PAGE FOUR White Hall Offers All Coeds Wide Variety of Activities Whether she is a sports-minded phys-eder, a demure "hem ,cer," female slide rule artist, or just a plain liberal artist, Betty ..7doed has found the doors of White Hall open to her for leisure hours. Some may prefer a rough and tumble game of basketball while others would rather spend a quiet hour trumping her partner's aces in a bridge game. Rifle, bowling, badminton, fencing, and almost any sport that interests the modern miss can be found in White Hall with instructors to make cham pions or at least give a few point ers! Miss Mildred Lucey, WRA ad visor, has compiled statistics showing that 35 percent of coeds take advantage of the opportuni ties open to them. Nineteen per cent participate in club activi ties while the keen competition offered by the intramural pro gram draws 215 girls or 21 per cent. Rifle Club Members The Rifle Club has 73 members with the Bridge CLub next, hav ing 62 on its roll. After spending, many hours a day in classes at White Hall, 86 percent of the physical education majors troop back for one or more activities in the evening. From 30 to 50 per cent of the girls enrolled in other schools also find interests at White Hall. Statistics for the classes pre sent a surprising figure, accord ing to Miss Lucey. Sophomore class participation amounted to 35 percent with 43 percent for the juniors and 28 percent for the seniors. The percentage for the juniors and seniors is amaz ingly high when it is considered the physical education is not re quired for most upper-class wo men. Sororities Lead Probably due to the rivalry be tween the sororities, they lead the organizations in group parti cipation with 51 percent of their women in at least one activity. The sophomore-populated Tri dorms were next with 43 percent and the independent women last with 35 percent. These statistics show that while many women do use the facili ties available for them while in college, many fail to take full ad vantage of the program offered here. Actually however, the per centage here is relatively high when compared with other schools, according to Miss Lucey. PRA Holds Elections For Cabinet Nucleus Nominations for Penn State Christian Association cabinet will be presented by the nominatimi. comirnirtee in Hugh Beaver Rrioxr. 304 Old Main, at '7 o'clock tonight. Patricia Woods. cabinet presi dent, stated that the committee will present names of twelve stu dents for the annual elections to be held April 1. Nominations for the cabinet nucleus committee of ten may be made from the floor at tonight's meeting. WOW Al YOUR WARIER NEATER 51.11,D Chafes 10 , 0 .s 0 V ers." \loo oo6ifil4C° StiAt co vo ell CA5 l . le tte , C'‘ l Sao gs 0. ik*Va vol e 1" „seep t , 15 00 1 ,310 , 01_ R i vo., C 7: vuo° 140 Go' WSGA Seeks MayDayQueen Nominations for May Queen and her Maid of Honor must be turned in to members of the House of Representatives 1-y Tuesday. according to Janet Ly ons. president. Girls who have participated in previous May Day ceremonies may do so again. Miss Lyons added. In specifying qualifications for the queen, she said, "She should be pretty. poised, have personal ity. and character." The queen must be a senior and nominations must be made from Miss Your Dinner (if you have to) Miss Your Date (if you mus THE NEWEST, MOST THRILLING TALENT HUNT IN AMERICA "PHILIP MORRIS NIGHT 1' ;;~~. BE WITH US EVERY UNDAY NIGH T NBC UN HEN C F A O Intl PHILIrmoRRIs THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Phi Mu New initiates of Phi Mu are giving the sorority a supper party a•t 5 p.m. Saturday. Sigma Delta Tau Adele Goldberg and Marcia Baum were recently initiated by Sigma Delta Tau. Alpha Sigma Phi Joe College will be the theme of an informal dance at the Alpha Sigma Phi house from 9 to 12 p,m. Saturday. Theta Phi Alpha Four girls were recently initi ated into Theta Phi Alpha. They include Virginia Francis. Kath leen Hoy, Margaret Stroup, and Florence Teresinski. a living unit that includes sen iors. Nominees for maid of honor must be members of the sopho more class and must live in units including sophomores. Each dormitory and sorority, in a suite or house. may nominate girls for the two honors. INCLUDING TOP STARS FROM THE COLLEGES... HORACE HEIDI" co_edib SDU Honorary Plans Dinner, initiation Eleven women were initiated by Sigma Delta 3E/psiion, graduate women's scientific honorary. at the Nittany Lion Inn recently. Following the initiation. A ban quet m honor of the new initiates was held at the Inn. Esther Martin. a graduate assistant in chemistry and bacteriology at the College. will speak on "Peni cillin." Those initiated will be Grace Bennett, Lai-yi Chen, Mary Dodds, Helen Kinsloe, Anna Light, Mar garet Meeker, Ching-Sin Miao, Mary O'Hara. Tsung-deh Shwal, Frances Skillman, Geraldine Wal lace. Liebig Society "Microbiological Production of Riboflavin" will be discussed by Dr. John C. Garey at the meet ing of the Liebig Chemical So ciety scheduled for Frear Labor atory, at 7:30 o'clock tonight. WITH • Every Sunday Night Over NBC, PHILIP MORRIS FINDS A STAR in a search for the great stars of tomorrow. Performers from all over the country ... including the top talent picked from the colleges! Music, drama, thrilling entertainment... weekly prizes of $250... and to the winner of the year movie and radio contracts, plus a grand prize of ss'ooo in cash! 4 ( etA • For perfect listening, make a date for Sunday night and hear the stars of tomorrow with PHILIP MORRIS! And for perfect smoking... today, tomorrow, always ... light up a PHILIP MORRIS, A n- ~r ica's FINEST Cigarette! THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1948 CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must bs In by 12:00 p.m. dsy preceding Issue. Prices are 40c one insertion : $l.OO. three Insertions: 17 words or less. Call Collegian 6711. LOST TAN wallet containing valuables. Name inside, Finder please call Katy 4720. Reward. CLASS ring with BEP fraternity initials on red stone. in Rec Hall Wednesday night. Call Carl 4933. BLACK Eversharp pen with slightly battered gold, top. Sentimental value. Reward. Call 167 Ath. RONSON lighter, initials FES— between MI and Forestry. Sen timental value. Finder call Bud, 4746. STRING of red plastic beads, one strand. Finder please call State College 2395 or apply 448 E. Col lege Avenue. Reward. PERSON taking ."McGregor" raincoat from Penn State Diner Sat.. night, March 6. Call Norton 3468. Have yours. WANTED RIDE to Erie, March 25—two adults, two children. Call Heb erlein 413 Windcrest 3921.
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