• 7f . _L 14 I 41r *4 l: , - • 1 44 ' , ‘ 1 , 4 7 4 .L , o r.O • ; • .1 ' qt. , I k' • itt,„ 4t , s PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY BY THE CdiLLEGIAN STAFF • i—No . , KIN _ , litany-Independent - viv ,:. . ~,___.JlO.,6:;E-.lection Platforms ~...f'... Vt.V 4 .. - , ' .•? he :Collegian, in the interests of the Penn State student 4 body;•Vdtiiig in the forthcoming student, election, is printing "I . 'b. ' '' ,-anti'i r . 3 1-, e•• aim puiposes of the political parties as outlined in 0 44eir - party ,T.)f atf9r m s . Submitting these- platforms were HA . fttani:ibiteliendent clique .c:', . !,c,li qu e chiliihian,.• Cl'a ries .Pfleegor. A" , Oil '. f, , • . -• .......,. • :I* li ,' - '.. - . Niikatiy-indeperOent - , \ 4 :41", it IStkident •• • Book ExChange; rezi . .xtooivti -emit . the Student Book Ex`qbtlange (organized . "' (by a Nit i •Aztaili3e 7 , l,n,dependent • member) be ,I•Vi. , ,Onittrtued. :for. The r,benialit of the 'ati4l , ent body.. ~,. , •-- , 4 2 . 4r:' Aft.io c ij i , d' ' 'aii 'nes . - it ' . r.4.F;,..• ..„ . •-le l • e -1.,.., rzioVedl. l l - pat. lfle. 'practice. o 1 baying ',4..rffinfe". ; dance bands -(Jas organ 01zed;.! by. - a INlittany-Indepentlent iintesnb.er) Jbe • 'continued latt. inter- - .. ; :fy.a.l.s::as -frequently as. posslble. .. . , • ~•. . k 3.- :Sunday. Activities: 'Resolv dledtaiat Enniday recreation, as free Winovies; •ptchits,- etc:, be made 7f,-*:,Available. to 'the stUdent body. ..w.--i•••c44:' Datly Collegian:, . Resolved o.,thlat*.•:daily . college newspapers . be 04...g0red- to_.the campus. e;:' , l§.„ bi;37. ...•iiiiik: - Resolved' that -503r . ':,. - P,PC:k,`, , Airl ; orderly.: pliaCe- of •). '4:iialloillist,.lan d • recreation,' be re t. ,•..o,b6redifto',Renn: . Stalte.. ',- . • '.V. • P',V - -'-.l l .Patts : , Pro,gbairn:. -• - Resolved. .......;tiet!tilielaiitnisports,prograni. be " :,.}:,6: 0.. 4..:,..m'e1i - linVriankuzal)- -spoll*tis ~, ..Sillitivities —and- fuller ', support 'of ' 4;l.,.vpreity:•tettms,. .-.• '- . • • . •7•.:- '.College . 'Spirit: , . Resolved " 1 4 -- *k *:011.ek,o: . - Ociliy rb tlj.es, snit). 'as an „anunal,leilicutl; May paY...,;feitivitici;', ~. -,,1i Co4W.D'ay:Progior,,thialkelieris; • ltd.li be?prorptly alegoredl,44. , rfliioreiutch* affairs .planned rbo pro_ i, , f ite.:the .loolleg,late spirit 0f.5 our . :-..-..12/M.:- . -- .IWA .-. IFC.• -- . P-m ': , A:I-141enic: • • Cooperation: • Resolved '',?•::ttlitat, a:council of fraternity sor-_ , ' - i•t;?•kiiiio,> and .independent students be ~ • .'l';gfOrrited forAhe purPose of uniting. 'ee,attii . d.-,..6c.Ordinating efforts for ,stu -17 -V„ileyit:bene.fit.' ' " ' 0 - ' - ;9•'':Ceollage Publicity: Resolved ....rnif i l'•afforits •be made to enlarge o . o'.ikkone 'cif :Perm State' Ptiblielty T, " l 4l*.'4'..newsiptspel..s,, magazipes . . and . • • • .. :A- A ~! , :,110 ~ ~.,, Pti g p oil t Ecnls it'd , *RePrebentu- - - I:.Resolvedt - trait ' '•-an., :equal ,‘! . slpelbetiVen allot/dents; whetai,r.' ..e.lri..cf,Mulized or unorganized, fra : - k . ;•••• , =' - iin.lv or, iridepenclent. . •,.,.' 44p1..:;;G01:4 - Ealth: ; Resolved -,that -. • •lE•i?'.-•••Wilittany."-Independent - party '•;\ • end =dross •• • : Due s •., .••. - SOrarities. and .fiaternities :;,I*,,liiti:haVe.' not turn in Red ..f,il.'iprOSS , ..eontributions areasked 'to announced yy AW. 9:ink.".: -, Falkenberg today. ~:, Donations may be delivered to r § k;gi Wet . 6f ',the' _co-chairmen of the , I ,.,:r4tlrive,.;CProl . Dieckman at the ` . :l - ,JRT.heta house; or Yalkenberg' at c4tlle•Gbi'Phi house. • • • • WSGA apd.oth organizaitons • inay Aurai:ln contributions 'from now. until: tjie • end. of • the • month. '4•.5.14? --Chairmenof 'the. drive ,request that ,- .thesp . organizations discuss ;for ,donations at their next • ' -, imeeting. Proceeds of .a 'Red Cross .bene :::TJit., dance Saturday, March -30, .-.4 , 1 - 1111 go - tci•the 'Red Cross fund, ;11.5'.1!alkeribeig announced. Music by - Dick Berge and 'orr ,vs4:=4.•:,6estra, :with tickets on sale for per ,couple, 'plus tax. • • • sident ' H etze I Son . VlReceives:.s,ervice Medal: - D. Jr.,.son of the president, has n the selective Service (yen "for patriotic duty in tnistration -of the Draft The architect's plans call for "a generic us _ 'lobby and 'two (formal lounges with 'adjoining kitdhenette Was honored tfor his in each of the two units,". the Col the . State College area. lege official continued. •He stated ;the .position of civilian that `approximately five hundred ~Berpinistration official girls will be provided with living College and vicinity. and dining accommodations in • •. ~,,, , • A • •• • " " " " FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH Z 2, 1946---STATE COLLEGE, .PENNSYLVANIA itarman, Al Green, and . Key will strive to the utmost to bring Elb out a -trampinis policy 'of "fair play' and to bring all of the above program to reality. - • Key Platform Organization and presenta tion of a 'second All-College dance,. the !proceeds of whildn.are 13E, be. used for iconchpieliton offl the Min Stlate.fresco., 2. With the $ 7 67.00 ac cuhiuk _ ted, secure : the immediate service§ - Yarn - um - PoOr 'to vcirrio o .eete the" Perrn .IStaite:Fm3- 3. Greater poweii in the•bands of ~stfident goverriing . •;bocties by revigion . of' . All-College .aoh'ititu tiOn. " 4. 411 . plains. are completed_ for a, campus .Mdcle .!cOnsdiouslii3ss of the Penn , Strite • - . 4 ',Bean.ttirfication ktf' the campus. *.fßeirivad of class xneetirvs. •a Hello Spirit.' 5. - e .o; . '4 - Amp - tee: of , Sundlay• It . ein:oon sultertainnient, , Blue? plee Club, and - 41ther tforrn.4 dS ententa(inmentt. -- ' , • • - Several - Hlatts' were.. consideved aspaititts tin our platfotrn, lbut due .to the limitations oil'fpoirer of the'. All.Leollegre - icallyinet - it the present „time we telt -that.:vie could' not Ohtfirin;.- therefere',we '-ther . eby promise* to' t.prp :gt7oTtend eritcourage• these -lac ts, - gorrie 0.2 which are:.: •:' ' . . 1. Assistance, with the rappoint eoantmatee in ,oqmpleting, the plan Tdr the- Stec Union build ing: " . 2. The returning at •trhe•inten: hive 'core-Aviar - • sports, program. . G. The revival of the Daily Col . • -Exchatige , Repr*ntative . .:F(.l.llljeli,[o4l.::.Ag:‘se.riior RePresentatives. of:,the.'Eastern States,Farmers'.Eicchange will be on.. campus - Wednesday. to , inter view 'senior. - -Students 'agridul- . tura]. "economics, .agrigultural'ed ucation, agronomy, .animal huS- 7 haridrY, .husbandry,--:horti tultbre, husbandrY. >t= lutersted students whO'' have not. already scheduled interviews should:do so at the College place ment: iSerViice, NC Old 'Maitt,'l ac cording to . George N. P. Leetch, director. Mr..Leetch: added that juniors in the . named curricula. who wish to talk with the repre- Sentative• may also make .ap pointments. College To Build Two Wornen's Dorms; May Complete Project in Fall of '47 .. Plans are being ,completed for two new dormitories for women to be erected on the plot of ground east of .Shortridge Road and south of -Pollock Road ex tended,. announced Harold I , li. man, - College purdhasing agent and director cif dormitories and dining.comMons. "Each of the buildings will. be of an open-plan type with wings which will tr.ike advantage of the views including Mt. Nittany and NittanyValley,"-Mr. Leman com mented. He explained that "the slcr,oing , ground .'dictates The Con-: struction of informal buildings, unit one having 'a partial fourth floor and unit" two having just three complete floors." Eath Unit to, House 501 Powers Picks Dance Queen A telegram from the John PowerS Model Agency, in New York was received late yesterday afternoon by Ralph Lewis, Chair man of the X. G. I. Club's semi formal dance on, April N. The message read: Pleasure to choose beauty queen for your dance looking for Ward to receiving photographs of candi dates . . . John Robert Powers. The rules for entry in the Beauty - Queen Contest will be similar to those put forth by All- College Cabinet for the Winter Fantasy. All pictures must be 5x7 and printed on. glossy paper. • Any : . fraternity or organization on campus is eligible to submit an entry.: he deadline is' set for March 30. A' oominittee from the X-:G- I. Club wil select five co-ed's pic .tUres from the entries: Those five .pictures wil be sent to John Ro bert- Powers who will choose the winner. ' Elliott Lawrence, "The Young . Man At The Piano" and :his or chestra have, with ,Penn State's . X. G: I. dub: to play for the dance A - Popular spring time them Will tie . selected for the • affeir.• Featured votalists. with . the I Elliott. LaWrence band , - are :Hunter and RoSalind Paton, both .recet tly "diSchargeds fvom knnilita y. fserVice. Music• ‘AdeSigned Aor . ..clancigg" ' i.Lawkence ;.is' heard. six times weekly at '11: 10 p. m. over C.. B. • Spring.-Comes Aliue Jive • Men Or Penn State!. Were you awake- at .12:33 am: yesterday? .If. so, did :you iuddenly feel re juenated?. Did the' hormones in your 'body start .jumping I.lU' a'nd down? ' They ' should • haVe! ,For at that Mornent the 'earth on which. we live was at the vernal - equinox— and Spring :was ushered' upon, us. And • .as Alfred, - Lord Tennyson wrote in Locksley 'Hall (line 19 •to be . exact) "In - the , spring a Jive her iris dhanges on the burnished: dove; inthe sprung a-young man's lanty lightly turns to thoughts of ,love." . • The noun - Spring .dLived - from the Anglo-Saxon verb springan, and the Dutch and German'WordS SPringen actually means the act Of "leaping, -,iri this - ease the leap ing' of plant life as it - begins to, bud 'and shoot after 'Winter hi. bernation. Trapionally a season of baseball -training, •of Spring fever, and in recent years the beginning • of great military offensives, Spring is with us again. And she'll be here for three months. Glad t'have ya, old gal. each of the self-contained units." - In further describing the -ad • vantages of the buildings,- the ' dormitory director believed . one of the features most appealing to coeds will be the large recreation room also on the first floor. This room will aid used for parties of all types and as a. dispensary for • evening 'snacks from the canteen• and kitchenette at the one end. On the opposite end of the room the dormitory post office will he housed. A postal clerk swill Handle both incoming. and: outgoixig mail •for the house. • Dining commons for both of 'the dormitories will be ifound on the .ground floors, consisting of two dining rooms in each. Be sides the main entrance and smaller doors in. each wing, a special entrance will be provided for taxis. A summertime feature is the terrace off the first floor lounges. Opening into the lobby in each unit. Jour, hostess. suites will _ion. Band Battle Highlights First 'Spring Weekead' Highlighting the first "big" week-end of the Spring semester, Interfraternity Council will present the "Battle of Bands" at Recreation Hall tomorrow evening. Featuring the campus ordhestras of Dick Berge and the Campus Owls, continuous, music will be dffered from 9 p. m. to midnight. Honored guests at the informal dance will be Students File For Summer 'All: students enrolled at the College during the Spring sem ester are requested to submit a statement indicating whether or not they intend to register in any of , the Summer Sessions. Prellinimary application forms and .class schedules 'Will aVail .able in'the offices of the deans on 'Tuesday and must be .returned filed out by. April ;2 or 3. Part 1 Is to be 'filled. out by .p.ll .students, wihile Alhose !students expect to „attend the .sesSions 'will 'till out calla -twee ~parts afte::.: !consulting. their :advisor. No aduarice. • . . depoS 7 t.wil be re quired and - registration. At .the ,present -is unlia - nited: Dormitory assignments will be: Made . aceord ,ing to. 'the information: on' these. applications. Rooms willbe avail :able. for"ailexi in4ordin. -and Watts. Halls, and -a few of the' cottages: will be .used to : .aCcommOdate . married . couples. All. other . dorr: mitory facilities will be reserved for -women students: . Trailer Camp Residents Elect Gross as Burgess . Stanley zGross was elected bur gess of .Windcrest in 'elections held at the trailer camp Tuesday. He. secured 47 of the 106 Notes cast. • Member# of the borough coun toil 'chosen in Tuesday's election are : zone 1, Mrs. Marian Thom-. as zone 2, Charles • Croneaur; zone 3; Ray Lee; zone 4, Mrs. H. D. Beaver; zone 5, James Magar-; gee; zone- 6, •Williarn Locke;. zone 7, H. C. Sparks.., A president and a. secretary for the council will be elected by that body at its first meeting Friday night. • - • Grange Members sign up alt Student Union elude an office, bedroom, and liv ing room. Possibility of Third; Dorm ' "The tentative date for comple tion of the two units is 'the fall of 1947; the length of time needed depending upon the - availability of materials and man power," stated Mr. Loman. iHe 'added, "There is a posSibilitY of a third dormitory ibeir'g constructed, at a later date." The ratio of single and double rooms will be 1:2 as compared with the 4:3 ratio existing in Frrnces Atherton. Each room, sin gle or double, will 'contain built in bureau, built-in wardrobe, sin gle bed, lounge chair, desk and desk chair for each: occupant, with a night stand in eadh room. Architects for the buildings are the associates of Paul P. Cret, former architect of the College who died several months ago. The !work will be conducted by John F. Hanbeson, William J. H. (Hough, William H. Livingston, .and, Roy Larson.• • , PRICE PIM CENTS all fraternity pledges on cam pus. - High spot •of the evening will be the balloting for the fav orite band of the dlancers. A printed ballot wall be Included in each couple's dance program and a ballot box will be placed at the entrance.,. Tickets will_ be, on sale at the Athletic Association window Old Maid all day today .and until noon tomorrow at $1.50 per couiple •including tax.. Joseph Steel; chairman of In terfraternity Com Oil is chairman of the, .dance committee. Other committee member's . include.;; - ack Tore, ;Program; "Paul Pioth, :Tick ets; '::Publietty, and Clay?Zunilel,.Booths. sBeta 'Theta:7Pi.andy4Phif:Garmna Delta: were • re-admitted to :the Interraternity. Council ht tire regular' bi-weekly meeting, Wed nesday evening, halting ;re-acti vated This ;Semester,. Phi .Gamma Delta 1-s occupying .its own 'house while Beta ThlSta 'PI is sharing' the' facilities of the Acacia house. A cemindittee was formed at the meeting' to' organize en Interfra ternity softball league and make plans for an Independent-Frater nity golf tournament. Appointed to the , committee were Warren Neiger, , chairman, Dick Lose, Dick Foote, Dick McAdams,. and Jack Shrdm. .Chairman Steel announced that he had 'received a letter frown Miss Charlotte E. Bay detan.of wo men,.stating that she was pleased with - the !conduct of the •frater nities last semester and , that she would continue to visit the presi dents of the various fraternities thiS semester. Copies of the Dat ing 'Code must be posted in each house. ' Jack pore 'was , appointed to ar range with the Colifige officials to ..comtpile scholastic averages of fraternities' as was the 'custom: prior to the iwur. All fraternities were urged to better their relations +with roemlbem of their icihalpter through the bolding of !alumni dinners and smokers. Ag Students Release Aims Ag 'Student Countil, governing body of students in the Spool of Agriculture, has announced( the following aims for this semester's work: First, it is the 'purpose of the couteil to unite all students in the sdhool of agriculture into one entity; second, to promote the welfare of the school of agricul ture; third, to establish, foster. and develop a spirit of unity, friendship, and sociability among the students and ilaculty members of the School Of Agriculture. Fourth, 'to create in the stu dents e spirit for zeal and pride in agriculture; fifth, to maintain and ,promote, 'the standards of scholarship and character of the agriculture students. Alpha Tau Oinega . . . . elected the following of ficers at a recent meeting: Wil liam Barwiss, president: John Barnes, vice-president; William Culley. secretary; Charles Ar nold, treasurer; Joseph Kelley, pledge president.
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