22 uPAIrs 11 4 4 ; IPf Weston Schedules Drawing For Rooms Monday, Tuesday All women students who plan to be' on the campus next semes ter are asked to report to the Dean of Women's Office, Monday or Tuesday to draw numbers for their room assignments. There will be a box of numbers for each semester which she now holds. After the girl picks her number she will give her name, semester and number to the person in charge of the drawing. Room choosing will take p and the schedule for the choosing will be printed in Tuesday's Daily Collegian. Changes in System The major chalige in the room system is that all girls who will be going practice teaching or who will live in the Home Manage ment House will be required to live in Women's Building for the eight weeks they will have to live in a campus dormitory. This system was arranged to alleviate the many changes re quired in administrative offices when coeds move in and out of dormitories. Live in Simmons An exception to this rule was made in the case of coeds who will be eighth semester in the Fall. They will be allowed to live in the new Simmons Hall whe,ther or not they are going to practice teaching. Also, all junior and senior women will be housed in Simmons. Sororities who have suites in Simmons will take them over in the fall. If the sororities can easily exchange students who are going practice teaching within their suites or with girls living in Women's Building they will be allowed to house girls for eight weeks. Suites Jn Grange The sororities who have their suites in McElwain will retain their present living quarters until that dormitory is completed. Sororities who have suites in Grange will occupy them in the fall. Sophomore transfer students will be housed in• Atnerton Hall, and in case of excess, in Grange. If Simmons Hall will not hold all JOIN THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AND BENEFIT FROM THESE SERVICES Receive first priority on reserved football tickets. Subscription to The Alumni News, a magazine issued 7 times yearly. Subscription to The Penn Stater, a quarterly newspaper. Receive The Football Letter, a weekly printed account of each game during the season. The Alumni Office maintains a complete biographical and occupational record of between 35,000 and 40,000 alumni. Our addressograph plate file is the only active alumni mailing list in existence. Over 10,000 addresses are changed yearly. Over 450,000 individual pieces of mail went out last year to Penn State alumni from the Association mailing room. Our office is a clearing house for all alumni requests and problems. We sponsor nearly 50 active District Clubs in constructive College•alumni programs. Penn State alumni elect 9 members to the College Board of Trustees and 5 representatives on the Athletic Advisory Board. Class Reunions and Homecoming are conducted by the Association. MEMBERSHIP IN THLASSOCIATION WILL PROVIDE ALUMNI WITH OPPORTUNITIES TO JOIN OTHER GRADUATES FOR CONSTRUCTIVE AID TO PENN STATE. To: PENN STATE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Membership in the Penn State Alumni Association is $3 yearly or $4O for a Life 104 Old Main, Slate College, Pa. Enclosed is my check for $3.00 for an annual membership . Membership (payable in four annual installments). VISIT THE ALUMNI OFFICE, 104 OLD MAIN, BEFORE JUNE 7th OR USE THE MAILING COUPON ON THE ace beginning 6:15 p.m. Tuesday Junior and Senior womep, they, also, will be put in Grange. Junior transfer women will be housed in McAllister Hall. The Tri-Dorms will be given back to the men students. Sigma Chi's To Name Queen at Annual Fraternity Dance The Alpha Chi chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity will hold its annual Sweetheart Dinner- Dance tomorrow evening. George Washko and his orchestra will play for the affair. Each year each chapter of Sigma Chi holds a Sweetheart Dance and the co-ed selected as sweetheart is entered in a con test sponsored by the natione office of the fraternity. Vile win ner of the contest among the 110 chapters will receive a trophy and a Hollywood screen test. The judges of the contest are Milt Canift, cartoonist who draws "Steve Canyon"; and John Wayne and Regis Toomey, Holly wood actors. . The Alpha Chi Sweetheart will be announced at the dance. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Epsilon held their annual faculty reception Wednes day night. They were assisted in the affair by Alpha Chi Omega. ;141Pr COLLIPIAI4, COMO COLUEIII. PONNSTLITANTA co_eilia Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Epsilon recently elected the following officers for the fall semester: William C. Bickford, president; William A. McCloskey, vice - president; Jay W. Myers, secretary; Richard W. Snyder, treasurer; Richard B. Shepard, correspondent; Warren E. Latimer, pledge-master; Rich ard A. Muery, rushing chairman; John R. Stevenson, social chair man; and Thomas R. Yemm, IFC representative. MIDI, Zeta Miss Patricia Gale, daughter of Delta Zeta's national member ship vice-president, is visiting the sorority's Penn State chapter this week. Delta Zeta entertained the Al pha Xi Delta's Thursday evening at a dessert in McAllister Hall lounge. Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega will enter thin the Beta Theta Pi's at a soft ball game on Thursday evening. Delta Gamma Delta Gamma will entertain Delta Sigma Phi at a picnic at Whipple's Dam on Sunday after noon. Zeta Tciu Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha will hold its annual Founders Day banquet at the State College Hotel Saturday evening. After the banquet, a dance will be held at the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. The theme of the dance will be a Manhattan night dub called the Turquoise Roof. Zeta's guest of honor will be Mayor Hugh J. Ryan of Brad ford, national president of Delta Sigma Phi. Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Mae Patrick, Zeta alumna, will en tertain the sorority at her sum mer home. TAKE PENN STATE WITH YOU AFTER GRADUATION ... Forty 'Tried N' True' Coeds Guests of Honor at Breakfast Those "Tried N' True" girls who throughout the year have worked diligently for their respective organizations, yet who have not received the recognition bestowed on women students by any of the women's honor societies were honored at a breakfast at the Maple Room of Home Economics Building yesterday morning. These are the girls who paint the posters, work on the crews, make the refreshments—the "mainstay" of the campus organizations. The list of those to be invited was obtained from returns from letters sent to the heads of camp us activities asking them to name the senior girls who had worked for the various groups. Active Seniors The girls who attended the breakfast were Arloa Betts, Car ol Billstein, Marie Bowen, Fran ces Colameco, Jackie Coogan, Irma Derr, Louetta Dinius, Mary Failor, Eleanor Fehnel, Virginia Gallup. Mary Margaret Gentry, Mary Glick, Louise Grossman, Jeanne Haxton, Lois Hartswick, Mary Lou Hendrix, Geraldine Hinden ach, Marian Holmes, Jo Marie Jackson, Esther Jamison, Bar bara Keefer, Ruth Krause, Mar-. ioan Magdovitz, Lois Martin, Har riet Morgan. Theta Sigma Phi Entertains Wives Of Publishers Members of Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism honorary, will be hostesses at a tea at the Kappa Alpha Theta house from 4 to 5 o'clock this afternoon for wives of delegates to the Penn sylvania Newspaper Publishers Association annual convention. Claire Lee, general chairman for the affair, is assisted ay Frances Keeney, refreshments; Jo Fox, arrangements; June Sny der, decorations; Dorothy Huns berger, invitations; and Selma Zasofsky, clean-up. All other Theta Sigma Pi members will be floaters. The tea for delegates' wives is an annual affair, and last year it was a garden party. Wed Parkhill-Lepley The wedding of Jane Lepley, State College, to Williard H. Parkhill, Yeadon, took place in the Presbyterian Church of State College at 3 p.m., last Saturday. Miss Lepley, a sophomore in Education, is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Parkhill, a junior in Physical Education, is a varsity member of the College basketball team and a member of Delta Sigma Phi. PAGE SEVER Also Invited Marjorie Mousley, Dorthey Neiman, Miriam Pomerene, Su san Potter, Jo Rotili, Evelyn Smith, Doris Stevens, Bea Stern, Mickey Wagner, Peggy Waple, Lois Windenburgh, Laura Winder, Patricia Woods, Jean Wunderly and Selma Zafsofsky. The girls were welcomed by th e president of Mortar Board, Joan Bissey. and then all of the active members joined in singing a song of praise to the guests. Sigma Phi Sigma The following are the newly elected officers of Sigma Phi Sigma: David Bailey, president; Joseph Witkowski, vice - presi dent; Clifford Flick, assistant treasurer: John Ekey, secretary.
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