TUESDAY, 23, 1347 Through the Looking Glads .Ipir. btckihk audits is (In, uk. iigkSkwtß this tiihetthey iu b«t|efiiw to fc Atttmgb einm itbfcy r .MWur*ia .in Slate CAliisge. tt£F£.pUt&£ tM Wm ‘TefoUred at one merely “electives’' at VJ.Shf &Hlitt'n « fiiihion SS yeftr. The polity rrtost coed's ate & dothek wfui longer *Sweavers, skirts and bloUset sHU atlM/bfe golftg tB/cujaZ& with mil ypU’rk‘dhyMr'Swn^S tb re- but bha dr tWo good bUuck dre*jl<ps ate almost a must. BpSt WrgOt te bfihg alodk a couple, of evening igOwns for the big dancei Ih Bee Mil. Hqipy^Mkiiqdi, .. .Therfe.is ahold. laying at State tymfch goes, rlt ralq& every week end.’* Be prepared with boots; raincoat knd umbrella, If you’re ajjpd'rts enthusiast, bring along ski sult end .accessories for there Should W Jots, of enow and ikiing. Don’t f&rget your ice ikates and ovltftt, (both skating jkirts ahd .ski pktits are worn) when they flood the tennis courts this year. t Surrounded on almost every side by xnduritalns, it gets oretty cold ih State College dur ing the winter. , A really warm Coat is a, hfcepgity .jfor dashing to glasses. Either 8 fur coat dr ftir trimmed coat is nice but hot necessary for weekends. As for yopr accessories, ban darinas are wbrfl,flverytVhere on the,. campus, and with every thing. You’ll need a hat for trav eling', church or chapel, and for some, ox ..the more dressy teas. Cloves .dually jp> tiriin the nets, and sometimes are jwoni to form al ddnees. Warm mittens are a necessity. Don’t forget to put Vour n4mC tape in them as well 4b.' on coats, apd,. bandannas. Pocketbodks are rarely . used at State except for a slmall bag to hold makeup,that will tuck into yoUr coat pocket, and purse for Church.- Socki Stm Popular Whife Wool socks and loafers are the coeds’ solution for cold feet. No matter hOW low the hem line we feel it’s important to keep warm going to . class. Of course stockings Slid heels are de rigueur for dating. It’s'Usually best to jplan your dorm room with your roommate. You must supply your own drapes dr glass curtains, ped spread and small rug in practically all rooms. Dbn’t forget dresser scarfs, a laundry bag, and laundry case -if you're sending things home. A good study lamp is a necessity and cap he purchased ih town. A typewriter is handy, depending oft your courses. Doris Furnishing* Campus dorms furnish all bed lipeh, a pillow Ahd two blankets, but if you’re cold blooded, bring gldng an eictra blanket or two. Doh’t forget bedroom slippers fhat are warm but don’t clack when roommates are sleeping and warm bathrobe to study in. Duiigareel and slacks are fine for study, fall Jukes,. and classes on especially cold days, but they’re not worn ii\ the dining room. As a final hint, bring a drinking cup, cah opener, silver knife ana unbreakable dishes if you want an evening Attack before bed. „ %> lock dp that trunk now, and we’ll be looking for vou soon. Now Books During the morith of August, 983 books were accessioned by the College Library. W. P. Lewis, librarian, repotted today. The monthly report also re vealed that 14,584. volumes were circulated during the month, and that fhe library now has 283.168 volumes and 29,918 unaccessioned pamphlets. . Idl|lB, |o Cokdii Were enrolled •: Jh* College along with 1811 i eJV Aha present enrollment is 1 554 coeds to 6,i04 men. Center Club Sponsors fransler R&eptlon Cathpiis Cehter Club merHbehs will hcjld a welcome r'eceptioh in tVhltfe Hall froth 2 to 5 p.rtt. Sun day, September 28, for Approxi mately 375 transfer students froth the. Pottsville, Altoona, Hazleton, and DUBois CahterS; accbrdlng to Florence Feihberg, publicity cKairthan. Kfethbers of the club as wfeil as baiter officials are expected to -ttiarld this. reception being held to Welcome the Students to the cam pus. Ehtertairiment hhs been planned And greeting's Will be ex tended by Sir. David 8.. Pugh, siii&rvisbr ,of the Oiiderki«UlUhte Canters. Thom# Jjyrrie, club rosters will be given by club members, in 121 Sparks, Friday and Saturday; September 28 and 27 during, registration hours to answer questions Arid supply in formation. Men Disapprove Style friend As Coeds Skirts Lengthen By Jean Aldarfkf . While nearly 100 per cent bf the College jfroah UiSiJ,#ll - coeds’ skirts have been dipping Inches below their knees in past months. . .■ • u - * '*' Women students who came to the Suimtter pesslbhs this year from small towns where the new fashiohs hadn't “cailttht bh" IJpeftt several classes with coeds in calf-length dresses and thbh bkully let down their own heihs. ■ ; ~ A selected poll showed that while 47 pe_ cent of the women on campus were ardent “long hemmers,” the 51 per cbnt who didn’t like the longer skirts ad mitted they like hems “a little longer.” Men . interviewed at random disliked the new fashion. Long-Legged Ideal "What’s going to happen to our ideal, of the long-legged, Amer ican girls?” said bhe. “Their legs look chopped off with long skirts." Women who voted for longer skirts, which means three or four inches below the knee, say that they are more flattering (especial ly to taller girls), more feminine, and besides, they “want a change.” The coeds who voted against lengthening hems almost Unani mously said they like longer dresses mbre as they get used to seeing them. Asked if they were Christian Greetings Sophomores From the Penn State Lutheran Student Association Corner of College Ave. and Atherton St. THE DAILY COLLEGIA!*, BfATtt botii&i, frnftNSYLVANIA WRA Swim, bailee, Rifle Clubs Open To Women Showing Special Skills Special ivdilps Sufch its Kippers ahd the modern dance concert group ait to wotttfert ihpWlrtjt IgiWM skill in WRA recre ation qluW, according to Lite Ahh wagnlrt'', W&A president. ICippets, ad ItrtlHi 6f the Club, have played important rofisi 111 Ihtercollejiliite sWltn telegraphic meets and in anmihi aquacade* *pdhibft<i by uife aWlm cilib. rot liili i<lUaci|ae titeSbht&d been Spring are based on on de&febs of iftill, boweVei', atld leas MpeVieHfced. swihWyars. ,iJarr tiJUdL lipidLliibßr ujurglflt Bartiett, swim Cluß, Last year’s aquacade; “Walt* Time,” was prebanted lh the White Sall pofii.tb *.full HqUat. swim Modem Dfihtd Clttb. Wembpm practice one afternhbn each-week besides the mjBia*b clhb.hblli |hd have aided with tne enoteogra- letting dbWn helps {troth last year’s dresbes, inost of thfem iiid they were. Buyers ih wpmeti’s dteSS 6hopS least 14 Qie flitolr, inches longer tnUn last year. Soma Men Like The*® dated coeds with cotton Skins floupblhg to thelt eilves lodk Uotid hhth to aUy? Fllty-three pet cent of. uift ,someh think the faSHhart toigbUhatifeir e ss- aSrl; new length for. several ceuqpu^. “Arid I thought wntnen dressed to please rtveh,” sSld one dis gruntled veteran. leading roles in this iShhUbl dance febitals. L£4t year’s recital was pre- Seiitftd thjefe nights, each time to a Blbkhd house, in die ttfhite Hall v ,d|hce robth. Multi-col ored eosttuhea. original choreog ratfny, Rhd music 1 , add dances in- SandbUrg poem Wdth'eh. riflbrs who average MOST PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THE Charles SHOP FOR MEN SHOP FOR WOMEN L jTH STORES ON ALLEN STREET This Home of Fine Photography JLion Studio Portraitures and Commercial Photography 106 E. College Ave. Phone 4196 HUNGRY? CREAM PUFFS COOKIES TARTS The ELECTRIC BAKERY ALLEN STREET ——> PAGE ELEVEN highest scores during a specified period of the Rifle Club’s daily practice hours are named to the varsity rifle squad. Women with the highest weekly scores pre ceding intercollegiate matches participate in that week’s con test. Penn State’s women riflers placed first in the 1047 Women’s intercollegiate Rifle Matches with a total team score of 2439 out of a possible 2500. In the individual matches, three women shooting on the 50- foot indoor White Hall range placed among the ten highest scorers in the individual matches. Nancy Killam won fourth, Joan Health seventh, and Loretta Ze kauskas ninth place. Sweaters Are Tops! So fall into the college swing ami learn to knit ’em yourself. Choose from our fea tured Columbia, Bur nett, Botany or Bee- hive yarns in your l’a- vorite colors Margaret's Shop 121) S. Frazier St
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