FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1944 Calendar Today PSCA cabin committee party, Watts' Lodge, leave Old Main at 4:30 p.m., return at 10 p.m. Wartime Service Council, Hugh Beaver Room, 7 p.m. Regular weekly services, debate, Hillel Foundation, 7:30 p.m. Tomorrow PSCA cabinet meeting, Hugh Beaver Room, 1:15 p.m. Overnight cabin party, Reform ed Church Student Group, leave 'church in afternoon for Watts' lodge. V-12 Athletic Night, Rec Hall, 7:30-12 p.m. Sunday Chapel services, Schwab Audi torium, 11 a.m. Movie for servicemen, "Road to Singapore," 121 Sparks, 2 p.m. Wesley Foundation Stud e n t Friendly Hour with free supper and worship service, 5:30 p.m. Cwens picnic for transfer and freshman women students, Hort Woods, 5:30 p.m. Student programs in churches of the community, 6:30. ,"Pop's Record Concert," Hillel, 6:30. p.m. • . 'Monday Archery Club (instruction given by Marjorie Auster), Archery Court, White Hall, 4 p.m. Commission II of the PSCA, Hugh Beaver Room, 5:10 p.m. Executive 'committee meeting of Freshman Men's Council, Hugh Beaver Room, 6:30 p.m. SymphonV . Orchestra practice, 117 Carnegie Hall, 7 p.m. ' Riding Club meeting, Riding Ring, 7 p.m. - Freshman Men's Council will hear Hans Neuberger, meteorolo gist, Hugh Beaver Room, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday Junior Service Board meeting, e Southeasf..Lounge Atherton, 6:30 Golf Club, White Hall, 6:30 p.m. Tennis Club, courts (White Hall in case of rain), 6:45 p.m. Riding Club. meeting, Riding Ring, 7 p.m. . Panhellenic Council meeting, Dean of Women's Office; 7 p.m. Rome Economics - Club meeting, illustrated talk by Mrs. Clarence Anderson of the 'English depart ment on her travels in South America, • 110 Home Economics, 7 p.m. . International Film Club pre., sents French movie, "Pearls of the Crown," 121 Sparks, showings at 7 and 9 p.m. Bowling Club, White Hall, 7:15. Special meeting of College Cab inet, Alumni Room, 7:15. - Freshman Women's Forum will hear the Rev. Edwerth Korte speak on "Choosing a Life Part ner," Hugh Beaver Room, 7:30 p.m. Meeting for first semester can didates for Collegian, 7:30 p.m. _ Meeting for second• semester candidates for Collegian, 8 p.m. Block and Bridle Club, Agricul• tural Education Building, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Executive committee of Fresh man Women's Forum, Hugh Bea ver Room, 4 p.m. Band practice, 117 Carnegie Hall, t p.m. Surgical Dressings Class, 112 Home Economics, 7 p.m. Russian Club, 405 Old Main, 7 p.m. _ . . Riding Club meeting, Riding Ring, 7 p.m. Thursday PSCA executive committee meeting, 304 Old Main, 11 a.rn. ArChery Club (instruction given by Marjorie Auster), Archery Court, 4 p.m. . Meeting of the House of Repre sentatives of WSGA, Dean of Women's Office; 4:30 p.m. Golf Club, White Hall, 6:80 p.m. Choir practice, 117 Carnegie Hall, 7 p.m. ..Cabinet meeting, 104 Old, Main, pizot ' ant4isiet- :ON THE CAMPUS, SET UP .A ION? BO ---___ I TROMI2 2 .VORTENIVO, Kir •P•Olso N ! S i r BEY LINE THIS SUMMER 4 CF fs:ZRPI-MLKSURES - ---NY.. " -- i 1 , IVE GRQUPS IN THE UNEA /WOl4 HIS . " NwIN.I-HIS - I(Eell ° 4- 'AIDED•BY THE JANITOR try• CINI PAY —HE HAS „; • . i tto INGAS "It'loD EL: ALTER D T pi r t, FDA WIDE POISON fi- 1 PAIRS,PF PANTS IN AR IU P CH, IN THE. CENTER " * • CF w cH IS .HIS, EAsy CHAIR - HOUR AND . ' A 'Him..F... „ ' ::.06.,Thotressor.kirming to paws 040 - . .0, liokaat- BUY .IN3t4D-S Old Mania The pinning of the week is that of Fay Young to tall, dark and likeable Ed Williams, alpha zeta and eighth semester secretary treasurer . . . Fay is an example of the beautiful but not dumb type, combining Cwens, Alpha Lambda Delta, PSCA, Collegian, politics and a consistent dean's list average . . . nice work if you can do it . . . Couldn't Stay Away . . . Ted Rubin, former Collegian reporter and fr-osh politico, was haunting the Crrm. the beginning of this week . Ted has just com pleted boot training at Bainbridge, the placeV-12ers have nightmares about . . . Ens. Oliver Isryant vis ited Florence Prushinski last weekend . . . Prue has the role of Sister . Teresa . in the forth coming "Ladies in 'Retirement" . . . Ray Zaroda, former IMA pres ident is back doing research . . . He can be found at Paterson Hall any odd hour of the day . . Peggy Quick, Dolly Briner, and Dotty Lamb, a delta gamma trio, spent the weekend here . . . Rita Belfonti, Theta Phi Alpha ex prexy, decided to spend the week end here too, but she couldn't tear herself away. She wrote for more money, bought cigarettes and movie magazines, and 'is now liv ing the life of .a "sport" in her sorority sisters' clothes . . . Dick Marsh, former Collegian ad mana ger, is in town . . . Is it someone's birthday? Send Her FLowE from wooDRINGs Floral Gardens Corsages Bouquets Beaver Avenue Opposite Post Office THE COLLEGIAN By NANCY CARASTRO Romance, Inc. . . . SDT Arlene Crystal went home for the "weekend" and came back Wednesday with the news that she has become engaged to Capt. Gabe Picar, former phi ep . . . Capt. Picar is in the Army Medi cal Corps and has been overseas a number of times . . . Roy De laney, alpha chi sig, will journey here to see delta gam Rene - New hold . . . Les Trout, alum,,ame up to see his fiancee, gamma phi Bee jay Yost . . . Betty Meyers, also gamma phi, is trying to settle down to work • after an all too brief• honeymoon with Officer Can didate Charles Brown .. "Frank ie" Knight is engaged to an en sign in the Naval Air Corps . Frankie is .home in Wes' Virginia for _the summer . . . Have you ever heard her Suthin accent? .. . Alpha Chi Ruth Kaufman saw SPE Charlie Reeder over the weekend . . . Bob Beam alpha zeta, furloughed in State College. • . . AEPhi Marilyn Schultz and Phi Sigma Delt Dick.. Berk tied the knot recently ... . Marilyn left State to transfer to Skidmore. . . With summer session graduation over, Chi Omegas Ruth Ernst and Mary Thompson bid farewell to the Penn State Campus . . . Maniac, too, bids farewell, but only for a while . . . We've got to go polish up the little binoculars so we can spot some dirt for next week . . . Maniac Riding Club Offers Hours Of Fun;. Seeks Members A lot of people on campus, espe cially freshmen, know little and care less about the Penn State Riding Club. Once or twice a se mester they see scattered posters in town or on dormitory bulletin boards. They glance at these and then forget about them. They seem dis interested and yet many of them Insect Specimens From Pacific Islands On Display In Library An exhibit of unusual insects from various islands of the Pacific has been arranged by the depart ment of zoology-entomology un der the direction of Stuart W. Frost, professor of entomology, and placed in the lobby of the sec ond floor of the Library. Some of \ the insects are displayed on a large map of the Pacific especially pre pared for this purpose. Emphasis is placed on the spe cies occurring on those islands which have been recently promi nent in the news. These islands are well known for their abundant insect life, especially colorful but terflies, many of which are dis played in this exhibit. Those in the service who have been stationed on some of the Pa cific islands have been amazed by the abundance and variety of the insects they have seen. All con tribute to the unusual nature of the exhibit, for many of them are rare or new to science and few have common names. A number of servicemen have taken time out to collect speci mens and send them 'back to State College. The exhibit features some, insects 'collected recently in the Solomon Islands by Major William B. Gibson, a fotmer pre-medical student. This exhibit is expected to be of great interest to servicemen on the campus as. well. as to citizens• who have •relatives or friends in .the various armed forces. The map itself should help some to orient themselves in a heretofore little known area of the globe. Call for Cheerleaders With football season . at hand, all coeds and fellows .interested in cheerleading should report Monday, .Wednesday, and Thurs day at 7 . p.m. on ,Old Main. lawn, it was announced• by head cheer leader, Guy Newton. Preliminary. practice with in struction will' begin then and will last for about three weeks. OPENING NIGHT • It's a Date—WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9—lt's Date at :7:30 p.m. . ••.•• • C H URCH-DOOR' ,C NTEE I NAVY-MARINE BAND !N. • • All College - Students • and Servicemen on Campus Are Welcome! - • ST. ANDIREW'S:IPISCOPAIL PARISH HOUSE . S. Frazier Street •,8r - Foster Avenue " • ' • . • . , , . PAGE FIVE when addressed in private conver sation will confess, "1k! really like to know how to ride" or "I used to when I was a kid but I sort of got out of the habit. Gee, it was fun." That in itself shows that there is interest no matter how latent, it may be. It's logical that if these people had a little information to go on, their interest could be pepped up to an actuality. The present club was reorgan ized in 1939 and has been pro gressing steadily ever since. It now has its, own stable, paddock, and riding ring, located on the hill east of Atherton Hall, not to men tion its four horses. Several other horses owned 'by various members of the club are also kept in the stable. A number of faculty mem bers are enthusiasts and backers of the club. Dr. Howard S. Cole man of the physics department is the advisor and Dr. Charles G. Stewart, a State College dentist, is in charge of instruction. The money angle, a primary factor to most students, is very encouraging. Membership costs . $l5 -per semester and covers minimum of 20 hour and a halt rides. If the horses .are not too 'Much in demand, the members may ride as much "overtime" as they wish. Every member must be able to pass a riding test before he or she is permitted to take a horse out of the ring. After the test is pass ed there is virtually no limit to the places one can go. Right now early morning and late evening rides on the trails back of Ag Hill are especially popular. The club invites anyone with even a little bit of interest to "come out and look the situation over." You will find a cordial-rwo 7 , come Sunday. morning :::at ,the Presbyterian merit, at: 9:30.. a: In. Worship !Service. it and • - -:.Gr,oup • Discussion , of , - .Q : .hapter ~;iThree `The' Book. of-‘Acts: ; 7 ' There will be a -- Sit.fderif*Pa - hei: at the Westminster. Veli.o:wshiP' - ::What Youth Waits Sunclay, , :i.eveMrig 6:20 -p. m.., • • • • • I, • .4 Thursday Matins > •7:00a7:45. : a:m. Why not share in a refreshing Christian fellowship .with fri 7 , ends?
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