fourth floors. Elevators on Top Of all the conveniences in Sim mons, the elevators are rated on the top of most coeds’ lists. They are quite fascinating, totally self operating, and although girls sometimes find themselves going down when they had pressed the up button, the ride is thrilling and enjoyable. The newest additions to this coeds’ haven are six ping pong tables in the recreation room, a beautiful grand piano, Venetian blinds in the dining rooms, and a blond wood radio-vic combina tion. Square Bath Tubs Coeds are crazy about Sim mons, even with carpenters bang ing about the halls or painters hanging out of windows. They boast about their square bath tubs, and even when one group was forced to put their sofa in the bathroom because of a rush ing party in the chapter room, the girls rose to the task. Penn State coeds share the opinion of a Bucknell visitor who, after being shown through the lobbies, terraces, etc., he muttered, “Gee! I don’t believe that girls in any other school could possibly live in such a beautiful dorm!” Sports Feature WRA ‘Play-Night’ WRA weekly “Play-night” will be held in White Hall from 7 to 9 o’clock tonight. Gertrude Fetzer, club activities chairman of the WRA executive board, is in charge of the affair tonight. A faculty member of the Physical Education School and another student will be on hand to help organize games, _ open rooms and generally supervise the “Play-night.” THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA WRA, WSGA To Receive Soph Nomination Tuesday Open nominations for all sophomore officers will be received at a joint mass meeting of WRA and WSGA in 121 Sparks at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Sophomore girls may be nomi representative, secretary, and a; WRA. Janet Lyons, WSGA presi women will elect their class repre; Church Calendar Grace Lutheran A dawn worship service will be held at 6:30 a.m. Sunday. There will be a Student Bible Class at 9:30 a.m. The inspira tional film, “The Salt of the Earth,” will be shown at the regular 6:30 p.m. LSA service. Friends', There will be a Religious School for students and adults at the meeting at 316 S. Atherton, 9:30 a.m. Sunday. At 10:45 a.m. there will be a meeting for wor ship. A student meeting will be held at the meeting house at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Subject for discussion will be evaluation of campus cus toms, activities and living habi's and their relationship to the stu dents’ highest ideals of religion and its practice. Introduction will be by Dave Binns. Refreshments will be served about the fire. Evan. United Brethren Morning worship will be held at 9-30 Sunday. There will b e a church school with a special class for students at 10:20 Sunday. The nursery will be available for morning services. A wiener roast will he given n Holmes-Foster Park at 5 p.m. Sunday. Vesper services will be held at 8 p.m. Wesley Foundation Sunday School will be held :n CORRECTION LIBERAL ARTS SENIOR PHOTOS 7th and Bth Semester Seniors in School of Liberal Arts will have their pictures taken OCTOBER 11-16 J. Paul Sheedy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil Because He Flunked The Finger Nail Test LOOM, ugly dandruff and scraggly locks were getting Billy’s nanny. Then —he discovered Wiklroot Cream-Oil and ate half a bottle before discovering that a little is all you need to groom hair, relieve dryness and remove loose you tried it? If not —goat to your nearest goods counter for a bottle or tube, today, barber for professional application:. No ifs, about it —Wildroot Cream-Oil is again and of men who put good grooming first. It’s al -oats of distinction. No kiddin! Try it! if of 327 Burroughs Drive, Snyder, N. V. wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. Y. inated for the office of sophomore issistant intramural chairman of ident, announced that sophomore isentative and treasurer of WSGA. The slate already chosen by the WRA executive board in cludes Peggy Warner and Evelyn Laning, for assistant intramural chairman, Nancy Mendenhall and Jane Ashenfelter, for secretary of WRA, Gladys Humphreys and Hildegard Hurm, for sophomore representative. All girls nominated for offices in either organization are re quired to have an all-college average of 1.5, no major judicial record, and must be members of the sophomore class. In WRA, those girls who are active and interested in women’s athletics are most likely to be elected. In order to be nominated, a coed must have some friend or acquaintance present during the meeting to present her name and tell of her activities, interests and other qualifications. the upper room at 9:30 Sunday. Mr Gideon will speak on “Chris tian Students Against Campus” and Mrs. F. T. Struck will speak on “Difficult Sayings of Jesus.” Mr. Montgomery will lead the worship sermon at 10:45 a.m. Sunday. There will be a student friendly hour with supper followed by de votions at 6:30 p.m. Christian Science There will be a reception for all Christian science students n nd faculty in the Home Ec living center at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Reformed Sunday School will be held at 9:30 a.m., worship at 10:45 ajn., and a student panel will be held at 6:30 p.m. Students welcome. Simmons Starts Family Service Family style service will start in Simmons Hall Dining Commons Monday evening. This type of service, abandoned during the war and postponed at the new dormitory because of in complete facilities, has been oper ating successfully at the other campus dining commons for two weeks. Dinner will be served at 5:30 each evening. The doors, how ever, will be open only five min utes and no one will be allowed to enter after the allotted five minutes are up. All tables will be filled simul taneously and each girl will re main standing for silent grace. Service will be rotated so that no one table will be continually served last. As of June 30, 1947, The Penn sylvania State College’s physical plant had an appraised value of 27.6 million dollars. NOW. . .Tha InHf Famity Can Hava Comphf Hair-cuts at Home with CT Pays fer iise/f first time used/ 1. COTS AND TRIMS hair with professional near nets ... safely, quickly. X THINS AND SHAPES hair just Hie way you want it. Keeps your hair trim and •mart looking, anywhere, , anytime. FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN! 98' REA & DERICK’S SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1949 Rush Week Closes With Coffee Hours; Rusheesßeturnßids Two formal coffee hours to be held today from 1:30 to 3 o’clock and from 3:45 to 5:15 o’clock will mark the end of formal sorority rushing. Adelaide Finkelston, Panhel president, announced that each rushee may attend two cof fee hours. Sorority representa tives will call for the girls and provide transportation. Sororities must turn in the list of the girls they wish to bid to the Dean of Women’s office at 6:30 o’clock today. If the sorority is using a preferential list, it may be submitted between 7 and 9 o’clock on Saturday and between 9 and 12 o’clock on Sunday. Rushees must sign preferential cards in the office of the Dean of Women at either of the above times. Ribboning will take place Sunday evening. 3. SHAVES LEGS and under arms, too! No fuss, no bother. 4. EASY TO OPERATE. Just turn the "MAGIC KNOB" to adjust and change the blade. No nuts, no bolts. no screws. esiy
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