Al A.CI-E TWO Penn State to Give Hooks, Fish Hooks, Rah! Rah! Rai ; Credits for Taking Course in Fishing OFFER You -0.5, 00 0 YEAR • Pit4-motaey ,3NE. SolioLAßsHip ,Afr Goot. R Cl 4 / 1 , i THE WAy THE/ 134iFaarsAt..1, *AS Beyond the Veil of Old Mt. Allitany' By Allan Ostar Louisiana State University has accepted bids on the construction of a flight training field which will .have three runways, a control tower, a storage )J ingar and a students' ready building all by next :-;einester. The college has arranged to stock the field with surplus army planes. ilk Until the campus politicos do more than just ,alk about student flying, Penn State enthusiasts rho can afford it will continue going to the Belle- • Colligian Gazette • cniendiar Herr e. must be it, the Cloteglan' &tl Lice by 4:30 . pte..'on ie day pre ceding ipiunikeition.. Thtusinvcilay„ April 10 LIBERAL ARTS Student Council meeting, 124 Sparks, 3:20 o'clock. JUNIOR SERVICE Board Meeting, Dear of Women's Office,_ 5:15 o'clock. LA VIE ART Staff Meeting, 223 Engineer ing F, 7 o'clock. AVC Business meeting, 121 Sparks, 7:30 o'clock. WRA. Bowling Club elections, White Hall; 7 o'clock. • COffilere S rviiccce Admitted to the infirmary Wednesday: Eileen Casey, Rachel Hindenach, Carolyn Robinson and Juliette Sternberg. Visitors may be admitted to the infirmary since the recent respiratory epidemic appears to have abated. DR. HERBERT GLENN, di 'rector of the College Health Service. - . IPllncomeirnit Service PI ID.,LtPS PETROLEUM CO., April 11, will interview eighth semester men in: ChE, ME,. Ch and Phy. GENERAL• MOTORS CO., April 11, will interview eighth semester men in: ME, IE, ChE and: , C&F. BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., April 14, will interview eighth semester men in: ME, FT and Met interested in the Boiler Engineering course: CALVERT DISTILLING C0., - April 14 and 15,. will, interview eighth semester men in: ChE, Ch, Bac, For, Hort, EE, ME and lE. SOCONY VACUUM OIL CO., April 15, will interview eighth semester men in the. upper half of their class in: Ch and ChE. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC CO., 'April 15, will interview eighth semester men in EE. SCOVELL, WELLINGTON & CO., April 15, will interview eighth semester men in • C&F and AL interested in accounting. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CO., April 1(. will interview eighth semester men in: EE, ME and lE. AMERICAN SUGAR REFINING CO., April 17, will interview eighth semester men in: ME, Ch. CF and AL. AMERICAN SMELTING AND REFINING CO., April 17, will interview eighth semester men in: EE, ME, ChE, Ch and Met. STANDARD OIL CO. OF N. J., April 18, Will interview men with 8.5., M.S. or Ph.D degrees in: Ch, ChE, ME. ARMSTRONG CORK CO., April 18, will interview eighth semester men in: C&F, AL, ME, lE, Ch, CE and Jr. NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA POWER CO. OF TOWANDA. PA., April 18, will in terview eighth semester men in EE. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD,, April 18`. and , 19, will interview eighth semester men, in , ME and CE. THE PENNSYLVANIA it A t Es* : (:),A, CORP., April 18 and 19, will interview eighth semester men in: ME and CE. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA, 0) 0 1FER, • ;•,: ..,:: :: •.47, ~A ~~ f~~ t i.. ~~~~~~' .b:;' . t tie /114 33, 0 1;Tim.)tie Atx..sL - EVs.s lI,WF I ?A.:MN rag. fonte 'airdrome to rent planes in order to 'buiz" Old Main. The Washington State Evergreen says :that in 1661 some' of the duties of a schoolteacher were to act as court messengers, serve summons; conduct ceremonial services• of the church, lead the Sunday choir, ring the bell for public worship, and dig. graves. After 286 years, teachers have finally decided to improve their lot. The Prol?lem now is, if Penn State's prOfs go bn strike', who will dig the graveS? Temple University is reverting back to the pre war custom of having a.Junior.Prom only for class. members. ',Juniors and their dates are admitted on dues cards. • • Don't they realize no money can be made if all the expenses come from the. class dues? Or maybe the class would.rather be considered snob bish and have plenty of room to dance—even to the music of a band costing less than $4OOO. Gonzaga University's singing alumnus, Bing Crosby, has just contributed $50,000 to an engi neering building fund. Earlier he donated $25,000 toward the propos,ed structure. • At Oregon State, the Student Union campaign ers said, 'ContribUtions here are accepted regard less of a donor's . vocal ability." -‘ • At Penn State, •the Student Union campaign ers (if such,there be) say, Letters A Deserving Man TO THE EDITOR: In regard to Mr. Pernall's letter of March 28—I feel as he doeS, that Sheehe de serves a varsity letter as well as some of the others on the boxing team. However, the fact that he de serves one more than 'Greene is debatable. Mr. Greene, if Mr. Parnall remembers, received an eye blow in his second, and last match. This blow resulted in a floating bone in Mr: Greene's eye, thus making it impossible for him to box the rest of the season, although he wanted to very much. Therefore, it was impoSsible for Greene to compete in the Intercollegiate Boxing matches. I realize that Sheehe fought in the matches with a broken foot, but the difference befween a broken foot and a bad eye (another blow could cause very lerious complications) is a great deal. I do not know just how varsity letters are awarded but I feel that the deciding men took this fact into consideration. Perhaps they will recon sider and give Sheehe a varsity letter. In giving credit where credit is due, let's not discredit de serving men. 7944 intercoliegiates TO THE EDITOR: Article XIV of the constitution and by-laws of the Athletic Association of the Pennsylvania State College, section 17 reads: The six-inch block letter "S" shall be awarded to any member of the varsity boxing :quad who has participated in al least one half of the regu larly scheduled meets, or to any member of the varsity boxing squad who has, participated in the regularly scheduled intercollegiate boxing tourna ment. The Athletic Association should check up on • itself occasionally, as Greene participated in and won•third place in the heavyweight class during ' the 194.4 intercollegiate tournament. • but did not receive an award as stated in sec- Hen No. 17 above. I Please print this in tomorrow's Collegan. Greene ; should. have something favorable printed" since he received all this unfavorable publicity. —Name withheld. . • '',,,- ~ ," :13, • . • 4 :' s - ' : 4).... 0 . ill .: I . I r.. ~.., ~,,?,, , \ 0. ~. ...,. . ii o © (~ 12. ":' • t , ~., . , tr ,. V .1 .,0 , 1 I '1 • .. , : jit ...- % Lip .71 , , 5 - n c,< ~: '1 - - i .-. , r ---:- ' . . . l i f -''',,, - ft ti*, , ~,,,,,,,..:.: ,_ ~,N:-,,,,' -,t- ~.,v' ''' ' , .P., 4. :::,. ,,, ' ~ , ) ~,1 ,_.....„:' 1,4 , 41 ; 1 1 qs , e, 4.,,:f., , ,91',r, / 1 , ~ . - ---- . 7--.4 ,,.1 : ' ,: ..,.. ... f 1' : 2: : 4 eig.;... 1 ,, e.,t,..At ; ,,,,,, ~,,t i ,,7 0:: „.,,,,,......., ... CO'EDS ARE. TAMINIG cOuns,E,Too- • • •WE ExpEdr: MGT- SThDEriIS SPEND - TiME: FiStif/NCI. • UP.TittY WCREt Cou.ECA ?MK G41.5,0FCAU1,5 , 6 TA a F Nossesst! 314 oFF sr* Com9Leru MY ED LICA-no Y N Trio —Courtesy The Baltimore. Sun. Sincerely yours, —A boxing fan 4)10 • . • ••, • - ee:gaY 24: V.AZ Orchestra (Continued from vage one) Gould; "Overture to 'Oberon'," by von Weber: "Ave Maria," by Schubert, with solos by Miss Ma lone, harpist, and Mr. Taylor, vio linist; "C o u n try Gardens," by Grainger. The audience will join in sing ing "America the Beautiful," by Sleeper; , and the orchestra will continue with "Waltz of the Flow ers," by Tschaikowsky: "Surrey With the Fringe ,on Top," . by Rodgers-Gould; "Danse Macabre," by Saint Saens; "Londonderry Air," by Grainger; and "Faran dole from `L'Arlesienne'," by Bizet. 'DiVidend' Number Patrons of the current Artists' Course Series will be recipients Admission to the A r,t ist s' Course dividend progrAm on Saturday evening will be avail able only to persons holding ticket stubs from tonight's con cert. Tickets will be good for the same seats at both perform ances.- of a special free "dividebd" num bor. Dr. Marquardt said. The Chinese Cultural Theatre Group Will present "An Evening in Cathay" in Schwab Audit orium, Saturday evening, April 12, as an additional feature of this year's Artist Course Series. ;Fourteen players and musi cians, trained and costumed by Mei Lan-Fang, famous Chinese actor, will present songs, dances Hods How . ._. to get the most out of your fishing. ThOse big ones geit away So easily that reading up on the art of fishing really pays in weight of the fish you bring 'home.• • We have the latest fishings books by Ray .Bergrnan,- Jim Gasque, H. T. Walden, George Harter and a host of other notable fishermen in stock now. They vary from "Upstream apd Downstream," "With Fly, Bug and Bait," "Bass Fishing," to "Just Fishing." So, when the season opens on the 15th, to be sure you know how, get your li:shirtg books' today, at KEELE..,"S THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1947 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Successor . to the Free Lance, est. taw, Published Tuesday through Friday morninks during the College year by the staff of the Daily Collegian of the Pennsylvania State College. Entered so second class matter July J, 1934, at the State College, Pa., Post Office under the act of March 3, 1879. $2,50 a semes ter $4.00 the school year. Retiresented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Madi son Ave., New York. N.Y., Chicago, Bdston, Los Angeles, San Francisco. Michael A. Blatt Rosemary Ghantous Stgr.• Ed... Lynette Lundquist; News Fal.. LaWrence Foster; Co• Sports Eds., Stephen Siniehnk. Arthur Mill e r; Feature Frank Davis. Photo Ed.,' Suzanne McCauley Women's Et 4, Marilyn Jacobson; Asst. Women's Ed., Betsy Marshall; Wire Ed., Seymour Rosnberg; Sr. Board, Lucy Setting. Ad. Mgr., Phyllis Deal; Asst. Ad. Mgr.. Dorothy Leibovitz; Asst..Dus. Mgr., Sally Holstrum; Circ, Mgr., Piuil Bender; Sec.. Joy Eichorn; Class. Ad. Mgr., Selma Sabel. STAFF TliiS' ISSUE. Managing Editor Assistant News Editor ___ Assistant Editorials and features in The Collegian reflect the opinions of the writer. They make no claim to represent student or University opinion. All un signed editorials are. by the ed : for. and plays that•have been part of the Far Eastern culture for 2000 years.. The group. made its initial, appearanCe in this country sev eral years ago when it appeared on a goodwill tour under the sponsorship of Mme. Chiang Kai- Shek, Bus. Mttc Larry Footer __ Mary Ann Plotelno : , '•Lynette Lundquist - Selma Znsofsky,
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