PAGE no Collegian Gazette Tuesday, July 29 11 a.m.—Lecture, “An Experiment in In ternationalism,” by Dr J. H. Ferguson, head, department of political science, 3 Carnegie. 12:30 p.m.—lnter - American Institute Luncheon, Home Ec Cafeteria. 2:00 p.m.—Joint meeting of Superinten dents and Principals Conference and Busi ness Education Conference. Topic, "Manage ment Looks to the Schools,” Dy Walter D. Fuller, pres., Curtis Publishing Co., 121 Sparks. 7:00 p.m.—Social Dancing Class, Main Oym, White Hall. 7:00 p.m.—Meeting of Penn State Chapter, Reserve Association. Subject," Combat Engi neers in Landing Operations.” 3 Carnegie. 7:30 p.m.—Superintendents and Principals Conference. Address, "Shall We Have Uni versal Military Training,” by the Hon. J. R. McCarthy, U. S. Senator from Wisconsin. Schwab. 8:30 p.m.—Bridge Tournament, 105 White Hall. Wednesday, July 30 9:30 a.m—Superintendents and Principals Conference. Topic, "Labor Looks to the Schools," by Mark Starr, Educational Direc tor, International Ladies Garment Workers Union, N. Y. Schwab. 3:30 pun.—Gathering for wives of superin tendents and principals, visiting faculty members, home of Dean and Mrs. M. R. Tra bue, 505 West Hillcrest avenue. 4:00 p.m.—Meeting of County Superinten dents of Schools, 121 Sparks. 4:00 p.m.—Meeting of District Superinten dents of Schools, 10 Sparks. 4:30 p.m.—Home Economics Forum. Topic, “Family Spending Patterns," by Dr. Freder ica Carleton, Associate Professor of Econom ics, Syracuse University, N. Y, 110 Home Ec. 8:00 p.m.—Mixed Swimming Party, Glenn land Pool. Thursday, July 3 V 11:00 a.m.—Lecture, "Knowing Our Neigh bors,” by Mrs. Mildred Eakin, Professor of Religious Education, Drew Theological Semi nary. 3 Carnegie. 4:00 p.m—lnter-American Institute Motion Picture Program. Films on Venezuela, Colom bia, Lima Family, and Housing in Chile. 121 Sparks. 8:30 p.m.—Summer Sessions Entertain ment Program by Susan Reed, American Bal lad Singer, Schwab. Admission 75 cents. Friday August 1 9 a.m—P.SJLA. Local Branch Leaders Workshop. 9:30 a.m—Panel Discussion on "Trends in Vocational Education,” led by Dr. L, H. Den nis, Executive Secretary, American Voca tional Association, Washington. 109 Ag. ( 11 a.m.—Lecture, "From the Dean’s Office,” by Dr. Hilda Threlkeld, Dean of Women, Uni versity of Louisville, Kentucky. 3 Carnegie. 8:00 pun.—-Fun Night, Rec Hall. Saturday, August 2 9:00 p.m—Summer Sessions Dance. Music by Ross Smith and his Orchestra. Admission 90 cents. College Health Service Admitted July 21: George Guldner, Wil liam H. Lane. Admitted July 22: James F. McGrath, Thomas Osborne. ' Discharged July 22: James F. McGrath. Admitted July 23: Ray Brodie. Discharged July 23: George Guldner, Wil liam H. Lane. Admitted July 24: Mary Jones. ' Discharged July 24: Ray Brodie. HECLA PARK IS Miles East of State College on Route 64 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Relies Skating Every Wed~ Friday and Sunday. Dancing Every Thursday Night. * Rida * * Games * Refreshment* Free Bathing Pool Free Parking and Pienic Tables Try HECLA PARK for yonr next outing! TOE SUMMER COLLEGIAN—STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Sugar Bowl Bid Penn State has again been confronted with racial discrimination in Intercollegiate athletics, and has again made an unequivocal decision to compete only under circumstances which will permit the playing of any or all members of its athletic teams. The decision reached by the Athletic Advi sory Board to decllna tha Sugar Bowl invita tion tendered the Lion boxing toam is espe cially commendable since there are no Negro boxen on the squad at present. When the football game with the University of Miami Was cancelled last November, Penn State had two Negro players on the squad. The present decision on the Sugar Bowl invita tion indicates, however, that the College Will not tolerate any form of discrimination or restrictions of participants in its athletic program. Boxing captain Jackie Tighe, who is also a mem ber of the Athletic Board, Is to be especially com mended for his unselfish attitude. Although he wanted very much to participate in the tourna ment, he voted to decline the invitation after hear ing that the Sugar Bowl committee “understood that no Negroes will be members of the State Col lege team. Tighe. as well aa tha other members of the beard, felt that tha presence of Negroes on tha ■quad should have no bearing on tha decision. The main point was that the invitation at tempted to place restrictions on who could be members of the Lion boxing squad. Thera is also the possibility that Negro boxers who might come to the campus in September would be discouraged from trying out for the squad. Aa one Collegian reader said in a letter to the editor at the time of the Miami controversy, “there is for discrimination on any American sporting Held.” Editors Mailcall Women, Oeese, and Skirts TO THE EDITOR: I read with interest your article on the lengthening of women’s skirts. May I add my voice to the storm of protest. Why don’t the girls awaken to the fact that the whole thing is but a plan of the clothing manufac turers to sell new dresses. For a long time women’s dress designers have had to bat their brains out to Sink up some new style to trap our womanhood to buying more dresses than they need. Now, obviously, they have come to the end of their ingenuity for they have resorted to lengthen ing the skirt. This makes it impossible for a girl to alter her present dresses and she must purchase an entire new wardrobe. Woman wa Ilka jhh whan ii eomaa to fashion. U on* tries'something new. they all must try it rogardloss of how ridiculous U may Nine out of ten men would rather see their women in a simple but refreshing frock instead of these outlandish creations that dress designers, spurred on by the manufacturers, dream up to sell more dresses. Men, let's stem the hem I —Jack Mean? THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN Published every Tuesday morning during the Main Summer Sessions by the students or The Pennsylvania State ® nt « r *d •» second class matter July B. 1834, at State College. Pa,, Post Office under the act of March a 1878. Man, Ed., Jean Aldarfer; Sports Ed., Ben L French, Jr.; Women's Ed., Lucy Selling Ad. Man.. Bruce Dtettarlck; Ctrc. Man., Charles Jacob son. Editorial Staff; Bennett L. Falrorth, George Harrison, Ray Kelly, Tom Lyon, Violet Nagle, Jane Welgle, Flor ence Felnberg, Joseph Kelly. Business Staff: Kathy Loses, Pave Lambert. Managing Editor This Issue—Lucy Selling. SEE. . . PENN’S CAVE AMERICA'S ONLY ALL-WATER CAVERN IS MILES SOUTHEAST OF STATE COLLEGE ON PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE SS OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY Penn's Cave Is « "MUST” on Year "SEE" List Editor Allan Ostar Business Manager John Calhoun Newman Club The Newman Club will hold a picnic at the Black Moshannon Park on Sunday afternoon, ac cording to Frank Tidona, presi dent. Transportation Vill be pro vided from Rectory at 2 p.m. . All Catholic students and their guests are invited. There will be a charge of 50c for refreshments. Editorials and features in The Collsgian reflect the opinions of tho writer. They make no claim to represent student or University opinion. AU un signed editorials ere hy the edi* tor. ONE OF THE LEADING HUMOR MAGAZINES FROTH Name Address State SUBSCRIBE NOWI Send 11.75 To FROTH. State Coll ege. Pa« and Receive the 7 Froth issues from October 1947 to May 1947. Quicker, Easier Washing WASH AND DRY YOUR COMPLETE LAUNDRY WITH BENDIX EQUIPMENT "SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY" (Moved from 207 E. Boavor) 454 E. College (In rear) Phone 2956 Pause in an atmosphere oh of our campus JsM* Yes, large size color photo t£f sir graphs of your campus adorn Mzb % our walls, giving an atmos- Kvw® ySns9F—a© phere of realism. You’ll find a refreshing drink ®n|| I or snack all the more enjoy- able in such cool, pleasant surroundings. REA & DERICK, INC. 121 SOUTH ALLEN STREET For Fine Stationary EATONS IN PASTEL COLORS SAMPLER MOOD MATCH PENN STATE SEAL Zipper Note Books A New Stock, Genuine Leather, In All Sizes. Select Yours Now For Back-to-School in September KEELER’S Cosmopolitan Club Frahk D. Kern, dean of the Graduate School, and his wife will entertain members of th e Cosmopolitan Club with a garden party at their home, 140 W 7 Fair mount avenue, 9 p. m. Saturday. All students born outside the boundaries of the United States are considered members of this club and tore invited. Certiflttdes Presented Certificates were presented to 117 men and women Saturday at the third week of the Labor In stitute for United Steelworkers of America came to a close here. ALWAYS SHOP A 1 TUESDAY, JULY j M?
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