PA.CO: TOUR o(Pcilc, Prizes higNight Slow • Al) Amway orchid sent by Tom );; . ;_qinern:in- from Hollywood'. will Jen. to the oldest lady at the " I ;l4l . 3lldast in 1 - 13011ywood" show ;%,); li,.(h• ii:s being given by the Alpha Y, Delta Sororiyt March 21.. at 8" In. in Sdhwab Auditorium. The orchid is being sent air ; sipt‘g.:ial delivery, by Mr. inert - Iml, who personally sup -1-10,,•4 ; 0.3.1: 1 :1 show by sending pos ici..; and advertising material. Other prizes Which will be l'ored ',lt the "Breakfast in Hol ;•ad." .. , how have just been an -1:: ;1..r.:•.2d by Mrs. C. R. Gearhart, io•l:rmia..l of the committee. 'Jibe Giund .Doo,. Prize will be "Nlv Treasure Diamond Ring" do- A:1 by ;The •Mtrr, Jewelry Store. A (s.tra rNfort. Make_up Kit will given. front Rea and Derick, Culdbt.rees are donatino. a $5O --------_ • A i Ar,[l(caillioß ( (I wo in Iniillaitei New Members !Member:Alit) in the. Penn State di ~ ;it(r )l the Association of C`liilrliiora Education is now open .ii.urient,s interested in elernen-. edtunliati or childhood de- Froncine Gittle )n-i :leer, IFesident, said today. ifoltiation of new members will the southeast Atherton )..iiige at 8 o'clock Tuesday: Miss P . 1.1.3er of the hone economics de ) :n will speak on `‘Seauti fic:ition of the Teacher." `flie Object of this organization 1.; to excliange professional idess curl experiences, make social coi,Licts, .and gain professional cx:perienz..2 by working with chil_ 14.0y0n‘,.. interested should eon- Missatittletnacthe.r at Grange 11:wn, - Connter Club Olmpus Center Club will hold a l'un Night Party in 304 Old m.iin from 3 to 12 o'clock tonight. All members and bheir guests .are iii‘7l:ted, according to Thomas nyprie, president. CLASSIFLED SECTION All .c[a:ssified advertisements tnn.i at .be in, by 4:30 p.m. day proceeding issue. Price.. are: 40c for one insertion, $l.OO, three insertions, 11 words or less. Call Collegian, 711. le OR WEDDING receptions: ".%)o , kies, sandwiches, lunch ca_ , iering, wedding cakes. Fri d a 122 Irvin Ave., phone 4818, SiAte Collage. O , ._"4.3UIRAINT wanted for one-half doulble room at Pollock Circle. Pre.lent occuipant going frater... oily. Call Pete Johnson, 3468. WIAiNTED Maid for fraternity house. Apply Heaver House or cAI 851 after 5:30. ),031"---iBeer mug with sentimen tal value. Fraternity crest and sszune., Call 4975, ask for Chick. WA l NTED—Memlbers for poster reJw. Attend meeting 9 Car )iegie in. Tuesday. ANC) SEDL—To buy size 38 double breasted tux, and. for tiale size 36 double breasted tux, owellent condit i 0 ri. Cali Toni, :!;3713. WANPED---Ride to New York :ID aster vacation; for wife and 1;01.1. Call Walter, 3364. itOR. SAILE—A set of tails, never 'worn; size 36 to 37. Call Jake, :).Y/ „ oval s aid GOOD w ad , . m e to be high pricer/ TUE 'DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA. Debate Teams to Meet At Shippensburg College Eight members of the men's and women's debat e teams will leave Friday for Shippensturg State Teachers College, Shippens burg, to compete In th e annual tournament there. The Shippensburg meet custo marily includes debaters from Gettysburg, Catholic University, George Washington, Dickinson, Tempt e, American University, Maryland, West Virginia and other eastern institutions. Representing the men's debate squad, Samuel Neely, PeLar G iesey, Harris Gilbert. and. Fred Kecker will attempt to retain the tourney championship won by the College squad when the meet , was held in 1915. Neely and Giesey will join in the presentation of the affirmative view of the babor-Arelnagerrlant question: "Resolved, That labor should have a direct share in the Management of incluz,try." Gilbert and Kecker mill make up the negative team. WOMEN'S SQUAD Prof. Clayton H. Schug, coach of the' women's team. has dele gated four coeds to vie in the tournament. Helen Dickerson and Dorothy Leeds compose the af firmative team, with Jean Dalton and Ann Hay to argue the negative. _ _ Miss Diekerson and Miss Dal- Judicial Extends Hours far Concerts, Lectures Lois App, chairman of Judicial, has announced the foll Owing rule which has recently been approved by the Senate as an addition to the constitution: "If week: night forums or con certs should not end at 10 or after, coeds will receive a rea sonable .Ernotutt of tlif.e to return t o their dorms without penalty. The coed must sign out for the forum or concert if she expects to receiv e this late permission." Perthissions for other special occasions may be granted in the future by Judicial, and notice will be given in the Collegian. LOST-3rd door Sparks, Wed. afternoon, Navy CouLweatho acket; inside waist ,band marked "Lt. (jg) H. G. Stevenson." I've gat yours. Rog, 4949. LOOK NO FURTH - IER —Enter! Win prize and prestige at All- College Talent Show: Apply Stu dent Union today. FOR STUDENT- 1 / 2 double room. Call or inquire 147 East Park Ave. Phone 4385. SINGLE vacancy Pollpck Circle; immediate occupancy. Call Het_ timr,er, Dom 1:2, Room 9; phone 3986. ONIE-HAILIF double room, second floor. Also board in mixed din ing room for students or married couples. 300 . South Allen street. Phone 4630. FOUND—A full weekend's enter tainment with the Tru-Blue Quartet Friday and Saturday nights at the Pacadise Cafe, Belle fonte. The Fliirst National Bank ®f - State Col e Member o Fexierall Deiposit insurance Corporation ton will deliver the constructive speeches, and Miss Leeds and Miss Hay will cross-examine op.. posing teams. Accompanying this squad will be Prof. William Ham ilton of the Speech Department. SIX MATCHES One of the very few tourna ments to utilize the cross-exami nation style of debate, the Ship pensburg meet will place each competing unit in six matches. In former years the number of matches was eight, and in win ning the last tourney, the men's squad compiled a record of six won and two lost, numbering among its victims, the women's team of the College. Barbara L. T roxell,' 37 Sings at Town Halt In New York City Barbara M. L. 'Troxell, grad uate in music education at the Col lege in the Class of 1937, was presented Saturday afternoon as a "debut" artist at Town .Hall in New York. A soprano., Miss Trim , ll two years ago was a finalist in the Metropolitan Auditions of the Air. She , also has been heard as soloist with the .New York City Sym phony and as assisting artist with Dawn Town Glee Club in New York. While an undergraduate at the College, Miss Troxell, whose hoMe is in Nazareth, sang in the wo- . men's glee club, the choir, lolaYedi in the women's , orchestra, and was active in Thespians. She was a mernber of the Louise IHorner Clue. music honorary society, and of Pi Lambda Theta, educa tion fraternity. 1947Cata1ogueReady For Faculty Members Al 9 4 7 College catalogue has been published and is being dis_ tributed to faculty and adminis trative offices this week, but will probalbly not be given to indi vidual students, said William S. Hoffman, registrar. Copies will be available to stu dents through their advisors. The current shortage of printing ma_ terials has dictated this policy, the Registrar's Office reported. Of 9000 co:pies. ordered, 2100 have been received to date. Most of these are earmarked for cam pus offices. The Westminster Foundation Invites You To Its Meetings Every Sunday Evening at 7:30 Coeds Elect Honor Girl All coeds will vote for Quill girl during the week of March 10 at Student Union, according t o Lynette Lunclquist, president of Theta Signia Phi, women's jour nalism honorary. Candidates are Joan Marring_ ton, Mary Margaret Barnett, Mary Lou Waygood and Ann Baker, presidents of Mortar Board, Junior Service Board, WSGA andWllA. The winner will be revealed at the Matrix Table of Theta Sigma Phi at the Nittany Lion Inn March 17. Cap and Matrix girls, who are chosen by Theta Sigma Phi members, will also be an nounced at the banquet. Windcresl Plans Social Program Swimming parties and dance plans were discussed by .Wind crest residents at a recent mass meeting. Complaints on telephone service and lack Of mail boxes were also brought up. 'The first swimming party will kie held in the Glennland Pool from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday. These parties will be held every other week on Tuesday evening. There will be no charge, but 15 couples must be present to assure continuant. of the program. Monthly dances in the Elks Club ballroom will be definitely planned for the future and offi cials will be contacted about' ad ditional telephones by the Bur gess. Residents requested better mail service as there are no mail box es at the present in Windcrest. The nearest boxes are at Pollock • Circle and on campus. Look Magazine Says: BOYD RAEBURNIS ORCHESTRA "BEST BET FOR 1947" FRIDAY, MARCH 7,1.947 The Dorsey's Might Have Been Fabulous . . . But Wait Until You've Heard TRU-BLU QUARTET FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS DANCING BEGINS 'AT 8:30 P.M. PAR - I DpE CAFE Now Under New Management IS THE
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