PAGE EIGHT Reference Questions Cover Multitude of Subjects Do you want to know the height and weight; of Governor Dewey, kV the rate of accidents in the cleaning and dyting industry? Or per laps you're interested in tlhe type of baggage used in the 'l,slth centUry? We:l, whatever it may be, just present your question to a member 0 .4 the staMf of the Reference deliartments in either the Central Library or any of the Ibt 4 anich libraries. If ist cannot be answered immediately, .2 diligent search will be made to 'ldeate the answer. According to Miss Mildred A. Allman, referenc e librarian, f.)urces giving the answers to , v,:ny of the more difficult ques tions are not confined to the four walls of the library. USE OTHER SOURCES "For instance," she said, "oc caslonally we write to the `Queries and Answers' column of (he New York Times. "And," she continued, "we are not adverse 1. dalling faculty specialists for the answers to questions related t..) work in their fields." Since the beginning of this se mester, there have been over2soo ouestions 'asked of the reference )ibrarians. This number also in cludes those asked in the branch libraries. SUBJECTS VARY GREATLY One student was concerned with what age is best for mara iir.on running. Anther inquired ibout the costume of the soldier A. the time cif Christ. And re ce.ntly, someone asked the length of the waiting period before a nA:rrage can take place in Mas :;achusetts. Incidentally it's five days. These are merely samples of the host of questions that pour :in daily to the referenc e libra rians. Women Debaters, Rutgers Vie At Penitentiary The Rockview State Peniten_ tiary and its 700 ,prisoners Wed nesday ' , night witnessed a debate between sifirmative members of the Colleg e Women's Debate Team and a negative, squad from Rutgers University. LEGS ! LAUG Varsit M I Directory Lists Data About Grads Of the 1616 graduates of the School of Mineral Industries at the College, 615 of them still re side in Pennsylvania. This, as well as other data con cerning alumni of the School, is revealed in a directory of gradu ates recently 'published. The directory also reveals that the graduates are employed in 39 states, the District of Columbia. and in 49 .foreign countries. More than a quarter of the graduates are employed •by steel companies in jolts ranging from observers to 'company presidents. Similarly. 10.8 per cent are work ing for petroleum and natural gas companies; 8.6 per cent for min ing companies; and 5.8 per cent for ceramic companies. ' Landscaping the setting for the Lion Shrine caused the removal of 15 oak and white pine trees. TILE DAM COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA THESPIANS The BIGGEST EVENT Thurs.- Friday-Saturday April 17th' 18th & 19th TIC ETS ON SALE MON S AY PRICES: THURSDAY -75 c -- FRIDAY & A . T11 1 4,11)AY = 'SA!" -4Kolity 7;c:7 GINNIE POWELL Reaburn Features Songstress Powell Ginnie Powell, vocalist with Boyd Reaburn and his orchestra, met the leader while she was in high school and he was attending th e University of Chio:ago. She sang with Realburn's small band on weekends. Later Rea burn went on tour and Ginnie remained in Chicago to finish her schooling before joining th e band. During her senior year she was offered a job with Charlie Bar.. net and later sang with Jerry Wald and Gene Krupa—all the tine with the understanding that she would join Reaburn when he was ready. SE TIONAL SONGS! SPRING MUSICAL REVUE e,. Alk t h ( .rt (•• f the . BIG \/\'EEKEND AT STUDENT UNION Wehrli Talks At Chapel Dr. Allen G. Wehrli, professor of Biblical history at the Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Mo., will address Sunday morning chapel goers on the topic "Relating Inclination to ' 01:tliga tion" in Schwab Auditorium. Dr. iWehrli is a graduate of Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and of the Eden Theological Seminary. He did post-graduate work at the Divinity School of the University .of Chicago, the Universities of Halle and Berlin in Germany and the Oriental Seminary of Johns Hopkins Univensity in Baltimore. Md. A member of the• Nationa Board of Christian Education o the Evangelical and Reformat Church for 20 years, Dr. Wehrl has frequently served as a facult Before Hitting Out for the Tru-Blu Quartet at the Paradise-. Dig A Command Performance of American Jazz ON THE TURNTABLE STATION WMAJ 74.15# Toni JOB FRAKES., Ms. C. Book & Record Shop Ali 3 Sta FR9IDAY, APRIL 11, 1947 Men's Bridge Club Plans Duplicate Tournanient Clarke Wahl, president ctf the Men's Bridge Olub, annotmced yestevday that tentative plans for duplicate bridge tournament which will be open to all Penn State men have been discussed biy members of the Bridge Club. Explaining that the club's ac tivities will be restrieted to the campus for the remainder of the semester, Wahl ;urged all men in terested in participating in, the tourney to anect in 418 Old Main, at 7:30. tonight. 'ember for sutmmer schools and amps of various denominations. FREE.FOR ALL ' The Atmosphere of . Greenwich Village • . - The Music of New Orleans .. The Gaiety of Montmarte AND • • THERU-BLU SEXTET FRI. & SAT. NITES —4:30 . on COME EARLY PARADISE . CAFE ' • BELL' EFONTE Performances at 7 o'clock EME ~-p,. "+= ' ''''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers