Key, Lion; Nittany Vie For Semester Offices (Continued from. page one) Lion Platform 1. If elected we shall do all in our power to obtain Friday night leave for the servicemen. We will strive to obtain barracks open. hobse permission for servicemen acid their dates for Saturday ev ening. 2. A vote in our favor will as sure You of the publication,of the minutes of All-College Cabinet. 3. In'conformity with our deter : - xi - dilation to revive the true. Penn State spirit, we promiie to en.. courage and sponsOr. song festS on the steps of Old Main. 4. Having conceived and fought for the Arthory . Open *use . , we promise to insure its continuance and to institute - such changes' in the Armory's furnishings as will increase the comfort of stags arid sit-outers. 6. We promise that there will be a New Year's Eve dance. 6. We intend to petition un ceasingly for' the introduction of College book exchange. 7. In order to raise and to in sure the health standards of the men students, as well as to mini mize their expenses, we promise to. work continuously for the es tablishment of a dining commons for men. 8. To alleviate friction as much as' possible, we promise to pro= mote cooperation between Judi- Icial and Tribunal on freshman !customs and thus bring about bet ter cooperation between student organizations. • 9. We promise to promote acti vities that will serve a dual pur pose—student participation and 'publicity of the College, as the Coca Cola Spotlight Parade of Bands, Vox Pop, etc. 10. We pledge ourselves to the erection of a memorial for the Penn State men killed in the ser vice. Nittany Platform 1. We believe that a truly re presentative All-College Cabinet should be formed to • give every organization on campus repre sentation. 2. We believe in the creation of a bettef• Penn State spirit through separate class meetings and ral lies. • 3. We believe in greater cooper.• cation among all organizations on campus in order to make pos sible big weekends with big name bands, and more recreation fa !:cilities. 4. We believe that the student body should be• given a ' larger role in the plans for the, building of a Student tnioli building in eluding ballroom, theater, re creation rooms, cafeteria; etc. 5. We believe that every rehab- ilitaticn veteran •at Penn .State'should be giVen the fulleit consideration acid li Ip. . . .„ 6. We believe that a student poll should 14 taken at the end of every Semester criticizing the courses completed. The list of candidates and their activities follei!i: Eighth PQ/n.t?r President Stanley Speaker: Phi Sigma Kappa president, IFC, 411 7 : College Cabinet, seventh semes-i ter• president, and Skull and BOnes. Lion: Charles Hall: Phi .pelta Theta, Tribunal, Friars, varsity wrestling, Liberal Arts Council, ElCctions committee, and IFC. Nittany: Herman Weed: Phi Mu Alpha 'president, Tait Beta PI, Sigma Tau president, Eta Kappa ,NU, Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sig ma, symphony +zrehestra, blue band, College Co-Op pociety, Ev an *Pugh Medalist, and holds Pugh scholarship and scholarship from class of '22. • Secretary-Treasurer Key: J. :Welling Graul: varsity•fencing, PrOdept,"Thespians, -, ,clioix ati'd Dkujdp. Lion: Miriam „Ramsey:. 4.lpba Chi Omega, house of representa. ill/es, LaVie senior board, Ar mory committee, PScA.. Nittany: Betsy Bilgee: WRA president, Alpha Lambda Delta, Mortar Board, and intercollegiate telegraphic swimming• Seventh Semester President Key: William Kelly: IFC presi dent, Parmi Nous president, Al pha Tau Omega president, Hat Society Council, • and Au-college Cabinet. Nittany: Edward Zemprelli: Sigma Chi, boxing manager, Skull and EOne - s, men's varsity debate squad manager, Forensic Co4u cil president, , Pennsylvania State DePater's convention president, Choir, Glee Club and IFC. Key: Peggy Susanin: Cwens, Chi Omega; WSGA, and Panhel lenic Council. Nittany: Helen Schmidle: ISC WRA, coed co-ordinating corn mittee, IWA, PSCA. and choir. Sixth Semester President Key: Joseph Mayers: Players, IFC, Riding Club, and choir. Lion: Gloria McKinley: Alpha Chi Omega, WSGA, Owens, and WRA. Nittany: Michael Lynch: ISC president, Tribunal. Parmi Nous, Ag Student Council, PSCA, IMA president, Poultry Club president, Penn-Way house president, and twc-year Ag student president. Secretary-treasurer Key: Mary (Pete) Faloon: Play ers, PSCA, and WRA. Lion: Mary Gundel: Junior Ser vice Board, symphony orchestra, WRA, Bowling Club president, Lakonides, PSCA, Discobolis, and Psysical Education Student Coun cil. Nittany: Harriet Miller: Lakon ides, Physical Education Council, WRA, Panhellenic Council, house cf representatives, and Sigma Delta Tau president. Fifth Semester President Key: 'Jane Dye: Cwens, fresh man senator, house of representa tives, Thespians and sophomore class secretary. Lion: Judd Healy: Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, intramural basketball manager, Parmi Nous, Penn State Engipeer. business manager. Nittany: William Renton: X-G- I Club, Theta Chi and Ameri can Institute of raining and Met allurgical Engineers Society. Secretary-treasurer • Key: Jean Bosch: fourth semes ter secretary-treasurer, PSCA, Players, and LaVie. • Lion: Doris Stack: Alpha o,mi.. cron Pi, third semester president, All-College Cabinet, Chwleader, Cwens, LaVie, Panhellenic, Couxi .cil, and. Armory. pm:andtee. 4.3h'.Duucarg.Gamuira Phi Beta, Home Econaniics Club, .GSO, and Thespians. Foiirth Semester President • Key: Walter Fallcen4erg: Play ers, Thespians, Penn State Engi neer,- symphony orchestra, and X-G-I club. • Linn: Harold . Frey: Druids, cheerleader, varsity gymnastic team,• Inter-Collegiate Gymnas tics •all-around title, .and National AAU tumbling title. Nittany Robert BarefoOt: PSCA, IMA, ISC, and Penn State Club. Secretary-treasurer Key: Joan Sauerwein: Players, Kappa Alpha Theta, WRA, and IWA. Lion: Frank Brown: Fre-me,dl - Society and ; Beaver ,B•ansq. Nittany: Sinfoid - FiaNcy: varsi ty debate . , assistant boxing aser, and • iPt. Thkci Semester President Key: - Ivan :Mine Iltuids, Rot* . .and SAL:- 4:IW ,vitiPAY• asebalL ' . Doris -.Jenkins • —...itapha THE '6OLI:EGViN X-G-I Club Plans Officer Elections The Club, a group f9rm 7 - ed by ex-servicemen in August, will elect officers at the Ai:nth - Can Legion Home, Pugh street and Foster avenue, 7:30 pan. Monday. All members aind• fornipr seryr icemen are urged to attend. . The Senate Student Welfare Committee officially recognized the constitution and by-laws of the X-G 4 l. Club September 29, thereby permitting the group .to sponsor any dances on .college Property and to participate in in tra-mural sports. • The prime purpose of the club is ,to - .orient returning veterans :to Penn State 'life and to aid in the rehabilitation program. Unlike veterans' clubs. on .several other campuses, the X-G-I Club is mod-eled after the American Legion and helped by the treasury and services of the Legion organiza tion. (wens, Mortar Board . Present Spinsters' Skip };wens, sopilornorn women's honorary society. ;mu Mortar• Bdard. senior women s honorary 3ociety, win sponsor meir tra ditional "Spinsters' Skip" in White Hall, isecember 9. Theme of the dance will be in formality. Proceeds will replenish the scholarship fund which en ables Cwens to award a $5O schol arship each year to a qualified coal. • Betty' Steele will head arrange ments as general chairman. tith ed. chairmen include Diana Huff man.• tickets; toit llamado, tick ets, Betsy Magee, decorations, and Fay Young, pubncity. Candidates for boxing manager are asked to contact Van Lundy, head manager. Phone 2021. Chi Omega, 'VVRA, and PSCA. Nittany: Don Conlin: Lacrosse manager, Penn State Club. ;74ecrei;ary-breasuret Key: Barbara Smedley Cwens, Rifle Club, Bowling Ciub, PSCA, and Players. Lion: Nancy Harrington— PSCA, Covens, second semester secretary-treasurer, choir, Alpha Chi Omega, Players, Thespians, and Winter Ball queen. Nittany: Mary Lou Waygood— WSGA, Ag Student Council, Bloclc. and Bridle Club, WRA, and fresh man customs board. • Second Semester President Key - F' David . Binns Druids, soccer, track, and Phi Kappa Sig ma. Lion: Jerry Eberle —Pi Kappa Phi, rifle, and Arriericari Society of Mecbanicg ainiers. Nitfany: Robert arid varsity iCaVau. • - secretary-ireasurer Alice • Mendenhall Lion: . Helen quardpmee P,enn State EngMeer, .4inericap Society of Mechanical Engineers, and freshman qouncil. - Nittany: Buddy Hooyer cheerleader, bowling, and fencing. The PftiN STAIR PLAYERS Present 'OUR TOWN'. , Friday, and Saturday PPEMBER 1,14nd a . -044 ~~rt~; ~ ~#~~~ PSCA. Activities lnclude Hike, Roast, Cabin Party PAPA activities this we will 'feature an All l College hike. to Nittany, Mountain. Hikers will meet in- front of Old. Main 2 p. rn. Sundat and will return to campus . it .7 , Weiner roast will be held at Players Name 'Our Town' Technical Crew. Heads , Technical crew Ippnpgerg for "Our Town," a three-act play Whieh presented - Decepper 8 and 0, wexe ar l ll94Pc.Pta t9SIaY• by Prof. /43?",en.qP dir ector of the Production. The - ap- POltniPn.ta ere_ made at State Players Board of Control xueeting last weekend. - The managers follow: Bill Fol well, stage - construction; Edythe Morris, properties; Nan ,Hoeflichi sound; Katherine Menden, paint; Elsie Blanarik and Bernice Al_ pert, advirtising; Mary G. Davis, costumes; Mary Anne Mason, Marion Schein, Mary Faloon, and Betty Ann Utter, lights. The Board of Control student members include: Mary Anne Ma son, president; Patricia McClure, vice-president; Ruth Anders, cretary; Audrey Kreeger, treas urer; Claire Cohn, advertising; . Norma Lee Hoover ; paint mari ger; Allene Babbitt, property manager; Robert Whitall, stage manager; Violet.' Grubin,.. cos.: time manager; and Joseph May ::r s, actor's representative. •- - Coeds 'Form 'Choral Group Coeds interested in joining the Girls' Choral Organizations are to report to . 117 Carnegie Hall, 7 p.m. Tuesday. Guy Wciods, new/ member of the Music departmenA; will direct the choral group be ing formed with the cooperation of WSGA and the music depart- Football Tickets 0111 Sale Herb Locke, cheerleader, re quests that all students going to the Pittsburgh - game purchase their tickets for the game at the College so that ,the entire student body may sit together, and- not be spread throughout the stands. Tickets for the midfield .section at $3.00 ,apiece are now on sale in' 107 Old Main. A. J. CRONIN'S - Sew: Novel "THE GREEN • YEARS!' • NOW in Stook Author of "The'Citadel" • ICeY§ tQ T4 -1 9pg1 1 9.m." ' - - 0 44 p -ORAIN.O,-;Cmdflor:Obristmas , and , -• dalis 11 * SELECT aooics NOW . for , c l- 045T 61 4.5 OFTs. (We *shall be glad to. reserve) . 808 RfOPE—"I NEVER LEFT NOME" again available In • the one dollar overseas edition. AT . • • - 7 - 11F4 0 0 1 04.1.- . „, • 4 FI . tIDAY;!2).MI3RR . ,I7r , 1.944 the top of the "big mountain off campus." Tickets can be bought at the PSCA office for 25 cent:s. In case of rain supper will _bp served, in the Beaver twm. I IN .11 is.l l , l pls, one, of the yal:g4 feetboll COachps . will be thy gilekt of Freshmen domicil in 304 Old. Main,7:3o p.m. Monday. Movies Of' th Penn State-Syracuse 'erne he shown, and council offir cers will be elected. - 1 Thosenorningeci for office in:. Ptiiidegtt, r o o4ld *44 Jr., Paul 'AVL D;ocler; .17i.Ge7.prx:si -4,4t; StFiley" *Agin, Wiliam '.lOries, Fred D. Caccese; secretary treasurer, tacker, David Cummings,- Lee Skellchock. Frosh Hold Cabin Party ereshmen men are driVited to attend a cabin party- 'at ,Watts Lodge tomorrow evening. The group will leave from the rear of Old Main after the Maryland football game. Those who plan to attend should sign tip at the PSC.. Office today, and should take blankets and flashlights hike. The cost of this event is 50 cents. Freshman Forum and Fresh-- man Council will sponsor a er in the Armory Friday. All freshmen men and coeds' are in vited to attend. Tickets may be obtained at the PSCEi. office. All girls interested in joining Fre.shman Forum should come to the Hugh Beaver room, Old Main, 6:45 Tuesday night. - Candidates for forum officerj will -be *4 and thg work of the various committees explained. Brunner Gives News Review Dr. Henry Brunner, of the Itur-; al Education department will speak",if thi"S semester's first news ievidw., at :Atherton Hall 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday. Both civil 7 ians and servicemen are invited to attend. These reviews are de- Signed to keep students informed about current news, and are sponsored by . PSCA Forensic Cobncil, and WSGA: Future speakers are: Dr. Burke M. Hermann; Lt.• Col. Guy Mills, and Miss Ina Paddett. Thanksgiving Service '• Inter-Faith Council will- 'spon sor a - ThanksgiVing Day service in Schwab 'auditorium froin 12:.45 to 1:10 p.m. Thursday.
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