1 - " AGE Brunner Elected Trustee For Lingnan University (Honors and jobs come thick and fast to Dr. Henry S. Brunner, :bead of the department of agricultural education. Announcement was made recently. that Dr. Brunner has been elected a member of the board of Aferican Trustees for Lingnan University in China, and named one of three educators to evaluate 400 vocational agriculture units in rural high s'chods of the United States. His re-election as chairman or the Penn-State-in-China committee• and his election to the Board of Directors of. the Penn State ' students. Christian Association was an- .Our obligation becomes all nounced Tuesday. the more poignant in the light of Succeeds Watts I the reasons for this enrollment— As a member of the American partly the accumulation from board of trustees for Lingnan, years of no opportunity at all, Dr, .Brunner succeeds L. Watts, I and partly the fact that Hong dean emeritus of the School of 'Kong and Sun Yet Sen Universi- Agriculture. According to Dr. ties are shattered as to be Wormer, the primary responsi- unable to open for a long period." Vlity of the American board is Dr. Brunner said that the loy to Supply the American faculty, alty, courage, and perseverance many of whom have been detain- of all the Christian colleges of ed in this country on account of China during the suffering and the war. horrors of the war have created Dr. Brunner. a member of the a significant impression upon the National Committee on Stan-- minds of the Chinese people; this dards in Agricultural Education, promises to be a notable element was appointed for the rural study in the making of a new and mod by the Office of Education in ern China, Washington, D. C. Collalb,orating with him will be Dr. George De. yoe of Michigan State College, and Dr. Frank Lathrop of the re search staff of the U. S. Office of ),:ducation A's. a board rnemlber of • the American Trustees for Lingnan, pr.' Brunner's position will •be closely associated with his duties as chairman of the Penn-State in-China committee. This com mittee helps to support Lingnan financially, while the American )loard of Trustees has admini strative Need Great In relating the need for finan cial help for Lingnan University, ))r. - Brunner said: "The need is great. Even with war losses of thirty percent of the library, half of the scientific equipment, virtually all furri- Jure, and damage to the buildings representing thousands of dollars, the University has a greater en rollment than ever before-796 college and 450 middle school Magazines—Candy • • • T ui p civ7 NORY? 1111 Mil 11,11 TH , 10 . NT • • n:111 111 C j II II : • • • all) / I A .11) ,D 9 S , . • FOR YOU ! • • • Soft Drinks • Hamburgers. • • Candy . • Hot Dogs • Bakery Goods • State College Creamery Products HOWARD'S CORNER PUGH AND BEAV.EII Dr. Lyman E. Jackson . . . dean of the School of Agri culture, spoke to Kiwanis and farmers of the Lewistown district at a dinner in Lewistown on Tues day night. Sigma Chi . . recently elected the follow ing officers: David Hill, president; Russell Waddel, vice-president; Edward Lautner, treasurer; and Paul Caufiell, secretary. They also initiated Robert McKilltp and Gene Minich. Delta. Thefa Sigma . . . initiated the following men at 305 Old Main, 11 a.m. Sunday: Carrol Hess, Randall Campbell, Francis Tolan. and Fred Feister. Tobacco \A AMA k•A Future Dean Wins Citation Col. George L. Haller, who will become assistant dean of the School of Chemistry and •Physics on July 1, receives the Legion of Merit for outstanding service from Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining. Classified. Column FOR RENT two large double rooms for summer with hot and cold running water and single beds. Phone .1679, inquire 11212 W. Niittnny avenue. LOST —Maroon and gold Parker "51" 'pencil initialed "AL.P." on cap. Please return •to Student Union or call Watts 2nd Center asik. for Anne. ROOMS wall be available at Chi Phi fraternity starting June 30 till September 23. Call 4302 for details. WAN T ED—Ride to California aster .finials. Will pay expenses. Call Anthony, aan. WANTED—Boarders for summer session. (July 1 to Septemlber 21.) Board $9.00 per week. Beaver House, 329 E. Beaver avenue. Cell 01. LOST—Sigma Chi palm G%gen heiimer engraved on back. Re ward. Call 7186. LOST---:Phi Mu Alpha• pin. Initials A.G.W. Reward. Call 3 1 265 leave merge. FOR SALE—Pair of girls black riding, boors. Size 6. Call Chris FOR SALE—Single breaited tux size 3 1 6 •and tux shirt, e4ollar 14 1 / 2 . Call John, 4444, WANTED—Typist for term !paper Final draft ready Sunday night Paper due Tuesday afternoon Call Alan 4797. LOST—GoId pocket - wateh en graved! Robert 21st ibirthday. Possibly in New Colliege Diner. Reward. Gene, Ist jondian. FOR SALE—Girl's bike. Size 20. Call Room 57 Ath. PARKER 51 picked-up in Hee Hall yest e'r da y is booby trapped. For safety's sake dali Ai 4715 or 3600. LOSTL--ißlack wallet 'containing numerous identification cards and keys. Reward. Call Snyder 31131. LOIS'Y—Red Shaeffer pen between Atherton and Sparks, Monday. Reward. Phone Bob 4708. LOST—Gliwris gold identiectatrim bracelet Saturday night in town with name June. Please call June, 2647. LOST-1-A Folding Kodak. If lound please call M. J. Heine, 3332. Reward. Phi Mu Alpha . . . musicial honorary, announc ed the following newly eletoted officers at its meeting on Tues day: G. William Henninger, supreme councilman; Falank Hess, pretsi dent; Donald Lo'hrman, vice presi dent; Norman Walter, searehary— treasurer; George Winne*, war den; William Bemis, • histonian; Walter Lingle, alumnus treasurer. t o m: 1 Dwins Dook ' Y HA vis Maud FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1946 CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY Collegian Staff meeting, 9 Car negie Hall, 4:15 p. rn. Theispians Show,. "No Time For Trouble,". Schwab Auditorium, 7 'Hillel Services, Hiltel Fbanda-. tion, 7:30 p.m. Benny Goodman Dance, Resc Hall, 9 to 1 p.m. TOMORROW Thefipians Show, Schwab .Audi.-• toriurn, 7 p.m. SUNDAY Players Initiation, Old Main., 9 Chapel, Schwab Auditorium, 1;1 a.m. XGI Club Barbecue, Legion Park, 2 to 9 p.m. WARNER EIRPTHERS NIII . 1 'TTANY • TONIGHT AT 7 P.M. • Fred Mac Murray Marguerite Chapman "Pardon My Past" • SATURDAYALL DAY • The East Side Kids "Come Out Fighting" AIso—SERIAL & CARTOONS • MONDAY NIGHT • "Dark Alibi" Charlie Chan WARNER BROTHERS cATHAum. • • Beg;ns Tomorromi f . Features at 1:59 - 3:53 - 5:47 - 7:41 - 9:35, ra -1041°1° A 20th 'Costhiryrfok Pktvn)) r
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