The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 16, 1946, Image 8

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Piglets, Coeds Struggle
At Little international
Rescued from the pig sty for the
day, 10 squealing, squirming,
struggling, little pigs led scream
ing coeds a merry chase at the
Little International Livestock
While the spectators howled and
hash bulbs exploded, Jezebelle,
Salome, Suzie Q, Heps, and Bob
paraded into the Stock Pavillion
in. bright . new halters, gleaming
leashes, and with straw in their
With their Liberal Artist coeds
in tow, the pigs, only eight weeks
old, raced to the starting line and
tugged on their leashes impatient
to start. By the time the "Go"
signal had (been given the piglets
were ready for a nap and so were
their . mistresses, but the whips
cracked and off they—walked.
Pigs, Coeds Whips Tangle
Down the length of the ,pavillion
amid the cheers of the spectators
they str ugg le e. while leashes
tangled and coeds tripped over
pigs and each other. Whips swung
through the air and contacted with
everything but the pigs as the
Liberal Artists experimented at
being Simon Legree.
The barrel. was the obstacle
stupendous 'as the coeds tried to
entice 'the pigs around the right
side and down the home stretch
again. Crossing leashes and Mother
Nature taking her course were
among the difficulties 'most en
joyesl by the people in the grand
stands and least enjoyed by the
struggling coeds.
Pigs Have Minds of Their Own
One pig dashed down the last
mile like Barney :Divell to the
finish line, stopped short, and re
fused to move. His 'poor , drwer
not permitted by the rules to pull
him, tried whipping instead and
soon' found herself racing the op
posite direction away from the goal
Finally three pigs staggered
across the line at the same time
as the flash bulbs went off in
dazed coeds faces. The end of the
race? Oh : no! A final heat between
the winners of the first two heats
faced the winner, M . rho by this
time would have been glad to lose
rather than face the ordeal again.
'Torture Continues
Even so, the torture wasn't over
when the goal line was reached
for the coeds were instructed to
pick up their little demon charges
and parade the length , of the pa
vilion for the third time with the
darling brats under their arras.
Naturally the pigs put up a
slight objection to being handled
like a sack of potatoes instead of
25 pounds of potential pork chops
ASME Members
• . . will hear Donald P. Kay. e,
sixth semester industrial engin
eer, speak on "USAtF Bombing of
Nazi Industry" in a meeting at 110
Electrical Engineering, 7:30 p.m.
April 23.
Kay, who was a captain with
the 12th Air Force during the War,
will present films taken "on the
jab" during his talk.
Masquerettes •
. . . will hold a reorganization
meeting in Schwab Auditorium at
seven p.m. Sunday. 'All Masquer
ettes are encouraged to. attend.
vt.i'vt , W-NotA
and the result was like a blaring
automobile horn which reused to
stop. Deposited, at last, back in the
good ole pig sty, the pigs grunted
contentedly, while the 'coeds re
solved to collaborate on a hook,
guaranteed to be a best seller, call
ed "How to Chase a Pig," or "Lib,
'ral Artists Don't Belong on Ag,
Former San Diego Editor
Joins Journalism Staff
John H. Gleason, recently city
editor of the San Diego (Ctrl.)
Jonirnal, has joined the faculty
)1 the department of journalism
!?s assistant .professor. .
Professor Gleason was city ed
itor of the San Diego newspaper
since C'ctdber, 1945. Prior to that
he spent three years in the Mai . -
ine Corps as a captain.
He saw active duty in the Gil
bert and Marshall Islands, Ss
'pan, Tinian, and Iwo Jima, and
served in the occupation, of Ja
pan. Sabre going to the Pacific
area he had been head of public
relations for the Marine Corps
st Now York City.
Before his service in the Mar
ine Corps, Professor Gleason
worked on the Evanston, (Ill.)
News-Index, for the United Press
bureau in Cleveland, Ohio, and
for the Washington bureau of
the Buffalo (N.Y.) Evening
New Textbook Includes
Werner's English Essay
An ar 4 ticle entitled, "English
for Wa•r Needs," by W. L. Wer
ner, professor of English litera
ture. ILF.s been reprinted in a new
textb•cok by Mabel E. 'Strong, of
the University of Nebraska. The
textbook is titled "A Refresher in
College Composition."
The essay, which was reprinted
as a model of Eng Hill for study
and analysis, first appeared- in
in the "News Letter of the
College English Association."
Student, 2 Professors
To Attend ACE Meeting
Dr. G. H. Rohlich .and A. A.
Brielmaier, of the depisrtment of
civil engineering, and NROTC
Trainee Ronald H. Hartman,
student president of the local
chapter of the American Society
of Civil Engineers, will attend the
annual spring meeting of the A.
S. C. E. in Philadelphia, Wednes
day, Thursday, and• Friday.
The three day 'meeting being
held in the Bellevue-Stuatford
Hotel, is to (be attended by about
1000 leading civil engineers and
will be highlighted by nine tech
nical sessions at which epgineer
ing postwar prdblems will be dis
Six Hundred .
. . . veterans who were former
students cif the College will be
ad . :flitted this week by Registrar
William S. Hoffman. In addition,
1150 veterans will be
,accepted for
Mont Alto as IfoTestry students.
(Continited from page o)
coat wherever the buyer de
sires. Since there is shortage
of the coats. they will be sold
on the basis of "first, come.
first served."
According to College tradition,
each senior decorates his own
Lion cor.t. Later in the ,semester,
Sheehan said, Cabinet will spon
sor a contest of Lion coats, with
entries judged on originality and
attractiveness. -
"Hello Week" will be April 29
to iMQy 3, reported Priscilla Wag
ner, chairman. During this week,
60 students will have $1 bills to
give to the seventh non-acquain
tance who greets them with the
Penn State "Hello." Cabinet is
sponsoring this campaign in an
Ofort to revive the Hello spirit.
No Campus Licenses
According to a report from
Albert Green, no licenses can be
issued to students for driving on
campus. Due to the icongested
traaic conditions on camptis at
present, only students with eth3-
pertsary permits , . will be issued
temporary commis licenses.
Charles Bill reported that ac
cording to State College regula
tions, all' Sunday movies are ille
gal, whether or -not Admission is
charged. Cabinet then abandoned
the Sunday movie proposal, and
Stapleton tsppointed the following
committee to plan other Sun
day afternoon entertainment:
Patricia Trester, chairman; Char-1
?.es Hill, , Bud Mellott. Virginia
McCloskey, and John Nesbitt.
Alpha Tau Alpha
. . . Penn State Chapter of the
National Professional , Ag. Ed.
Honorary, reorganized recently„
after nearly three Years. of in
rctivity. Samuel I. Haines was
elected president; Harry Errie3t,
vice-president; Charles L. Bow
man, secretary4reasurer; and
James Wilson, sergeant at arms.
Plans are now being discuEsed
for En active program and the
initiation of new members.
Dr. Warren B. Mack-
. Dr. Roy D. Anthony, Rus
sell E. Larson, Martin L. Od
hnd, John R. Culbert, and Wil
liam. S. Clarke Jr.. all of the Col
lege horticulture department. and
J. Lupton Mccartney, professor
of extension pomology. attended
the annual meeting of the Amer
ican Society for Horticultural
Sciences held at St. Louis, last
Thursday, 'Friday, and Saturday.
Dean Lyman E. Jackson_
. of the School of Agriculture.
.is attending a three-day meeting
of the executive board of the As-
sociation of ..sand-Grant .Colleges
end Universities,. 'which is • being
held in Washington. D. C. Dr.
Jaoksdn is secretary-treasurer of
the association.
Letter To Editor
To the Editor.
I write this letter with some
skepticism as it is my first at
tempt in• same time at offering
an opinion as a civilian.
I've been on campus as an ex-
GI for less than three weeks but
'uring this time I have main
tained a concurrent attitude to
ward my classes and the people
involved in my attendance there
at. I've been especially interested
in my Mellow ex=Gl's; both those
who have attended classes prev
ious semesters and those who re
cently registered with me. 'lt is' a
wonderful :feeling to really know
that despite several years of
service we are basically the same
people. It is even more wonderful
when we realize that less than a
yeEr ago many of us were still
digging fox holes so that we
might preserve those necessary
parts of the individual untfica
tion required :for the utilization of
the benefits of Ph. 116 or 346. It
was just a dream then—now , it is
a realization.
:Studying is more difficult foe
me now than( ever before—if have
never 'been anything above an
average student .
Deutsche 'Verein Hears
Lecture on Northwest
"Northwestern United States"
was the ,subject of an illustrated
talk given by Ralph• Peters, grad
uate forestry student, at the
meeting df the Deutsche Verein.
Piotures showing the forests
and mountains of Washington
and Oregon were shown as well
as same of the College. Peters
took them while serving at a for
est ranger station in the North
west. After the meeting refresh
ments were served.
Next Baseball Game
. . . will las•:.: Lafayette
nine at New Beaver Field, Friday,
April 19.
TUESDAY, APRJL 16, 19'46
LOST—Red wallet containirlpt,
valuable personal cards.• •
ward. Call Janet,'.442s. • ••, ,
Upper Datiby class,
onyx and gold. call ctoq,
ground, Jordan.
LOST—Phi Sigma ;Delta :fraier - 4,
nity pin. Sentimental' Valtie::
ReWard. •Call Arni, 4435.:: • ..;
NOTICE—WiII the • person e• Oak'
accidentally took •Man's
overcoat from Sparks Cat. But
4917? I have yoUrs!:.
FOR SALE—Tux, good
. "ebildi'.4
tion. Size 36. Call 2938-•''':- :
LOST—Newark State TOkclie4.!
College 'ring. Bluestone;;,golti. -
setting, initialed C.; H..t'.4 r npg
Hall, Wednesday. •Reward? Phone
252 Ath.
WANTED—Three rider's to Nevi
York. 'Leaving Wednesday, at
3. Call "Ritt" 4953. Rotind trip' #
LOST—Yep! Lost ' it-a • blde
Parker "51" pen. Wed. April
10 at New Physics or Main' Eng•
Please return. Phone 3960:, ,
RIDE` WANTED—niI 'Vandergrift,,'
Pittsburgh or vic•inity. , -atfter.
a.m. ghursday. • Call Woodsy,
Ath or Collegian office. -
ATTEN , 'PION Scr r anton, Alden. ,
town, *and,. Wilkes-Barre
dents , —There are a few 'seats on
special express busses. Call Bette, •
304 Ath, -immediately for reserve,...)
LOST—Gray gabardine men's coati
on second :loor Sparks..Aprit
it a.m. 'Call 4917. have yours.: , -•
Reward. '
WANTED—Ride to - Rochester or
Williamsport, - Thursday. Call
Ath after 8:30 p.m:-
LOST—Phi Sigma-. Delta fraternity"-1:
pin. Initials: M '
G: , . 4 SOntirriSntal;; T.
value. Reward. CalrArni , .Greene; ,
• .. „
WANTED Ride to libilad'elphia;'
leaving State noori,- , Thiarsday.
Phone 4859 .after 7 'pail.; ask, for
--Lewistown to State.. College
daily, Write R. E. Schranz,. Pond
Laboratory, campus. • ~ G ive Phone.