/XNESDAY. JULY 14. 1948 Nutrition Head Lectures Today Dr. Charles G. King, scientific director of the Nutrition Founda tion in New York, will speak at 11 o’clock this morning and again at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Both lectures will be open to the public. The morning lecture on “Feed ing the Nation” will be in 3 Car negie Hall as the ninth of the Pennsylvania Workshop series. “The World Food Situation” will be his afternoon subject In a joint session of the Northeast Re gional Red Cross Nutrition Work shop and the Home Economics Forum in 105 White Hall. Dr. King is widely known in the biological chemistry field for his work in isolating Vitamin “C" from natural sources. This v/as accomplished in 1932 when he was professor of chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh where he had earlier received his doc tor’s degree. He did graduate work at Columbia University and at Cambridge University in Eng land. Dr. King received the Pennsyl vania Award of Merit in 1938 and a year later the State Public Health Association Award. He is a member of the Food and Nu trition Board of the National Re search Council. Lost Entrance Cards Reissued A sample poll of incoming fresh men at Penn State indicated that the vast majority of non-veterans will have completed at least one year of college before they be come eligible for the draft. William S. Hoffman, dean of ad missions, said approximately half of the class will be wiped out be fore the start of the sophomore year and that practically all others will reach draft age either before or during their third year of study. He said the sampling, in which he picked 200 forms at random from files containing approximate ly 3500 admissions, disclosed that only 20 per cent of the incoming freshmen are war veterans. He found no male student who is like ly to finish four years of study be fore his 19th birthday. Bachelor and Advanced Degrees TO BE ORDERED BY JULY 20,1948 The Athletic Store, Inc. Caroenter Speaks At Grad Banauet Clarence R. Carpenter, nrofes sor of psychology at the College, will be the main speaker at a dinner for the graduate students of the School of Fdumtion. at the Nittany Lion Inn at 6 p.m. July 21. The master of ceremonies will be Ravp Conrad, a graduate stu dent of the School of Education. The price of the tickets is $? and the tickets can be obtained from anv member of the com mittee cr from Anne T ane Haw kins, 177 Atherton Hall. Anne Tennant. Education Student Union. Old Main, and the Summer Sessions office. Members of the committee for the dinner are Hollis Farnum. Thomas .T. Horne, Mrs. Margaret Morris. James Black. Helen Kee- Fauver. and Rosana Eckman. chairman. The faculty advisory commit tee consists of Dr. A. W. Vander- Meer. department of education, Dr. William U. Snyder, depart ment of psychology, Prof. Mary B. Allgood, department of home economics, Prof. Willa Taylor, department of music education. Prof. Urwin Rowntree. industrial education, and Dr. C. O. Wil liams, Education Extension Di rector. Lingnan Books Await Shipment More than 2500 books donated by students during spring semes ter final exam week are stacked up awaiting shipment to Lingnan University in Shanghai, China. Students interested in helping to bring the campaign to a suc- ANNOUNCING "Ladies in Retirement" (Division of Dramatics Production) AUGUST 2 & 3 . . . 8:00 P.M. SCHWAB AUDITORIUM TICKETS $l.OO (plus tax) CAPS WNS OPPOSITE MAIN GATE THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA AND Men Beat Women In Radio 'Battle' By the slim margin of two points the men downed the wom en in a Battle of the Sexes held i n Schwab Auditorium Monday night. The program was the first in a series of Monday night en tertainments planned by the Rec reation department fo r the sum. mer session. Final score, as read by Lou Bell, master of ceremonies fo r the broadcast’s quiz program, was 53 points for the men as against 51 for the weake r sex. Members of the panels named by Earle Edwards, director of recreation, were Misses Helen Hinsey, of Uniontown. Doris Set tler. of Scranton, Virginia Skelton of McKeesport, and Juli a Jones of Asheville. Mass., for the wom en, and Richard Kistler. of Nor ristown. Chris Groneman, of Col lege Station, Tex., Herb McCol lum of Yeadon. and Thomas Campion, of Upper Merion. Questions fired at the experts were taken from the field of his tory, literature, sports and cur rent events. As a chance for re capitulation, each team was given a set of bonus questions at the end of the twenty minute quiz. For the men these point getters dealt with strictly women’s af fairs and for the women, the sub ject matter was strictly mascu. line. cessful conclusion by sorting and packing books should contact Dr. Henry S. Brunner, head of the agricultural education depart ment and chairman of the Penn State-in-China committee. Freight costs will be borne by the American Board of Trustees of Lingnan University of which Dr. Brunner is a member. Anoth er unsolved problem is the short age of wood for packing boxes. Dr. King Speaks At Sunday Vespers Dr. Herbert King, pastor of Grace Congregational church,, Harlem, New York City, will be the guest speaker for the weekly Sunday evening vesper service to be held in Schwab auditorium thiq Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Dr. King spoke at the college chapel services last Spring in con nect i o n with Religion-in-Life week. Special org-p T n" t ' : " h v Ceorge Ceiga of the Music department a nd vocal solos by Harold Camp bell will complete the program. mary leitzinger Dresses... Lingerie Hosiery 136 East College Avenue Phone 2604 Allencrest Fine Food Attractively Served in a Comfortable Atmosphere at Popular Prices CENTRALLY LOCATED (DIAGONALLY FROM POST OFFICE) HOURS OF SERVICE: OPEN 11:30 P.M. - 2 P.M. 4:45 P.M. - 7:45 P.M. iJhe crei l Dancing Highlight! PSCA Night of Fun Dancing, games, and refresh ments will highlight a night ol fun given for all summer sesskn students and their friends by Penn State Christian Associatioi in the Hugh Beaver room, 3w Old Main, at 8:30 p.m. Saturday Program and general get hv gether will be in charge of WiV liam Niering, president of ttn summer PSCA. All students, regardhm ol faith, are urged by Niering ti come and get acquainted so that a program of fun can be arranged for the remainder of the summer. Tea Room PAGE THREE
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