Y, NOVEaralaFt 211, reft New Beaver Field at 2 P. M. oters Meet Owls Tomorrow; rop 2-1 Decision to Cadets • arting under a stinging 2-1 at administered by a rugged y aggregation at West Point .nesday, Bill Jeffrey's Lion ermen resumed p r a ‘ c tie e - yesterday in preparation the season's finale against ple tomorrow. ith the Owl tiff the lone n State sports event to be ed at home over the week , the booters will meet the ders on New Beaver Field at ..m. No admission will be ged. THE POTENT OWLS mple, a top flight contender eastern soccer laurels during past three years, boasts one e most potent booting jug auts in the nation this sea- . In their nine engagements ing the current campaign, Owls have lost only one en ement, a 3-1 upset at the ds of Maryland two weeks • Leading the Temple attack to r %orrow will be a brace of high koring offensive men in Johnny i t tsighes at inside right, and Fred I Pigskin Forecast p ~c 1 This week Collegian again pre tents the football predictions of Joe Harris. Last week. besides calling 80 right and 19 wrong for an 80 percent mark. Joe predicted the exact Penn State-Navy score. I His season percentage is 80 per .:cent with 632 correct predictions 1 and 1,55 wrong ma ties). ; Alabama-LSU :'l3 , 'stab College-St. Mary's , Bcston 'LT-Colgate California-Stanford Clemson-Auburn Coluanbia-Syracuse Detroit-Tulsa Georgetown-Geo. Wash. Georgia Tech-Furman Georgia IT-Chattanooga Holy Cross-Fordham Illinois-Northwestern Kansas-Missouri Kenteky-Tennessee Lehigh-Lafayette Michigan-Ohio State Minnesota-Wisconsin Muhlenbere-Bucknell North Carolina-Duke Notre Dame-Tulane Oklahoma-Nebraska Oregon-Oregon State P•nn State-Pittsburgh Princeton-Dartmouth Purdue-Indiana 21-13 Rbce-TCU 20-14 So. Cal.-UCLA 27- 7 SMU-Baylor 20- 7 Vanderkilt-Maryland 20- 7 Virginia-North Carolina St. 20- 7 Washingotn U-Wash. State 13- 7 West Virginia-Temple 27- 7 Yale-Harvard 20- 7 Collegian Predicts Rubin French . Neiman Warker GAME 50.20 .714 45-25 .642 54-16 .771 49-18 ,700 —__ _ . Princeton-Dartmouth Princeton Dartin'th Princeton Princeton Yale-Harvard Yale Yale Yale Yale Alabama-L.S.U. Alabama Alabama L.S.U. Alabama Duke-North Carolina N. Car. N. Car. Duke Duke Texas Christian -Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Illinois-Northwestern Illinois Northw. Illinois Illinois Indiana-Purdue ' Purdue Purdue Indiana Purdue —_ Minnesota. Wisconsin Minn. Minn. Wisconsin, Nebraska-Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Nebraska Notre Dame-Tulane Not. Dame Not. Dame Not. Dame I Not. Dame Southern Cal. . traf,AS. al. UCLA SS. Cal. C, C ---- ---- - SKYTOP NOW OPEN FOR SUNDAY MEALS (Stop in on Your Way Back from the Pitt Game) STEAKS . . SPAGHETTI . MEALS Rout, 322 On Bald Eagle Mt. Barlow at center forward. Owl fullbacks Clothier and Lambert, ' long the bane of opposing for ward lines, promise to supply the, Lion point makers with a chal lenging defensive duo. Coached by Dr. Pete Leaness, a standout soccer performer for the Owls in his undergraduate days, the invaders will feature a brisk, short-passing style of play that closely approximates the system used by Bill Jeffrey in his tutelage of Lion elevens. Harry Rogers of Philadelphia. a famed booting official in eastern intercollegiate circles, will ref eree the tussle. Lion starters are Gene Graeb ner at goalie, Chuck Margolf and Jim Kline at fullbacks, and Dean Hartman, Ralph Hosterman, and Jack Campbell in the halfback slots. In the forward line, Fred Kretzer gets the nod at center, Bill Shellenberger will start at inside right, Dean Witmer at in side left. Ted Lieb at outside right, and Hal Hackman at out side left. IM, IFC. Bowling Loops Beaver House Leads IM Bowling League Although yielding their first points to an opponent this sea son, the Beaver House bowlers continued to remain well out in front of the IMA Bowling League after the four t h evening of matches held at the Dux Club recently. 20- 7 27- 7 20- 7 34- 7 20- 7 However, the spotlight was focused on second place where the Nittany Co-op, Lazy Five, and I.T.K. were all even. The former two won all of its matches while the latter was gaining three-fourths. Dorm 9 dropped from second into tenth place by dropping all of its games. High scoring honors for both single and three game scores of the evening were taken by Carl Kackenmeister, Dorm 13, who tallied 242 for the single game high and totaled 544 for the three game high. Dan Polansky, Beaver House, also stood out by placing second in the single game high with 204 and rating fifth in the three game totals with 513. 26- 7 34- 7 34- 6 20-0 27-.7 14- 7 20- 7 20-14 27- 7 20- 7 27- 7 Three out of four of the three game total highs were made in the Dorm 13-Ath Hall match. Beaver House had the high indi vidual game average with 162. Twice this season, Penn State's football team restricted major opposition to minus yardage on the ground. I wL i . aa t h . a%, La a a ; a l UAA iniiim 4 d i ll a i k i lia l &ii m aall• • a g Dorm 33 Wins In Cage Play A fast-moving. sharp-IPassino Dorm► 33 besketball quintet piled up a 12-0 half-time lead and then coasted to a 37-9 victory over Dorm 3 , 5. in basketball comPetl tion Wednesday night. Frassinelli ad Denniston paced the victors with 12 points apiece. while Grasty sparkled for the lo sers. amassing all nine of his team's points. Dorm 13. scoring 29 points in the first half. trounced NittanY Co-oo 31-8. and Berletic flashed excellent form in defeating Drew lers 22-10. in other feature games. Other scores were: Dorm 24-24, Dorm 41-15; Dorm 27-13, Dorm 39-9; Dorm 37-14, Dorm 29-8: Dorm 26-26, Dorm 40-17; Dorm 38-16, Dorm 30-9; Dorm 38-11. Dorm 34-8. Monday night's schedule is: 8:45: Whizz Kids-Miners, court 1; Dorm 9-Zeros, court 2; Bun yans-Dorm 14, court 3. 9:25 Beaver House-Phis, court 11; Lazy Five-Comets. court 2; Lu- I theran Students-Ath Hall. court 3. 10:05 Brother Rats-1.T.K4 court 1; Marauder-Coal Crackers, court 2; Beerers-Penn Haven. court 3. Theta Chi Strengthens Hold on Firs! Place Scoring an impressive win over Delta Tau Delta, Theta Chi maintained first place in the IFC Bo wlin g League after the matches held recently at the Dux Club. Alpha Chi Sigma, meanwhile, entered into a second place dead lock with Lambda Chi Alpha by shutting out Delta Upsilon: Lambda Ch i Alpha defeated Beta Theta Pi. Glenn Oyler, of Alpha Chi Sigma, took high single game scoring honors for the evening with a 212. Following him were Joe Orlando, Delta Upsilon. 194; and John Pouch, Chi Phi, 193. In the three game score de partment, Harold Miller, Alpha Chi Sigma, totaled 535 for high honors. Paul Margolf, Delta Up silon, and Oyler. were closely be• hind with 535 and 527 totals re , spectively The league standing now reads, in respective order, Theta Chi. Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Chi Sigma, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Upsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon. Al oha Gamma Rho. Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi, Chi Phi, Delta Tau Delta, and Kappa Delta Rho. GOOD ATTRACTION More people saw Penn State play football in 1947 than in any year since the 1920'5. !NOW AT YOUR WARNER THEATERto 44.I. 41%.1 13 . 5t0 1 :3 i t i r tll:teliasitt; Harriers Run in NCAA Monday; Finale for Karver, Lennox The College cross-country team will hold its last practice of the year tonight in preparation for the NCAA meet Monday afternoon at Michigan. This will be the last ti will run with the team since Jer another cross-country season rolls around. "A Penn tate cross-country team has never placed lower than third, since the first NCAA meet in 1938" said Coach Wer ner. "and this year we will he aiming at the top." Coach Werner, who was the first president of the association, re- WERNER marked that in 1942 the harriers took first !place in the national event, in 1943 they took second. and last year. with Curt' Stone placing second, the squad placed third. A case of taking a wrong turn caused Horace Ashenfelter to drop from his position with the leaders to 25th in last year's meet. After realizing his mistake. Ash retraced his stems and came in 13th. Grid Scrimmage Records Jeff Durkota's scoring scampers of 48 and 43 yards against Navy definitely stamped him as the best heavy duty back on the Lions' roster and also boosted his season's yardage to 401 yards, only 12 yards behind State's top ground gainer, Francis Rogel. Durkota has carried the mail for the Nittanymen 31 times to gain 401 yards for an average of 12.9 yards per carry. Only Larry Joe, fleet-footed Lion halfback, comes close to that mark by gaining 287 yards in 37 tries for an average of 7.7 yards per try. The records for the season: Francis Rogel Jeff Durkota Larry Joe Elwood Petchel Bill Luther Bobby Williams Wally Triplett C i tarence Gorinski Joe Colone Larry Cooney Clarence Hummel Bob Weitzel Walt Palmer Walt Cominsky Lee Henry Johnny Chuckran Dennie Hoggard Totals THERE'S NO PLACE ; , •) ON EARTH LIKE . . . , c e. , HENRY'S PARADISE CAFE 114 S. Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Thanksgiving Dance TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 with the TRU-BLU SEXTET "Wild Dave" Briner "Pops" Greenly "Bumps" Keefauver The Old Professor "Shoeless Lou" Levi "Mouse" Miller 8:30 - 1:00 Excellent Service No Cover No Minimum PAO% SEVEN ime Jerry Karver and Fred Lennox ry and Fred will graduate before Also in last year's encounter. Karver placed seventh. "Panipy" Longenecker placed 40th. Mitch Williams placed 69th. Howie Horne placed 94th and Bill Shu man placed 124th. All of the men who comoeted in that meet with the exception of Stone. Horne and Shuman will wear the blue and white this Monday at East Lansing. LEAVE SATURDAY Seven harriers, two coaches and a manager will make the long trip to the Michigan State course. Leaving for Pittsburgh Saturday morning, the team will stop to see the State-Pitt football game, and then board a sleeper for Michi gan. They will arrive at their destination Sunday afternoon. The complete list of men ma 'king the trip is• as follows: Jerry Karver. Horace Ashenfelter, Don Longenecker. Fred Lennox, Mitch Williams. John Bates. BOb Au man, Coach Chick Werner and Norman Gordon. and head man lager Duke Robinson. YG YL 427 406 296 211 205 214 190 137 144 76
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