I:AGE FOUR WM Badminton, Table Tennis Volleyball Intramurals Begin WiRA bta drati table t ennit: anal volleyball intramural.% open ed last week and will contione 'Litt - tit ill/arch 2 1 7. i Ora ral ir iniron Claire Parks said. Sixteen -_,;.rys are competing. Itesults of the first week of play VOLLEYBALL . . 53; Thetas Atherton .. 54: Alpha Xi... 14 AChiO .... 58; AOPi 26 AEPhi. default; Delta Zeta win Phi Sig 54; Aldebaron.. 13 Coop .... win; snr... default IiCfCG . 61; Tri-Dolt ... 24 Gamma Phi. 39; Frazier 34:. Phi Mu BADMINTON OKa eh iconisis , ts 0!1' t single and a double game). ,Seol eS noted are games won 2: Gamma Phi.. 1 2; ZTA 3; Delia Gamma 0 Tri-Delt Phi Mu 2; Chit) 3; AChio Thetas AoPi. 2; Alpha Xi .. 1 Atherton Cody Manor deititilt Delta Ze.la.• win 2; Theta Phi .. 1 3; Phi Sig 0 Town A EPha karab Sponsors Exhibit Of Student Sketches An exhibition of student sketches sponsored by Scarab, architectural honorary, is on dis play in the Mineral Industries Art Gallery, reported Edward R. Hyde, president of the society. The exhibit consists of water colors and charcoal sketches done iby architectural students in col_ leges all over the country. The public is invited to see the dis play from .9 a. m. to 9 p. an., said Hyde. ....V,,nW . ~,..,A i V.l6Siii gik i ittfa go, 1 , Vat% ::.'4 .. ..:'••''' g Kw • • 1•:::-,>pmi: •::: : ::0..§:?.. ~,•• ,<::::.:..„....,... ,••••,:•,:•:::•:•:::••••, , • ....... - t' , ..—i' II:q::•••••11.4,:ig::::s .r' s .41:;1: : ?;• •§ 11;, " T.P.`,.. .':•" :: % : ; 41 r . i::•-• :, ,,, SWgif:.'i t , K0:00.• i:*.ga::ii* Riif,:i.., 4:.:::&.E ' t 1 e ZMK:Kii:i*i', .M:?:: .:.:.:.,.§ ....,,,,..., IM, : .e:giF . sg:iiiiii'i . i ., §iM . .: . iZ*Kg %:i V ....:,, Sri...: • sv.,:: ~SX ig :? V!:iii' . ` v gk .i? %.n,: . ::,..*,:i*wia, I s..kiw w , -4.4......, - -,,,- Frankly, we're bewildered as you are by all the hoop-la about laboratories, tests, and medical claims: We agree: a cigarette is supposed to give you pleasure. Period. And your pleasure is the sole aim of the advanced scientific techniques we use in the making of OLD GOLDS . . . the best, deepest, richest smoking pleasure you've ever found. in a cigarette! If that's what you're after . . . if top-quality tobaccos at the peak of flavor are your idea of a perfect cigarette . . then OLD GOLDS are your answer. Try 'em—for pleasure's sakel TABLE TENNIS Each match consists of two singles and a double game. Gamma Phi.. 3; KKG .0 AChi 0 3: AOPi 0 Thetas 2; ChiO 1 Theta Phi .. 2: Delta Zeta ... 1 Cody Manor forfeit ,SDT Delta Gamma 2; Coop AEPhi Mark Reports Speedy Drills Fire drills have been conducted in all the women's dormitories and sororities on campu, within the past three days, according to Capt. Philip Mari of the Cam Pas Patrol. Kappa Kappa Gamma proved to the fastest group amentt the sororities and cleared their house in 15 seconds. Listed clearance time; for the dormitories were: Mac Allister Hall 4 mins. Grange Hall ....2 mins. 45 secs. Woman's Building 2 mins. 40 secs. Jordan Ha 11.... 2 mins. 40 secs. Watts Hall 1 min. 40 sect. Irvin Hall 2mins. Atherton Hall 3 minis. Drills are held at least three timeg each semester, . said Capt. Mark. • ! , . . i • . 0 0 . _ . • • • - - r- i 1 • •1-1,/ 1 1. . )- .-.. . - ('• . •- . , .. . .. /-,:. :'''., ../ i • 1 - • 1 ..: I- " 1 1 .7 . 1 . ,:- . I - , ; - i n .... 1 ..•.t i nei......„ ,i.,.„,..„-icin • _. ...... _ ....„ . • Nif:e4 ;*Zil ....e..m.-!..„ S::,%1:,•.:: , ..:::, .. „.::::?'"vlA:io, ...,,,... ....;.;;;!,,i.t, ..:**::::: ::, 4.4,5 z, k izi;ns,3 • • •,.:''''',! ~..., :,:,•:,,, $:::::•::::,, :::.::,::,:: ..:,,,,,,: ...;,:s:::,xi .::',.:::f Pa::i*: ' ,, :i:::ip; ,i***:: .0.,m ::K. ;,:•i*.?....1. :::,:g '' .":4 ':*:"..' ;i : A,' ' k. : i:*: : * . , 4 :ik.v.v...v...% ..,"". ••••••••• <,::,,, ....;‘,...:.,::$ Asis:::: *!.:;} ...'' , ...5x...:::....:::: N.:,:::,,,,,.....:4— ',..4:..... ~...., Al, JO. • • TEE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PEININ.SYLVA 2; Phi Mu 2: Phi Sig CLYDE THORNHILL IS COMING and The Efigineer Has Him ga • ' N I /I. - 1 'I ( I \ ; f 000 4 , :n . Xi:KA 1 W__liiml ,ii , i:; , :?:1:-P it : : , ,§iii.if ..,, .. -.-<., 41":!,1k, . '1?.:!: :. .1 ,:. r" ..... ,.. •:,.:!.$: ~ , . .....:; : f ....:5.... A .. - .. •••AA ,, .4;: : : ' " ::::7 , :: :'::: VA A , .o -A.,.: ,A.,... z.n,..kx e • ::::- ;: ,,.---ii ,-----:----, ..--:-:-... ,-. %,......., ~....,-.-:- :-:::,:-:,,,:, ....::*:,* • , ':3 :::ii:Xilii r::':i* . os :sik:::i*..: :::....::•;.!*. ik. : : : : s t, ; :i:::i:,:. k::::p.:,:i i :::i : :::i% , ,,* if.:.:is::*; \ \ :Ifia.ill Mii!ik 'PUBL.. Halt Bowls New Record Georgeanna Holt set a new women's bowling telegraphic record for Penn State by bowl ing 100 in the intercollegiate match last week, Betty Vander_ beck. student manager, said to day. Rolling 152. in her second game. Miss Holt placed , fourth in the single gam e and double game divisions; boosting the Col lege team to seventh place out of Ili competitors in the tourna ment. Bowling for Penn State with Miss Holt were Renabelle Grube. 148-162; Marjory Riley, 'lO5-152; Betty Vandenbeck, 124-152, and Beverly Williams. 116_137. The National Telegraphic Bowling Tournament was organ ized at Penn State in 1940-41 by Miss Mildred Lucy, instructor of women's physical education. Be_ ginning with 7 clubs, 44 colleges from 21 st::tes are now members. Four tournaments are scheduled each year. Penn State placed 12th out of 15 in December's match. Women►s Music Honorary Initiates Seven Members Louise Homer club, women's music honorary, initiated seven new members _Sunday. Those initiated In elude Ann Berk heimer, Anna Hay, Patricia 'Man son, Paulette Minner, 'Beverly Raznor, Nancy Sheriff, and, Jo sephine Stanley. Delta Zeta Delta Zeta is holding their pledge dance at the Delta Tau Delta house March 22. Pat Pat terson and his ' orchestra will play for the affair. The Kappa Kappa Gammas ,entertained the Delta Zetas at a tea Sunday. Pi Kappa Alpha New pledges of Pi Kappa Al_ pha include James Spade, Wil liam Reichard, Theodore Wolfe, and . James Wood. Alpha Zeta Alpha Zeta recently pledged Samuel Anthony, Emory Brown, Robert Fields, Henry Funk, Neil Gingrich, and (Roy Gunther. • r u e • • Most people should get extra vitamins as a. safeguard to good health . . especially people like yourselves, energetic, young tycoons with ,a . million things to do each time you turn around. Let vitamins step in next time you feel the old personality getting a little `woozie" and you'll know What we mean when we say . ..as an extra safeguard, as an extra sparkle . try some vitamins. • REA D RICK_ IN* CST RATE ..STORES I ' i. \::. i... ( ,.._/. / .a. ..., ~.: 1.....,,,,. t, : ,..: ‘ A, i.- I.:-. .. -,- , I'. ', ' :•:"..,., b daft( out mamte. iw Warta fot, ..tsoney 200 yeas. TUIESDAY, MARCH 4, 1941 Co-Ccl;Ls Alpha Chi Rho Robert Crockett was recently elected president at Alpha Chi Rho. Other officers are the same as last semester. New initiates are Edwin Birsch, Mark Canis, James Lecocq, Schilling, William Schaaf, Donald Shaw, Frank Thompson, and Joseph Weber. Thomas Byrnes, JeS'eph Cur ran, and Samuel Morris were re cently pledged. - Collegian Pictures Collegian junior editorial and business boards are requested to report for LaVie pictures at the Photo Shop at 7:15 o'clock to night. Members are asked to wear dark suits and dark jackets. 1;11 • ' ur tk . '4 • • .i r 1 . 1111
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