PAG* BIGHT Shorthand Job Leads Cohen T025-Year Chemistry Post Chemistry formulas, to many, are shorthand, but to Gustav E. Cohen, newly-retired associate professor of chemistry at the College, shorthand also meant chemistry formulas. Cohen, who retired June 30, revealed today that a friend in Wilkes-Barre interested him in chemistry while he was still in high school. It was then he de cided to go to college and took a position as a stenographer to earn money for that purpose. Came to College Five years as a stenographer, and Cohen came to Penn State. He worked while a student and when he received his degree in 1907 he had enough money left CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in the Collegian Office, Carnegie Hall, by 4:30 pan. each Friday. Prices are: 40c for one insertion: $l.OO for three inser tions. 17 words or less. Call Col legian 711. THETA XI open during Summer Session. Room and board or board separately. Call Hackman, 2161. FOR SALE—Remington Model 37 Target Rifle with heavy barrel. Used two - seasons. Must sell! Suter, 805-A Windcrest. CIGARETTES, all popular brands, $1.45 per carton. Post age prepaid. Minimum order 3 cartons. Perfect delivery guaran teed. Send check or money order to Kasso Mail Order, P.O. Box 1641, Trenton, N. J. FOR SALE—Two latest auto- matic record players in port able cabinets. One radio combi nation; one wireless type. Used as demonstrators so will sell at 20% below list price. Call Paul at 3251 after 6 p.m. , RIDERS WANTED (2)—to Phila Wed. about 2, return Sunday. Call Jack 3990 around dinner time. BILLFOLD LOST Saturday morning. Contained no money but cards are important. Reward. Call Bob at 2044. LET US... Call for and deliver your clothes expertly dry-cleaned and pressed. Prompt 3-Day Service NITTANY CLEANERS An All-Veteran Service THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN—STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA to buy a train ticket to St. Louis, Mo., where he had Obtained a position. A kind landlady, he re calls, trusted him for his room rent until he received his first pay check. From 1907 until 1922, Cohen worked as a chemist .in various industrial plants, principally in the fields of bauxite and -lunite production and processing. His work took him as far west as Utah. Called to the College as a “fill-in chemistry instructor” in 1922, Cohen remained on the faculty for 25 years. On LaVie Staff As an undergraduate, Cohen served on La Vie board, was Chief Marshal, earned a Louise Carnegie scholarship, was named to Phi Kappa Phi, scholastic honorary. He is past president of the local chapter. He also was one of the organizers of Delta Upsilon fraternity, and has serv ed as its counsellor for the past 22 years. A member of the Amer ican Chemical Society for the past 41 years, Cohen held the post of local treasurer for 22 years. For the present, Cohen intends to take life easy. He sits in oc casionally on a chemistry course he used to teach and marvels at progress made in the field. He also has more time to spend on his hobby, gardening. Later in the year, he may go to California to visit his son, George, who was graduated from the College in June with a bach elor of science degree and honors in aeronautical engineering. A daughter, Mary K., is a sopho more in College. “I don’t.know just what I may decide to do now,” Cohen said, “blit I want to be free of know ing that I have to be at a certain pplace every Tuesday morning at eight o’clock, or somewhere else at nine.” AT THE MOVIES . . . CATHAUM—"Possessed" (Wed.) "Dishonored Lady" STATE—"Living in a Big Way” (Wed.) "Fear in the Night" NITTANY—"Dead Reckoning" (Wed.) "Stallion Road" Call Boalaburg 6121 PSCA To Show Film on Colleoe “Your College”, a technicolor movie of Penn State will be shown in 304 Old Main, at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, said James Smith, PSCA director. A sing will follow during which refreshments will be served. There will also be square dancing with Jean Ropps and James Smith doing the call ing. Informal dress, including jeans and sport shirts are recom mended for this activity. Members of the various com mittees in charge of the program are Ann Auchenbach, Dorothy Cornell, Helen Coxe, Eleanore Hardcastle, Dorothy Hoke, Janice Hook, Marjorie Kilmer, Robert Laughry, Helen Lawrence Sam Musser, Albert Miller, Jean Ropps, Virginia Skelton, Jackie Solomon, George Van Artsdalen, Marjorie Worrneck. College (Continued from page one) with one bedroom or two bed rooms each, to four-family units with one bedroom each. Except for the bedrooms, the facilities will be identical in all units. The surrounding land will be landscaped, with roads intersect ing the several streets, and con necting with the new entrance road east of the development. A small area will separate the first row of houses from the first row of trailers in Windcrest, and the new area will be considered an integral part of the whole war prompted housing development on East campus. Units will provide temporary accommodations for the families of new staff members unable to find housing in the community at the time of their arrival. Occu pancy will therefore be granted only on a limited rental basis. Athleticßoard (Continued from page one/ by Captain Jackie Tighe, holder of the 165-pound Eastern Inter collegiate Boxing title, was to be accompanied by a trainer and Coach Leo Houck. Houck, Who was host to the EIBA tourney in March, this fall completed 25 years as' coach of Nittany Lion boxing teams. It is the policy of the College to comppete only under circum stances which will permit the of 11 '°mbers of STUDENTS: Strem-styled portraits by Penn State's conscientious photographers—l. Herzog. J. Kelly. P. S.—Our Prices Won't Empty Pop's Wallet! O'BRYANS Rt. 322 On S. Atherton St. Let O'Bryan's expert mechanics prepare your car for weekend trips. Our years of experience know what's best for YOUR Carl e Lubrication e Atlantic e Repairs e Washing ’ e Sunoco eParls TUESDAY, JULY 40, 10* to carry out arrangements-if th< Lions used Negro players in the lineup. In a telegram to the Sugai Bowl committee, Neil M. Flem ing, graduate manager of athlet ics, stated. "Regret to advise our Alh etic Board disapproved accept ance of your invitation to par ticipate in boxing meet with Mich. State during your Sugar Bowl Tournament. Appreciate your invitation and am sorry that present situation made fav orable decision difficult." 114 E. BEAVER AVE.
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