Statel Jar Those Bisons VOLUME 48—NUMBER 8 Lion. Gridders Battle Bison Herd Excess Demand Could Limit Student to 1 Penn Ticket A warning that unprecedented demands for tickets to the Penn game may force a limitation of one seat for many students was issued today by a committee of four student leaders. The committee, consisting of William Lawless, All-College pres ident; Terrell Ruhlman, senior class president; Joseph Colone, Ath letic Association president, and Lewis Stone, Collegian editor, was asked by Harold R. Gilbert, graduate manager of athletics, to deter mine the method for distribution of the student allotment of 5200 tickets, Students will still be permitted to apply for two tickets, at the Athletic Association windows on the first floor of Old Main from 7 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. 5200 Guarantees It was the intent of the com mittee that the first 5200 appli cants would thus be guaranteed one ticket each. The leaders’ ac tion was based on the belief that this system would permit more bonaflde Penn State students to attend the game than any other manner of allocation. Applications will be numbered in order of their receipt, odd numbers at one window and even at the other. Each person may submit only his own application, and his identity must be verified by means of a matriculation card, the committee ruled. Students desiring to sit to gether should submit their appli cations at the same time, and request that they be pinned to gether. Tabulation Tuesday, after the applications have been received, they will be tabulated, and the first 5200 will be granted one ticket each. If the allotment is not then exhausted, one additional ticket will be given to those who ordered two seats, in order of application number, as long as they remain. Lines will form along the east corridor of first floor Old Main, when the doors are opened at 7 am., said Capt. Philip A. Mark, of the campus patrol. This will prevent congestion in the lobby. Late AP News—Courtesy WMAJ Vishinsky Flays U.S. On Atom Control PARlS —Russian delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, Andrei Vishinsky, accused Presi dent Uruman and Governor Dewey of wanting the United States to havie monopoly control of the atom. He also hinted that Russia may have the secret ot' the atomic bomb. British delegate Hector McNeil sharply rebuked the Russian del egation. He said it must be made clea r to th e world who is to blame. » Dulles Recalled PARlS —Governor Dewey yes terday called his foreign policy adviser, John Foster Dulles, home from the General Assembly meet ing for consultations on the East- West cold war. Tours End WASHINGTON Both Presi dent Truman and Governor Dewey finished their coast - to - coast speaking tours last night. Mr. Truman spok e in Charleston. West Va. at bis last stop and Governor Dewey at Cheyenne, Wyo. McDowell Called WASHNGTON— U. S. Attorney •John McGohey yesterday called on Representative John McDow-' ell, acting chairman of the House, UnAmerican Activities Committee,; *o appear before a federal grand, Jury and prove the charge he has | "jade against McGohey. McDowell j claims the indictments McGohey) drew up against 12 top-ranking! Communist leaders last July woul^ 1 nat stand up in court. ' Daily 0 (EflUcgiatt cooler. ~j Belle Hop Tops Bison Weekend The first football weekend of the semester will be highlighted by the Belle Hop Ball to be held at the TUB from 9 to 12 o'clock tonight under the sponsorship of the Junior Greeters Club. Muaic will be furnished by the Red Mc- Carthy Quintet, a musical organi zation from Harrisburg. Dance tickets can be purchased for $1 per couple including tax at the Student Union desk in Old Main or at the TUB tonight. Belle Hop Ball is an annual dance sponsored by the Junior Greeters, an organization of hotel administration students that is af filiated with the Hotel Greeters Association of America. Collegian Resumes Delivery to Dorms Distribution points at which fraternities and coeds may pick up Daily Collegians were an nounced . yesterday by Brett Kranich, circulation manager of the Daily Collegian. Points where copies of the Collegian may be obtained are: Fraternities: Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Kappa Sigma, Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi Kappa Tau, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, and Theta Xi. Women’s dormitories: Ath erton Hall, Simmons Hall and Mac Allister Hall. Men living in Tri-Dormitories may obtain copies of their papers in the dorms. All other students may obtain copies of the campus daily from the Student Union desk in Old Main Monday through Saturday. Bucknell—Penn State Game Line-up NEW BEAVER FIELD -2 P.M. BUCKNELL PENN STATE 75—GRUNEBERG . L.E HICKS—B 6 79—GEOSITS L.T NORTON—7I 63—PECHULIS L.G J. DRAZENOVICH—66 72— ERVIN C HEDDERICK—S2 58—BUCHER R.G SIMON—6I R.T FINLEY—7B 71—HECKMAN R.E TAMBURO—BS - 82—LORE 0.8 C. DHAZENOVICH—23 16—OSTENDARP L.H.B LUTHER—46 67—STEC R.H.B TRIPLETT—I2 48— HOOVER F.B COLONE—3S Referee: E. P. Brennan, Canisiue. Umpire: L. F. Demmler. Brown. Linesman: D. B Fawcett. Westminster. Field Judge: W. E. Bachman, Buffalo. Clock Operator: H. B Conrad, Portage, Pa. BUCKNELL SUBSTITUTIONS: No. 47 Franks. e: 48 Leach, b; 51 Carnac. b; 52 DiGuiseppe. b: 53 McMahon, b; 54 Markey, e: 55 Henderson, g; 56 McCloskey. b; 57 Hegelein. b; 59 Simon, c; 60 Seaman, b; 61 Keirsarsky, b; 62 Johnson, b; 64 Duplicki, g; 65 Wrabley, c: 66 Pulianas, 1; 68 Roupas, t: 69 Hall, e: 70 Light, g; 73 Schulti, t; 74 Cobaugh. g; 76 Burigana, e; 77 Schaub, e; 78 Bacon, g; 81 Miele. b; 83 Kiely, t; 84 Ashman, t. PENN STATE SUBSTITUTIONS: No. 10 Scherer, b; 11 Urion.'b; 14 Dough erty. b; 15 Henry, b; 17 Cooney, b; 22 Miller, b; 24 Palmer, b; 25 J. Murray, b; 26 Kurts, b: 32 Smutney. b; 33 Rogel. b: 34 Gorinski. b; 36 Orsini. b; 40 Chuckran, b; 41 Petchel. b; 42 Harter, b; 43 Brown, b; 44 Joe, b; 45 O'Bara, b; 51 Beatty, c; 53 Bunn, c; 5$ McCoy, c: 64 Kelly, g; 65 Sarabok, g; 67 Felbaum, g: 68 Smith, g; 70 Roas, it 72 D. Murray, t: 73 McDermott, t> 74 Erikaon, t; 80 Smidansky, e; 81 Rum bargar, et 82 Kline, e; 83 Storer, e; 84 Amprim, e: 86 Mets, e; 89 Hoggard. e. STATE COLLEGE, PA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1948 Higginsmen Begin 1948 Campaign; Seek to Maintain Undefeated Mark Holding a nine-game winning streak and a top place among the leading grid teams of the nation, the Penn State football team w ill inaugurate it’s sixty-second year in colle giate competition on New Beaver field at 2 o’clock this afternoon against Bucknell University. The Lion team, which Place Has Changed, Says VO Alumnus Here for Game Take it from a man who knows! The old place just doesn’t seem the same. In fact, the campus has changed so much since the un dergraduate days of Wayne L. Shearer, M.D., that he had a dif ficult time trying to find his way around the once familiar campus. Dr. Shearer, ’OO, closed his of flee in Reading in order to be on hand for the Bucknell opener to day. While attending the College before the turn of the century, Dr. Shearer was a member of the musical club and led the mandolin club. Fraternity Fees Fraternities that have not yet paid their $lO fee must do so at Student Union in Old Main by noon today. William McLain, IFC secretary, reported yesterday. scored 320 points while limiting ten opponents, Southern Methodist included, to 40 points in 1947, holds a decided edge in this series, with 27 victories to Bucknells’ 10. Last year’s 54 points equaled the all-time high of this series. Standout on the Bison’s “it can be done” team is 162- pound sophomore scatback Smokey Jim Ostendarp, of Bal timore, Maryland. Called by Line Coach Joe Bedenk a “fast and shifty back,” Ostendarp will be used by the Herd is wide end sweeps and fancy reverses. Beside Smokey Jim, the visitors wilt feature Frannie Lore, Tony Miele, Jim Hoover, Ed Stec and Cal Seaman in the backfield. Seaman, Who last year averaged only 2.7 yards less per kick than Joe Colone, is not listed as a starter. Penn State Club to Accept Applications for Membership All independent men students will have an opportunity to join the Penn State Club, independent men’s social organization, when that body holds its first meeting of the fall semester in 321 Old Mam 7 p.m. Tuesday. Applications for membership in the club will be accepted at time, Fred Peruzzi, publicity chairman, reported yesterday. The club is open to men of all races, creeds, and colors. The only I qualification is that the prospec tive member can hold rhember ship in no Greek letter social fra ternity on the campus. Upon acceptance by the organi zation, an initiation fee of 50 cents is charged. Membership dues are 50 cents per month. There are no other financial obli gations. Heads Up! Hatmen All hatmen are requested by the Hat Societies Council to meet at the southwest gate leading to New Beaver Play ing Field at 2 p.m. this after noon to form die traditional doable line. Soph Psych Test All sophomore students who did not take the psychological tests during orientation week should report to 121 Sparks, 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, said Dr. Robert G. Bernreuter, director of Student Advisory Service. The complete battery of tests requires two sessions of two hours each. LORE (Continued on page three) Dances, swimming parties, and joint activities with Philotes, in dependent women’s social organi zation, are among the social high lights of the coming season. The club operates a full sports sched ule. Lines from the Lion Top of Mount Nittany. Dew Gang— My heart is filled with sor row today. My best loved and most hated early season rival, the Bucknell Bison, was dropped from my 1949 menu. I have feasted on Bison meat ever since I was a cub— I can still remember that first Bison steak I had back in ’B7. But no more. I guess I'll have to make today’s meal an extra large one. While I’m resting here on top of Mt. Nittany, I'll give you a guesstimate of today’* score. I took Comm. 90 last se mester and I consider myself an expert on statistics: Since we mauled Buckneil 54-0 last year, and they haven’t beaten us for over ten years and there are 22 players on the field, excluding the officials, I predict that we’ll beat the thundering herd by a few TITs but we must score early and often. , 1 must hurry now so that I’ll make New Beaver Field m time for the game. I leave you with one thought in mind, "Beat Bucknell.” Yours, THE LION. P.S.: Keep your eye on the bass drum, that is if you have time to keep your eyes off flag BuckneU drum majorette. PRICE FIVE CENTS
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