WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1947 Lions WinLambertTrophy Reign as Easts Top Power Soccer Al! -Stars Please Onlookers The spectators at the all-star soccer games played over the Thanksgiving holidays in Pitts burgh, St. Louis and Chicago, were pleased with the showing of the collegiate all-star team, ac cording to Bill Jeffrey, Penn State soccer mentor. Weather was the only bad fac tor of the trip. The collegiate kickers lost to a Pittsburgh all star team, 5-2, in four 'inches of mud, and were defeated by • a squad of Chicago all-stars in the last twenty seconds of the game, 3-2, in a snowstorm. The col legians bagged their lone win in a night game at St. Louis. winn ing 2-0, on a cold, hard field. Jeffrey coached the team in its western trip, in which it met amateur all-star teams from those cities. Included in the collegian squad were five Penn Staters: Gene Graebner, Dean Hartman, Ralph Hosterman.. Freddie Kret zer. and Dean Witmer. The "Smiling Scot" was im- IM Cage Squads R Nine games highlighted Mon day night's program as intra mural basketball teams resumed competition following the holiday lay-offs. A classy Berks Independent five showed speed-to-burn and shooting accuracy as it downed the Penn State Club 39-10. Shel lenherger led the Berks attack with 14 points, most of them made with beautiful left-handed hook shots. A tall Cody Comets cage squad was too much for the Eagles as they used their superior height well at the boards to register a 31-11 win. Preston was high scorer for the victors, sinking 5 field goals for 10 points. Murgas surprised the Newman Club team, which was staffed U-DRIVE-IT SERVICE IS* HERE! Now you can have a new car for that special date. Save time and avoid those long, cold walks. Comfort and conve nience are yours when you drive an H. & S. car. Make your reservations early. Call "MICK" . . . office, 4286, or residence, 4908. H. & S. U-DRIVE-IT SYSTEM 536 W. COLLEGE AVE. Slate College Community Forum presents Alaska's Gov. Ernest H. Gruening in an address on The Life and Progress of Alaska Wednesday, Dec. 3 8:00 P. M. SCHWAB AUDITORIUM TICKETS 75 CENTS All Seats Reserved At Student Union Season Tickets Available Penn State's undefeated, un tied Cotton Bowl bound football team is the 1947 winner of the Lambert Trophy, symbol of Eastern gridiron supremacy. Receiving 68 of 108 votes cast, the Lions thus ended Army's three year reign as the top foot ball power in the East and brought the much-vaunted award to Nittany Vale for the first time in Penn State's football history. Although it has not definitely been announced when the trophy will be presented to the College. preparations are under way sothat the presentation can be made be fore the Lions depart for Dallas. Coach Bob Higgins and Jim Coogan, director of sports pub licity, will leave for New York this morning to meet with the Lambert Trophy committee and arrange for the actual presenta tion of the award. TROPHY VOTE Penn • State • 68 Penn 17 Army 14 Columbia • 6 Rutgers 3 pressed with the work of the three Maryland booters, Jim Belt. Dick Cleveland, and John Clark. and with the showing of Witmer and Graebner of the Lions. suthe League Tills with 7 football players including Nolan, Tamburo. and Chuck Drazenovich. 20-16 in a hard foUght battle. Other scores are: Warriors 15, 300 Club 10; Dorm 314, Dragons 11; Red Flashes 16, Dorm 6 10; Anonymous Five 13, Dorm 5 8; Dorm 37 25, Dorm 41 8; Dorm 24 won by forfeit from Dorm 39. Tonight's tilts are: 8:45 Dorm 27-Dorm 35, court 1; Dorm 29-Dorm 33, court 2; Dorm 25-Dorm 38, court 3. 9:25 Dorm 28-Dorm 36, court 1; Dorm 30-Dorm 34, court 2; Nit tany Co-op-Berletics, court 3. 10:05 Dorm 13-Miners, court 1; Drewlers-Zeros, court 2; Whiz Kids-Dorm 9, court 3. TFIE DAILI COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ..:ie ... i'... •••••• "" .. :' ...: .: -...:,i:;;;',.:•• ' : •.• ..., ..... . • “:„. \s '. . ::.. " . i .. :-- . ..:',... . —": • : ~...;.: *.•:: :i .*:;::Ii.::. .:P.:':',.'..'. -...i'.'•':i*:.. s • , 1,00!..• v• • :.::: - .5., . . ....:- • 74 b .1, ' ..:....;•.• .„,.....,. % ~...,...i.:.:• .- ... -i:i :':': , :' , :":•.„...:: .. • ' . . , -.. '-' .. - • 0. • ...-, ..! ..... 1 : • . :: '. , , , .. . .:: ' 4Ws ' " , . ...„... .. ~ STEVE SUHEY Suhey Cops AP Berth Steve Su;ley. 205-pound Nit tany Lion gtar from Cazenovia, N. Y., captured a first team guard berth on the Associated Press All-American squad, released last night. This is the second national All- Amer i c a n selection that has awarded a first team spot to the rugged Lion running guard. Su hey copped a similar post on the .Internationdi News Service All- American. Associated Press honorable mention was given Jeff Durkota, hard-running wingback; John Nolan, powerful tackle; Joe Colone, brillant fullback, and Larry Joe, fleet-footed tailback. Boxing Candidates Candidates for the varsity boxing team and managerships are requested to report to the ring at Rec Hall after four o'clock any day this week, said Leo Houck, boxing mentor. Back Again! Pleated Bosom Tuxedo Shirts Exclusive Agency for Van Heusen Shirts Lions Still Fifth in Nation, Hold Light Practice Session Fifth place was still Penn State's level in the weekly Associated Press ratings released late yesterday. In spite of a 19-19 tie that knocked them from the country's undefeated and untied ranks, Southern Methodist's Mustangs, the Lions' Cotton Bowl foes, re tained fourth place over State by 94 points Michigan's Dame in this week's poll, nar rowing the gap to eight points be tween first and second place. Unbeaten, once-tied Southern California, which battles Notre Dame Saturday and Michigan on New Year's. retained the third spot. Ranking is determined by vot ing of 246 sports writers through out the country. Following is the total vote figured on a 10-9-8-7-6- 5-4-3-2-1 basis, first place votes in parentheses: 1. Notre Dame (58 11 / 2 ) 1184 2. Michigan (54y,) 1176 3. Southern Calif. (2) 836 4. Southern Methodist '745 5. Penn State 651 6. Texas (2) 565 7. Alabama 531 8. Pennsylvania 473 9. Georgia Tech 208 10. North Carolina (9) 207 About three light practice ses sions per week and several chalk talks make up the Nittany Lions' probable schedule until they leave for the Cotton Bowl about Dec. 20. The State eleven staged its in itial practice yesterday since thumping Pitt, 29-0, in the season finale. Nittany end Ed Czekaj, who will graduate in February, is now student teaching in Williamsport. You're the man most likely to Van Ileum VAN TUX They're still hard-to•get, these wonderful Van Heusen dress shirts, for dress-up occasions on and off the campus! Snowy, pleated front and french cuffs. Collar attached, in low-setting regular and new wide-spread models. Van Heusen master sewmanship in every detail. $5.95 at your Van Heusen dealer. PHILLIPS4ONES CORP., NEW YORK 1, N. Y. *) / 1 //1 STATE COLLEGE Rose Bowl-bound Wolverines crept closer to Notre Three Nittany gridmen—Steve Suhey, Sam Tamburo and Joe Colone—circled last Saturday as a red-letter day to remember. For it was Saturday that they were three of 55 outstanding :ootball players from various 2olleges and universities through out the nation who were honored quests at a Winter Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. An annual event sponsored by the Outdoor Cleanliness Associa :don of New York City, the Ball included* a huge banquet and a (Continued on page four) Until the Lions leave for Dallas, he will train only on weekends, when he'll come to State College to work out with the team. 1 1 - ~..j., PAGE THREE Suhey, Tamburo, Colone Honored At NYC Banquet THE COTTON BOWL FREE ! Ask For Your Ticket With Every $5 Purchase at either one of the Charles Shops Winning ticket will be drawn Dec. 24th. If you are not here we will mail the free prizes to PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE ! Now Going On (OPEN ALL DAY WED.)
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