'AGE FOUXI. Riflewomen Retain Runner-up Spot Venn State riflewomen placed vrT.ond in their two opening inter_ e matches, according to tolegnaphic rettums. Wanda Rick ard, Rifle Club president, said to day. The College team forfeited first balance to Beaver College by one Point, 492-4911, In the initial .match. University of Nevada took third place and University of Wisconsin fourth, shooting 485 and 479 re upedlively. Scores represent the llive highest out of ten targets shot .by each college. college Shoots 497 • - Penn State shot 497 out of a pos sible 500 in the second match, Miss Rickard and Laura Wiley shooting perfect targets. Oklahoma Agri oultural and Mechanical College „Ilint 500 Por first place. Drexel In rtitult e took 'third place With 493, Ohio University placing• fourth \,,Aiqh 479, /7• (I .Alpha Xi Delta Lou Ann Laßoche is the new President ci Alliha Xi Delta. Other cdit'i:eers are Barbara Piccone, vice prosi dent; Madeline Rohrbaugh, recording secretary; Marion Holmes, corresponding seerdlary; and Geraldine Hindenach, treas urer. /Alpha Phi Delta Atha Phi Delta re t ently pledged Gilbert Ceeeetti. (Delta Tau Delta New initiates of Delta Tau Delta in lade Samuel Bomgardner, Mil ton Clark, Frank Delp, Lawrence Doyle, Robert Haenel, Wade 'Kem erer, and John Rildhey. 'Tau Kappa Epsilon Robert Davis land Wtilliam Dick- Fon are new' inditiates of Dau Nalipa E)pcsilion. New pledges are Dadald Albeit and Ferris ion. jlelm Magnus \NU'S recently ed treasurer and: Paul Magnus house manager. Other officers are Ole same as last semester. )Tau Beta Pi Gordon• Fiske has been elected president of Tau Beta Pi, engi neering honorary. Other officers include Robert Logan, vice-presi dent; John Householder, treasur er, Theodore , Hissey, recording secretary; Wilbur Ebersole, cor responding secretary; and Gordon Scheider, cataloger. INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC DOTY & ELDER 108 S. Allen SL WE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. P'ENN'SYLVANIA Shooting in the opening meek sunn ing were Laurie Zekauskas, were Joan Heath and Barbara Laura Wiley, Loi s Wyman, and Jean Posey, 97; Nancy Killam, 95. KnOl.l, 99; Lr.vetta Dinius and In tine second meet, besides the Wanda Rickard, 98; Marion John- five already mentioned, were Jean son, 97. In the se second match, be- Posey, 99; Joan Heath, 98; Polly Ades Mists 'Ri . Willey', perfect targets, Nancy Kul- Goodwin, Joanne Houltz and Betty lam, Barbara Knoll, and Lauri: Jean Sumnens, 97. e ' • Zekaniskas shut 99. The Varsity wil face University First Match Shooters . of Kansas, University of Michigan, Also shooting in the first match and the University of Hawaii Fri but not indluded in interccilege day. The Whole .Town's Talkie'!! What About? The Ne , ,v . • H t " 0 s A Treat That Can't Be Bpat 1 :7 4 7 XI H. T JUST BELOW POST OFFICE A g 4 / when: you -smoke ./Ye eao #009141410:0 ti st• /nen i• 6 11115 0 6 t .11 e teasitrig agatettes, Tiottt 14000 is the pjsjyo wasette art*, ate . Of vifitOtt 4000.. ct s peouallac tuse-. recogatiedby eratoent medic %doom €4lO Le 00. ei..4.100, of rio_,JA PHI LI D / •I • I 1 11-I $ A erica's There's an important difference in PHILIP MORRIS manufacture that lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's finest tobaccos come through .for your_coro plete _enjoyment—clean,_fresh, purer That's wnv favor's ALT , the ~ -Li yours when smoke • PHILIP Moiuus! That's why PHILIP MOARLS taste better smoke better—all day lonek , No wonder that with millions of smokers everywhere,j PHILIP MORRIS is America's FINEST Cigarette!. 7 . ETTER-SETTER ALL WAYS' DG's Hold Mus Delta Gamma will hold a mu sicale at the Nittany Lion Inn at 3 p. m. March 16 for the group's ten-year-old project, "Aid to the Blind' and Sight Conversation." ITS , TRUE In Case You _Didn't Believe It, We Repeat KAISER-FRAZER 1947 Automobiles Delivered in 3 Day's. ORDER IMMEDIATELY , Mule Mott-r 234 E. College Ave. Phone 743 J. HAY ,i3IcLAUGHLIN, Mgr. Repair Work on Students° Cars Guaranteed FRES ,PURE FINES TaiCigarette! WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 19 cal For Blind Blind children who requir special teachers, methods, ani equipment in order to obtain a education, will receive the fund raised by the sorority.
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