FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1946 Penn State Christian Association Tip-Off Did You know— Dr. Clausen, Gives Address; PSCANotes ii i r i ' r* r\ > Heads Explain Campus Drive service this month? • ____ • .. . . , . „ The Penn State Christian As r. . Twr-ir, rjnpn House PSCA was first. housed 1 , „•! I i /* . / sociation will begin its annual fi- The first Old Main Open House one-room shack which stood neai per / 'Rihila nance drive with a “Tin Off” in several semesters will be held . Cnhin the present Old Main? DLOIQ KjLLLCLeS social room of the on February 2, sponsored y 0 KUSILC blOtlG L.Q.01 The. Artist's Course was first be- Q .11 / r L Presbyterian Church at 3:30 p. standing campy g Ps .. . . gun by the PSCA and the depart- BGWLLCIGrGCt iTOStI m. on Sunday. Dr. Bernard C. sTiSton; Feature Of SheitGfS StudGntS ment of music? Clausen of the Euclid Avenue thl nvpnintf will bp an all-college * The handbook has been edited Thmiinh hAc\7P Baptist Church in Cleveland, danceTn . After f/IAeS annuaiiy since 1895? / tirOligtl /V\CLZG Ohio, will give the loading ad 'Hanzlik and Richard- Rathmel, AflGl fiU\Hb PSCA is affiliated nationally Bewildered and burdened fresh- d,ess general chairmen of the affair, Hiking and cabin nartv head- and internationally with the Y. men have found aid in the Stud- -Dr. Henry S. Brunner, chair- this week. ' Hl f ngand f, ™ IfiM. c - a - and the Y - w - c - A - ent Handbook for 52 years. With man of the PSCA Board of Dir _. • ronrocpnta- quarters for about 700 students pscA now owns over 36 acres the “Frosh Bible” as their guide, ectors, will give a short address to Organizations per* aon 5 V j rjr semester is the Ralph Watts and a cabin called Watts generations of new students have welcome section and division tives woi king w „ . -kodge^and, maintained by Lodge? carried fuel to victory bonfires, leaders and solicitors, who have P la j S , f Tvr the -KVnnk Schneider- the , Over 300 rooms were found for participated in class feuds, jump- been named to conduct the can- Tiiffl e: Tc.T? C 'nnri the Perm State « outh - located on studen f this fall? ed at .the words “Button Frosh,” vass. Mary Faloon, chairman of twa Marv ! lde ° f lMoUnt 7“ SSey -’ ?■ and have seen green dinks in women’s division of the drive, SMerfjunior Service Wd, C*. . f Be^ln gy ßMemar^ P 'GenettiT C WRa" ffSht MtidSTll LSUHlfil rreshman°enrollment decreases in solicitations for the finance drive, cu, imssiiidi/ j ur,or<A • uon nignugnt tne semesiuu —• t f .. psrA and Vaughn Stapleton, chairman Phyllis James; and WSGA, Jean - ac ti v ities. _ . . tne next semesters, tor tne rsoa f , h dpn f Hivisinn will “qkeeter” -Nelson. Cwens, Mortar ... ... TVI 1 i* ■j* will continue to edit the hand- of tne men s student division, will Board Philotes and the X. G. I. Tbe idea of building a cabin for it ATIIfITI/YF book while there are veterans and a^so speak briefly. Club also plan to take-part in pre- the. enjoyment of College students fJQj|j HvliVlllvO other students who are unfamil- Honey Boys to Sing sen ting the event, but have not originated m the middle lazus. iar -with the campus. Making their initial appearance as yet named representatives to when different members of tne Governing body of the PSCA is in the handbook of 1895, along of the year will be the Honey the Open .House committee. student body expressed tnei its all-student Cabinet. Execu- with instructions on conduct for Boys, Penn State’s five-man The purpose of Old Main Open great desire for a retreat some- tives, elected annually by contri- the first day of classes and details quartet. John Nesbitt and William House being to provide an even- where m the surrounding moun- -bating members of the Associa- on Bible study and athletics, Parsons sing tenor. George Ben ing of varied, inexpensive enter- tains. Andy Dytle iUe != an , tne real tion, appoint chairmen of the weather signals were included, der and Louis Gersh, bariton. and tainment for students of the-Col- action jn 1927 when ne donated a , se y era i committees and six com- As in the present edition, a his- John Saby, bass. Coeds will re lege and townspeople, attractions acres of land toward tne camn m issions. .tory of the college was given, but member the Honey Boys as the 'will be diverse, and, with few ex- and grounds. Once tne nre was (Present officers are: Betty the description of the campus in serenaders of women’s dormitor 'ceptions, free of admission price, kindled, sparks of entnusiasm Funkhauser, president; Sarah 1395 i s almost unbelievable com- ies. A popular movie will be shown in fle w to gain supporters tor tne Achen-b-ach, vice-president; Bar- pared to Penn State as it is now. Keller, Mauihe' on PSCA Finance Sparks building, .while in Old project. , ...... bara Struck, recording .secretary: (Beaver Field, so students were r 01-vis Keller chairman of ••Main, the president's and -First and- most vital item ,was se- Richard Mauthe,; treasurer; and told in 1895> was located directly the finance committee of* the As ' deans’~Uffices will be open for curing, enough-money to erect the Nancy Shemff, corresponding se- in front - of Agriculture building sociattoi?* B o md of Directors inspection. - " lodge. Extensive campaignm a , cretary. . .and behind Chemical Engineering ard nick Mauthe treasurer of the , By popular request, there will publicity work, and advertising Commission chairmen include: building. That was quite a span— student Cabinet’ will explain bean illustrated talk on Henry was carried out among alumni, Laurence Driskill and Phoebe includes land where today stand now the PSCA. stands financially rVarnum Poor’s “Land Grant” students, -then -enrolled at the .Forrest, intercollegiate and world Frear and Pond Laboratories and «ow the PSCA stands, nan y. frescoe, which is on the. center College, and friends. At first, fellowship; Kenneth Harshbarger Burrowes building. ’ Rewards to Best Solicitors front wall in Old Main lobby. Re- donations were limited, but grad- and Terry Haskins, new student All , : , q n > P lnok To the two solicitors turning in creational possibilities include ually people became assured of work; Stanley Coville, religious ~] nl„ „q -mromnanied bv an th e highest returns, the Associa square dancing and ping pong, the necessity of a cabin which emphasis; Jack Styer and (co- UDD erclasqman in the “sood old tion will S ive tickets for the all fortune telling and a fish pond. would be open to all student or- chairman to be named,) commun- „ T frp „ h)r . pn +h P doubtful college dance on- February 8. All Annually, PSCA names Old ganizations. Money acquired was ity service; Ria H:nzlik and nr : vi ‘ leee of car rvinß cane= was solicitors are cordially invited to Main House general chairmen quickly put to use, and soon, after Richard Rathmel, campus service; „„ r -tt Pr ] nnlv t S ev dp f ea t e d attend the Rally, and will receive and approves committee members the campaign began one could Lee Yeagley and Clayton Wil- L n u n m nrp , the class football final instructions at this time, from other campus groups. In re-. hear sounds ringing through .the son, race and labor relations. 'game • Contributions can be made in turn, the Association assumes full mountains —the long-sought cab- Robert Dunlap and ; Mary Lou 8 ’ cash during the drive, or can be financial responsibility for the af- in was in first stages of construe- Waygood are chairmen of the (r 1 made in the form of a pledge, to fair. tion. standing cabin committee. Rebec- {)3tlY iSTfOW 1.0111016111$ be added to next semester’s fees. The cabin as it stands today, is aca -Griffin and Salvatore Rocci <(T 1 . , A. membership card is given to two-storied stone structure.' On supervise the committee on per- J . a ™ impressea witn tne aeep eac h student semester’s fees. A the first floor are two large sonnel. Marjorie Reich and Rich- convictions and ideals wmen tne mem ,bership card is given to each rooms, a lounge and 0 dining ard Soence head the publicity girls and fellows at tne racA s t ud ent contributing $2.50 or 100 m. They are heated by sizeable committee. Mary Jane,. Doerner have expressed in words and ac- more . a a d entitles him to mem fireplaces which add warmth, fel-* and Jack Sigler direct work of bon- Sometimes these P e °P ie bership in the PSCA as well as lowship, and inspiration to all the public meetings-committee. achieve amazing growth in P- - affiliation with the YMCA or vv-ho gather for games, square Ex-officio members of the PS- sonality because of■ some contact yWCA. , dancing and singing. The second CA Cabinet include: Ruth Gil- with another student or membe • floor consists of dormitory space more and Frederick Smith, co- of tbe whom they moot at. l r\ | g which will accomodate almost 40 presidents of the (Freshman Coun- the PSCA-. Students like lealistic f II I IAIAff3TAf people. cil; Michael Rosenberger, presi- religion and plunge into our \IA ‘ Bob Dunlap and Mary . Lou .dent of .the Upperclass Club: Dr. immunity Waveood chairmen of PSC-A’s Henry Brunner, president of the lief projects with reiresning en I /> »| JaMn committee, supervise work PSCA Board of Directors; Miss s iasm. Many ™ AffAnrl (Al inf done at the cabin, making sure Betty Farrow, associate secretary, methods they lean ed 1 e |I vl tUU 11/91 that it is constantly in good repair and James T. Smith, general se- PSCA pre of value to tnem w and in condition for use. cretary of the Association. careers. All-College Dance Coming Old Main Brunner Heads feting Body Dr. Henry S'. Brunner is chair man of the Board of Directors, administrative body of the PSCA. .Members of the executive com mittee are: Dr. Arnold J. Cur rier, vice-chairman; James T. Smith, secretary; MacDonald Heebner, jr.; Dr. John F. Harkins, assistant treasurer; and J. Orvis Keller, chairman, of finance. Regular -members of the Board include: Rev. A, S. Asendorf, Rev. Dona.ld W. Carruthers, Rev. Robert H. Eads, Prof. Hummel •Fishburn, Prof. John H. Frizzell, Prof. Royal Gerhardt, Dr. Harriet M. 'Harry, Poof. Mildred Larson, -Dr. Fred F. Lininger, Prof. A. Pauline Locklin, Dr. James H. ■Moyer, Prof. Harriet Nep v ‘ Prof; Gilma Olson, Rev. Joh, ■Peabody, Miss Charlotte 'E. . Dr. J. F. Shigley, Dr. Georgi Simpson, Dean Arthur R. 1 •nock, Dean 1 Emeritus Ralpi 'Watts, and JVlrs., Henry Yea, - Betty Funkhauser, preside! *the' PSCA Cabinet, is an ex pio member ol the Board. Sti Coville, Laurence Driskill, i pelh H?rshbarger, ard N .therrifl are student Board n ■hers, elected by Cabinet to for this semester and next, Says James T. Smith: The P.S-CA, unbound by 'or race, presents students faculty a place and a pro; Which aids-in the physical, i tal. and spiritual mastery of . fselfi. -and :.whioh "helps build ; ' -. jfMtl sßepn State -di rand;' meaningful. jrouripartieipsdion," • - PSCA Supplement Rally Starts PSCA Finance Drive To Highlight Open House Faloon, Stapleton Ask For Support As Annual Student Canvass Opens .. ; THE COLLEGIAN FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1946 Mary Faloon and Vaughn Stap m, co-chairmen of the iPS'CA ir.ce Drive, have issued a joint ;ement in an appeal to students drive earnestly toward the at iment of the $4500 goal in this ■’s drive. . , requesting student contn ions, they said, "We want to i this opportunity to urge :y (individual student to con mtc as much as he. possibly can uake the 1940 PSC.A Finance ipaign a success. The goal has in set at $4500 and we have iidence that this figure will be :hed or even surpassed. Each lent should fulfill his obliga to aid an organization which ,urn aids him. Through a pro tm of activities and guidance ,* PSCA has capsibly filled a mpus need in developing char ier and providing recreational 'Uties,and. enjoyment. Me ask jWf&Kl&p ithetdhtistiSji ~,,cktion' -continue ■ its vesrttemely .".i ,wotthw4iile.4w»gcain.” v <wMARY.FAI.OON PAGE SEVEN Penn State Christian Association PSCA will send representatives to the spring conference of the middle-Atlantic region of the Student Christian Movement, to be held the first or secnd week in June at a place to be an nounced. The regional council meets at Pendle Hill, near Phila delphia on '.February 8-10. This conference, held in pre vious years at Eaglesmere and at Kanesatake, is intended to co ordinate the work of the YMCA, YWCA, and other participating protestant student religious groups, and to set up a program for them to follow throughout the year. The middle-Atlantic region in cludes Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia, with headquarters at Philadelphia. Its work is carried out mainly through collegiate Christian Associations in nearly eighty colleges and universities. Three representatives from, the Penn State Christian Association will attend the meeting of the re gional council, governing group of the middle-Atlantic region. They are; Stanley Coville, Inter collegiate chairman for the re gion; Grace McMillen, chairman of Area V of the .eight areas into which -the region -is. divided;, anti Florence 'Porter, “member of the .council.
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