sz: Bugg (I'ji Tottrotatt Hem art VOL. 46—No. 29 Commiffee Plans Social Activities For Pill Weekend 500 Couples Expected Al Wm. Penn Dance Entertainment plans for Pitt Weekend have been completed, after conferring with the Alumni Association of Pittsburgh, said Ray Kelly, of the .entertainment committee for Pitt Weekend. The weekend will feature a dance in the main ballroom of the William Penn Hotel after the game. rive hundred couples from the College, the entire football team and many alumni are ex pected to attend. Joey. Sims and his orchestra will supply music for dancing from 9:00 to 12:00 p. m. Reserved tables will be avail able in the Silver Room, the Adonis Room, and the Urban Roof. Refreshments will be serv ed cabaret style. Tickets, now on sale at Student Union, are priced at $3.60 a couple. To diminish the room accom madations problem, the commit tee reported that therd still are rooms available for Saturday night in the William Penn. Two large sample rooms, one reserved for women students and the other for men, will comfortably accom modate 20 persons each. They are available Friday and Saturday nights at $2.50 a night. Reserva tions can be obtained at Student Union. The committee suggested that students who are unable to ac quire reservations at the William Penn contact other Pittsburgh hotels. Ed School To Hold Council Elections Voting for candidates for stu dent council in the departments of home economics. psychology. seoondary and elementary educa tion. in the School of lilducation will lake Place lust off the ldbiby of Burrowes building between 8:45 and 5 o'clock today said Jack Bohm. chairman of the organiza tion committee. Voting for candidates in indus trial education will take place in Room 204. Main Engineering. Vo ters must brine come positive means of identidication. orefer ably a matriculation card. Candi dates and their respective depart ments are: Home economics: Daniel A. Bot kis. David Brown. William Dean. Betty June Dieroftf, Cynthia Do an. Geraldine Hindenback. Jean (Continued on page three) late AP News Courtesy Radio Station WMAJ Denies Testimony WASHINGTON, D. C.—A re tired army officer shouted denials yesterday of testimony offered by planemaker Howard Hughes in the Senate investigation of Hughes wartime contracts. The witness, retired Major General Bennett Meyers, took the stand after Hughes said that Meyers tried to borrow $200,000 from him. Hughes said that the at tempt at a loan came at a time when the general was a procure ment officer on airplane con tracts. Best Wishes to Elizabeth NEW YORK, N. Y.—The Duke and Duchess of Windsor said in New York yesterday that they wish Britain's Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbat ten all luck and happiness in their coming marriage. The duke is the former King Edward VIII and Elizabeth's uncle. He and the duchess have not been invited to the royal wedding. Party PI Niffany-Independent The Mitten, Independent Party is a Party which. at the present Vane its primarily composed of and run by the sophomore stu dents. Our party's oblectives for the coming year are directed to wards the promotion af all issues leading to better welfare of all Penn State students and the bet terment of the College itself. Below are listed the topics of our platform which are of cur rent interest and importance: (1) To promote and encourage the establishment of more ade quate and organized recreational and social activities for those stu dents now Hiring in the Pollock Circle. Nittany Dormitory and Windcrest areas. We will suPport to the fullest the Nittany Dorms and Pollock Circle coundlis in their campaign for the improve ment of. the extising living con ditions in these new dormitories. (2) To sutmort all efforts and further legislation which will lead to the final establishment of a Student Union. (3) We with to establish a definite procedure for the orien tation of Penn State freshmen while they are attending the un dergraduate centers throughout the state. In this way a better and closer coordination of these stu dents. their academic schedules. . (Continued on page six) College Opens Observatories The College observatories will be open to students, faculty and townspeople every Wednesday and Sunday evening between 7:30 and 9, Dr. Henry L. Yeagley, associate professor of physics, said today. The observatories are situated 200 yards east of the Forestry building. Members of Alpha Nu, astronomical fraternity, which is sponsoring the opening will be on hand to operate the telescope and to answer questions. This year's officers for the fraternity are David Skillman, president; Richard Nicholas, vice president; and Janet Smith. se cretary. Dr. Yeagley is faculty advisor. Pitt Tickets Tickets for the Penn State. Pittsburgh game will go on sale Thursday morning at B o'clock at the AA window, said Har old H. Gilbert, graduate man ager of athletics. Checks will be accepted. he. added,. and should be made payable to the Penn Skate Athletic Associa tion. Clarifies Program WASHINGTON Secretary of State Marshall was a center of attention yesterday as he clarified the administration foreign aid program to the Senate foreign re lations committee. Marshall placed the foreign aid bill be tween now and next July at $2,657,000,000. He expressed the conviction that no additional funds would be needed in that period for Turkey and Greece. Those two nations already are benefiting from a $400,000,000 appropriation. Atom Bomb Pipedreams WASHINGTON, D. C.—A re port that the Russians have ex ploded a small atom bomb sounds like a pipedream to Major Gen eral Leslie Groves, the Army's foremost atom bomb authority. Groves said in Washington today that the Paris newspaper ac count of the alleged Russian atom bomb test just seems amusing to him. Y MORNING, NOVEMBER. 12, 1947-STATE COLLEGE, PENNA. tforms Last Spring when the State Party placed its platform before the student body. it was with sincerity and the knowledge that it could be carried out. It was. in short, a statement towards which all State Party candidate would strive. and with this, it is only natural that the sophomores in this election are sworn to uphold it. With this statement, the State Party hereby sullmits its present standing platform. carrying with it the intention that the sopho mores will aid the incumbent State Party. members now in All-College Cabinet. 1. Establish a dating code and secure recreational facilities for independent men's dorms and houses. 2. Establish a cooperative type of store in a convenient lo cation on Campus for the bene fit of all students. 3. Work for better student- Tacultv relations. especially through a student representative on the Council of Administra tion and Senate. 4. Support the school student councils. 5. Promote the aims and Pur poses of the National Student Convention held in Chicago. 6. Foster and surnx)rt a state wide convention of college stu (Continued 071 page six) Airplane to Shower Player Tickets Today Don't be surprised if you see little pieces of paper floating through the air at noon today. They will be "tickets from hea ven." a Penn State Players pub licity stunt To announce their forthcoming Play "Sound of Hunting." the Players arranged to have an air plane scatter 2000 numlbered tickets over State College. Persons holding the 50 Lucky numbers, which will be posted in Graham's window. will be given two tickets each for the ptoduc- Lion. said Phyllis Reigle. seniar advertising manager. The all-male show, directed by Kelly Yeaton. dramatic instructor, will be pre sented in Schwab Auditorium Thursday. Friday. and Saturday nights. Vets to Report to VA For Subsistence Checks Veterans who have not yet re ceived their subsistence allow ance checks are requested to re port to the VA, Old Zoology Building, during the second week of the month following the non receipt of their checks, announced Robert Stroud, veterans' advisor. Frequently the failure of the checks to arrive is due to a change of address. Since such mail can not be forwarded it is returned to the disbursing office and held until a correct address is provid ed by the veteran, said Mr. Stroud. Other reasons for delay in the receipt of subsistence allowance may be due to necessity of trans fer of records, which should be brought to the attention of the local VA office. Chem-Phys Council Sophomore nominations for the Chemistry and Physics Student Council may be made until 5 p.m. Thursday. according to Bob Schock. president. Students of arky curricula in the School with a one average are eligible and may become nominees by sienine , a list in Dr. G. C. Chandlee's office. 205 Pond Lab. Hillel Radio Hour The Hillel Foundation goes on the air over WMAJ at 7:15 o'clook tonight. The program will be a discussion of Zionism by stu dents. Slate Druids. men's sophomore hon orary will meet in 415 Old Main at 7 o'clock tonight, to tap new members. All members must at tend. Dance Tickets Unsold tickets to the Short Skirt Skip should be turned in to the Student Union desk as soon a. possible, said Edward Leonard. Publicity chairman. The last time to turn them in will be at the ISC meeting Monday. he added. Sophomore Candidates Elected Candidates for sophomore class officers were elected in the. party primaries Sunday. Final elections, climaxing a ten day perio,, of political campaigning, will take place in the Armory from 9 a.m. t, 6 p.m. November D O. Party slates listing the candidates' fraternity or independent a! filiation, curriculum, and center attended before entering the Colley_ Seniors Schedule Photos for La Vie Approximately three hundred seniors who have not yet had pictures taken for La Vie will have one last opportunity to re schedule appointments at the Photo Shop, Marjorie Mousley, photo editor, said today. Seniors affected may reschedule appointments themselves by call ing the Penn State Photo Shop, 2345, and asking for a reappoint ment date Thursday or Friday of this week, or Monday and Tues day of next week. Although La Vie is contacting each senior concerned by either letter or telephone to remind them of this reappointment, La Vie is not making the appoint ment dates. It is up to the indivi dual to do this either before or after being contacted. This will be absolutely the final chance to have such pic tures taken, and seniors who have not yet done so are urged to make these reappointments as soon as possible. Exchange Dinners To Start Sunday Exchange dinners bet Ween resi dents of Pollock Circle and campus coeds will be initiated Sunday when eight Circle men will go to Atherton Hall for the noon meal and eight Atherton Hall girls will go to the Circle Dinings Commons to eat. Details for the exchange are being worked out by social com mittees from Pollock Circle and WSGA. Representing WSGA are Solveig Maier, Suzanne Romig, Jean Wahl and Eve Winter. George Miller, Ralph Temples, and Edmund Walacavage are the Circle representatives. If the plan proves successful it will be expanded to include all girls' dining halls. The exchange is being supported by the Dean of Men and Dean of Women, and has the approval of the director of dormitories an d dining commons. LA Student Council All members of the Liberal Arts Student Council are tweed to attend a meeting in 2 Sparks, 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, ac cording to Selma Zasofskv. pres ident. The Council will have its La- Vie oioture taken at the Photo Shoo, 6:30 o'clock toniight, she added. Druids Meet to Tap in Primaries arrioear below Nittany-Independent President, Ken Shaffer, me chanical engineering. inde- Pendent from Pollock Circic previously attended the Collegc in 1943. Vice-president, Burt Hays electrical engineering. Phi Del ta Theta. Gannon College. Erie. Secretary - treasurer, Kay Stephenson, home economic:. Alpha Chi Omega. Edinbor State Teacher's College. State President, Ted Allen, fores try. independent from Pollocl. Circle. Mont Alto. Vice-president, Nancy Cray, home economics. Delta Delta Delta. Mansfield State Teach er's College. Secretary - treasurer. Chuck Beatty Jr., physical education. Kappa Sigma. California State Teacher's College. All third and fourth semes ter students are eligible to vote in the finals. Some means of iden (Continued on page eight► Dr. Kleinschmidt To Address ASME Dr. R. V. Kleinschmidt. re search engineer for the Arthur D. Little Co.. Inc.. Carmitridge. Mass.. will speak to the Student branch Of the American Society of Me chanical Engineers. in 121 Sparks at 7:30 o'clock. today. Leon Locke. chairman, said today. Dr. Kleinschmidt, will sneak on the "Applivationq of the Vapor Compression Distillation Unit." His talk will be illustrated by slides. The sneaker is the inventor o' the Vapor Compression Still used !or comforting salt water into fresh water. This mechanism is now being used by qubmarines beach installation units. and the Seabees. Working now as a research man in the Turbo-engine field. Dr. Kleinschmidt is a professor at the Harvard Graduate School, and al so holds the rank of Commodore in the USNR. An article by Dr. Kleinschmidt explaining the advantages of us ing moist air for gas turbo-cycle engines to obtain higher efficien cy than that resulting from using dry air. was published in the Me chanical Engineering Magazine. News Briefs Alpha Delta Sigma Alpha Delta Sigma. advertising honorary society, will net at the TKE house at 7:30 o'clock to night. The meeting will com memorate Founder's Day. Newcomer's Bridge Club Mjmbers of the Newt Club who plan to attend a bridle party ,it the home of Mrs. A. H. Forbes. 520 W. Fairmount Ave.. at 8 o'clock tonight are requested to call Mrs. S. H. Chamberlain at 4064. Forestry Society Meets The Forestry Society will h'aL a talk on "The Pennsylvania Hunting Season" at their meeting in 105 Forestry at 7:30 o'clock to morrow night. The speaker will be Dr. Logan J. Bennett who is in charge of the Cooperative Wildlife Research Units in the Fish and Wildlife Service. The meeting is open to the public. WEATHER Scattered Showers and Colder PRICE FIVE CENTS
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