A’O'G’CBT, 10457 Painters Show Oil Canvases In Annual Campus Exhibit Oil paintings of approximately 100 summer artists, the largest class to date, will be exhibited at Mineral Industries Art Gallery, 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. today, the last day of this 15th annual art show ing. Hobson Pittman, noted painter of oil and pastel canvases and -AT PENNSTATEj CotOa 123 W NITTANY AVENUE'-. ! \ALL ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER \ Comfortable Rooms ror Transients FOR--- GAS t OIL LUBRICATION TIRES BATTERIES ACCESSORIES ALL MOBIL PRODUCTS COLL’S MOBIL STATION 115 S. Burr owes Phone 3998 QUALITY FOOD SERVED TO YOU 24 HOURS A DAY * EXCEPT MONDAY Closed 7 :00 P.M. to 6;30 P.M. Tuesday • Penn State Dwer THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN—STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA instructor of the oil painting class, will speak at the gallery, 8 o’clock this evening on the works represented in the col lection and the eight prize win ners. Prize Winners Two iuries, one lay and one professional, were chosen to judge the paintings. Each jury awarded four places. The selec tions of the professional jury in order were: “The Dresser” by Pat Sullivan, “Heading Home" by Mary Cochlin, “Still Life”, by Everett C. Hoffman, and "Water melon” by Blanchard Gummo. The professional board consist ed of Milton S. Osborne, head of the department of architecture; Harold E. Dickson, professor of fine arte; Dean Stambaugh, in structor .of art at St. Albans school, Washington. D. C.; M. Dean Ross, assistant professor of fine arte; and Hobson Pittman, Lay Jury Awards Four choices by the lay jury were, “Trail Beyond” by George S. Zoretich, “Pennsylvania Coun tryside” by Jean Francis, “By , the Brook" by W. E. Kittenhouse, and “Geranium” by Marty Shomberg. Representatives of non-profes sional art appreciation were Mrs. Marion Trabue; Edward Steidle, dean of the School of Mineral In dustries; and C. M. Henderson. Rules for Awards Stipulations for the awarding of prizes specified that no pre vious winners were eligible for top honors. William Keeler of Keeler’s Book Store will present the eight prizes of art books and materials. All canvases in the exhibit are for sale. Margaret Sanger; birth control advocate, and .Mr. and Mrs. Wassell, Philadelphia are collectors just returned from British showings, are here to purchase canvases. Artiste in Course Beside regular college stu dents, Mr. Pittman’s oil painting course this summer has attract ed professional painters. Eliza beth Davis, onetime first win ner now in the class will present a one-man show in Pittsburgh August 9. Josephine Paul, previous first Honorary Gels Scholarship Grant A scholarship fund of $l,OOO has been granted the local chap ter of Pi Lambda Theta, national women’s education honorary, by Mrs. Mary Kirk Bowman in memory of her sister, Mabel E. Kirk. , Miss Kirk, late professor of elementary of education at the College, was one of the founders of the campus chapter and was its advisor from 1936 to 1943, The announcement was made at the chapter’s summer innitia tion by Miss Mary Jane Wyland, professor of secondary education and director of the education Workshop. Twelve graduate students and two undergraduates admitted to the honorary are Lois E. Bird, Marian G. Burket, Madeleine Galbreath, Edith D. Geuther, Miriam Harbarugh., Hazel M. Kerr, Harriet E. McGinnis, Mil dred P. Menge. > Sara H. Mischlich, Marian. R. Puckey; Von Beulah Spruill, and Irene M. Wesier, graduate stu dents, and Betty L. Daugherty and Grace Reighard, undergrad uates. Mrs. Bernadette Heagney Stev enson was in charge of the initia tion banquet which was held in Westminister Hall of the Presby terian Church. Members of the executive committee who took part in the ceremony are Miss Agnes McEl wee, Mrs. Willa C. Taylor, Miss Jane A. Bovie, Mrs. Esther Den nison, Mrs. Vera C. Furst, Mrs. Ellen. J. Maynard, and Miss Flor ence E. Taylor. Miss McElwee left Saturday for Portland, Oregon, where she will attend the organization’s bien nual convention. winner, was recently represented in “Seven Young Moderns” ex hibit in Philadelphia. Octavia Martial and Everett Hoffman have also featured . one-man shows in Eastern metropolitan centers. 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