FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1945 GSO Sponsors Easter Hop "Cotton Tail Hop" to be pre sented in the Arinory, 8 to mid _night, tomorrow, is GSo's greet ing to Easter, announced Mary Haines, GSO president. • A • vie. dance featuring cotton, bunny tails as decoration, it is open to G6O Members,. service=' men, X-Gl's and civilian men. ! ; A/S Matthew Szyller as master, of ceremonies will introduce the entertainers. . Kay Badollet will play the-piano: and . Anne Keller and Marilyn Mendoza will dance. Vocalists are Ruth Hill who will sing "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," and, Georgia Snook, who vocalizes with: "Sleigh Ride in July" and "'l'm 'Beginning To See the Light." Committee chairmen are as fol lows: Lois Burkey, hostesses; Rosemary Ghantous, publicity; Lois McCelland, decorations; Do ris Stowe, refreshments; and Mar ion Williamson, entertainment. A special GSO meeting will be held in 10 Sparks, 7 p. m. Thurs day. Five members of the College staff write. columns or features for the State College daily news paper. '-FOR EASTER - Stationery - Novelty Pottery - Ceramic Jewelry Figurines - Fostoria Glass • TREASURE HOUSE MARY HAINES Forensic Council Elects Forensic Council will hold el ections and nominate new mem bers at a'medting in 704 Old Main, 4:30 p. m. Mondiy. • Martin D. Cohn, temporary pre sident, will preside. MW•nMS ° R . FT9 Engineer Elects Fischer Editor Dorothea M. Fischer has suc ceeded Coniad C. Walck as edi tor-in-chief of the Penn State En gineer, it was recently announced. Other new staff members are: Nancy C. Cohen, illustrations edi tor; • Mary E. Field, advertising manager; Judd Healy, business manager; Jess Oren, managing ed itor; Lynn Robinson, associate ed itor; Larry Scharfstein, office manager; Gertrude Spector, fea ture editor; and Robert M. Yurk anin and Elizabeth Griffith, cir culation managers. The Engineer will hold a cir culation drive in the Armory on March 23. Mail subscriptions will be taken. The cover of the March issue of the Engineer will show a full color picture of the bombing of Rouen. Articles will include "Our New Servant" by Ray Witkowski, "Schedule for Tonight" by Jac queline Socol, "Grease" by Helen Gaardsmoe, and a Rotocrime by John Zoszak. . There will also be questions and answers of general interest on jet propulsion. College Chaplain Speaks At Frosh Men's Council Prof. John Henry Frizzell, Col lege chaplain and head of the speeCh department, will speak on "Penn State as I Have Known It" to the Freshman Men's Council in 304 Old Main at 8 p.m. Monday. The speaker, who is one of the oldest inhabitants of the campus still active in its affairs, will dis cuss the College as it was 40 years ago and during the first World War. After the talk the Council will elect officers. Freshman Women's Forum will elect officers when they meet _in 304 Old Main, 7 p.m. Tuesday. The PSCA Cabin committee, headed by Robert Dunlap, is plan ning an All-College cabin party at 3 Men's Honoraries Retain Active Status — Parmi Nous, Skull- and Bones, and Druids are the men's honor ary societies on campus this semester. Membership in these honoraries is determined by outstanding work in various campus activities. Prior to the war, .Lions Paw, Blue Key, and Friars, honorary societies for senior, junior, and sophomore men respectively, were also active. Spring semester officers and active members of Skull and Bones, upperclass honorary are: James Hugo, president; Charles Alcorn, vice-president; Guy New ton, secretary-treasurer; Edward Carson, Bernard Cutler, Freder ick Dietz, John Setar. Parmi Nous, also an upper classmen society, has the follow ing officers and active members, Van Lundy, president; William Wintersteen, vice-president; Her bert Mendt, secretary-treasurer; Karl Erdman, Robert Gridley, Judd Healy, William Kelly, Michael Lynch, Marino Marclii. Officers and active members of Druids, sophomore honorary, are: Warren Neiger, president, Ivan Kline, vice-president; Stephen Greene, secretary-treasurer; Wil liam, Cregar, Fred France, Robert Hicks, Floyd Lang, Camien Pa nar, Robert Yeagley. Society Reorganizes After five semesters of inacti vity, the Industrial Education So ciety was reorganized at a meet ing on March 20. Ralph Watts Lodge, March 31 and April 1, highlighted' by an Easter sunrise service on TUssey Ridge. Meal tickets are on sale in the PSCA office, Old Main. At the weekly Lenten vesper service in the Hugh Beaver room, Old Main, at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, the Rev. Robert Eads will discuss "The Kingdom Within." PAGE FIVI: Calendar Today Sabbath Eve Services, Hiltoi Foundation, 7:30 p.m. Frazier Hall Open House, ASTP, 139 South Frazier street, 7:30 p.m, Tomorrow "Cotton-Tail Hop," GSO mem bers, all men welcome, Armory, 8-12 p.m. Sunday Chapel Services, Dr. LinstoPs Pope, speaker, Schwab Auditor ium, 11 a.m. • Acacia Open House, ASTP, Lo. cust Lane and Foster avenue, 2:3() p.m. • Evangelical. Student Fellowship meeting, 6:15 p.m. Mortar Board meeting, Delta Gamma, 6:30 p.m. PSCA Open House for all civil ians and servicemen, 304 Oki Main, 2-5 p.m. Newsman Club meeting, .11.0 Home Economics, 2 p. m. Monday Candidates for Collegian Adver:. tising Staff, 9 Carnegie Hal], 7 p.m. Phys Ed Student Council meet ing, WRA lounge, White Hall, 3 p.m. Orchestra rehearsal, 117 Car negie, 7 p.m. Red Cross Life Saving cia;33, White 'Hall pool, 7:30 p.m. Penn State Engineer candidatc3 meeting, Armory, 7:30 p.m. Sorority presidents' meeting, Miss Ray's apartment, Women's Building, 4:15 p.m. Tuesday Belles Lettres meeting, Atherton lounge, 3-5 p.m. Alpha Lambda Delta, Dean ,oe Women's office, 5:10 p.m. Meeting of all coeds interestoit in Discobolus, 3 White Hall, 5 p.m. WRA Executive Board meeting, WRA lounge, White Hall, 6:45 p.m, Penn State Treble Singers, 117 'Carnegie, 7 p.m. Panhellenic meeting, 305 014 Main, 7:15 p.m. Collegian candidates for editoi•-• la] staff, Collegian office, 7 p.m. Wednesday Club presidents' meeting, WR A. lounge,' White Hall, 5 p.m. Cwen meeting, WSGA room, White Hall, 5:15 p.m. Junior Service Board meeting, Dean of Women's office, 5:10 p.m. Blue Band rehearsal, 117 Car negie, 7 p.m. ISC meeting, Penn State Club Room, Old Main, 8 p.m. Newman Club discussion mee.t ing, Lady of Victory Rectory, 7:30 p.m. Thursday PSCA Lenten Vespers, "The. Kingdom Within," Rev. Robert . Eads, 304 Old Main, 4:30 p.m. Lakonides meeting, WR A lounge, White Hall, 6:45 p.m. Freshmen Council meeting,. WSGA Room, White Hall, 5: La p.m. House of Representatives meet-. ing, 305 Old Main, 5:15 p.m. Choir rehearsal, 117 Carnegie, p.m. IMA meeting, IMA Club Room, Old Main, 7 p.m. There are more than 500 specie:f and varieties of trees and shrub on the College campus. Friday—" Dead Man's Eyes" Lon Chaney, Jean Parker Sat.—"OH, SUSANNA" Gene Autry Mon.—'Knickerbocker Holiday' Nelson Eddy, Char. Coburil Tues.—" Maisie Goes to Reno" .Ann Sothern t John Hodiak Wed.—" Casanova Brown" Gary Cooper, Teresa Wrighl Thurs--"VICTORIe - THROUGTII2I AIR 'POWER".
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