FIRLDAY, APRIL 5, 1946 CLASSIFIED SECTION WANTED TO 'BUY—"B-4-" Bag. iCall 23.112 ask for Danny. WANTED-4Passengers for Butler leave Friday Or Saturday. Call Starr 2337. LOST—GoId bracelet with Alpha Chi Omega seal. Call Kitch 2287. LOST—Yellow gold Bulova• wrist watch with leather strap. If Sound - call Martha 2593. Reward. LOST—GoId lapel pin with two !pearls March 29 possibly in Sparks or Rec Hall. 'Wedding gift. Reward. Phone Ruth 4035. LOST—Dorthitory key. No. -31.4. ;Finder please call Elsie Wom an's Building, 3rd East. WANTED—To buy guppies. Call Wayne, 2637. ' LOST One "Hubbard Cloth" .-raincoat EE or MI about 22 March. Phone Dick anl. WAIITTED—One ride to Pitts gburigh leaving Friday at 2:30 or later. gall Eloise 2.10 Jordan. WANTED—Ride to - Washington, D. •C. Any time Friday. Call Becky, 2nd Jordan. NOTTICE—Get the reading habit! :113uy your magazines by sub sdniption. All magazines.. Call Bob' at 2677. ' LOST—GoId cuff link. Initials, ,-J. J.: E:? between Corner Room and Old Main. Finder• please re• - turn-to Collegian office.` MR` SALE—For $2.40 couple: 460 d time at semi-{formal "Bun ny ,Ikp" on April 6 with Andy Khmer. NKXIII the person who -. ,, t00k the red wallet containing piictures, • cheap. breakage ticket, Philadelphia train ticket,- money, and -.other VEfluable cards from Rooni.'-440 Atherton return it to SitUdent 14STLIBlack Waterman fountain - -pen, .clip broken. Silver band :6rotifid .cap.. " • I-faWt4-TiSiaVer •rosebud bracelet ,and. - -`,ilver - braeelet with 3.0511- legian keys. found; please re- .• turn both to Collegian oilfiee. BOARD FOR IVIEN = . I .Ve, have au-- ;)conimodations for; about 15 boarders, either individuals or small-:-fraternal -group.. $9.00: par Week. M.arilyn-Ha12817-E. Be'aver avenue. WAANTLED-=-Ticket tor Ballet Fri , h day, night. Ext..,144 Miss Bram , _ Accent between 12:00 and LOT Second floor Old Main . - iPhiladelphia Central High ring, 19415.' Red . stone. Seal missing. - nniier % phone Lois 2647. Reward. W(AI\ITED--Passenger to Charles ; Aoii; -N. Va.. or vicinity, _leave ,'Friday, April 12; return, Monday, AfPiil , l4. Phone 33716. • ::,NOTW.E,-.-,lF,,anyone With Seurat q..liitroductiion to Atomic Phys lend or, call Mil l:ton, 2410. Thlanks. , lealf ledger. book rfEgr Beecher • Home "'Manage rde,rlt..Hcuie. Return • to: Home Mairaigemebt Tiffice, HomeEco inaras-Rdilding:' `,W,ANTI - I)—Two rides.. td Llburgh .or further south. Leave affer.-'5 Friday,- April 112. Call 66 Ath. ' "Li . ::lSt 7 --Parker Pen. Rewiard. Call !, - 1 - 01R; - SA[T_E---Blue fitted coat, 'gray "pin Striped. boxy - .Coat, :iwhite:. - .evening dress, two suits, alljOize-.1.1.. In excellent condition. .;If interested, tall State College. . . i Students r For That Quick - Breakfast Befoie Your , • 9 o'clock . . ; ~4 45i1 0 . . . .. . -, -. .. .. ~. • „,. - . - - , .., .., • , 7 IP . - -.* 1, , • ~c . .P . t 4 , 1 2_ •:' :.4_ l_ ,_ / ' ' ''' • Speedy Service .. . DeliciOus Find! ..,A,4lB. viral " musi .inamA - uvL , N f s i"n ~:-:-... ' '— `. -',•.--, • - .' . -` . . - ''• .4 ciitix.'".l - 1,-lh .:_`;', '-' .'.q'..•*: '''-'4 :;: . - 8 -' 4 ?" 4 ' l2lfreet .- - '- 9 Liberal Arts Faculty Men Return Nine :members of the Liberal Arts faculty have returned to the College this 'semester •atter per iods of military service or other war work. 'They .are: M. Nelson McGeory, 'assistant professor fo • political science; Waiter J. Harringtoin, professor of matliemaltics;_George -G. Lucas, instructor in economies; Thomas C. Benton, mathematics; Vito J. DiVincenzo, Spanish; Joseph J. Rubin English composition; Don ald 2:. King, assistant professor of English Composition; Leo A. Bressler, instructor in 'English composition, and Philip S. Klein, astsediale tprfoessor of American history. Professor McGeary, Who left for navy service in 11943, served with • the Navy Military Govern ment on Guam and also was sta tioned in Hawaii. Before the came to the College in 1939; :he taught in the department of , government at Columbia University. From April, 111944, to (March, 1946,.• Wr. Walter J. Barrington was a member of the Theoretical Ballistics Section of the Aqlelgheny B:allisitics :Laboratory at Pinto, •W. Va. ..Operated by .George Waeh ington University, for the Nation al Defense Research Committee 25 1 59 on. Monday, Tuesday or Friday p.m.'s. WANTED TO BUY—Three tick ets for Ballet Russe. Contact Helen, .318 Mac. WANTED—aide to Philly or, vi cinity Friday' afternoon or Sat urday. Call 4969. Ask.' for Moon. SALE—For S2AO couple: good time at semi'-iforrnal "Bun ny Hop" on April' 6 with Andy Kirner. The Westminster Foundation welcomes as its Week End Guest, The Bev. John Elder, D. D., since 1922, Presbyterian Missionary to Iran. Dr. Elder will speak at the Student Department and the Westminster , Fellowship on Sunday. He will be the guest at 'the Saturday Night Fireside Gtoup from 6-8 p. m. in the Fireside Room. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. at the Morning Service of the State College Presbyterian Church, Sunday, 10:45 a. In. Fieedom OF Religion does not mean freedom FROM Religion! THE COLLEGIAN of; the Office of Scientific Re search and Development, the lab oratory handled projects. lon both Army and Navy, related to de- Sign, development, and testing of rockets. 'Dr. 'Harrington came to the College in 49441, George G. Lucas, instructor in economics, returned last iweek to his 'duties after four years in the army, as an 'instructor in infantry tactlits Gam Robinson, Ark., and 'with The ASTP. unit at the College. in addition to his duties as instructor while starbioned here Major Lucas served sa adjutant. Major Lucas serves as adjutant. lege last July Tor Shrtvenham, England, /where, as a civilian em ployee of the War Department, he taught mathematics to army pe:•- sonnel in transition between com bat in 'Europe and* shipment (home. Professor Benton also spent some time in Germany at the Informa tion and EdUcation 'Headquarters, FrankTord-on-the-Main, 'add at a small regimental school. Professor .DiVincenzo left the College .in ''May, 1913, for Navy service. He was !Stationed at the Naval- Air Station, San Juan, Porto as an eduCational services officer, teaching con versational Spanish to enlisted men and officers. Later he served in Washington, New York, and at the US Na!val Hospital, Cor ona, Cal.. Professor Rubin, (wihp left 'the Coliki r ,ce , in MC, served 25 months with "the :army in ,ssiew Caledonia, New Zealand, Luzon, and with ,4:-..: .-. ~ N : :!',c io r /40 0 ' fite- OUR, LARGEST `'`'__!:e ~,,,, _SELLING CIGARETTE ° ~.-..., A .: FAMOUS STORK CLUB IN NEW YORK ibizA • . .... ..:... , kif/4.. i'*i . i..: a.::1:.i . ;°!t*,4. ; 711 ' -- "*.vi...,..i'1,,,. • . , '.'.5";...;.,.,:',i4Z.Z.'4 ; '''..'...." ..,...... 44.Z.,t,';',.,..5.„0.?"*..,,,z ~..,..1.,,‘ '.."41•4,4t-1y.,*,,..,4. . * . : ,7°P., ••>0....740.4..„ ,;,,N. ...,.«,...4- -...4,4„,....,, \''' `'••••••• ...., -NAN.,....,: 's ---. - . 'gs .biY6O ..7.''.4tis'Ylye‘^ts.;*s`,,,,s ..„....V."••*444 ,4 .*_,....... 4.. ....1 ..' ' ~‘,.., '; • . 4044. .:iirgi'o;:iiit . i, 0/::ij .v -"*A.N**74:1<5.A.,..;77....4,...,_V".""....., ' ......... IS:::,,n, '' • . ii::Y; owz{ V ::•iii:f s -V4,110 At. , - 1 0 , A ...,,,,......` ' • •••••• ',., ... 1 .4. ....... .1.0,,,,r .:,00 Itiredi.. . ........... .:a:,...., .:....... ..... • , • • • ALWAYS BUY COMRINATIONepkWORLO'S BEST TOBACCOS—PROPERLY AGED .-Pnietii 9 9 6 %:42oinvs.ttar 34/4m.ce-... _ . , . _ ... the Sixth Army occupation teoops in Japan. As military historian. he wrote , comlbat narratives of the Solomon campaign and medical history of the South Pacific for War 'Department records. Professor King, who is also Ski ing 'coach, taught English compo sition here for two years before enterine !the natty in October, 1943. Stationed mostly in Corpus ChriSti, Texas, as a Naval Air (Corps aerology officers he also spent dour months studying Jap• ;anese at ran oriental 'languages School in Oklahoma. Leo A. Bressler, instructor in English composition, left the 'Col lege in 'May, 19413, and saw navy service in New Guinea, cliakvaii, Fhillippines, Tarawa, the Mar shaills, Tinian, and Saipan. He came to the College in 1937. Dr. Klein, who left 'the 'College in December, 1942, served as lair- SHERMAN BitLINGSLEY'S---- IgME KODAKS Penn State Camera Shop MEE ESTERFIELD craft ground' training officer at the 'Naval Air Station, Trinidad, British West Indies for two years, was , stationed at Ceicil Field, Fla., and' served as historical of ficer on the . staff of Admiral Roy al E. Ingersoll, .comimander of the western sea 'frontier. Twenty Ex-Gls To Drill Basic ROTC at College Twenty ex-servicemen are in charge of drilling the Army ROTC at the College. The ex-Gl's passed mental and physical examinations in order to qualify for the posi tions. They will !continue drilling men in basic ROTC courses !for a period of four semesters, and will receive the rank of cadet of • ficers. ARE HERE at the PAGE SEVEN ` gi n :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers