PAGE FOUR Rushing Registration To Continuo Today ~...x.won for sorority ..shing will continue in the Dean of Women's office today. All independent women who are interested in sororities and who have at least a one college average should register, said Virginia Babbit, Panhellenic rushing chairman. Any changes in the rushing schedule will be announced in tomorrow's Daily Collegian. dRA Bridge Club ..lassifies Players Classification for WRA bridge club members according to stand ing as beginners or advanced players, has been listed on the, bulletin boards at White Hall, Atherton, Old Main Sandwich Shop, and Mac Hall Dining Com mons, said Mary Kapp, president. All women who enrolled are requested to consult the lists. Be ginners are scheduled to meet Tuesday and Wednesday, 7 to 8 p.m.; advanced players should report on Tuesday, 8 to 9 p.m. Miss Kapp requests that all members bring the $l.OO fee to the next meeting. Rains— (Continued from Page Th.ree) hell game injury, worked out with the team. Ram coach Ed Danowski will be depending upon a handful of pre war stars and 1948 lettermen, but, as in the last season, is handi capped by the need of a good passer. Midway through the pre-kaspn Try. vies 0 1 . w • HOME MADE VEGETABLE SOUP *Delicious *Appetising *Made from only fresh vegetables The MILKY WAY S. ALLEN ST. cleog tosa 3430' liet"n li•E' C iii. ..possoc ihsea" --20.1.111111111 WSGA Plans Soph Election A sophomore senator to WSGA Senate will be elected by the sophomore women sometime next week, said Suzanne Romig, presi dent of WSGA. Several WRA of ficers will be chosen at the same time and the date will be an nounced later in the week. Sophomores should be thinking of members of ,their class whom they think would best qualify as representative on the senate of the Women's Student Govern ment Association, Miss Romig urged. To be a candidate for the position, the girl must have a 1.5 all-college average and have no major judicial record. Members of the WSGA Senate will visit upperclass dorms this week to aid in the election of house officers. Janet Lyons will organize these house officers into the House of Representatives of WSGA next week. practice, the Maroon mentor was forced to scrap plans for using a T formation because of the lack of a good center and quarterback. Danowski has since reverted to the old Notre Dame box. is ~ . . ,„,-.G.,. ~„----- _______ r ..., , f ....„_____ e _ ......„...... , o , .... ~...„. _.r. ' ••• -- '..- 1: . ~.. . .. . ~: f r • / t PHILIP MORRIS is so much better to smoke! PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an benefit found in no other cigarette. For PH- -- P MORRIS is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Less irritation means smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what PHILIP MORRIS smokers know, they'd all change to cFAOLRL PHIL THE DAILY COLLIDGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR SALE—Girl's gym suit, size 16, excellent condition, reason able price. Call Bobbie, ext. 196, from 2-5 p.m. Thursday. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE-1938 Harley Davidson "90." New tires, good condition. Phone Dick 2651. ENGAGEMENTS WANTED Bunyan Quintet fresh from Mont Alto. Songs old and new to Liven up your party. Call Ted Al len, 3931, Pollack Circle. Harriers— (Continued from page three) Twenty - six candidates ar e working out daily for the com ing meet. Heading the list are Gerald Karver and Horace Ash enfelter, two nationally famous track men. Other members of the squad are: Donald Longenecker, Mitchell William s, Frederick Lennox, Albert Vigilante, Louis NiCastro, John Bates, Robert Auman, Robert Handwerk, Ike Evans, Ted Hissey, Dave Huber, Dick Toler, Bob Tintsman, Mack Emmert, Paul Koch, Walt Mehl ferber, Ed Miller, Bill Garrison, Jim Christmas, Bob Hour, Earl Rice, Saul Levy, 'l'. E. Latstetter, Paul Krauss, and J. W. Zah radnik. TRY A PACK TODAY FOR SALE-1928 Stutz "Black Hawk" speedster, $745. Call Russel 4444. FOR SALE—Brand new Under wood portable typewriter. Im mediate delivery. Call 2242. • ROOM FOR RENT—HaIf of dou ble. Apply at 238 South Ather ton street. WANTED—Men and women stu dents interested in selling Real Silk products part-time on com mission basis. Contact Ronald Gusahel, Hotel State College, after 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. I'O. EMPLOYMENT WANTED -- BA Psychology - English. Exper ienced intake social worker. Also editorial. clerical. sales exper ience. Moderate speed typist. Full part-time. Mrs. Aronson, 3936. GIRLS! Are your hemlines in style? H not, see Helen Hopei, seamstress. Expert alterations. .Phone 4497. 138 S. Allen street. Penn State Class Rings L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY LOCATED IN THE ATHLETIC STONE 1 RR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1847 GUNS FOR RENT. Ammunition hunting and fishing equipmen for sale. Sportsman's Shack, nea Quick Press Shop. WANTED-2 alto sax men, . ride trumpet, bass, piano to : new band. Call Euge Witmer 883, for tryout. BOARD for students and facult; living in Oo',lege Heights, work ing near Ag Hill. Dining room 207 E. Park avenue. VISIT THE CEDARS, one-fourtl mile west of Spring Mills, fol delicious seafoods, steaks, bever ages. Dancing nightly. GET YOUR TYPING done rem sonably. Manuscripts. thesis etc. Call State College 2864 Ole 6:30 p.m. PAUL GROVE' , . AND HIS ORCHESTRA No Change in Personnel PHONE 4048 OR DU HOUSE FOR MEN AND WOMEN
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