FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 A V-11 Day- (Continued from page five) nees fell out for the most popu lar part of the days routine— mail call. Each sailor upon re— ceiving his mail sat quietly read ing letters and hometown news papers. At lunch I stuffed myself with a meal of roast beef, potatoes, gravy, asparagus, tomatoes, pud ding, bread and butter, and milk, easily superior to the food in the restaurants downtown. At this time A/S Ed Perkovic, whose birthday . it was, was presented with a cuip cake with one candle on it. Before drill in the Armory A/S Jack Palme told me why he is the. handsomest mail In Barracks 13. Then we marched in close order formation to the com mands of the house leaders in preparation for the regular Satur day review. At 2 o'clock the drill ended and the trainees set out for the afternoon of classes. My schedule included a swim mi:rig class where water safety and survival in the water was stressed. After a few minutes of fetching blocks under water, car rying a dummy rifle,. and climb ing rope cargo nets I began to feel slightly waterlogged. Back at the barracks I lined up to March to my last meal in the Navy. Fortified by the advice of the ma n behind me, "Don't ever let anyone rush you through a chow line. You may miss some thing," I devastated large porti ons of beef stew, peas, beets, cho colate .cake, ice cream, rolls and Then, my 24 hour hitch com pleted, I said so long to a few PART TIME OR FULL TIME CO MON LABOR CONSTRUCTIO 70c er Hr. .1.05 Per Hr. Over 40 Hrs. MEN STUDENTS or Others Interested in Part Time Work See R. M. Gerhardt, Dean's Office, 203 Main Engineering Bldg:, State College, Pa. State College Workshop Sponsors Chinese Speaker Dr. Stanton Lautenslager, for merly of China, will address stu dents and townspeople in the Presbyterian church at 8 p.m. f:;unday. Dr. Lautenslager will speak through the auspices of the Community Workshop and the Penn State Christian Association. In cooperation with the World Student Service Fund, PSCA will sponsor a drive to help students in war-torn countries. Dorothy Hoke and Herbert .Meridt, chair men, head a committee of repre sentatives from all student or ganizations. The drive will con tinue from May 22-29. The First Semester Freshman Clulb . will meet in the Hugh Beaver room, Old Main, at 7 p.m. Monday. Randolph Thompson, of the state fish and game commis sion, will show 'colored films on "Hunting and Fishing in Penn sylvania." fellows, certain of some things that I had not known before. The men of the V-12 are not just school boys in blues. They are Navy men preparing to do an im portant job. They will do it well, too. After I had removed the uni form and dressed in civilian clo thes, I Saw the unit marching in order back to the barracks. I felt a bit proud and a bit sad as.they went by. You see, I • was In the Navy once—if only , for a• day. Lacrossemen— (Continued from page six) ley, and Navy trainee John No- Ordnance Research Laboratory MEN Interested in FULL TIME WORK ~ .. 5.5eet:A.4,::::i:....:.Li5. , ; T t..0,02F49/1...c0rt, ruction.is4o..,Ordnance ..Resecirch.,Laboratory ..:., . . . . ...„. .. ~ .:.;:-;;.., -- .y•- . ..', . t- ,e 4. l ?..iiiifiet:iiAli, . .,-#4:therto.n. .. St:;. : . * :State. .. .-Ctillege;;Pa. - - • . No Experience Necessary THE COT .T :RGIAN DR. S. LAUTENSLAGER Inn in midfield; Bronco Kosano vich, and Navy trainee Ed Bauer on inside defense; and Navy trainees Hal Taylor, Mike Ciar amella, and Eugene Hannum cov ering the inside attack positions. Track Team— (Continued from page six) Nugent, tailed Michigan and Ar my home in seventh place. The team entered in the Class B mile relay finished fifth, six seconds behind the leader, Lincoln. The winners time was 3:26.3. The mile team included Martin, Chel osky, Leon Erdman, and Nugent. CLASSIFIED SECTION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN— I am an unfortunate victim of circumstances. Signed, Dorothy Meadows. LOST—GoId link bracelet with 3 onyx stones. Reward. Call 351 Atherton. WANTED —Unfurnished 3-room apartment with kitchen !fur nished. Laundry privileges. Call 711, Student Union. LOST—Green Schaeffer Triumph • Pen Tuesday between Old Main and Mac. Needed badly. Return to Student Union. Reward. ltpd OARD lfor men—Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Beaver. Board for lim ted numiber or small fraternal :coups: 3 meals daily $8.50 wk. ' meals daily $7 wk. QUALITY FOODS at FAIR PRICES • MEATS • FRUITS • FRESH PRODUCE O CANNED GOODS TEMPLE MARKET FREE DELIVERY 131 W. BEAVER PHONE 4921 PAGE SEVEN Treble Singers- (Continued from page one) North Carolina Mountain song, will be sung by the group. Also scheduled on the Treble Singers' program are "My Lovely Celia" by George Monro, "Life's Joys" by. Oley Speaks, and "0 My Lawd, What Shall I Do?'' by David W. Guion. In charge of publicity for the concert are Betty Herring and Carolyn Lerch, chairmen; Jeanne Eisenberg, Jacqueline Falloon, Freda Houts, Martha Irwin, Bar bara Keefer, Barbara Kilbury, Katherine Krell, Catherine Mor ris, Clare Morrison, Ethel Pit man, and Jeanne Thompson. Staging committee members are: Carolyn Detz, Jean Diehl, Mary Ann Mason, Ethel Pitman, Ann Reese, Barbara Wagner, Gloria Wharry, Margaret Zentmy er, and Lois Zubler.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers