HI (Enlkgtmt ® PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY BY THE COLLEGIAN. STAFF Five Coeds Compete For Winter Fantasy Queen ELEANOR JEAN ROBERTS Charlie Spivak To Play Tonight Letter Of Protest Brings Opening Of White Hall White 'Hall will 'be open from 9 tb 12 o'clock tomorrow night Cor mixed recreation as a result of a letter from the five major women’s to-br.'Carl-H-ScHot' t >..d'ean of ,th.e scho6lpt Physical Education 'The letter urged that the facilit ticn building, be utilized as a mear - ..lor' regular Saturday night enter- . . 'tainment. While the letter urged that tne present Dry Dock committee be used to promote the project; The School r>f Physical Education said '-' that u 'would be only too willing j• to ■ accept the responsibility of C.. sponsoring program® in White Hall. ’: ■. ' ■ Bay ’Conger, assistant professor of physical education, will direct the program. He said '.that, he ';s r willing to work with any women’s ' group in providing the typb of en tertainment and' .programs that students want. 'i ■ For the many students not at ./• tending fraternity house parties i this weekend,. White Hall will be open. ■" , * . There , will .be dancing in the '. main gym to recorded music and provisions have been made toy Pro ' lessor Conger to have several Neusbaum Casts Fourteen speaking parts have been cast for the Players’ produc tion of “Macbeth” Director Frank Neu'ibaum, professor of dramatics announced today. Norma Teitelbaum is assistant to the director and Claire Cohen is book-holder for this Shakes pearean drama. Presentation dates have been set for March 29 and 30. 'Playing - leading roles are: •Richard Frontman (Macbeth), Verna iSevast. (Lady Macibeth), Henrietta Campbell, Betty Grae toer, and Lois Hartswick (the Three Witches), Portman Pagol (Banquo), Josepli Vispi (King Duncan), Jane S’taus (Lady Mac duff), Herbert Rossman (Mac - duff. ‘ Harry Natschke (Doctor), Martin Baum (Ross), William Reutti (Malcolm), Henry Glass (Porter), and Betsy Heagy (Gen tle-woman to Lady Macbeth). HillefHour has been changed from 4:30 p. m. Tuesday to 4:30 p. rn. , Monday, over WMAJ. Monday’s program will be a musical one, ’'Folk Songs of the People.” FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1046—STARE COLLEGE, PA. MARILYN GLOBISCH ies of While Halb. women’s recrea is of answering the students’ need other rooms open. The game room will feature ping' pong, bridge games, checkers, miniature bowl ing and' soccer while 105 has been set aside for .refreshments and rsmoking! Fire, regulations prohibit ' smoking in' other parts of White ■Hall. - Arrangements have been made for coat checking in rooms 2 and 1 3. Professor Conger requests that all students! attending i enter White Hall through the South doors, which- are on the Atherton Hall side of-the building. . Admission will.toe |25 cents plus tax with proceeds-going to a fund ’to provide for student recreational activities. World's Sweetest Trumpeter CHARLIE SPIVAK will make his first appearance since 1943 in Recreation Hall tonight. Spivak came in a few voles behind Tommy Dorsey in this year's Downbeat magazine poll of the sweet- est band in the country, having held that title in 1945. BARBARA WILSON 1200 Couples Expected To Attend Winter Fantasy, First Postwar Ball More than. 1200 couples are expected to attend the Winter Fantasy in Recreation Hall* from 9 to 1 o’clock tonight as Charlie Spivak, “the man who plays the sweetest trumpet in the f irst .postwar .seroi-lormal-ballat the College. ' Anticipating a sell-out, Vaughn Stapleton, chairman of the dance, asks that students purchase tickets as soon as possible today at the Athletic Office in Old Main to forestall waiting in line at Recreation Hall tonight. Tickets will be on sale for $4.20 at the Athletic Office un til 5 o’clock, Stapleton said today. Spivak is making his first appearance at the College since 1943 when he played at the Sophomore Hop. : During intermission, an nouncement of the Winter Fantasy Queen and her court will be made, Albert Green, chairman of the Selections committee, said. The announcement will be made toy Spivak iif possible. (Bill McMul len, State College florist, has do nated a presentation bouquet and FLORENCE BROWN a crown of carnations for the queen. Voting for Winter (Fantasy Queen .will be held today at Stu dent Union desk upon presenta tion of matriculation .cards. Count ing of ballots will be held after 5 p.m. The time and place will be posted at the Student Union desk by Green. Pictures of the five finalists are now on display in the Athletic Store window so that voters may make their selection in advance. The ’five finalists are (Florence .Brown, Marilyn Globisch, Eleanor Roberts, Mary Frances Whalen and Barbara Wilson. The refreshment committee has arranged for the serving of punch and cookies, Stapleton said. Psych Clinic To Conduct Frosh Mass Meetings The Psycho-Educational Clinic and the psychology department will conduct mass meetings for frestjmen for the purpose of inter preting psychological tests. These examinations were given during Freshmen Week, this semester. Dr. Bruce 'V. Moore, head of the psychology depart ment, said that as there will be ro time to schedule individual appointments, all fresh me n should attend the meetings. The schedule is as follows: All freshmen women —ilO Sparks, 7 p. m. Monday; freshmen men, A to G—l2l Sparks, 7 p. m. Mon day; freshmen men, H to L—lo Sparks, 7 p'. m. Thursday; fresh men men, M to Z-121 Sparks, 7 p. m. Thursday. Student-Faculty Directory for the current semester are now on sale at the Registrar’s office, 109 Old Main, for 15 cents. A new feature of this year’s pub lication is a list of extension phone numbers cif faculty and de partments on Campus. PRICE FIVE CENTS BONNIE WHELAN Polio Campaign Nets $901.52 Closing today, the “March of Dimes” drive has netted a total of i5901.'52 to date towards the $lOOO goal. Groups and individuals who have not turned ini their contri butions are urged to do so at Stu dent Union- or the Collegiani of fice as soon as possible. Contributions to date are Player's Show NROTC Unit Bela Sigma Rho Containers from Town Woman's Building .. .. Phi Sigma Delta Phi Kappa Sigma Sigma Pi Sigma Phi Epsilon .... X-G-I Club Rec Hall Corner Room and Hotel Lambda Chi Alpha .... Hillel Foundation Alpha Epsilon Phi .... Student Union Sigma Delta Tau Penn State Christian Association ......... WiSGA Carnegie Hall (Faculty and Staff) Eugene Fulmer Southeast Atherton Hall McAllister Hall Alpha Kappa Pi Dormitory Jordan Hall Alpha Omicron Pi Northwest Atherton Alpha Sigma Phi Dorm Phi Kappa Kappa Kappa Gamma • Gamma Phi Beta Alpha Phi Delia Kappa Alpha Theta .... Lampades Northwest Atherton Southwest Atherton .... Frazier Street Dormitory Phi Kappa Tau Delta. Ti.u Delta ... Zela Tau Alpha .. . Unnamed Sorority . . Theta Phi Alpha . .. Phi Delta Theta .... Horticulture (Staff and Faculty . Sparks. First Floor (Staff and Faculty) $169.56 .119.21 55.22 52.71 49.37 . 46.00 . 38.00 . 33.50 . 24.30, . 19.72 . 19.16 . 18.30 . 18.10 . 17.10 . 15.92 . 15.83 . 15.00
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