PAGE TWO —From the Editor's Ma Expensive Weekend TO THE EDITOR: Because of a State College Borough ordinance, forbidding the scattering of leaflets from an airplane, a representative of the West Virginia humor magazine was arrested Sat urday and later released on $25 bail for a hearing to be held this coming Friday afternoon. The bor ough authorities said they would just reprimand the student flier, knowing full well that he prob ably could not afford to return for the hearing, consequently forfeiting his $25 bond. West Virginia was the guest of Penn State on Saturday. In spite of the fact that relations were strained.on the football field, we would not want the University of West Virginia to feel that Penn State is a poor winner and an ungracious host. Little incidents such as this could do much to ruin a fine school reputation. We would like to suggest that the complete stu dent body donate a few cents apiece to repay Mr. Randolph his $25 bail or to pay the fine if such is incurred. In our opinion, it would be a very worthy and not very time-consuming project for any of the numerous student government orgnizations. —J. Clark Fries,. —Alice Friese. Editorials and features in The Daily Col legian reflect the opinions of the writer. They make no claim to represent student or College opinion. All unsigned editorials are by the editor. College Calendar All calendar items must be in the Daily Collegian office by 4:30 p.m. on the day pre• ceding publication. Wednesday, October 29 CRITIQUE Literary Staff, 5 CH, 7 p.m. CHESS Club, 7 , Sparks, 7 p.m. DRUIDS, Tapping will be considered, 418 Old Main, 7 p.m. FROTH Art Staff, 9 CH, 7:30 p.m. THESPIAN tryouts, Schwab Auditorium, 7 p.m. TREBLE Singers, Photo Shop, 6:30 p.m. IFC, 405 Old Main, 7:15 p.m. WRA Badminton, 6:15 p.m.; Bowling, 6:30 p.m.; Beginners Bridge, 7 p.m.; Advanced Bridge, 8 p.m.; Dance Club, 7 p.m. AU in White Hall. HAT Society Council Pep Rally commit tee meeting, 409 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. College Hospital Admitted Monday: Ralph Fritts. Discharged Tuesday: Peter Rodemeyer. At the Movies Cathaum—Odd Man Oat State—Singapore Nittany—Smash-up. Placement Service West Virginia Pulp . & Paper Co., Oct. 31, eighth semester men in EE, ME, CE, Chem, and Comm Chem. Chance Vought Aircraft, Division of United Aircraft Corp., Oct. 27, eighth semester men in Aero E, and ME. The Armstrong Cork Co., Nov. 0, eighth semester men for sales training from C & F (single men only), lE, ME, CHEM (PhD and BS), CHEM ENG (PhD and BS). Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Oc tober 30 to interview eighth semester ME in terested in sales or development. The Phillips Petroleum Company, Octo ber 30, ME, EE, CHEM ENG, PETROLEUM ENG. The General Electric Company, November 3 & 4, eighth semester men in EE, CHEM ENG, ME, lE. Arrangements for interviews should be made at once in 204 Old Main. Suits TaiWed So you: individual mwuso by HOMELAND Hundreds of Fabrics including those hard-to-get Gabardines SOO us Guaranteed to Fit Perfectly 3 Weeks Delivery BETTER STOP IN TODAY LEWIS DAGGETT 142 S. Frasier THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA ilbox Moved by Spirit TO THE EDITOR: Last Saturday afternoon, the student body witnessed a dauntless, winning spirit portrayed in the actions of the "Mountaineers" pro verbial bench warmers. Those stout-hearted men, although not ac tively engaged in the game, had the spirit to rise from their benches in worthy acknowl edgement, or encouraging support, for their team each time a touchdown was scored. The Lions' representatives, however, displayed their usual stupified ins ifference by remaining stalwartly in their places. The cheerleaders for the Sophomore section cer tainly deserve their share o f chastisement. Ominous roars boom from the Senior sections, while faint whispers echo back in the form of our infrequent responses. Let's pick up those cheers from the far side and really toss it back at them. In numbers, we are not lacking; the dormant spirit is there. I think it's about time we get some collective expression of our appreciation for a hard-fighting team. NEW-FANGLED GADGETS Although the "Mountaineers" aerial "pep" leaf lets were somewhat misplaced, a definite indication of the spirit embodied in our opponents was quite evident. Why not work up an original leaflet of our own which we could shower on the stadiums of our away games? PATRIOTISM IN ACTION? I remember the day when our National An them had words to it, It's been so long since I've heard them, I've begun to wonder if they still exist. How about getting the band to key their rendition to suit some of the men besides the tenors, acid see if we can't sound a little more like Americans than a mob of Russians standing in subservience to an omnipotent master? —Name Withheld Cabinet Agenda TO THE EDITOR: The agenda for the All-Col lege Cabinet meeting on Thursday, October 30, 1947, follows: ROLL CALL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING REPORTS OF OFFICERS OLD BUSINESS Reappointment of one member to Public Oc casions Committee Appointment of committee for investigation of UNESCO Fellowship Plan Financial Report from Junior Prom Corn mittee Report from Food-savings Committee Report from Committee on Student Govern ment Conference Report from Co-op Committee Report from Student Union Committee NEW BUSINESS Appointment of Cabinet's Representative to Committee on Racial Equality, and a repot.' following An Appeal from AVC TO THE EDITOR: AVC is holding elections for chapter officers on the evening of Wednesday, October 29th. The probability is that less than one fifth of AVC's active members will show up for this meeting. The men who joined AVC did so, for the most part, to indicate support for and to work for the furthering of its statements of principles. If they have ceased to take an interest in the chapter because of.mome shift in the direction of AVC's . line of action, this is the time and the way for them to indicate their dissatisfaction. There is only one legal way to change the setup of organizations in this country and that is by voting for such a change. This is an appeal to all those men who were and are interested in AVC to come out Wednesday and vote. That is the only way to make their voices heard and thereby make AVC move in the direction they wish it to go. • Sincerely, —Larry Rothstein. Saturday's the Night c C" - ) For the Belle Hop 4. (SVki • - 4 11. 41, /) REC HALL Informal —Thomas J. Lannon. All-College President Dancing to the Charlie Masters Sponsored by the Greeter's Club Music of 8:30 - 12 Admission $2. Couple Dairy Tech Men Contest in Florida Four dairy technical students have been chosen to represent Penn State at the revival of the annual Collegiate Students' In ternationi Contest, which was dis continued after Pearl Harbor, at Miami Beach, Fla., Monday. This is the 26th of the meetings. The team, which will compete against similar groups from 19 other colleges and universities from all parts of the country, in cludes Joseph M. Clark, Sheldon Shuey, Stanley L. Van Tassel and John C. Wilson. An $B5O graduate research Fel lowship is given to a member of the team winning the coveted All-Products cup. Individual top scorers for each product are awarded medals, while winning teams may take back with them silver cups which may be kept after three annual winnings. Some of the other competing colleges entered in the contest are University of Illinois, lowa State, Michigan State, Maryland, Ne braska, Ohio State, Purdue, Tennesee and Texas A. & M. Pre-Med Society Eleds O'Tousa, Plans Program Joseph O'Tausa was elected president of the Pre-Medical So ciety recently. Other officers elected were Michael Kutsenkow, vice presi.. dent; Edwin Morris, treasurer; James Robinson, recording secre tary; and Mary Austry, corre sponding secretary. The new president informed members that they would be no tified of future meetings by postal card. The next hi-monthly meet ing is tentatively slated for No vember 5. Vice President Kutsenkow stated that business to be trans acted at the next meeting in cludes a proposed membership driVe, payment of dues and the selection of guest speakers for fu ture meetings. BRING A FRIEND TO • Breakfast • Devotions 7 - 8 A. M. THURSDAY OCTOBER 30 Wesley Foundation Room 256 E. College WEDNIIIRDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1947 ferguson Writes Sequel To Political Science Book Dr. John H. Ferguson, profes sor of political science, and Dean E. McHenry of the University of California at Los AngeleS have recently had their second vol ume of the McGraw-Hill polit ical science series published. The new work, "The American System of Government," is a sequal to "The American Federal Government," which is now be ing used in Political Science 10. The two volumes are the first published that treat fully Amer ican government in the post-war period. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Successor to the Tres Lance, est. 11171. Published Tuesday through friday mornings during the College year by the staff of the Daily Collegian of the k 3 ennsylvania State Cole. t ared as second class matter Jul y , 1934. at the State College. Pa., Post Mice under the act of March 3, 1879. $2.30 • semester; MIS the school year. Allan W. Ostar Donald W. EUia Man. Ed., Lawrence G. roster; News Ed., Dick Sarge' Sports Ed.. Ted Rubin; v'eature-Photo Ed., Dave Adelman; Women's Ed., Badollet; Ass t Women's Ed., Al orie Mousley. Wire Ed., Rober Hutchison; Senior Board, Howard Back, Eleanor rehnel, den L French, Helen Lewis. Joan Peters. J. Arthur Stober. Ad. Dir. Spencer Scheckter; Local Ad Man, Barbara Keefer; Ass't. Bus. slgr.,"Jack Strickland; Circ. Mgr., Robert icsanich; Sec., Mary Lou Callahan; Class Ad Mgr., Lucille Martin. Represented for national advertising oy National Advertising Service, Madi son Ave., New York, N.Y., Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco. STAFF THIS ISSUE Nianaglisig Editor -------- Lew Stone Assistant --- _-- Lois Sloomouist News Editor -- —.—.-- Janet Adler Assistant --------- Ralph Temples Ad Manager ------ NSUCY Pardee &militant Mimi Pomerene 4 /11," A Radio for Your Nome Combination floor models in period and moc:ern designs • TABLE MODELS • PORTABLES BENDIX MOTOROLA SPARTON STROMBERG-CARLSON Phonograph and Radio Repair Work Guaranteed STEIGE'S RADIO CENTER Opposite Post Office - Editor ... Bus. Mgr.
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