PAGE FOUR. Cwens Tap At Annual Breakfast Cwens will tap outstanding freshmen and sophomore women at a special tapping breakfast to be held at the Ailentrest, 6 a. m. Sunday. "Owens will wake the girls to be honored at 7 o'clock and es cort them to the breakfast where the ceremony will take place," stated Mary Lou Waygood, Cwen president. The society will tap freshmen and sophomore women who have matriculated after March 1945, who have "cooperated most en thusiastically with, the aspects of the freshmen orientation pro gram, who have participated the most intelligently in extra curri cular activities open to freshmen, who possess lovely manners and other evidences of aibility to get along with people; who show real premise of leadership for the col leg., ideal, and whose scholarship is cove average." These stan dards were stated in the nomina tion blankS sent to campus stud ent and faculty leaders. Women recommended the most frequent ly by these nominators were con sidered for membership. Over 490 tickets were sold for the annual Cwen "Dungaree Drag." Proceeds from this dance go to the Owen Scholarship Fund and the Dean Ray scholarship fund, said Miss Waygood. 21 Members Join Philotes At a candle-light ceremony in the WSGA room, White Hall, Monday evening, Philotes, inde pendent women's organization initiated 21 new members. Initia ates are as follows: RQmayne Aumiller, Gloria J. Benson, Betty Jane Coon, Jeanne Craumer, Nancy Curry, Carolyn Dietz, Harriet DeWees, .BeVerly Eldridge, Mary Hawthorne, Joan Haxton, Mary M. Humphreys, Olive Kayden, Ruth Krause, Joan Lutz, Ann Marshall, Lynn Mosch. Catherine 'Ruof, Dorothy Shenot, Evelyn Smith, Carolyn Wilhelm, and Anna Mary Williams. Following the ceremony re freshments were served and Miss Marie Haidt, the organization's advisor, addressed a welcome to the new members, which the ideals of the organization , were emphasized. A short .• business meeting followed 'Miss Haidt's address. Mis. F. L. Pattee. . . . wife of the former College president who composed the Alma Mater, died Tuesday at Coronado, Beach, Florida. co-edit, Mortar Board opens Penn State's carnival season tonight with its "Parking Lot Prom." Sororities will compete against each other in booths varying from popcorn stands and penny pitching to boot blacking. Sounds like fun for carnival goers. And speaking of dances brings to mind bands, and speaking of bands, apologies to the Camptis Owls. You did a neat job at the Cwen's dance last week end. Sorority Doings Kappa Delta pledges held a coffee hour Thursday night for pledge representatives from oth er campus sororities . . Also, Ro berta Hutchison - was recently ap pointed pledges publicity chair man for the KDs. Two pledge dinner-dances took place last weekend: Thetas on Friday night, with dinner at the State College Hotel and the dance at the Nittany Lion Inn; Gamma Phis, Saturday night, followed the same pattern with the Navy Band furnishing the music for dancing. SDTs entertained Beta Sigma Rho Wednesday night and were guests of Zeta Beta Tau. Sunday. Oneda Rabinowitz is the new•re_ cording secretary for SDT. Phi Misery in Italy Impresses Ex-Coed Now With UNRA "Italy is surely in a sad state and to see the misery and the poverty and cold children almost makes one's heart bleed," writes Italia DeAngelis, a former Col lege coed, in , a letter to Miss Charlotte E. Ray, Dean of Wo men. "After spending all summer in Caseita, a s mall typical peasant town, the army headquarters in the huge Royal Palace of the for mer King of Naples, I moved to Rome in November (11945). This is real luxury compared to the way most of the country lives . . . At least we are plugging away trying to do our best and a little bit to help this situation some! • '"We :Live in the Savoia Hotel, not far from the American Em bassy in the best section of town. Typical of the allies, we have taken all of the best everywhere that these people owned. In a way," she concludes, "you can't blame them for wanting 'their country returned to them . . .(if they can run it, is another story)." (Miss DeAngelis, who • was em ployed by the National Educa tion Association in Washington after graduation, sent Miss Ray an invitation to her wedding, Which took place in. the Metho diit Church of Rome on Easter. The invitation was unusual, ac cording to Miss Ray, because, in the absence of their parents, Miss DeAngelis and her fiance Keath Pittman extended .the invitation THE COLLEGIAN 21orti St owe Sig Sig pledges are giving a picnic for the actives in Fairmount Park tomorrow afternoon, and Pi Lambda Phi is entertaining the sorority at a ts,..a. Sunday. And there's a rumor about that a down-town dorm had an un_ expected visitor this week. His name was Tom . . . peeping Tom. Overheard 'at a recent Thespian dance chorus workout: "New legs today, huh?" Perhaps that ex plains the nightly crowd which collects in Schwab to watch re hearsals. The SPEs initiated Paul Alt man, Clinton Brooks, John Fitz gerald, Fred Lewis, Earl Smoky, Edward Tylkowski and James Walker Sunday. And the Tekes have. pledged Robert Jacobus, Ro bert Keagy, Frank Mank, Robert Poindexter, George Policastro, Richard Sarge, Harry Watts and Lee Worrilow. in their own names While attending the College, Miss DeAngelis was sophomore and junior , senator and secretary to WSGA Senate, a .member of Cwens, and took part in the Ground Breaking ceremonies in 1938. A member of the PSCA. cabinet and women's vice-presi dent of PSCA, she was a mem ber of the women's education honorary, Pi Lambda Theta, Mortar Board,' and was Fan Girl of her class. She received her BA in education in June, 1939. _ ._ ...., ~.,• , +.,.......,..t,,:,.,7(,,,e..-..-i 1'..:!;::„.: . ..'k , .„..-,.... i n r ~ t t s n ...,..,... .• - -..,. . . ~.....„ . -.. . —,. ..• • ...,• „. . ..-^.. ' '.. , ... . -,-.. . ...... - 4 , , . '..,,-. . .. , ' ' ' '' '' '•-I ' ' ,. ... 4 ...' ,-, ;;• - ................-,.. .... ..,......'7.•••••.....,...-....,.......-.......„01..,i;,:.:...t•-.,...+..,*......'.;,'"5it:i....,.:...;1.,:...-4--,....... ... --,:.‘i....;..•-1.;.;;:'?..4.'-.,.:.:.:....'.........:;.-.--..;.......i.....:.i........."-.;;:-'........:]::::.;,...,..,:;,,.;1!,.0).,- ....:+!i;'.,..;,.: , .. - ';',,,. , .......,...: .. ... F, : ,.. - ;. ' 2.1,•.:.*..::..:-''.......-:.'... : ''' ' ' ' ‘‘l: ' '' ' - —i, •-•:-'. ~.i.,.',.t.:',.'........,,.......„,;:..,7....••••:,:.,.,i:,...-:.::::.,‘.'T:.'i';i4-....-.,,-,1!'..,.".:,...:..::::,.,''''''..,!:::,.,.,:',7::::-..,'''',c.',-,-:.::'.,.,,.,,......:,,.,.:::,,,.:,..,..,‘:..-.:', '.. 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AHANIS 1 Ornricon Nu To Sponsor Career Day Omicron Nu, senior women's home economics honorary, is sponsoring its annual Career Day for home economics students Tuesday. Mrs. Lila . Williamson Gilliam, associate editor of the Farm Journal will be a guest speaker. Other nationally known spec ialists in nursery school, textile, nutrition and extension fields will be on campus for group con ferences concerning careers in home economics. Students are asked to schedule conferences in the lobby of the Home Economics building Monday. A coffee hour' will be held for all home economics students and 'faculty to meet the guest speak ers in the northeast lounge of Atherton Hall the same evening. Co-chairmen of the affair are Marion Poorbaugh and A n Startzel, coffee hour chairman, Elaine' Shapiro and Virginia Ten nyson. Sara Pollard is head of publicity. COUPLES. . MAKE IT DUTCH ! After a Long Evening Stroll, Stan in at LEW'S SANDWICH SHOP . 220 East College Avenue Open Daily 7 A.M. 10 P.M. Sunday 5 P.M. 10 P.M. ,E4O , 1.4_,,, cle.'°, ~ fa ‘,, ,' '' ve M a , 1.4_ 4,‘,.,°.? otio° ' ~, ' - 1)"`'. I''e -°lll , idi? tln4l' In t kt:X5- ' iot . --, .‘,„ • ' ' ~io:l4‘'e naer lAnl'. f.'"(,k, ~,' 1004 ‘..l° kith te, ~....,:, 0..' 1,..,..0 _ . • 4 • . • ...‘ V t°° yio‘"" , i . 1 . ~. , t, _------- ' .• s, tut' . 3°..‘ . )4. ~ic , ,r.l . ..t C,1., PRAgAgi:!igdi iz'avzgi:= . . : .Z.. M .MP! .!::.:..;:!V , .. , , FRIDAY, MAY 3; 1946 Matrix Table Stars Gilbert The annual .Matrix Table to be held May 13 will- feature Mrs. Ethel Gilbert, director of Office of Industry Advisory Committees of the OPA in Washington, as guest speaker. The dinner is sponsored by Theta Sigma Phi, national journalism honorary. Voting for Quill Girl, most popular woman on campus, will take place at . Student Union Tuesday and Wednesday. Elected annually by coeds of the College, this year's Quill Girl will be an nounced at the Matrix Dinner. Marjorie Blackwood, Mortar Board; Jean Nelson, Junior Ser vice Board; Florence Porter, WSGA; and Rebecca Walker, WRA, are competing for the honor. Two other titles, Cap. Girl, a coed outElanding in activities, and Matrix Girl, the coed who has clone the most for the College, are chosen by Theta Sigma Phi. Junior Service Board •. . . will tap outstanding coeds at a tapping breakfast hi Ather ton dining commons Sunday morning. ef, . . . *• • • MUM
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