PAG® took WSS Fund To Aid Foreign Students The World Student Service Fund drive which open s May 5 will use the money collected by door to door canvassing to aid over 400,000 students in Europe and Asia, according to Jerry Mil ler, general chairman. Education in many countries was interrupted, universities were destroyed and looted during the war. The fund has been estab lished to aid the students of these universities and help get the edu cational system in working order. No specific goal has been set for (he College, but the national goal is $1,000,000 to be collected from students and professors. The drive will continue from May 5 to May 7. 'The Mighty Atom' “The Mighty Atom” will be the subject of Dr. William; Hutchins, director of the Danforth Founda tion and father of the president of the University of Chicago, when he speaks at a meeting of the PSCA Club in 304 Old Main at 7:30 o’clock tonight. Dancing and refreshments will follow. Elections— (Continued from oage one) Senior Candidates Senior president candidates are Edward Czek a j, Nittany-Inde pendent, and Edward Banyai, State. Senior vice-president nom inees are Ted Rubin, Nittany- Independent and Richard Green awalt, vice-president. Senior sec cretary-treasurer candidates are Patricia Meily, Nittany-Indepen dent, and JoAiin Roraback, State. Junior president candidates are William Wilson, Nittany-Inde pendent, and Martin Baum, State. John Hayes, Nittany-Independent, and Alex Mauro, State, compete for junior vice-president, and Marjorie Gorham, Nittany-Inde pendent, and Laura Johnston, State, are running for junior sec retary-treasurer. YOUR VOTE TODAY - - - Let’s Raise Funds NOW CLASSIFIED SECTION DELTA UPSILON will remain open during the summer ses sion. To reserve room and board call Ward 3939. LOST —Phi Ep Pin with initials W.I.G. on back. Call Bill 4953. BRING your carburetor, gener- ator and electrical troubles to the Weiser Auto Service unit in the Antes Motor Sales building, Rt. 322 1-8 mile north State Col lege. Be swindled by an alumnus Dick Weiser, ME ’4l. PLEASE return grey topcoat taken New Physics Thursday, 17. Label “Jacksons” Lancaster, Pa. Call Yeagley 3946. Have yours. LOST—Monday, April 21, Ma roon Eversharp CA pen in Main Eng or vicinity. Reward. Call Brenner 2184. FOR SALE —Officer’s Navy blues with markings. Call G. Kane, 3931 Bldg 5 Rm. 25, Pollock Cir cle. PHI KAPPA PSI has room and board available for the sum mer session. Contact Meinken 4908. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ARE WILLING TO SUPPORT IT. We Can Build Later Support the Student Union Proposals in the ALL-COLLEGE ELECTIONS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA NO VA CHECKS? JOIN THE VETERANS' OUTFIT THAT Actively SUPPORTED GEN. BRADLEY'S REQUEST FOR SUFFICIENT , V.A. FUNDS Join A.V.C. Today WILL HELP CONVINCE THAT WE STILL WANT A STUDENT UNION AND By Voting Today al the Armory ROOM and BOARD available for sumer session. Call or con tact Brown or Gingrich, Alpha Zeta 4272. SUMMER SESSIONS rooms for men at Lambda Chi Alpha June 30 to Sept. 20. Call 2602. SALE—GoIf clubs, Hagen woods and irons. Best offer. Call Monty 2602. SALE—Mossberg .22 cal. target rifle, heavy barrel, adjustable sights, leather sling. Call Cokey 2602. 3 RIDERS WANTED —to New York Friday 4:20 p.m. Re turning Sunday afternoon. Call Bob Waldo, 4953. FORD Jeep Repainted green with yellow wheels. Low mile age, good condition. $750. Call Harold, phone 2075, EXPERT typing and/or short hand. Reasonable prices. Call 4150. 4?04 the Ptempt Relief o£ [ ATHLETES FOOT , VioiiTincture r*AOA MAXK If you or* suffering from AtMetti Foot or fungus infections of Hie bonds ond feet (except noils and hairy portions of the body) we recommend that you try VioNTincture. Users have acclaimed this remedy os the quick est relief they have yet discovered AT ALL DRUG STORES I CHARLIS CHEMICAL CO. Parra gut and locust Streets Philadelphia 39. Penno. O'* *** «" d 'w°»* PI LAMBDA PHI fraternity will be open this summer. Living quarters can be arranged by calling Wolf Swimmer at 3204 between 6 and 7 p.m. BOARD—open to fraternity men and married couples in summer sessions— per week. Call Delta Sigma Phi, 4151. Limited number. WHO GOT WRONG field jacket at Bact. Lab Monday? Lighter in pocket has sentimental value. Call Hutch, 2571. WILL PERSON who picked up cotton gabardine raincoat by mistake in library Monday morn, call 3931. I have yours. Hanner. WILL PERSON who borrowed the Naval ventilator from Sigma Nu dance please return it? Be longis to th o Navy. SIGMA PHI SIGMA open lor room and board during summer session. Call Rozelsky 4402. RIDERS to Pittsburgh Leave Fri., 4:30. Return Sunday. Call Bud Sage 3181. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1047 FOUND Man’s gold wedding band. Call at Student' Union. THE VOICE of experience says! It’s wise to eat at the Frazier House. It’s under new manage ment, and the meals by the week are very reasonable for hoime cooked food. We are as near to you as the nearest telephone. So why not come and see us or Dial 2041 and ask for Mr. Duffy. FOR SALE—Pistol 38 calibre, Eastern Arms shotgun, 12 guage, model 12 Winchester. Call Souders 2324. LOST Girl’s blue leather wal- let Saturday morning, either at R&D’s or Sparks. Keep mon ey, want identification. Return to Student Union.
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