TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1947 Gridders Lead in Playoff Games Rofhsteln Wins Firs! Title in IM Golf Matches Larry Rothstein became the first player to be crowned cham pion in the All-College Golf Tournament last week by defeat ing Art Evans 4 and 3 in the final match of Plight I. Evans had beaten Bob Cle land 2-1 in the semi-finals,, and Rothstein stopped N. Shaak by the score of 3 and 2 in his semi final match. Jack Harper and Don Hart were unable to play off their semi-final match this past week to decide who will meet Jerry Smith for the Championship in Flight I. The match will be play ed this week and the winner will meet Smith for the final play off by Friday. KIMBLE BEATS WOLF In the most grueiing match of the Tournament Reggie Kimble finally beat Bob Wolf after hav ing to go 29 holes. At the end of the regulation 18 holes both these boys were tied up. Under the rules of the tournament they then had to play a Sudden Death round the first one to win a hole won the match. Wolf and Kimble started all over again and matched stroke for stroke and hole for hole for 10 more holes and it wasn't un til the 11th extra hole had been played that Kimble finally won the match. In the other semi-final match in the third Flight, Bob Shadley defeated Bob Stirling 5 and 3. Stirling and Kimble will now battle it out for the final in this flight. In the fourth Flight, John Mc- Kean had a close one in beating Hal Frey I-up and will meet Bob Shettig in the finals. Schet tig beat Ted Petry 5 and 4 in his semi-final match. PARK ADVANCES R. E. Park advanced to the finals in the fifth flight after eliminating Chuck Strain in the semi-final match by the score 2 and 1. NOW AT YOUR WARNER THEATER | ■pw"® -^§zZ*k .«*•*? V ** sWl i THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN—STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Final Softball -.EAGUE I W. L. Pet. Football House 4 0 1.000 J. E. M. 3 1 .750 Beaver House 1 3 .250 Ph.vs. Ed. 13 .250 1 3 .250 | Between The Lions A Few Football Statistics When the Lion gik. meets Watihingkn State on September 20, the sixtieth Penn State football campaign wil. be underway. When we saw that noti.ce in a Collegian story last week, we decided to go back through the records and see how Lion teams have made out in the past 60 years cf tusseling with other collegiate elevens. Penn Staters first donned footbal. tegs in 1087 when they met the Bucknell Bisons in the College’s first intercollegiate game. The Lions tasted victory in their baptism in the sport and racked up a resounding 54-0 score. Tho two teams played again that year and this time the Penn Staters won 24-0. However, the Lkms' victory streak ended then when they lost to the Lehigh Engineers in 18 8 9 to the tune of 106-0. Thai score stil stands as Penn State's worst defeat *n intercol legiate football. Captain of the first squad was G. H. Lins. While we’re on the subject of high scores, the records show that Penn State’s high was a 109-7 win over Lebanon Valley in 1920. Oth er free K coring contests were Penn State 80, Gettysburg 0 (1917); Penn State 99, Bonaventure 0 (1917); and Penn State 82, Sus quehanna 0 (1926. i The Lions lone appearance in the Rcse Bowl was in 1923 when they to Southern California, 14-3. That was the year Joe Bedenk, present ine coach and baseball mentor was selected on Walter Camp’s All-Aanerican team. Bedenk never made the trip, however, as he was side-lined with an injury. Only undefeated and untied season wag in 1912 when the Lions won all of theix seven games and ran up a score of 200 points to 15 for their opponents. Other undefeated seasons were 1911 (8-0-1), 1920, 7-0-2), and 1921 (7-0-2). The worst seasons were in 1913, 1931, and 1932 when the Lions won only two games each year. In 1912, Penn State met Ohio State in the first Lion intersectional contest and the Lion gridders won, 37-0. However, the game was not comp eted with the Buckeyes claiming a forfeit. The records list the game as a 1-0 Penn State victory. An undefeated streak of 29 straight ga n\es began in 1919 and ran to 19i22. In 1919, Waller Camp named a Penn State end to his All- Amerioan roster. That end was Bob Higgins and 11 years later that end was elevated to the pest oi head football coach. Since 1916 only two other men have held that position. Dick Harlow, present Harvard coaoh a nd a Col ege grad, held the reins from 191 S until Hugo Bezdek, a one-time manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates, tor k over in 1918. Incidentally, from 1912 to 1938, the Lions failed to win a game against Pitt although Penn State held a healthy advantage over the Panthers prior to that. Since 1939, the two teams have each won f- ur games. 808 HIGGINS Fifty-nine seasons have gone by; number 60 is coming up. Win or lose, Penn Slate fans are looking forward to another schedule of top-notch football. DANCE EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY at the PARADISE CAFE —Starring— HARRY THOMAS and THE TRU-BLU QUARTET • Delicious T-Bone Steaks • Excellent Service • Choice of Beverages DANCING—9 to I FRIDAY 9 to 12 SATURDAY BELLEFONTE, PA. Standings LEAGUE II W. L. Pet. A. Phi Delt 4 1 .800 Phi Oelt 3 2 .600 D. U. 3 2 .600 Alpha Zeta 2 3 .400 Phi K. Phi 2 3 .400 Phi Gam 1 4 .200 ay BEN FhENv-ti Alpha Phi Delts Meet Footballers For Title With Bay Ulinaki tossing his filth straight mound victory tournament, the Pootbai. House entry took the opening gome Intramural Softball League playoffs by blanking Alpha Phi 3-0, Thursday night. Both teams, winners of the: the second game on the softball field below the College golf course at 6:30 o’clock today. If the grid ders should win they will be given the championship, but if the Alpha Phi Delts can tie up the series, the title-deciding, game will be played Thursday. HURLING DUEL The game was a hurling duel . ci. ween Ulinski and Alpha Phi Delt hurler Rouse. The winning runs were scored on two errors in the third inning. Both pitchers tossed shutout ball the rest of the way, Alpha Phi Delt manager Joe Pepperlli will attempt to even the series tonight by sending Rouse back to the mound. Ulin ski will also hurl again for the Football House. The Football House clinched League I on Tuesday night by edging J.E.M. to the tune of a 4-2 score. Milt Simon started the fireworks for the gridders with a home run in the third inning. Picnic Specials REDUCED PRICES ON MANY ITEMS! Preway and Kampkook Griswold GAS STOVES SKILLETS HAMBURG ROASTING GRILLS FORKS Alaska Reynolds' Triple-Action Complete (Lifetime) Ice Cream Freezers Outdoor Cooking Kit Thermos Jugs Charcoal! Centre Hardware 146 S. ALLEN ST. PHONE 4802 ir respective brackets, will meei in Hummel led the footballers to the title with a home run and two other hits that accounted for the other three runs. A PHI DELTS TAKE TITLE Alpha Phi Delta tripped Alpha Zeta, 7-4, in a Tuesday evening game and took the League U title when Phi Delta Theta bow ed to Pi Kappa Phi, 7-5. The Alpha Phi Delts led all the way and were in little danger of be ing upset throughout the game. Larry Joe’s Windcrest team fi nally hit its stride Tuesday eve ning when it smacked Beaver House for an 8-2 victory. In the only other game, Delta Upsilon won in its usual manner by com ing from behind in the last in ning to tie up the score and edge out Phi Gamma Delta, 1-12 in 11 innings. It's Long Time Football season No. 60 is com ing up at Penn State. PAGE FIVE (u me of the Delta,
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