' PAG-E FOUR KuWtion Biliibif . . . the subject of. which is “'Cal cium. and Iron in Common Foods,” •will be held from 3 to <3 o'clock to day in 209 Home Economics build ing. it was announced by Miss IXuth. L. Pike, of the department of home economics Professor Hummel (Fishbum, bead of the music department at the College, rwas elected president of the Pennsylvania School Music Association at its convention held recently in Barrisbua'g. •;v I ■ Somewhere? - hotel state COLLEGE TmVEI BUREAU ° y K W°>MmQn-t~.pham 733 QUALITY FOODS aS fair PUCES ® meats o fruits ® fresh frqduse ® hashed mm% TEMPLE MARKET FREE DELIVERS 131 W. BEAVER PHONE 4921 (Continued from page one) er system which the freshmen wiLl profit toy. 3. Steps will be taken to com pletely orientate ex-Gls into Penn State life. Activities such as dances, will be arranged for this purpose. 4. The battle to secure a name band for a dance later this semes ter will be intensified by the Key Party with the aid of its freshman candidates. 5. The Key Party will investi gate the possibilities of .publish ing a iLaVie this spring. The party will throw its -full support to the committee now working on this problem. THE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS LOST—Pair of sterling silver air crew member wings Friday. Phone or call Mary Perkins, 407 Irvin Bali. Sentimental value. Re ward. tpcgh FOR S'ALE-—(New electric shaver (Shick “Colonel”). Slightly be low cost. 'Call Tease at 2938.- ltpd NO 'BEER will be served to tables consisting of minors at the Crossroads Restaurant, Boalsiburg, Pa. FOR SALE—-Rebuilt Royal stan dard typewriter, good condition. Call 2238 evenings. WANTED—Ride to New York City Dec. 2'l or 22. Call Jane 4643. LOST —At Post House Friday night, Moravian College for Women class ring, 11945. Personal value. Reward. Call '2980. WANTED—Ride to Pittsburgh 3:30, Friday, Dec. 21st. Call 294 Ath; WANTED—One ride to New York City weekend of December 22. Call 2238 'evenings. GOING OUR 'WAY?—Three would like ride to New York or vicinity Sat. December 22. Call Don M. 4444. WANTED—Ride to Scranion or nearatoouts Saturday noon, Dec. 22. Pleeze! Call Lynn 4235. LOST—Serviceman’s 'brown leath er billfold. Contained .cash and valuable papers.. If found please call Esther, 319 Ath. . 'ltpd RIDE WANTED To' Wilkes- Barre or vicinity around the Christmas holidays. Call Mary at Benedict House. 2tpd LOST—A black and silver Water man’s fountain pen. Reward of fered. Call 3993 and ask for room 16. ■ ltpd WANTED—Ride for two college staff members to Chicago, St. Louis or vicinity December 21. Will share expenses. Call 4678 aifter 5 p.m. LOST —'Blonde rimmed glasses in iblue case. Am desperate. Please call 'l'l6 Atherton. Dorm Host— (Continued, from page one) The whole .plan was a success. The Cutlers have a home, and the coeds, now.that the initial Shock of having a man living in their dorm has iworn off, are wear ing a beaten path to the Cutler living room with their problems, and just to talk. And if slips and pajamas scamper noisily out of sight arcund ; corners when Mr. Cutler walks down the hall, he’s too preoccupied with his work to notice. His ‘-‘Banquet In The Aleutians” appeared as an article in the No vember 10 issue of the Saturday Evening Post. He is much occu pied at present'with the book he hopes to have finished this year. Gifts foi HER I iLuciie Dresser Set . 9.95 Lucitet Compacts 6.00 Magnifying Mirrors .75 - Hair Brushes 98c-2.19 ‘ Playing Cards . 39c-1.49 , fj Gift Soap 50cr3.00 // Change Purse 1.00 !' Around fhe Neck Mirrors * Toiletries Gifts ! / X Hevlon Sets 1.25 to 11.75 Y-ardley Lavondomeal SI Cuiex Set 1.29 : Margo Cologne ''71.25 - ,i Elmo- Sets' • 2.50-5.00 ■ l Courage Cologne 2.50 L ®? d j p ng 1 OW Spice Talc .50c §|j / Softol Sets 1.00 IQ; Dorothy Gray Sets Sl-S5 SOG ©o* REA 6 DERICK INC CUT RATE ST OR E S-- TUESDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1945 Nursery School To Give t Yule Parly For Parents (Parents of 'children enrolled in the nursery school at the College are invited to attend a Christmas party to be 'held at the nursery school in the Home Economics building at 7:30 tonight, Dr. "Win ona L. Morgan, head of the nur sery school, announced. Miss Amy G. Gardner, associa te professor of home economics and art education, will be present to assist parents in making Christ mas decorations. Rumor has it that the title tent atively is “Prom 'Behind My Wife’s Petticoats.” 3.95 .... -j» rwp»«- Gifts for HIM S Pen Desk Set 1.50; (Melba Cigars 3.49 \ Personna Blades 10. $l.OO 2-Way Talkie . ■ 17.50 Kay woodie Pipes $5-$25 , Lighters 1.00-2.50 Poker Chip Sets 79c-2.50 Shave Brushes 49c-$lO.OO Hawick Shave Set $1.75 .Gilts for. KIDDIES! Uncle Bernie Toy $1.49 Wall Disney Sloities 49c Clastic Plane 25c Water Proof Bib 59c Doll Muff 1.98 Panda 1.98 Stuffed Doll 2.49. Large Bears 3.98 Hatties 25c-98c
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