PAGE FOUR ls Irving Goldberg An announcement of the en gagement of Adele Goldberg of Norristown to Samuel Irving of Philadelphia was made on Jan uary 17. Miss Goldberg. Sigma Delta Tau, is a sophomore major ing in English literature, and minoring in education. Irving is a sophomore at the Philadelphia School of Industrial Arts, where he is studying com mercial art. Chuich Calendar Friends The Young Friends group will meet with the West minster Foundation tomonow night at 6:20 o’clock. A discussion on “Our Christian Beliefs” will follow a talk by Dr. Maurice Trimmer. Wesley Foundation 9:30 a.m„ "School for Religious Living.” Upper Room. “New Testament” Dr. Gordon H. Pritham. leader. “Christian Ideas and Beliefs.” Mr. Wdbster Sill, leader. Wesley Cou ples Class. Dr. H. K. Wilson, guest speaker. 10:45— Morning worship at St. Paul’s. Col. Charles I. Carpenter, speaker. 6:30 o’clock—The Wesley Foundation will conduct the eve ning service in the church sanc tuary. Rev. Herbert King, guest CPCvil* or HilleL 133 West Beaver avenue. 8 o’clock tomorrow evening. Rabbi Albraham Holtaberg. speaker. His topic will be “The Aim of the Jewish Culture.” Penn State Bible Fellowship meeting in the Home Economics Living Center, main floor H.E. at 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Grace Lutheran Church. Col lege and Atherton —Sunday. 9:30 am., Bible class: Dr. Arthur 11. Reede. professor of economics. speaker. 6:30 o’clock, guest speak er. Herrick Young, world trav eler and commentator. Hiis Record Goes Hum-hum- h^ij^ ' j''| If * ‘ It's JEAN SABLON'S... 'A TVbIE -fey HUMMING" IN ENGLISH or French, his singing is terrific! His fans range from bobby-soxers to the lavender-and-old-lace set. Why, he even lights his Camels with a Continental charm. Takes a leisurely puff and says: "Great!” Yes, Jean, and millions of smokers agree with you about Camels. More people are smoking Camels than ever before! Try Camels! Discover for yourself why,, with smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice of experience”! And here's another great record - More people are smobng CAMEIS -than ever before! Kappa Delta Rho Eighteen new members were recently initiated into Kappa Delta Rho. They are Robert W. Arnold, Robert D. Baker. Charles W. Delp, Jr.. Paul D. Guiteras, Laßue E. Gunnison, Thomas R. Jensen, William D. Lowry. George W. Pyle. Robert W. Rees. Charles P. Ruhl, Charles J. Shirk, Stanley C. Skuta, Theodore M. Swiatkowsk:, William J. Sohonage. William A 1 Vernon. Robert A. Winslow, Fred erick M. Wintermute and John Wolosky. Beta Sigma Rho The following men were initi ated into Beta Sigma Rho Thurs day evening: James Bachman, Murray Brill, Donald HolUman, Willard Klein, Howard Lee, Al bert Podolsky. Elliot Rosengarten, Bertram Shore and Fred Silver man. lAJec/dinejd Stevens —Lilj enstein The marriage of Doris Lilj en stein to Robert Stevens on Sep tember 13. was announced be tween semesters. Mrs. Stevens is a senior psychology major and a member of Delta Gamma sorority. She is active in Treble Singers, Masquerebtes, and is an associate Player. Stevens is a senior in journal ism and belongs to Phi Kappa Sigma. A member of Alpha Delta Sigma, he is also on the Colleg ian advertising staff. EIBA TICKETS A limited number of tickets for the Eastern boxing intercolle giates at Charlottesville, Virginia. March 12-13, are now on sale at the Athletic Association Office, Old Main. The price is $5.50 for three sessions or $2.00 per session. (RCA Victor) THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA dolumn Sigma Delta Tau Sigrn? Delta Tau initiated the following women February 13: Mildred Conston, Barbara Coo per, Judy Dantsker, Dahlia Edel stein, Thelma Geir, Gloria Git tic man. Ann Charlotte Seid man, Myrn a Tex and Fay Zelitch. TO THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY OF PENN STATE: These words, of course, .are the thrilling last words of the “Pledge of Allegiance.” There probably isn’t a person on campus who cannot recite the “Pledge.” At the same time, we have a situation in our own commu nity—right now—that does NOT provide justice for all. We refer to the fact that Negro students cannot secure haircuts in State College barber shops. What, then, are we going to do about our recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance? Are we going to mean what it says, or are we going to amend it to read, “. . . With liberty and justice for all, EXCEPT Negroes”? Democracy demands vigilance. Our forefathers had to fight to get it, ,• and now we in turn have to fight to keep it. Does your democracy end with mere lip service? R. J. Reynold*Tobacco O*. WUuUui-BaUiil N. O. Theta XI Stanley C. Wells was recently elected president of Theta Ni fraternity. Other newly-elected officers include George W. Winr.e, vice-president: William A. Valen tine, treasurer: John W. Hummer, caterer: Allen D. Gray, house manager; and Samuel C. Holland, corresponding secretary. Tau Kappa Epsilon Anthony Bowman, Norman Cochran, William Dittenhaffer, . . With Liberty and Justice for All.” STATE COLLEGE COUNCIL ON RACIAL EQUALITY r ng! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1646 Robert McKawn, Donald MoretZy Robert Pee, Dwa i n e Snyder, Charles Sullivan, and William Wilhelm have recently been pledged by Tau Kappa Epsilon. James Seitzer was installed as the new president. Correction Alpha Epsilon Phi will hold its open house in Grange dormitory. 2 to 4 o’clock tomorrow, and not today as was announced in yes terday’s Collegian.
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