PAGE EIGHT Grounds, Camp Play Yard Trailer Work was started Tuesday on the play yard at Wind .rest. George W. Ebert, superintendent of Grounds and Buildings, said that his department hopes to complete the work in a very short time. After grading, several tons of sand will be dumped on the 70x45 foot area comprising the play yard to make a layei 6 to 8 inches deep. Playground equipment is also being constructed by the department Excavations have been started for the sewers to be con atrticted for sink drainage at the trailer camp. After these are completed, said Mr. Ebert, the ground will be prepared Yor grass seed, which he hopes to have sown by the middle of April. CIASSIFIED SECTION WANITED—To meet persons in- Iterested in iwedight lifting. Have rquipment. Write Box '726, Paul. PCIFt• SAILS—New covert cloth itthree pflece suit. Size 36. short. All wool. Call Ford 3117. • LOST—I 'left la Psych 2 text (Woodwonth) in 13 Sparks last Friday. I figure someone in the ten ciclack class picked it up. How's about 'calling Bud at 4746. 'IIIW%C.S. • FOR SALE—For $2.40 couple: Good time .E't semi4ormal "Bunny Hop" on April . 6 with Andy Kirner. NOTECE The College Book store always interested in Pennsylvania items desires to collect group o• Pennsylvlania lo kr:al-color Thotograip4s. Any per son having any snsPehcits please 13ontact the College Book Store 1,29 W. Beaver Ave. at once. NOTICEE--Four freahmen girls (Wish to take care of children, afternoons and evenings. Phone 2941. Ask for Vivisn. :CPOR SALE—One classified ad to find YOUR lost article. 'Wheth er it be a pen, bracelet, ring, or even a coat, Collegian will help you find it. Drop in the office (.m carrous end let us help you! NOUTOE—No beer will be served to tables consisting of minors at the Crossroads Restaurant, BoaLsburg, Pa. All Students 'Must file Summer Session Forms Summer Seosi on preEminary application forms fare now avail able at the oflices of the deans and must the filled out by every otuldent enrolled in the College for the &ring semester. Stud ents •w(ho expect/ to register for the Summer Seasions should con stain their advisors and return the Aatememts thy Wednestday. Pant I of the tappliCation must Abe filled out by all , students and and dormitory assignments will made aCcording to the results. No advance fee is required. Ird ki4 vfp No Algebra Needed • • lit Adds up to Flowers 2 4 7 • 9 4 6 • • lama Just figure it out and you are Sum to"choOse-fragrant , flowers: to add charm to happy birthdays • . • to brighten the dull sickrooms • to put the oomph in- anniversaries • 4 to make the girl in your life swoon • • Woodzing's Floral Gardens 117 E. Beaver Ave,. • Phone 2045 Buildings Start Mr. Ebert has granted all the ' requests made by the Windcrest borough council, and street and speed limit signs are•to be installed at the camp as soon, as possible. Painting of the trailers will be started as soon as weather permits. A garden plot will be set -aside for use by trailer residents wishing to plant vegetable gardens. Twelve more trailers are to 'be added to the main community, and the first of fifty trailers to be. placed on the hill above Wind crest have arrived. The road con necting the two areas is -being graded and prepared. alr.' Ebert also announced that the floor of' the first of the tem porary dormitories being erected for single veterans has been laid and work is being started on the superstructure. THE COLLEGIAN Mind Rising at 4:30? If Not, the Job's Yours Is there (a student on tampus who doesn't mind getting up , at 4:30 !a.m. on Sundays? The !!itatif of the Personnel Re lations Office, 423 Old • Main, doesn't think 'so. Student lappli cants.Tor •,,a position .wiith the Col lege dairy :farms were :Pairly .plentiful—until they heard the "catch"—not just a alarming Vackground was needed, (but the starntna to LerzWl out cif bed 'in the wee small (hours on &Indlay mor nings. Formerly the Personnel Fiela tiona Iwihioh, refers stu dents to tprospedtive employers for icart-itinie Positions, had ;more croliCants than jobs. Now the sit uation as reversed, and the office needs students intereStedin posi tions as waiters in dormitories, traternitieJs, and boarding houses; gardeners, and handymen to help wilth flaring !Cleaning. Aplplicants 'for typing positions, however, exceed the number ,of positions (available, and The per sonnel. office •;is 'looking : Tor em ployers an this icase. But students seeking other types de .j Q bs. are requested Ito contact the ofifice- 7 especially ,if they're early risers. Morse Attends- (Continued from page onpi It may be possible to provide for the education of between 10- 000 and 112000 students if Indian town GOP . land New Cturniberland. are utilized, it was said. SP ING C RNE The Newest Rhydnil in the Land ELLIOT LAWRENCE Colombia Recording Artist Delegtes Go To Congress For the first time in four yeaiv, a delegation, headed .by Martin Zeigler, gtiaduate student in pol itical science, will represent the College at the 'lntercoNe&te Conference of , government in Harrklbrurg today, tomorrow and Sunday. Discontinu.ed in the Con ference will convene for the tenth time this year, representing over 40 Pennsylvania colleges and uni versities. Stuldent representatives have prepared to., take pant in a mock Congress. Delegates are di vided into comimittees to take active pant in legislative proceed ings, similar to the .House of Rep resentatives. Playing the game of . Congressional' ipolities, students frOm the College will try to pilace their respective candidates in, positions on .designated . commit.-! , tees in of der ,to hap pass" the legislation -theY faVor. . - Theodore Haiirnatz heads . the . Military.•Afilaars• grouri .Which" in 'chides Harold Siniley. The' Cont- . merce and Finance tomrnittee CeneisctS of Enid Paredise, chair man, :and' Lois Nicholas. The L7.lbar and Industries 'delegate's are Rosalind Dahlberg, , clhairman, Charles Hnll, Lorraine Levy, and Samuel Kinney. R. W. 'Brewster, associate 'professor of. Ipoliticlal science, and Ri N. Kreeker, in structor in political scienice, have. acted <.s fiacuilty advisors for the group. SEMI-FORMAL Friday, April BIG STATE \', EEKEN FRIDAY, MARCH 29,_1948: - • BROTHERSWARNER ;phi. last Times 7 Today Friday "ALLOTMENT WIVEr: - . —with— . Kay Francis - Faui Kelly ' Otto Krueger ;* Begins SATURDAY ELENA VERDUGO• : MARY:GOIM*3`6 1:30' 4:03 •-- • 6-56 -- 9.34'6 ~...,....,.._••• -.„..,._,....-,- .060;z46 • .„...."., .....„• .„ . ~..„...;.,:•:,..., iv.. _ . 11 41 . :, ..„. ....,- ; ,., , ,....,:-....4 . .. • . . ~: , •".,,,:•....,...... : . ~ • .:•-.4.-....,;:! , i-,d.;•:-.,.... ...... ..:. .. •..„:„..„.„..",,..... •. ~... • . .....„4,,,,,, tr .,••:,,;:,....,c.... :; : : . : .:. . 1:, ...... ••,,, , r s •'.•:••'...,:•.:„ • , , • . :: , , , t• '•• - ; '• . - IV, gr , ~ • • 4 ,'. '. +,', • .. EW A '' , :.• - :., ' ''.. .. : ..." 4s l ". "* ', .; - n i g Ly:... . ~ . _ _ F s .: t - ~. ~ • . . 1 : 11 41(S - :sp , i' 1. 7'i = .' '.:,; . . ; ~ -...t. . . _ .k-.-,, -. ,5..,. .t,:•• .. • a N . ... : ". .: . .1, . ' ..: ~,-, :•• • •: - V,'• ,, ,V. • ' -I .* "'""''. " . C7::::•••'' *4 , -,. .. „ • i •••,:. .. . • . , .. . , • • •:, s' ~.'"!..+•,' - ''.. ~.• : f,'• : ;''',• . 4., ,•. WARNEW, itivAtOßSqtt - . 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