AGE TWO f 71 Year Old Candidates Ntovi Eligible ler 4tSTRP Examinations for applicants to the Army Specialized Training )leserve Program will be held in 121 }barks at 9 a.m. April 12, Rob ert E. Galbraith, faculty counselor on war activities, has announced. The examinations are open to i)oys whose 17th birthday - falls 'kitweett October 1. 1944 and Aug .u;A: (11, 1945, and will have grad- bated from high school or com- A tleted one semester of college by July 1, 1945. Students who twill have grad- uated from high school or coim -,i)leted one semester of college during July or August are also eligible if they are not older than 37 years and 9 months on the first •citiy of the month following their •,:graduation. • All men who are interested in Uking the examinations should contact Mr. Galbraith, 243 Sparks, qi6fore April 1. Gyoups Plan 3 'Concerts Music organizations on campus m:e planning three concerts in ad dition to the regular Easter Serv ir:e, choir program, scheduled for April 1, Hummel Fish'burn, head of the music department, an );ounced today. Dates released by Professor risliburn include: the Blue Band concert, April 29; a program by Penn State Treble Singers, Jay 4; and the College Sym phony Orchestra concert, May 13. :W ).ere Do You Live? :Nearly every state in the union and approximately 30 foreign countries are represented in the military-civilian enrollment at the College. He's Ready . fto Give His Life! YOU. KELP SAVE IT ii.SCfIOA *MCA ion FIRST. NATIONAL BANK STATE Co LLEGE Federal Deposit-InsUrance Corporation Four School Deans, Navy V Announce Names Of Honor Deans of the four schools,--Lib eral Arts. Agriculture, Chemistry and Physics,. and Mineral Indus tries, as welt as the Navy V-12 have announced that 178 students have achieved the honor roll for the fall semester, 1944. beans 'Stoddard and Wagner an nounced that 12 seniors, 21 juniors, 35 sophomores, and 31 freshmen Comprise the 99 Liberal Arts stu dents on the Dean's List for the fall semester. ' Three students, Flora' Eor, jun ior, and Joan Eissey and Elliot Shapiro. freshmen, made a perfect, or straight 3 average. Other honor students are: Seniors: Joyce Ash, 2.6; Patricia McClure. 2.8; ' Martin Cohn, 2.7; Claire Weaver, 2.7; Betty Devling, 2.6; Jean Isaacs. 2.6; Rosalyn Lor berbaum. 2.6; Suzanne Reed, 2.6; Muriel Wohiman, 2.6; Winifred Worrell. 2.6; Estelle Brown, 2.5; and Robert Reisdorf, 2.5. Juniors: Joan Huber, 2.9; Lois Burleigh. 2.8; Mary Haines, 2.8; Martha Herr, 2.8; Jeanne Thomp son, 2.8; Dorothy Rose, 2.7; Laura Schlichter, 2.7: Audrey Kreeger, 2.7; Betty Coplan, 2.6: Helen Kime, 2.6: Betty Meyer, 2.6; Janet Shaf fer, 2.6; Kathryn Van Arsdale, 2.6; Eleanor Zins, 2.6: Ruth Bollinger, 2.5; Mary Doerner, 2.5; Jacqueline Falloon, 2.5; Helen Hatton, 2.5; Marion Schein. 2.5; and Patricia Turk, 2.5. Sophomores: Laura Davis, 2.9; Jeanne Rich, 2.9: Adele Thompson, 2.9; Marjorie Zable, 2.9; Florence Gatty, 2.8; Charlotte Kessler, 2.8; Florence Prushinski, 2.8; Mary Swartz, 2.8; Brigitte Uhlig, 2.8; Jean Dalton, 2.7; Edith Freeman, 2.7; Anita Gaylburd, 2.7; Joan Har rington, 2.7; Barbara Ingrahm, 2.7; Marian Johnson, 2.7. . .Jeanne Huber, 2.6; Robert Kauf- Man, 2.6;'Sarajane Shade, 2.6; Fay Young; 2.6; Rene Anis, 2.5; Dorothy Cohen, 2.5; Edith Dreyer, 2.5; Vir,. ginia. Durbin, 2.5: Harriet Haas, 2.5; Jane Irwin. 2.5; Doris - Kline, 2.5; Margaret Martin ; 2.5; Shirley Milner,, -2.5; Enid Paradise, 2.5; Florence Ratchford, 2.5; . Marlin Rewbridge: 2.5; Estelle Shane, 2.5; Helen Verner,. 2..5; Ruth •Wienman, 2.5; and Ruth Winterstein, 2.5. Freshmen:. Beatrice. Shaw, 2.9; Sylvan Blumenfeld, 2.8; Mimi Ler ner, 2.8; Carol Preuss, 2.8; Sylvia Yearick, 2.8; Jean Alderfer, 2.7; Romayne Autniller, 2.7; Nina Blakeslee, 2.7; Gertrude Bojp, 2.7; Mary Ann Cree. 2.7; Myrna New man, 2.7; Esther Pebly, 2.7; Milton Soiow, Katherine Badollet, 2.6; Dorothy Cornell, 2.6; Marian Fister, 2.6; Jane Gray. 2.6: Martha Kremers, 2.6; Ernest Nagy, 2.6; -Margaret Coley,* 2;5; David Cummings, 2.5; Frank Davis,*2:s; Elizabeth Dean, 2.5; 'Marian Deutsch, 2.5; Jane Dietterle, 2.5; Malcolm Goldstein, 2.5; Robert' Kagan, 2:5; Portman Paget, 2.5; and Josephine Rotili, 2.5 .Agriculture . • The SchOol of Agriculture boasts 23 students and one Navy V-12 The Member of THE COLLEGIAN trainee on its fall semester honor roll, announced Dean S. W. Fletcher. They are: Seniors: Charles Lundmark Bly stone, Harold .Guy Faylor, Mary Maxwell Grainger, Lois Baker Mc- Cool, Henry Menge, Solomon Se gal, Thomas Carl Simmons, and Dorothy Anna Stewart Juniors: Marcella,. H. B. Cherve nak, Julius Fabricant, Mae Foma lont, Nancy Claire Geisse, Marie Theresa Kist, Florence Annie Por ter, Jacquelyn Ruth. Struble, Wil liam Thomas Wiest Jr. . Sophomores: Mary Eldrid An derson, Ruth Juskovitz, Isabel Laura Myers. Freshmen: ..Catherine Craig Raup; Sara Estelle Stevens,•Nancy Lou Wass, Esther Goldye Weis berger, and Naval Trainee • Paul Berg. Chemistry .. Dean F. C. Whitmore announced that the outstanding" , students for .. the fall semester .in the School •of Chemistry and Physics were made ' up of nine pre-meds, five chemical engineers, five chemistry iklajors, and one physics and one science major. They are: Russella D. Adamitz, P.M. 2.56; Eleanor M. Aurand, P.M. 2.69; Ephraim H. Catsiff, Ch.E., 2.71; John Curry, Ch.E., 2.55; Efrem J. Fieldman, P.M., 2.57; Dorothea M. Fischer, Ch.E., 2.60; Dorothy M. Grutskf, P.M., 2.52; Judd W. Healy, Ch.E., 3.00; Nancy J. Hoeflich, Ch., 3.00; Ales Kotch Jr., Ch., 2.70; Jean M; Kweder, P.M., 2.52; Ann. ette M. Lanning, Ch., 2.76; Ethel L. Lewis, Phys., 2.70; Marjorie McDonald, Sci., 2.50; Lyndall Molthan, =P.M., 2.82; Jean E. Moul, Ch., 2.58; Elizabeth L. Mumma, Ch., 2.66; Barbara Pfahler, Ch.E., 2.85; Eleanor Shaheen, P.M., 2.76; Betty Steele, P.M., 2.50; Harold I. Tarpley, 2:86. `..• • Mineral Industries • • .. • Only - _ •sire•-students• attained an average • of 2.5 -Tic -better in the Sc-hool: Mineral.'industries for. the fall semester, annonnced!pean Edward Steidle. ;They , are: „ • E. H. Worley Jr.; .2.76; G. 117.. - Cleveland,-Met.;'2.Bo; L. R. SOri ders,- .RObei.l L. Folk, E.5.,"2.82"; J...C. Ta - ylor,'F.T., 2.55; . -Jorge da Costa Lino; Met., 2.80.. Those Nav37 V:•-l2 trainees who made an average of 2:5 or more are: • • Stoddart Addresses Belies tellres Meeting Belles Letfres, the newfy,fOrm ed ..EnAlish ...Literature ..Society, held W its first 'meeting• of the se mester in Atherton Hall Lounge, Tuesday. Dr.• Charles W. ,Stoddart, dean of the School Of Liliei•al Arts, spoke at the. ineeting,,-arid touched Upon various .-,phases of litera- 7 ture• in his addreSs. _ . The newly elected officers are Helen •Deveneatt,' . t president; Lois Burlei,gh,•-• vice • =president;•.• and Jerry Noris, secretary-treasurer. The faculty advisers.. are Prof. Douglas. S...Nlead..and. Prof. A. Pauline Locklin. .Defrost the .refrigerator cooling unit before the rice is one-quarter • ..•• • inch thick. Temple foini Markel 12 Unit Students Robert William Bulmer, 3; Jo seph Earl Haddock, 3; Howard Levi Hartman Jr., 3; Robert Tay lor Foote, 2.8; Lawrence Earl Klep per, 2.8; Adolph John Lens, 2.8; John Walton Schrader, 2.8; Paul Berg, 2.7; Clair Little Jewell, 2.7; Fred Merlin Kecker, 2.7; Leroy Harry Mattson, 2.7; Robert Fre mont Parker, 2.7; • Benjamin Ar thur Rasmusen, 2.7; William Jo seph Sansbury Jr., 2.7. Murray P. Yeager, 2.7; Robert Paul Adamson jr., 2.6; Edwaid Charles 'Bauer, 2.6; Carroll Wolff Baylson, 2.6; Jack Cecil Dillard, 2.6; Ronald Hubert Hartman, 2.6; Jack Chauvin Schwander, 2.6; William West Bissell, 2.5; Lewis Cline Baker, 2.5; Charles Brinton Hood, 2.s;,Clarence Patrick Reber kenny, 2.5; Clarence Jackson Reid Jr., 2.5; Charles Henry . Willing, 2.5; and Herbert L. Woeling, 2.5. Hillel Members Receive Honor. Keys, Certificates Rabbi .Eppsiein, director of the Hillel Foundation, recently awarded .17 Certificates of Merit and 5 Honor Keys to students and ladulty members who have been outstanding in their service to the Foundation. tudents who received Honor Keys, the highest service award, are Helen Blanker, Martin C6hn, and Levonna Horwin. Dr. Teresa Cohen, ptofessor of mathematics, and Dr. Robert E. Dengler, pro fessor of classical languages, are the faculty members . who were so. .honored. Those receiving the Certificates of Merit include: Led" Baumgar ten, Morris Bortek; Donald Fine, SOnya Fuchs,,. Arline Gerber, Ar thur - Goldberg, Mildred Glazer, Alan Gutwitz, Saul Isserow, ROID. ert Kaufman, Bernice Landau, Bernice Nalven, Marian Paper nick,-Sanford Rafsky, Ina Rosen, Thelma Silber; and • Jacqueline Soca'. • - THE 203 E BEAVER AVE ASTER Greeting - Cards SELECT & MAIL NOW- KEELER'S FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1945 34 Members. of ASIR Receive Honor Awards Thirty-four. members of the Army Specialized Training Pro gram . were presented Blue Star awards as a result of attaining a scholastic average of 80 per cent or higher last semester. Lt. Col. Guy G. Mills presented the awards in Schwab Auditorium on Tuesday. The men who received them are: Robert Altemare, Morti mer Berl, Stanley Burris, Ralph Conn, Charles Cook, Alfred Czikk, Jesse DeFore, Abraham Freund, Sandford Goldberg; Thomas Gres ham, George Griffith, and Harold Hatcher. Arthur Hauptschein, Irwin RCA, Irvin Isenberg, 'Paul JaebbS, Wil liam Jame's, Bernard Luria, James Oldshue, Matthew Ontko, William PCntimaki, John Rath, 'and David Reese. Robert Roienberg, "Ralph Segal, William Seymour,' Jack Shearer, James Smith, Albert Socolow, Wil liam Stringer, Gbrdon.Vandervbrt, dajetarl Vitaccb;'• John •Warlie]'d; and John YoUng. • . . • • '-: • Coeds Serve Country . • • ' Approximately 200 former Col 7. lege coeds are serving* their coup= try in this war. If ycu plan to "sleep-in" Sun day morning and thereby-miss the Student Department Wor ship Service and St udent Groups you may in the end find yourself the loser! Doctor Kent Foyster, of the History Department will ad; dress the Wistminster ship Sunday evening at 6:20 p.m. in the Fireside, Room. .. • ••• - • , The • - 48th ..Tliurday••• M.9rngig Matirf • Bi'eakfa§t'Gictip will , meet at - 7;00 a. . All are wal . Come. -. • ' Does ,vital, religion mean as, much to you as to your.brothei..: On combat natrof lircijimaj, STATE COLLEGE _~_ • • I,il^ - 'OI PHONE 2311
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