PAGE FOUR CLASSIFIED SECTION All elassifled advertisements must be 111 by 12:00 p.m. day preceding issue. Prices are 40c one insertion; $l.OO, three insertions; 17 words or lees Call Collegian 6711. FOR SALE LC. SMITH portable typewriter —tgood condition. Call 3726. 14)30 FORD—CaII Swanson, Dorm 9, Pollock Circle between 12 and 1; 5 and 6. Phone 3973. DECORATED birthday cakes and pundh on short order. Frida stern, 122 Irvin Ave., phone 4816 State College. TWO tickets to Artists' Course, Mondiay night. Balcony seats. Reasonable. C]a•ll 6230. Ask for Harvey. 1941 STUDEBAKER business coupe. Call 3181. Ask for Heim bach. FUR JACKET black skunk, Practically new, waist length size 16. Price $lB.OO. Call 4475. Suitable for Easter. ORCHIDS, $2.00 each! through March 20. Your alumni florist, Jimmy Wolfe, '39, manager. Woodring's Floral Gardens. TRAILERS—AIma, Landola, Na tional, Trotwood, many others. new and used. All conveniences, terms, parts, and accessories. Griffith Trailer Sales, Johns town. Rep. Don Fyock, phone 2973. LOST BASEBALL Glove in Rec Hall. Initials J. D. inside. Call 4255, Ask for James Doughty. COVERT cloth zip in lining overcoat Delta Sigma Phi house Sat. night. Finder please call Robert Bemis 3468. WHOEVER picked up brown leather jacket at Rec Hall Thursday afternoon contact Rurn berger 4272. I have yours. OFFICER'S short coat taken out side 124 Sparks morning March 9. Stamped 14. Clifford. Please call Sam 2161. MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION "Ag" Students! Make extra money during sum.. mer vacation months introducing new Soil Conservation Farm Equipment item in your farm neighborhood. Big time and irromey saver. No competition. Ap proved by leading "Ag" colleges and soil experts. Nationally ad vertised. Many territories open. Write Box XXX, The Collegian, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pennsylvania. MORE cartoons, more jokes, more laughs. Froth Exchange Issue has more of everything. Don't miss it. PERSON who picked up sociolo gy research papers by mistake on Feb. 25, please return to 119 Sparks. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA WILL person who took pictures at Du pledge dance Dec. 19, 1947, please contact Wills 3938. REWARD for information lead ing to recovery of brown three quarter mouton coat missing from Theta Xi Saturday night. Monogrammed: H. E. P.; label reads Levin's, Hazleton. Contact Mrs. Simpson 2161 or 3231. GET YOUR typing done reason ably. Manuscripts, theses, etc. Call State College 2864 after 6:30 p.m. FOUND THE NATION'S Best College Humor. Frothy stole them all for Froth. Get your mammoth is sue today. WANTED TWO RIDERS to Florida. Help drive, share expense. Leave 2 p.m. March 24th. Call Reichard, 3314 A Windcrestt, 3906. SINGERS, dancers, actors, song writers for new Thespian Show, "The Great White Bear." See ad vertisement, today's Collegian. SING? Dance? Act? Write music? Come to tryouts for new Thes pian Show, "The Great White PHILIP E4- - " - - to smo CALL I) FOR WRA Offers Play Nights I Saturday Play Nights for coeds me sponsored by WRA at White Hall from 7 tc 9 p.m. every week. Bowling, swimming, table ten lAIE badminton, basketball and volleyball scrimmages, and ~ridge are among the activities offerec:. Refreshments are served during the evening. One physical education instruc tor and a member of the WRA ex ecutive board are on duty in the building. every Play Night; Paul ine Globisch is life guard in the pool room. These play nights, which have ueen a tradition at White Hall for the oast ten years. will be held Every Saturday night during the semester regardless of other func tions on campus. The last ona. is :cheduled for May 29. Bear." Singers: 1 p.m. Sat., 4&5 Old Main; 7 p.m. Sun., Schwab. Dancers: 3 pm. Sat., 40'5 Old Main, 8:30 p.m. Sun.,, Schwab; Actors, song writers: any of these times. RIDE to Chicago for Daoter vaca tion. Share expenses and driv ing. Call Benney 3987. is so much TRY A PACK ... TODAY Chi Omega Jean Terry. secretary; Phyllis Mask. treasurer. Newly elected officers of Ch - . Josephine Berry, pledge mis. Omega are Lorraine Munz. tress. and Frances and Carolyn dent: Claire Lee. vice-president; I:ice, co-chapter correspondents. IMPORTANT TRANSPORTATION ANNOUNCEMENT SPRING RECESS 'GREYHOUND LINES WILL OPERATE SPECIAL BUSES from the Parking Lot south of Recreation Hall, departure time, 12:45 P. M., MARCH 25. RESERVATIONS will be made with the purchase of your ticket and must be made before 10 P.M. of MARCH 24th. IN ORDER TO IMPROVE OUR SERVICE TO THE STUDENTS on the return movement, Special t3uses will be provided and leave Pittsburgh at 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 30th, 1948. FOR TICKETS and Information, call at GREYHOUND POST HOUSE, 146 N. ATHERTON STREET PHONE 4181 PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an benefit found in no other cigarette. For PHILIP MORIZIS is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less . irritating. Remember: Less irritation means more smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what MORRIS smokers know, they'd all change to PHILIP MORRIS. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1048 PHILIP
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