TuEsDAy, JANUARY 14, 1947 Cagers Upset Mules, Zone Defense Clicks; Foe Never Threatens Penn State's basketball team scored its second major upset of the week Saturday—and with plenty to spare--as the Nittany Lions completely overshadowed Muhlenberg to win 48-36 at Rec Hall• before a capacity crowd of more than 5000. Seeming to thrive in its role of underdog, the Lawthermen built up a*lB-3 lead midway through the first period and maintained the advantage to the end. Close, deliberate play marked the first-half. Coach Lawther's plays were clicking consistently as the Nittany five scored regu larly on quick thrusts toward the basket. But the Mules, fighting back tenaciously, were able to pick the majority of rebounds off their ownbackboard but ran afoul trying to pierce State's smoothly functioning zone defense. STRONG 2ND HALF In the second half, Penn State— refusing to fade in the second half as they had in -earlier .losses to Bucknell and West Virginia—gave Muhlenberg no respite 'as Milt Si mon and Bruce Dietterick con sistently tallied to' give the Lions their fourth victory as against four defeats. Prettiest play from the home viewpOint was miniature Milt's lake .of a one-handed. shot from the corner, a quick flip to Rusinko, and Johnny's shot good for two points which stopped a budding ,Muhlenberg threat in its tracks. PLAY-BY-PLAY The game was less than a min ute old when Simon hit on a short shot to send the Lions ahead 2-0. 'Biery pushed in a set shot before McGee broke the scoring ice for Muhlenberg with - a 'free throw and a short one-hander for 4-3. Then the Lawthermen went on a 14-point spree while - holding the Mules scoreless :for eight minutes. The Mules, who had started ,with a .zone, moved quickly into a man-.to-man defense which suc ceeded in holding the Lions with out a field goal for the last seven 'minutes of 'the half while they whittled 'away at State's lead.. McGee:' - pitched in another shorC one to make it ' 18-5. Rusinko -then interrupted with a free throw, but Baldwin and Harry. Donovan pitched in five ; points .and it was 19-13. Russell notched a free throw just be- fore the, half . The Mlles kept right on coming at the beginning of the second half, pulling to within 5 points, 2(3-21, before an 8-poinf outburst led by Hornstein and the trick shot by Rusinko with an assist to Simon. Simon and Dietterick hit JUNIOR PROM WEEKEND FRIDAY NI E The PENN STATE fg. f. pis. Biery, f. 4 1 • 9 Simon, f. S 1 11 Kulp 0 0 . 0 Russell 0 1 1 Hornstein, c. 3 1 7 Dietterick 3 1 7 Rusinko, g. 5 1 11 Lowther, g. 1 0 Totals MUHLENBERG Baldwin, f. 2 0 4 Dean 0 - 1 Theisen 0 0 0 Schwob, f. 2 0 4 McGee 3 3 9 Bornheimer, 0 1 1 H. Donovan, g... .. 6 3 15 E. Donovan, g. . 0 0 0 Lonergaii 1 0 2 Totals for two-pointers to give the Lidns a lead which was never again threatened. • Varsify Rifle Squad To Meet 3 Opponents Pre-sevsbn practise has •ended for Penn State's newly reorgan ized varsity rifle team which swings into full scale competition this week with three postal • matches. Coached by Captain Harold Yount, the marksmen open their first season since 1942 fir ing against Clarkson College of Technology, Niagara U. ~and Co lumbia U. From more than 75 candidates 10 have been selected on the basis of practise averages to patlcipate in the initial matches. They are Gene Bixler, John Borriholdt, George Cleveland, John Hall man, Richard Kahn, Robert Lunt. William Suter, Robert White, Ar thur. Wolfe and Kenneth Yount. Nitiany Lions Meet— . (Continued from page one) Lion schedule for two years, will regain the place held - by._ Michigan State during those two years. In addition to playing Wash ington State at Hershey on Sep tember 20, the Lions will meet Bucknell at State College,. Oc tober 4; Fordham at New York, October 11; Syracuse at State Col lege, October 18; West Virginia at State College, October 25; Colgate at State College, November 1: Temple at Philadelphia, Novem ber 8; Navy at Baltimore, Novem ber 15; and Pitt at Pittsburgh, No vember 22. FEBRUARY 21-22, 1947 s junior THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, .STA'S.E COLLEGE, PETNNSYLV.AIVLA. Box Score 21 6 48 8 36 featuring 48-36; Leo Houck, Jr. Wins; Tighe KO's Matteson A strong University of Miami boxing team came from behind Friday night to hand the Nittary Lion mittmen a 4 1 / 2 -3 1 / 2 loss to open the 1947 intercollegiate box_ ing season in Rec Hall. Lion Coach Leo Houck watched his son, Leo, Jr., defeat Penn State's Will Greene in a close 175-pound bout and tie the match at 3 1 / 2 -3 1 / 2 . The meet then went into the heavyweight bout for a decision with Miamian Art Saey edging Ogie Martella in another close fight. TAKES FIRST ROUND The . Lion heavyweight took the first round before giving way to the Hurrican boxer's. 20 extra pounds and longer reach. !Mar tella had been out for the team only three days before the match. 'Captain Jackie Tighe' gave the fan s their biggest thrill of .the evening as he knocked out his Miami opponent, Tom Metteson, in 30 seconds of the second round of his 165-pound bout. Tighe took the first. round on a close 10-9 count before he caught Metteson with a hard right to the thin that put the Miamian on the canvas. Miami took the lead after 1943 'RIBA runner-up Jim Demos out fought John Turcasco in the 125- pound opener. Glenn Hawthorne then tied up the meet, by taking his 130-pound opponent, Billy Johnson, in the evening's most in teresting bout. DULL FIGHT Miami's Don Garrittes and Jim Cassidy went through two draw rounds before the Hurricane box er won the decision in a dull 135- pound fight that saw little action until the end of the final round. John Sheehe. added another point for the Lion s as he decis ioned Miami Scott Hogue in their • 145-pound contest. Penn State's John Slusser and Jim Duffy fought their 155-pound bout to a draw with Miami tak. ing the . first. round and. Slusser coming back strong in' the second with a nice one-two punch. The Lions next play host to the boxing team from Western Mary land Saturday at 3 p.m. SUMMARIDS 125 poundi—Jim Demos (M) decisioned John Turcasco (PS). 130-pouNs—Glenn •Hawithorne (PS) decisioned Billy Johnson (M). 135-pounds,-Don Garrittes (M) decisioned Jim Cassidy (PS). 145-pounds—John Shehee (PS) SATUR I -I.Y WRESTLING-ARMY . BOXING-WISCONSIN BASKETBALL-W. VA. FRATERNITY DANCES AND PARTIES Miami Phi Ep; Berks, Yahoos Phi Epsilon Pi, exhibiting bezutifully co-ordinated attack, trounced a determined Phi Delta Theta "B" quintet 29-13 to cap ture the crown in League No. o f the intramural basketlyAl tournament. • SIGMA PI WINS Sigma PI, with Tony Duich and Jack Smith pacing the attack, snatched the League No. 8 cham pionship, defeating Pi Kappa Phi 27-13. Alpha Chi Sigma edged Kappa Delta Rho 1544 in the fir.s• round of a play-off to determ ine the League No. 2 winner. Al pha Chi Sig-wilt now meet Theta Chi in the finale. Delta Theta Sigma fell before Sigtha Alpha Epsilon 22-6, and Sigma Chi defeated winless Phi Gamma Delta 22-9. Scores of Thursday games found the unbeaten Yahoos dump ing the Ramblers 30-15 for win number 4, Ralleks decisioning Nittany Co-Op 20-9, and Dorm 5 walloping the Eagles 31-19. BETAS, PHI TAUS TIED Phi Kappa marred the hitherto untainted record of Beta Theta Pi with a "25-18 victory. Sigma Nu thumped Acacia 23-:11 to join Phi Tau and the Betas in a tie for the lead of League No. 6. Steamrolling to a 49-7 massacre of Lower Windcrest, Berks 'lnde pendents maintained their flaw less record in Loop No. 1 of the independent' tourney. Sparked by Shollenberger's 11 counters and Beaver's all-around play, the Berks County lads moved ahead into their lhst tilt.. Dorm 11 and the Blazes, bat tling for the right to represent in dependent League No. 3, won their engagements Sunday. Dorm 11, spearheaded by the deadly shooting .of :Matthews:, downed the Marauders 15-4, .as the Blazes were 26,13 victors over Dorm 4. decisioned Scoff Hogue (M). 155-pounds—Jim Duffy (M), John Slusser (PS)—draw. 165-pound—Sack Tighe AP:3) knocked out Tom Metieson (M), 30 sec., 2nd round. 175-pounds Leo Houck, Jr., (M) decisioned Wilbert Greene (PS). Heavyweight—Ant Saey (M), decisiened Ogie Martella (PS). Officials: Referee --Joseph Mc- Guigan, Timekeeper Samuel Crabtree, Scorer William Hoff man. . 8:3 0 P.M. PLUS Downs Boxers Sigma 2 :00 P.M. 7 :00 P.M. PAGE TriBMS Pi Top Loops Notch Win ATH HALL DOWNS POLECATS Atherton Hall took the meTsure of the Polecats 20-13. Forfeit wins were posted by Beaver House over Hoopsters, the.Macce bees over Dorm 7, and Berletir:s over Marilyn Hall. Phi Ep's conquest of League No. 7 was marked by the defensive play of Bob Rittmaster whose backboard play held the Phi Dells at bay throughout the game. Les Jacobs' heady ball handling and accurate passing aided in the win. Beta Theta Pi, aiming at its fifth win and the right to enter the final play-offs, was instead shcckled by the dead-game Phi Taus as the latter's defense stif fled - Beta ace Berlin while Johnny Beard and Bill Miller were again hitting the cords to lead the offensive. PLAY-OFF TILTS Beta Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Tau, and Sigma Nu will now Play off for this league's crown. The Yahoos, composed of var sity 'footballers, notched another win as it tripped the Ramblers 30-15. Gridder co-captain-elect Johnny Nolan was the big gun in the Yahoos' attack with ten markers. Scheduled for 9 o'clock tonight are Marauders vs. Penn State Club (court 1), Beaver House vs. Dorm 11 (2), Nittany Co-op vs.. Comets(3). At 9:40, Stags vs. Seven Old Men (1), Berlefics vs. Penn Haven (2), Dorm 4 vs. Hoopsiers (3). ~esrrilic: Tantalizer Dry perfume makes your favorite Roger & Gallet fragrance go farther. Its tantalizing scent is released gradually when patted di rectly on warm skin. A dash in . the hem of your dance dress fills the air with fade less perfume. Doused inside your blouse, the effect is really terrific! Use it regu larly—in all ways—just like liquid perfume. ROGER &GALL
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