PAGE FOUR• Mortar Board Extends Drive fanipalans to sponsor a school p, France and to provide clothing Eturopealh families are being , Intinued this week by Mortar .11.)ard, senior women's honorary, rid Alpha .Rho Omega, Russian mOrary. Joan Harrington, president of women's society, said that be tween $ll5O and .$ , 500 is required by Save th e Children Federation LI order , to establish a school. Con ti riiMit ions will be co - Fleeted' by r.'crta,. Board, Mis s Harrington The American's sense of World cJizen•Lbtp has been demontstrated du Europeans by the 1200 schools sir e Federation ha s already set up, ;,!tti 'Bev. W. I. Reed, associate gi• rector of the Foundation. Clothing collected by Aipha Rho mega willbe sent direct to vela ,-es of students in Europe,' Miss chairman of the nrive, indicated. Addresse s should I senit to Miss Beller at 732 Mic street, State College, phone ; 02. • • Situdents to Display \forks at Art Exhibit Students will have an oppor tunity to display original art work from April 7 to 12, Gerda M. 3 . 1... win, president of Pi Gamma P.-,1ph0., art honorary, said today. Any media may be, used, in_ .iuding watercolors, oils, pencil :;ketches or etchings. Work in tended for the exhibit should be matted and may be turned in at the Stuent Union desk in Old Main. All student art work submitted will also be displayed at the Yleaux - Arts Ball. fliff Orphan Corresponds 'Two letters /have been received e y the Independent Studeat f. - .:ouneil from Guiseppe Lepori, talian child "adopted" by ISC. President Frank l'idona of ISC has had the letters translated from Italian to English and Gui reppe reports that he is getting along fairly well. • GuisePpe, 13, the oldest of a i'dmily of seven Children, was "adopted" by ISC during the na tlemwide famine drive last year. • •• • 1 • - ~, . ,e/q/1 ~/. 6 1 4 : cWk4.,. c ,c, . ... , . ... IMPORTED BRIAR ROYAL DEMUTH '350 ____ WITH BOX OF'25 FILTE TEE DAIL? COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, ?EMS YLVANLA X-01 Club Aids Unpaid Vets X_Gl's still waiting for sub sistence checks can receive help through the Centre County Vet erans Council by submitting their name, address, and case number to Eugene Fulmer, president of the X-GI club at the Student Union Desk. The possibility of showing movies again in cooperation with PSGA, CWENS, and IFC was discussed at the meeting of the X.DI club last night. Membership cards for the club are available at the Student Union 'beginning 'Friday morning. price is $l.OO ana will be good through the P . 311 semester. This will be the only place to secure the cards. The cards will be yel low and no other cards are to be accepted or bought from any one individual. Kecker, Hazinski, Park Win While Scholarships John W. White Scholarships were awarded to Fred M. Kecker, John D. Hazinski and Dorothy F. Park, recently by the Senate Comirnittee - on Academic Stand ing with the approval of Presi dent Ralph D. Hetzel and the Col_ lege Senate. One hundred dollars is given to the applicant with the highest standing in the sophomore, jun ior, and senior class. "What's Best "HAS EVEAYTHI SENO . FOIR.THE 13ES'IT.SIEWNG HOOK: "THE HIEOSIDIE ESQUIRE"... ONLY ,$1139.. lEsquire, Inc, 919 It ilichiganitta.,-.Chicago .11, Minot CLASSIFIED SECTION LOST—Army pilot ring with green jade stone center; in scribed Napier Field. $5 reward. Call 3850. IF YOU took Alligator topcoat from Delta Sigma Phi by mis take Saturday night, please return to Mr. Galbraith's office or oall 2972 after 6 p. m. It's cold out side! BIRTHDAY CAKE S, wedding cakes and other cakes. Frida Stern, F 22 Irvin. Phone 4818, State College. STUDENTS' LAUNDRY washed and ironed; will call and de liver. Call Boalsburg 2524. FOR SALE— 14-piece Dietzgen Designo Drawing Instrument set. Call Collins, 2161. LOST—Raspberry red button froth • winter coat, between Diner and Carnegie. Please call Pat, Ext. 711-170. LOST—Lord Elgin wrist watch in or near Carnegie Hall; gold case. Reward. Call 4098. Oceans ey're aILETE PREFERS TRAVEL REPORT That travel article on Argentina made want to take the first plane to Buenos terrific! In fact, the whole ;quire travel series has my vote." ITOR SELECTS STORY BY KERN !raid Kersh's piece, Sharks, has tre ulous punch, and drama. Esquire has Tip been famous for fiction, and this tops them all." MARK'S Pe '' o Dairy Store 101 West Nittany Ave Apart in . Esquiret" Paul Bender, '47 Kappa Sigma Right End, Soccer Arthur Stober, '4B Editor-lin-Chief. Froth LOST 3/4/47 (afternoon), 3rd Spanks, Navy Foul - weather Jacket; inside waistband marked "H G Svenson, Lt. (jg)". Have your jacket and gloves. Rog, ph. 4949. • SUBSTANTIAL REWARD for re- turn .of K&E Log Log Deci- Trig Rule, or information leading t o recovery of same. J.L.H. carved in end Of case, J. Hayes on inside of flap. Rule numiber was 252017. Phone 3250, Jack. Hayes. LOST—"Statistical Analysis" by Edwards, Friday afternoon be.. tween 3-4 outside No. 2 Sparks. Please turn in to Student Union. LOS T— Zeta Tau Alpha pin. Pinder plwse call Phyl, 317 Atherton Hall, or 4869. FOR-SALE—A set of tails, never worn; size 36-37. Call Jake, 2571. VANTSHIED—CameI hair finger_ tip' coat, 10-11 yesterday, 238 Sparks; has name inside. Have yours. Hoenig, 3945. P . • on: A few weeks ago we showed 'four of your college•chuxns an advance copy of the April issue ofESquire (noW cm your newsstand)..Wa asked them to name their. favorite feature, and they all picked a different one. SCHOLAR CHOOSES MOVIE COLON "Yaw' screen critic, Jatk Aloffitt, is or of the fewwho write intelligently aboi Milli-wood is'review of the new pictw Pursued, is exhilarating." Spencer M. Sheckler, '4B. Beta Sigma Rho Junior Board,' Collegian CAMPUS POLITICO LIKES CARTOONS "Illy favorites, airy month, are the car toons. Best of all, in. ply opinion, are Webb's tobacco-chewing Mountain Boys and also those Harem Girls." Bob Foote, '47 Phi Psi Ali-College President • o , oo******** 46 • SMS•Se••••e•••04:11 but they're "Esquire Best!" LOST—Pi LanNbda Phi jeweled fraternity pin, Friday night. Reward. Call 3204, ask for Manny. THE NEW YORKER--One of the targets of "The Foolish Q.entle men" .in the Parody Is.sbe of FROTH. On sale next ,week. WAiNiTßD—Ride to Philadelphia for three Saturday, March 15, after 12. Call Vernon or Jason at 3483. WILL EXCHANGE light ta n finger-tip coat for one lost 227 Sparks 10 a. n.. Friday. Call 3308, Beers. • FOR RENT---Half a room for one male student. Phone 4125 or call 216 W, College Ave. JEW FOR SALE—Built-in body, safety glass all around, excel_ lent running condition: Call Skip Jackson 4272. • Me boat en:: in the sa Sure they disagreed on what'a hest in Esquire. One preferred the fiction; another, the travel story; a third liked the movie critique; and the last one picked the cartoons as die out standing feature. But, when it came to naming their FAVORITE MAGAZINE. Esquire got all of their voteos 711tURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1947 MAKE A DATE TO DIG THE TRU - BLU QUINTET Friday and Saturday _ Nights Dancing and Fun Start at 8:30 p. m. PARADISE CAFE Bellefonte
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